April 30, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2579 Whereas a stroke can occur before birth; the Kingdom of Laos and established a Com- (D) the beginning of the Southeast-Asian Whereas stroke is among the top 12 causes munist regime in that country; American community in the United States; of death for children between the ages of 1 Whereas those historic events led to the and and 14 in the United States; forced migration to the United States, after (2) recognizes the ongoing contributions of Whereas 20 to 40 percent of children who 1975, of over 1,000,000 refugees from Cam- the Southeast-Asian American community have suffered a stroke die as a result; bodia, the Kingdom of Laos, and Vietnam; to the economic, cultural, and political vi- Whereas a stroke recurs within 5 years in Whereas over 600,000 Vietnamese refugees tality of the United States. 10 percent of children who have had an were resettled in the United States, many of f ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke; whom had worked with the United States Whereas the death rate for children who Government as translators and civil servants SENATE RESOLUTION 158—RECOG- experience a stroke before the age of 1 is the during the Vietnam War and were paroled NIZING THE CULTURAL AND HIS- highest out of all child age groups; into the United States after the enactment TORIC SIGNIFICANCE OF THE Whereas there are no approved therapies of the Indochina Migration and Refugee As- CINCO DE MAYO HOLIDAY for the treatment of acute stroke in infants sistance Act of 1975 (Public Law 94–23), and Mr. BENNET (for himself, Mr. COR- and children; in the 1990s, over 30,000 survivors of Com- Whereas approximately 60 percent of in- munist reeducation camps and 150,000 family NYN, Mr. REID of Nevada, Mr. MENEN- fants and children who have a pediatric members of those survivors were resettled in DEZ, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. UDALL, Mr. SCHU- stroke will have serious, permanent neuro- the United States; MER, Mr. GARDNER, and Mr. CRUZ) sub- logical disabilities, including paralysis, sei- Whereas approximately 250,000 refugees mitted the following resolution; which zures, speech and vision problems, and atten- from the Kingdom of Laos were resettled in was considered and agreed to: the United States, many of whom assisted tion, learning, and behavioral difficulties; S. RES. 158 Whereas such disabilities may require on- the war effort of the United States during the ‘‘Secret War’’ in Laos, including 35,000 Whereas May 5, or ‘‘Cinco de Mayo’’ in going physical therapy and surgeries; Spanish, is celebrated each year as a date of Whereas the permanent health concerns of individuals who served as Special Guerrilla Unit fighters in the surrogate army for the importance by Mexican and Mexican-Amer- and treatments for strokes that occur during ican communities; childhood and young adulthood have consid- United States and others who served as civil servants; Whereas the Cinco de Mayo holiday com- erable impacts on children, families, and so- memorates May 5, 1862, the date on which ciety; Whereas at least 115,000 Cambodian refu- gees were resettled in the United States Mexicans defeated the French at the Battle Whereas more information is necessary re- of Puebla, one of the many battles that the garding the cause, treatment, and prevention after 1 of the worst genocides of the 20th cen- tury, during which about 20 percent of the Mexican people won in their long and brave of pediatric strokes; fight for independence, freedom, and democ- Whereas medical research is the only Cambodian population perished; Whereas the exodus of refugees from racy; means by which the people of the United Whereas the victory of Mexico over France States can identify and develop effective Southeast Asia prompted the United States to enact the Refugee Act of 1980 (Public Law at Puebla represented a historic triumph for treatment and prevention strategies for pedi- the Mexican government during the Franco- atric strokes; and 96–212) and establish the Office of Refugee Resettlement, which established the first Mexican war of 1861–1867 and bolstered the Whereas early diagnosis and treatment of formal refugee resettlement system in the resistance movement; pediatric strokes greatly improves the United States; Whereas the success of Mexico at the Bat- chances that an affected child will recover Whereas the Office of Refugee Resettle- tle of Puebla reinvigorated the spirits of the and not experience a recurrence of a stroke: ment recognized the critical importance of Mexican people and provided a renewed sense Now, therefore, be it of unity and strength; Resolved, That the Senate— Southeast Asian American Mutual Assist- Whereas the French army, which had not (1) recognizes May 2015 as ‘‘National Pedi- ance Associations (MAAs) with the establish- experienced defeat against any of the finest atric Stroke Awareness Month’’; ment in 1980 of a special grant program that lay the groundwork for a strong network of troops of Europe in more than half a cen- (2) urges the people of the United States to Southeast-Asian American community-based tury, sustained a disastrous loss at the hands support the efforts, programs, services, and organizations in the United States; of an outnumbered and ill-equipped, but organizations that enhance public awareness Whereas, as of April 2015, over 2,500,000 highly spirited and courageous, Mexican of pediatric stroke; Southeast-Asian Americans trace their her- army; (3) supports the work of the National Insti- itage to Cambodia, the Kingdom of Laos, and Whereas the courageous spirit that Mexi- tutes of Health in pursuit of medical Vietnam; can General Ignacio Zaragoza and his men progress on pediatric stroke; and Whereas Southeast-Asian Americans in- displayed during that historic battle can (4) urges continued coordination and co- clude a broad diversity of ethnic groups, in- never be forgotten; operation between the Federal Government, cluding— Whereas, in a larger sense, Cinco de Mayo State and local governments, researchers, (1) Cham, Khmer, and Khmer Loeu from symbolizes the right of a free people to self- families, and the public to improve treat- Cambodia; determination, just as Benito Juarez, the ments and prognoses for children who suffer (2) Hmong, Iu-Mien, Khmu, Taidam, and president of Mexico during the Battle of from strokes. Lao Theung from the Kingdom of Laos; and Puebla, once said, ‘‘El respeto al derecho f (3) ethnic Khmer, Montagnards, and Viet- ajeno es la paz’’, meaning ‘‘respect for the namese from Vietnam; and rights of others is peace’’; SENATE RESOLUTION 157—RECOG- Whereas Southeast-Asian Americans— NIZING THE ECONOMIC, CUL- Whereas the sacrifice of Mexican fighters (1) have blazed trails to own small busi- was instrumental in keeping Mexico from TURAL, AND POLITICAL CON- nesses, lead community-based organizations, falling under European domination while, in TRIBUTIONS OF THE SOUTH- serve in public office, and nurture emerging the United States, the Union Army battled leaders; EAST-ASIAN AMERICAN COMMU- Confederate forces in the Civil War; (2) carry on a rich cultural tradition of NITY ON THE 40TH ANNIVER- music and dance, and pioneer hybrid art Whereas Cinco de Mayo serves as a re- SARIES OF THE BEGINNING OF forms such as spoken word poetry and hip- minder that the foundation of the United KHMER ROUGE CONTROL OVER hop; States was built by people from many coun- CAMBODIA AND THE BEGINNING (3) continue to face significant challenges tries and diverse cultures who were willing OF THE CAMBODIAN GENOCIDE to full economic and social empowerment, to fight and die for freedom; Whereas Cinco de Mayo also serves as a re- AND THE END OF THE VIETNAM such as low rates of high school completion, high rates of poverty, and disproportionate minder of the close ties between the people WAR AND THE ‘‘SECRET WAR’’ IN rates of arrest and incarceration; and of Mexico and the people of the United THE KINGDOM OF LAOS (4) remain resilient, rooted both in South- States; Ms. HIRONO submitted the following east-Asian heritage and in the society of the Whereas Cinco de Mayo encourages the resolution; which was referred to the United States, and rising toward a hopeful, celebration of a legacy of strong leaders and Committee on Foreign Relations: equitable future: Now, therefore, be it a sense of vibrancy in communities; and Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas Cinco de Mayo serves as a re- S. RES. 157 (1) recognizes the significance of the 40th minder to provide more opportunity for fu- Whereas April 17, 2015, marks the 40th an- anniversaries of— ture generations: Now, therefore, be it niversary of the beginning of Khmer Rouge (A) the beginning of the Khmer Rouge rule Resolved, That the Senate— control over Cambodia and the beginning of in Cambodia and the Cambodian Genocide; (1) recognizes the historic struggle of the the Cambodian Genocide; (B) the end of the Vietnam War and the people of Mexico for independence and free- Whereas April 30, 2015, marks the 40th an- ‘‘Secret War’’ in Laos; dom, which Cinco de Mayo commemorates; niversary of the end of the Vietnam War; (C) the humanitarian response of the peo- and Whereas December 2, 2015, marks the 40th ple and Government of the United States to (2) encourages the people of the United anniversary of the end of the ‘‘Secret War’’ receive over 1,000,000 refugees from South- States to observe Cinco de Mayo with appro- in which Communists declared victory over east Asia; and priate ceremonies and activities. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:04 May 01, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30AP6.031 S30APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2580 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 30, 2015 SENATE RESOLUTION 159—DESIG- year, and visitors and immigrants may have S.
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