abonmajska sezona subscription season Spoštovane gospe, Respected Ladies spoštovani gospodje, and Gentlemen, Kromatika v novi sezoni prinaša This brochure announces the RTV Slovenia močnejše in še prijetnejše barve kot v Symphony Orchestra new subscription preteklosti. Naša naloga, da vam season, a season that is even more pripravimo vrhunski, privlačen in sijoč colourful and pleasing than those in the spored, je opravljena. Zdaj ste na vrsti past. Our mission, to prepare a vi. Ostanite in postanite naši abonenti in sensational, high-quality, and spectacular s tem izkažite zaupanje v naše delo in programme for you has been trud. Vaš obisk na koncertih glasbe- accomplished. Now it's up to you. Renew nikom na odru veliko pomeni. Kot your subscription or become a season mojstri svojega poklica so seveda vedno ticket holder for the first time and help pripravljeni na odlično izvedbo, vendar support our hard work and achievements. so občutja, ki jih pričakajo v polni Your presence at the concerts is highly dvorani, precej bolj vznesena in dodajo valued and very important to the sijaj, ki ga občutimo in slišimo prav vsi. musicians on stage. These professionals, of course, always perform at their best, Nova sezona prinaša novosti in same but their music is even more thrilling and izredne dogodke. Množica interpretov, powerful when the concert hall is full, and dirigentov in solistov bo poskrbela, da their emotions add a particular brilliance vam bo pravilnost vaše izbire abon- to their performance that we can all hear. maja v ponos. Skrbno izbran spored The new subscription season brings us vas bo sprostil, vas potegnil tudi v intriguing special events and noteworthy neznane kraje in vas oplemenitil. performances of compositions that we Naš dragi maestro Anton Nanut bo have never heard before. The great praznoval svoj osemdeseti rojstni dan z number of interpreters, conductors and orkestrom, ki je njemu in mnogim neiz- soloists will make sure that you will never brisno zaznamoval življenje. Z orkest- doubt your decision to select this rom in ob slavnem dirigentu bo debi- subscription. The programme was tiral mladi in odlični pianist Ivan Skrt. carefully designed to relax you, take you Nina Šenk, mlada in prodorna sloven- to unknown places and enrich your soul. ska skladateljica, ki se je dodobra Anton Nanut, a beloved Slovenian uveljavila v tujini, nam je pripravila maestro, will celebrate his 80th birthday večer sodobne glasbe, kot ga pri nas še with the orchestra that has played a ni bilo. Dela, s katerima sta zaslovela tremendous role in his life and in the life of velikana sodobne glasbe M. Pintscher others. The renowned conductor will be in W. Rihm, je postavila ob bok mladi accompanied on the piano by the talented generaciji slovenskih skladateljev. Ivan Skrt, who will give his debut Primož Novšak je prav tako znameniti performance with our Symphony slovenski glasbenik, ki bo predstavil Orchestra. Through a composition by Nina Koncertantno simfonijo izjemnega M. Šenk, a young and successful Slovenian Rosze, ki je svetovno slavo dosegel z composer who has also won recognition glasbo za monumentalni film Ben Hur, abroad, we will be introduced to the world zanjo je prejel tudi oskarja. of contemporary music in a way that we 3 Spoštovane gospe, Respected Ladies spoštovani gospodje, and Gentlemen, Kromatika v novi sezoni prinaša This brochure announces the RTV Slovenia močnejše in še prijetnejše barve kot v Symphony Orchestra new subscription preteklosti. Naša naloga, da vam season, a season that is even more pripravimo vrhunski, privlačen in sijoč colourful and pleasing than those in the spored, je opravljena. Zdaj ste na vrsti past. Our mission, to prepare a vi. Ostanite in postanite naši abonenti in sensational, high-quality, and spectacular s tem izkažite zaupanje v naše delo in programme for you has been trud. Vaš obisk na koncertih glasbe- accomplished. Now it's up to you. Renew nikom na odru veliko pomeni. Kot your subscription or become a season mojstri svojega poklica so seveda vedno ticket holder for the first time and help pripravljeni na odlično izvedbo, vendar support our hard work and achievements. so občutja, ki jih pričakajo v polni Your presence at the concerts is highly dvorani, precej bolj vznesena in dodajo valued and very important to the sijaj, ki ga občutimo in slišimo prav vsi. musicians on stage. These professionals, of course, always perform at their best, Nova sezona prinaša novosti in same but their music is even more thrilling and izredne dogodke. Množica interpretov, powerful when the concert hall is full, and dirigentov in solistov bo poskrbela, da their emotions add a particular brilliance vam bo pravilnost vaše izbire abon- to their performance that we can all hear. maja v ponos. Skrbno izbran spored The new subscription season brings us vas bo sprostil, vas potegnil tudi v intriguing special events and noteworthy neznane kraje in vas oplemenitil. performances of compositions that we Naš dragi maestro Anton Nanut bo have never heard before. The great praznoval svoj osemdeseti rojstni dan z number of interpreters, conductors and orkestrom, ki je njemu in mnogim neiz- soloists will make sure that you will never brisno zaznamoval življenje. Z orkest- doubt your decision to select this rom in ob slavnem dirigentu bo debi- subscription. The programme was tiral mladi in odlični pianist Ivan Skrt. carefully designed to relax you, take you Nina Šenk, mlada in prodorna sloven- to unknown places and enrich your soul. ska skladateljica, ki se je dodobra Anton Nanut, a beloved Slovenian uveljavila v tujini, nam je pripravila maestro, will celebrate his 80th birthday večer sodobne glasbe, kot ga pri nas še with the orchestra that has played a ni bilo. Dela, s katerima sta zaslovela tremendous role in his life and in the life of velikana sodobne glasbe M. Pintscher others. The renowned conductor will be in W. Rihm, je postavila ob bok mladi accompanied on the piano by the talented generaciji slovenskih skladateljev. Ivan Skrt, who will give his debut Primož Novšak je prav tako znameniti performance with our Symphony slovenski glasbenik, ki bo predstavil Orchestra. Through a composition by Nina Koncertantno simfonijo izjemnega M. Šenk, a young and successful Slovenian Rosze, ki je svetovno slavo dosegel z composer who has also won recognition glasbo za monumentalni film Ben Hur, abroad, we will be introduced to the world zanjo je prejel tudi oskarja. of contemporary music in a way that we 3 Zmagovalec tekmovanja Paganini, Ning have never experienced before. Thanks to pomembnim motivom. Prvi koncert bo Tchaikovsky, the 'Piano Concerto No. 3' by Feng, izjemni trobentač Sergej Nakar- her compositions, the younger generation orkester izvedel z uveljavljenim duom Rachmaninoff, the 'Cinderella Suite' by jakov, virtuoz virtuozov na saksofonu of Slovenian composers can compete with Silence. Mojstra scenske in razpolo- Prokofiev, Ravel's arrangement of the Claude Delangle ter odlična znanka tujih great contemporary composers such as M. ženjske glasbe Primož Hladnik in Boris 'Pictures at an Exhibition' by Mussorgsky, in domačih koncertnih odrov, pianistka Pintscher and W. Rihm. Primož Novšak, Benko bosta v sodelovanju z našim 'Symphony No. 1' by Mahler, and the Jasminka Stančul, bodo abonmajski another renowned Slovenian musician, will orkestrom pripravila poseben večer 'Concerto For Piano And Orchestra' by sezoni vdihnili prestiž aktualnega perform the 'Sinfonia Concertante, Op. 29' avantgardne glasbe izpod njunega Schumann. The new and ambitious dogajanja iz največjih in najpomemb- by the fantastic composer, Miklós Rósza, peresa in po njunem okusu. Obeta se subscription season of the RTV Slovenia nejših koncertnih dvoran sveta. Sezona who became famous after winning an vznemirljiva kombinacija in prava paša Symphony Orchestra offers all this and more. je oplemenitena tudi z izvedbo dveh Oscar for the music score of 'Ben-Hur'. The za ušesa. Noč klavirjev pa bo predstavila vokalno-instrumentalnih del – novo winner of the 2006 international Paganini pet mladih slovenskih mojstrov črno- For the first time, we have also prepared kantato slovenske skladateljice Brine Jež competition, Ning Feng, the outstanding belih tipk. Njihov nastop z orkestrom jim two extraordinary themed concerts. The RTV Brezavšček ob sodelovanju zbora APZ trumpet player, Sergei Nakariakov, the bo pomagal pri nadaljnji uveljavitvi na Slovenia Symphony Orchestra will perform Tone Tomšič ter brezčasnega Brahmso- brilliant saxophone virtuoso, Claude domačih in tujih odrih, vam pa se bo with guest artists, Boris Benko and Primož vega Nemškega rekvijema s Komornim Delangle, and Jasminka Stančul, a fantastic odstrl pogled v prihodnost slovenske Hladnik, who together form the duo, Silence. zborom AVE in Komornim zborom Me- pianist who is well known in Slovenia and klavirske igre. Together with the orchestra, these two garon. Solista bosta svetovno priznana abroad, will add a sense of international theatre music and mood music virtuosos will pevca Ruth Ziesak in Klaus Mertens. prestige to the concerts. The season will be Imeti abonmajsko vstopnico Kromatika interpret their own avantgarde compositions enriched by two vocal-instrumental pieces: za koncerte Simfoničnega orkestra RTV as well as other pieces that they have V sporedu ne bodo manjkale stvaritve a new cantata by the Slovenian composer, Slovenija v Gallusovi dvorani Cankar- selected. We are in for a magical evening klasičnega železnega repertoarja, kot so Brina Jež Brezavšček, which will be sung by jevega doma v Ljubljani je privilegij, and an exciting musical combination that Simfonija št. 6, P. I. Čajkovskega, Koncert the APZ Tone Tomšič choir of the University rezerviran za vas in vaše bližnje, ki jim will be a treat to our ears. The concert za klavir št. 3 Sergeja Rahmaninova, of Ljubljana, and the timeless classic, privoščite vse najbolje! entitled, 'A Night of Pianos', will introduce us Suita Pepelka S. Prokofjeva, Slike z 'German Requiem,' by Johannes Brahms, to five young Slovenian master pianists. This razstave M. Musorgskega v orkestraciji which will be performed by the Ave event will help them win further recognition M.
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