Monster art Tech Talk Meet Strujohemaza. Follow your heart... PAGE B1 in digital time PAGEA14-15 !"#$ !%&' GULF ISLANDS $ 25 Wednesday, February 11, 2009 — YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1960 49TH YEAR ISSUE 6 1(incl. GST) ISLANDS TRUST Marina expansion gets fi rst reading Opponent fears loss of ‘something precious’ BY SEAN MCINTYRE DRIFTWOOD STAFF A proposal to expand the Salt Spring Marina overcame another step after local trust- ees gave first reading to the company’s rezoning applica- tion on Thursday. The proposal would see the marina’s area increase 20 per cent to allow for the moorage of between 60 and 72 boats in total, according to an Islands Trust staff report. A breakwater would run along the marina’s outermost boundary near Money Mak- ers Rock. Salt Spring Marina representatives seek the rezon- ing in order to improve and expand current docking facili- ties, increase boater safety and improve shoreline protection. The multi-faceted applica- tion calls for an amendment to the island’s offi cial community plan and the marina’s shore- line development zone desig- PHOTO BY JOHN CAMERON nation, among other items. ON THE FLY: Gulf Islands Secondary School basketball player Cayce Fedberg picks up a basket against Brentwood in the Scorpions senior boys’ last The applicant must hold an home game of the season Monday afternoon. Fedberg scored 15 points as GISS went down 49 – 71 to a strong Brentwood squad. information session for the public before the Trust will RCMP schedule a formal public hear- ing on the matter. Trustees passed a subse- quent motion asking the appli- cant to develop a voluntary mechanism to achieve long- Body recovered near Walker Hook term dock space for island body while scanning the shoreline near Walker leading the investigation. boat owners, a Clean Marine Coroner investigating cause Hook at approximately 2 p.m. Salt Spring RCMP Sgt. Danny Willis said on BC rating and a willingness to Provincial coroner Honey Forbes attended the Tuesday there is no evidence to indicate a crimi- connect to the Ganges board- of death scene later in the day and the incident remained nal investigation is in order at this point. walk if and when the infamous BY SEAN MCINTYRE under investigation on Tuesday. He said a family member reported the man walkway ever reaches marina DRIFTWOOD STAFF “The coroner service is investigating and has missing on Sunday afternoon. property boundaries. Emergency crews recovered the body of a yet to establish a cause of death,” she said. The RCMP did not call in Salt Spring Search As part of its application, 51-year-old Salt Spring Island man on Monday Forbes said the man’s identity will only be and Rescue (SAR) personnel until Monday morn- the applicant has committed afternoon following an extensive search of the released to the public when next of kin have ing due to the complexity and danger associated to operating a fl oating sewage man’s Fort Street-area neighbourhood. been notifi ed. with night searches, Willis added. A Ganges Coast Guard crew spotted the man’s The provincial coroner’s offi ce in Duncan is SEARCH continued on A2 MARINA continued on A2 INSERTS INDEX North End Gil Mouat • Country Grocer Arts .................................................. B1 Horoscope............................ A23 • Ganges Pharmasave Fitness Classifieds ............................ A19 Letters ......................................... A9 • Thrifty Foods 250-537-5217 • Home Hardware Editorial ..................................... A8 Sports ........................................ A17 • Rona Ferry Schedules .............. A17 TV Listings ............................. B5 • Bow Mel Chrysler Health ....................................... B15 What’s On............................. B12 • Bosley’s [email protected] 1-800-537-4905 email: [email protected] website: www.gulfislandsdriftwood.com www.northendfitness.ca (250) 537-4900 GREAT SELECTION over 2000 products too THE PICK ANY 6 & choose from SAVE 10% AQUAGULFGUGULF ISLANDSISLANDSS LIVINGLLILIVING !"#$%#&%'()*+ !"#$%&!'()"*&+,"*- • Patterson Market • Vesuvius Store • Raven Street Market • Salt Spring Natureworks BEHIND GANGES GAS ï OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK, 365 DAYS A YEAR ï 250- 537- WINE (9463) • Driftwood A2 | WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2009 | GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD CALL GAIL, SEAN OR AMY IF YOU ì Stress Freeî Threading NEWSBEAT SEE NEWS HAPPENING 2505379933 Instant Jet-Air Threading: one touch of a lever ™ Jet-Airs thread through the tubular upper, COURT DOCKET lower, and chain stitch loopers. By far, Baby Lock delivers the easiest serger to thread today. 8 only demo models $ Save $ Drug cocktail blamed for B&Es 500 1468 over MSLP $ 2099 Woman May 2008. Tuesday. “Break and enters said. “She is genuinely sorry Justice Brian MacKen- are serious and I’m sure you and has followed through rehabilitated, says zie ordered that Kimberly understand that now.” on her goal to rehabilitate *all warranties apply Milke must respect a curfew Defence counsel Tybring herself.” defence counsel between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., Hemphill told the court his Milke confessed to her SAWYER SEWING CENTRE 250- 388-6228 abstain from drinking alco- client had abused “a dan- crimes when Salt Spring 1-888-229-2266 3400 Douglas St. BY SEAN MCINTYRE hol, attend counselling as gerous cocktail” of prescrip- RCMP offi cers stopped her DRIFTWOOD STAFF directed by her supervisor tion and non-prescription near the crime scene and A Salt Spring Island and write letters of apology drugs to such an extent that discovered several stolen woman received a 90-day to her victims as part of her she had next to no recollec- items in her possession. conditional sentence and conditional sentence. tion of breaking into the two She is not to contact the !"#$%&'(!&")( 50 hours of community ser- “You have made remarkable residences along Fulford- victims nor visit the victims’ vice for her role in a series of progress,” MacKenzie said in Ganges Road. homes for the duration of *+")#$,(-&. break and enters dating to Ganges Provincial Court on “She is very ashamed,” he her sentence. */012+0(3"456 78+(9&:;(<&<8="+( 16 SAR Thieves tap into syrup operation 4&;;&$(:#=>0+(:;+#<0( members RCMP remind motorists to :4"+?(@(#$(AB(,+0";( respect school bus signals RCMPREPORT 4&=&8+:(?&+(:<+#$,6 take part Salt Spring RCMP are asking the public of the accident. for help to track down the individual or • Police issued a 24-hour driving pro- individuals responsible for the theft of hibition to a 33-year-old Salt Spring man syrup and sap from a local maple syrup after a routine road check near Fulford in search operation over the weekend. Hall on Monday found he was driving ?:.&$,('$@&>>&,$.+)&,-.A$+,0$ SEARCH Thieves broke into the Harbour House without a licence. continued from A1 Farm’s nursery building on Feb. 1 before Further investigation revealed the man B&)($$.>&@C$+))9D9,-$$.&&,E making off with the sweet stuff and ran- was also wanted on an outstanding war- “By the time [the report] sacking a small building on the property. rant. He was taken into custody and later !"#$%&'()$*+,-(.$/&+0 came in it was getting dark- People with any information are asked to released on a promise to appear in court er,” he said. call 250-537-5555. in Victoria on Tuesday. 250-537-0057$$12345513 A team of 16 Salt Spring In other RCMP news: • The Salt Spring RCMP wishes to remind 67(,$8+9:;$<&,4$=+>$$!541 Search and Rescue (SAR) • A 54-year-old Salt Spring resident motorists that drivers who disregard regu- members, working from a was transported to hospital after he was lations requiring them to stop at the scene staging area on Fort Street, involved in a single-vehicle accident at of a school bus with flashing lights are combed streets and prop- the corner of Sunset Drive and Vesuvius liable to a $167 fine. erties in the area as soon as Bay Road on Sunday afternoon just after The reminder comes in response to a the search was initiated on 1 p.m. number of complaints that drivers have Monday morning. RCMP continue to investigate the cause been seen disregarding signal lights. Introducing the Honda EP2500CX Crews were stood down $ 95 by mid-afternoon when 339. news of the missing man’s status was confirmed. “It’s a huge blow for our Salt Spring Marina expansion troops,” said SAR search $439.95 MS 230 CHAIN SAW manager Chuck Hamilton. sets sail on rezoning course 40 CC / 1.9 KW “Usually we are success- ful.” MARINA Speaking during the Salt point, it will detract from the MS 290 Spring Local Trust Commit- charm that brings tourists to 57 CC / 2.8 KW continued from A1 $549.95 tee meeting’s “town hall” our island and we will all lose MS 390LIMITED QUANTITIES pump-out facility, main- session on Thursday after- something precious.” 64 CC / 3.2 KW taining public access to the noon, island resident Max- She urged trustees to Island boat ramp (for a small fee) ine Leichter voiced concern deny the application on the and operating in an envi- the expansion will not serve grounds further congestion HARBOURS END MARINE & EQUIPMENT ronmentally responsible most islanders’ interests. in the harbour would wors- 122 Upper Ganges Rd. at Mon. - Fri. 8:30am - 5:00pm Anthology manner. “The harbour is the focal en an already precarious the head of Ganges Harbour Saturdays 9:00am - 1:00pm 250-537-4202 The Islands Trust staff point for the island,” Leich- situation. report indicates there are no ter told trustees. “I have heard it stated that Tide Tables see page B8 plans for any “structures” “Too many structures in the harbour is ‘an accident AT FULFORD HARBOUR to be located on the break- the harbour will be unattract- waiting to happen,’” she Pacific Standard Time ± measured in feet water. ive and unnatural. At some added. sponsored by Harbours End Marine & Equipment Ltd.
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