PRlGe. OIl!lAHN5 8EATUT Per Year $2.80 '1~ AND BEST Single Cop)' $c EDIA WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY. APRIL 25th 1924 No. 22 B-UTLER SPREAD MORE BU RACING SOON TO SHADE ~'SCHLAIFER AT COME INTO ITS OWN' SUTLER IN BENSON SPEAKS BATH HOUSE DAN PUTS OUT A FIGHT "Now is the winter of our discon- TO NINETEEN PEOPLE ' Johnnytent madeHauesener,glorious Summer"a race trackshouteden- Dan Butler spoke in Benson \Yed- REMARKABLE DOCUMENT THE AUDITORIUM'· TONIGHT thusiast as he sat on the front porch nesdayevening. Among other things " of his summer home in the aristocra- he said: tic North 20th street neighborhood. "I want Jim Dahlman scalped. I John had been reading a feature story want to be police eommissioner. Four Takes Credit For Everything Under The Sun Predicted Omaban's To Witness 'Best Fight Card concerning the coming spring races years ago I should have been elected to be held at Ak Sal' Ben ,field May mayor iilstead of Dahlman. It will Including Park And Boulevard System Since Boxing Was Established In, Nebraska 31st to June 24th inclusiv~. take six or eight months to reorga- He is, hQwever, but one of the many 'Ii nize. ~he pol~:e department to my way thousands who are anxiously awaiting I of thinlang. " LOCAL BOXERS IN PINK OF CONDITION the arrival of Miss Perry Mutual, a'i Butler spoke to exactly nineteen TROUBLE RAISING HEADQUARTERS RENT lady fond of flirting with the Pocket-I people. He said,"When Dahlman comes Shade HeneraUy* Recognized as Cleverest Boxer in America-Is books of our little spenders. out here the whole town will be on Wants To Get In The Coal Business Again-What Became Of Six Popular E'\'el'ywhere~chlaifer~Ieans To Clean Up On Only five weeks until opening day. hand to hear him. Do you k~ow who Hnndred Tons While Dan Was In Charge Is Questiou People Opponent if Possible-Plenty of Gore Should Be At this Spring's imeet 80 thousand is paying the bill for this Dahlman Are Now Asking-If "Square Six" Are The "Gang" Spilled in the·Preliminary Bouts. Idollars will be hung up in purses." At slate? Well, if you don't I can tell People ArC' For The Hang null' Strong'. - least five hundred ponies will be en- you. The big business of Omaha is . The bes~, biggest and gre:ates~ fightj noon, he will ~not miss it more than tered for the twenty-five days of putting up the money and they are Dan B. Butler established the head-; voters are asking is what became of smce boxmg became legahzed In Ne-ffrom one to two pounds. Shade scheduled races. The King's cup for spending it like water. I never got quarters of himself and the otherIthis pile of coal, who got the money hraska is scheduled for tonight.at the knowing the ability of the fighter twenty-five hundred d01lars and the' any campaign monE.CY of this kind. members of the slate of which he is for it and numerous other things. It local auditorium, when our own that he is to meet tonight at the his- Queen's plate for a purse of two We have hardly had enough to pay the head, after considerable difficulty looks very remarkable, especially at "Fighting Fool", Morrie Schlaifer will toric old cowshed has been putting thousand dollars are to be the fea- our print bills." in getting the rent paid and after this time, when Mr. Butler is asking mix it ten rounds with the man who much time in his training at the bum- ture handicaps. Hun d l'e d s of Butler intimated that Tom Denni- Mr. Wead had declined to accept him for money to put him in the coal busi­ in our opinion is the world's cleverest ness men's Gymnasium. thoroughbreds are now on the ground son has interested himself in the as a tenant of the place he had ori- ness again. We will say there is boxer, Dave Shade. On special occasions our hunch has and scores of others are due to al'rive Square Six. Asked about the matter ginally intended to occupy. He is something very rotten in Denmark. 'Local fight fans have been waiting been that Schlaifer would come out, from ~a Juana an~ ~ther west:rn Dennison,. had this.; to say: ."I h~ve1having troubles of his own for fair. It reminds us of an interview with for this event or a similar one for second best in many cas~s. that hunch and e:-stern tracks Wlthm the commg been .~aymg ,Bu.:leI s camp~Ign bIlls I No sooner, however, had he took one of Butler's hirelings, who among more thlin a year and at last their has gone astray. Tomght, we are fortnight. for. SIxteen J:eaI:; bU~ I ne,e: spent possession of the quarters on Farnam other things said: "I never did any fondest fistic hopes are about to ,be confident he will take Dave Shade's a nIckel for Dahlman s campaIgn. Mr. stre~t than he gave out the platform dirty work that I was not told to do." realized. Usually local bugs are not number, possibly hy the K. O. route. COUNTY ATTORNEY BEAL Butler should talk to me about cam-' on which his men are to run. This That sounds very funny. overly enthusiatic about seeing a clever yYe believe that this is the very first HURTS CITY CENSUS FIGURES pa!gn money. } migh.t tell him a ~ew platform is a remarkable document. I He also pledges himself to maintain boxer matched with a welter whose time the fighting fool has, what may thmgs of parLIcular mterest to hlm- He made copies for the press and one IOmaha's recreational system. Can science is nil, but in this case it is b? termed "religiously" trained for The Federal Census Bureau at self." paper, hi~ official org~n, printed it ~nlyou b,e~t that. Y?U would think that different. 'As we have had occasion hIS bout, and when the Hebrew ~ets Washington this week estfmated that Ifull. ThIS platform IS made up In 9maha's recreatIOnal system had to say before, about half of the figh down to business and actually trams, Omaha will have a population of 208 JUST ONE _DARN THING Isuch a manner that it is impossible been neglect.ed. The people of Omaha followers in this dty and surrounding look out. The record attendence at thousand by July 1st of this year. AFTER ANOTHER WITH ENDRES for his crowd to run on it, in the view are the best judges of that. If there territory go to the auditorium with any boxing match ever held in this This prediction is based on records of the people of Omaha. It sounds was ever a city with a 100 per cent the express purpose and the forlorn city was a trifle more than seven of the growth of the city during the It's just one darned thing after pretty well, only Mr. Butler, who has recreational system. that city is Oma­ hope of seeing the local Hebrew thousand. If it is possible, or if it past ten ~ars. The population would another with Mike Endres our present been on the city pay roll for a dozen ha. And it has been accomplished knocked eold. This hope on their part were possible to jam ten thousand have been some fifty more had not sheriff. First he has a hellova time years, never thought much of it until without the aid or consent, or even has never as yet been realized,. and it into :Mr. Franke's little pile of briCK, county attorney, Beal beeI}fso success- with his deputies over conditions in just now. For instance, he pledges the approvla of Mr. Butler in his is .j:Ia;dly probable that it *ilI be then we prediet that many will be ful in sending that many bad eggs to the morals squad, then a bunch of his himself to the re-establishment of the twelve years on the city pay rolL It when the Jew meets the ligbtning- there. At that, just before going to Lincoln during the past year. It isIprisoners take down with the small municipal coal yard. He fails, how- has been done by Jos Humme1. Mr. like boxer tonight. _ press we find quite a large number of alright anyway, qual.ity is what counts Ipox and have to be carte:d out to the ever, to explain just how much coal \ Butler made an, awful mistake when The otlrer halt'of the fighting imP- tidrets stili available. Those making in population figures. - pest !louse. Mr. Endres IS so engross- the people will have to.pay for that, he attacked the Hummel system. It ulace are just as ~;;Xious to see Mor- reservations before three o'clock this ------- led '\'V-ith the other duties of the office never goes into the record. The ma-l has been· tried and found NOT want- rie walk out of the ring the victor afternoon will n6 doubt be accomo- CAN'T LEAVE PETE ALONE II that he cannot find time to visit his nicipal records now show the coal bin ing. as is his. knockers to see him kiss the dated with a reasonably good seat. ' < prisoners in jail to find out at first owned by the municipality and oper- The Daily News. which has been an canvas for the count of ten.
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