national COUNCII FOR XAWRKPORriNO THE KENYA GAZETTE <r Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the GP O) Vol CXXIH—No.22 NAIROBI,29th January,2021 Price Sh.60 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES Gazette Notices —(Contd) Page ThePnsons Act—Declaration of Fnson etc 286 The Sacco Societies Act—List of Sacco Societies Licensed to Undertake Deposit Takmg Sacco Business in Kenya The Accountants Act—Appointment 286 for the Fmacial Year Ending December 2021 308-310 The Kenya Civil Aviation Act—Appointment 286 The Building Surveyors Act—Appointment 286 The Kenya Deposit Insurance Act—List of Member The Kenya Agncultund and Livestock Research Institutions 310 (hganization(KALRO) Act—Comgendum 286 The Companies Act—Dissolutions etc 310-312 The Taskfotce to Review the Survey Sector Legal Policy and Institutional Framework-Appouitment 287 In the Matter of DAC Aviation(EA) Linuted—Petition for The Commumty Land Act—Appointment 287-288 Liquidation 312 The Human Resource Management Professionals Act— The Physical and Land Use Hanmng Act—Completion of Appointment 288 Part Development Plans 312-313 The Pubhc Finance Management Act—Appointment 288 The Mining Act—Estabhshment etc 288 The Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act- The Envuonmental Managemen Environmental Jmpmit Assessment Study Reports etc 289 3IS-3I8 County Governments Notices 289 304-305 Disposal of Uncollected Goods 318 162-168 Change of Names 319-321 The Central Bank of Kenya Act—General Information 290 The Evidence Act—Appointment 290 SUPPLEMENT Nos 4,5 and 6 The Land Registration Act—Issue of Provisional Legislative Supplements 2021 Certificates etc 290-304 320 The Energy Act—Decision on the Tanff Application for Legal Notice No Page Okapi Green Energy Limited etc 305 3—The Warehouse Receipt System Regulations 2021 5 The East Afhcan Commumty Customs Management 4—The Civil Aviation (Regulatory Fees and Charges Act—Guidelines for Appointment/Operating Special for unmanned Aircraft Systems) Regulations Economic Zones(SEZ) etc ^ 305-307 2020 41 The Kenya Information and Communications Act— 5—The Public Order (State Curfew)(Special Vanation) Application for Licences 307-308 Order 2021 43 [285 286 THE KENYA GAZETTE 29th January, 2021 CORRIGENDA GAZETTE NOTICE No.524 IN Gazette Notice No. 226 of 2019, Cause No. 4 of 2018, amend THE ACCOUNTANTS ACT the petitioner's name printed as "John Wambui Kibe" to read "Jane Wambui Kibe". (No. 15 of 2008) APPOINTMENT IN Gazette Notice No. 295 of 2021, Cause No. 77 of 2020, amend IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 15 (1) (a) of the the petitioner's name printed as "Sabina Nduku Nyamu" to read Accountants Act, 2008, the Cabinet Secretary for the National "Sabina Nduki Nyamu". Treasury and Planning appoints— JANE WACUKA NJOGU-MACHARIA IN Gazette Notice No. 8782 of 2018. Cause No. 8I of 2018, amend to be a member of the Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National the deceased's name printed as "Lazarus Malinga Mukunga" to read Examinations Board, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from "Muthami Nduu Ngundo". the 30th September, 2019. Dated the 24th November, 2020. UKUR YATTANI, IN Gazette Notice No. 9444 of 2020, Cause No. 113 of 2020, Cabinet Secretary for the National Treasury and Planning. amend the petitioner's name printed as "Makau Kaiti Minute to read "(1) Bernard Mulwa Maim and (2) Robert Mwange Makau". GAZETTE NOTICE No. 525 IN Gazette Notice No. 11148 of 2020, Cause No. E.3 of 2020. THE KENYA CIVIL AVIATION ACT amend the deceased's name -printed as "Ivieku IVItitunga" to read "Lidia Mbele Mutemwa". (No.21 of 2013) APPOINTMENT IN Gazette Notice No. 262 of 2021, amend the expression printed IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 66 (2) of the as "Cause No. 7 of 2020" to read "Cause No. 7 of 2021". Civil Aviation Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Development and Public Works appoints — NJARAMBA EVANSON GICHUKI (DR.) GAZETTE NOTICE No.522 to be the chairperson of the National Civil Aviation Administrative THE PRISONS ACT Tribunal, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 20th (Cap. 90) January, 2020. DECLARATION OF PRISON Dated the 20th January, 2020. JAMES W. MACHARIA, IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 24 ( I ) of the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure, Prisons Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Interior and Co-ordination of Housing, Urban Developoment and Public Works. National Government declares the women wings of the prison set out in the first column of the schedule to this notice to be women prisons as set out in the second column of the schedule. GAZETTE NOTICE No.526 SCHEDULE THE BUILDING SURVEYORS ACT Current Name New Name (No. 19 42018) Kapsabet Women Wing Kapsabet Women Prison BUILDING SURVEYORS REGISTRATION BOARD Isiolo Women Wing Isiolo Women Prison Kapenguria Women Wing Kapenguria Women Prison APPOINTMENT Siaya Women Wing Siaya Women Prison IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 5 (1) (e) of the Dated the 27th January, 2021. Building Surveyors Act, 2018, the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, FRED MAT1ANG '1. Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Development and Public Works Cabinet Secretary for Interior appoints— and Co-ordination of National Government. EDWIN KATHURIMA KABURU to he the Registrar of the Building Surveyors Registration Board, for a GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 523 period of three (3) years, with effect from the 21st January, 2020. THE PRISONS ACT JAMES W. MACHARIA, Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure, (Cap. 90) Housing, Urban Developoment and Public Works. RENAMING OF PRISON STATIONS IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 24 (3) of the GAZETTE NOTICE No.527 Prisons Act; the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Interior and Co- ordination of National Government, renames the stations set out in the THE KENYA AGRICULTURAL AND LIVESTOCK RESEARCH first Column of the schedule and changes their names as set out in the ORGANIZATION (KALRO) ACT, 2013 Second Column of the Schedule. KENYA AGRICULTURAL AND LIVESTOCK RESEARCH SCHEDULE ORGANIZATION CORRIGENDUM First Column Seconil Co!u.rm Thomson's Falk Main Prison Nya:tumin Main Prison IN Gazette Notice No. 8 (Vol. CXXIII-No. 2) of 2021, amend the Thomson's Falls Womei Nyahmairu Women Prison appointee's name printed as "Njoroge Mburu Ngugi (Dr.)" to read Prison 'Samuel Ngugi Mburu (Dr.)" Dated the 27th January. 202 Dated the 14th January, 2021. FR ED M.A.TIAN(i PETER G. MUNYA, ( bind Secoawv jar haolat Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture, ordiataian a1 Nmionul ;overtone/IL Livestock, Fisheries and Co-operatives. 29th January 2021 THE KENYA GAZETTE 287 Gazette Notice No 528 3 The Taskforce shall prepare and submit to the Cabinet Secretary— TASKFORCE TO REVIEW THE SURVEY SECTOR LEGAL POLICY AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK (a) monthly progress report during the last week of each month Appointment (b) draft report in hard and soft copy two weeks before the end IT IS notified for the general information of the public that the ot Its term Cabinet Secretary for Lands and Physical Planning has appointed a taskforce to review the existing legal policy and institutional (c) final report m hard and soft copy at the end of its term framework relating to the survey sector to align it with the Constitution and international best practices 4 The Taskfoice shall finalize its task within a period of ninety days with effect from the date of publication of this Notice or such The Taskforce shall comprise of the following longer peiaod as the Cabinet Secretary may by notice in the Gazette prescribe Enc Nyadimo— (Chairperson) 5 The costs incurred by the Taskfoice including facilitation and Truphosa Achar—(Vice Chairperson) payment of allowances m respect of the members and joint secretaries Members of the Taskforce shall be defrayed from the voted funds of the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning David Kuna(Prof) Evans Kipruto 6 The Secretariat of the Taskfoice shall be at the Ministry of Eva Sawe Lands and Physical Planning Ardhi House 1 st Ngoiig Avenue P O Catherine Ochanda Box 30450-00100 Nairobi Collins Mwange(Dr) Dated the 25th January 2021 Emily Wawira Njeru FARIDA KARONLY PaulN Ndungu (abiiiet Sccittary foi Lands and Pny suiil IHaninn„ Peter N Mutwiwa Manwa Hosea Onsomu ReginaN Njue David Nyangau Sinba(Dr) GAZFTTENOTirLNO 529 Julius K Kahmdi THE COMMUNl FY LAND ACT Silas M Muketha(Dr) Bowers Nderma Owmo (No TTci/ailO) Joint Secretaries— APPOlNTMnNr Carolyne Menin IN EXERCISE of the powei confeired by section )I (2) of the Sospeter Ohanya Community Land Act 2016 the Cabinet Secret iry for lands and Nicodemus Mbwika Physical Planning appoints the per ons named m the fit si column of Moses Mugendi the Schedule to be adjudication officers for the lespective community Joseph Wachosi registration unit specified in the second column thereof within the respective counties specified in the third column 1 The terms of reference of the Taskforce are to— SCHEDULE (a) study analyze and review the existing policy legal and institutional framework relating to land survey m the Community country Name County Registiation Unit (b) review the survey act (cap 299) county government laws John Ogalo I aku Barmgo Baringo relating to survey and related subsidiary legislation to align Anthony David Munithi Koibatek Barmgo with the constitution and international best practices Geoige Morara Bosire Keiyo Elgeyo/Marakwet (c) prepare a legal framework to regulate the profession and Grace Kwaraboka Ondiga Marakwet Elgeyo/Marakwet conduct of a surveyor Moyoncho Odhiambo Martin
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