IAEA-TECDOC-969 Research using small tokamaks Proceedings of a Technical Committee meeting held Ahmedabad,in India, December6-7 1995 INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY The IAEA does not normally maintain stocks of reports in this series. However, microfiche copies of these reports can be obtained from IN IS Clearinghouse International Atomic Energy Agency Wagramerstrasse5 P.O. Box 100 A-1400 Vienna, Austria Orders should be accompanied by prepayment of Austrian Schillings 100,- in the form of a cheque or in the form of IAEA microfiche service coupons which may be ordered separately from the I MIS Clearinghouse. The originating Section of this publication in the IAEA was: Physics Section International Atomic Energy Agency Wagramerstrasse 5 P.O. Box 100 A-1400 Vienna, Austria RESEARCH USING SMALL TOKAMAKS IAEA, VIENNA, 1997 IAEA-TECDOC-969 ISSN 1011-4289 ©IAEA, 1997 Printed by the IAEA in Austria September 1997 FOREWORD The technical reports in these proceedings were presented at the IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Research Using Small Tokamaks, held in Ahmedabad, India, 6-7 December 1995 purpose .Th thif eo s annual meetin provido t s gi exchang e foruea th r mfo f eo informatio varioun no s smal mediud an l m sized plasma experiments t onlno ,y tokamakse Th . potential benefit thesf so e research programme: to e sar test theories, suc effects ha plasmf o s a rotation; check empirical scalings, such as density limits; develop fusion technology hardware; develop plasma diagnostics, suc tomographys ha ; train scientists, engineers, technicians d studentsan , , particularl n developini y g Member States. e meetinTh s Institute hosteth gwa y r Plasmdb fo e a Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar, India. The participants are indebted to P.K. Kaw, A. Sen and P. Ranjan for the excellent meeting arrangements meetine Th . attendes gwa abouy db participant0 5 t s fro countries2 m1 . This TECDOC includes the individual research papers (or in a few cases the abstracts) and a summary that was published in Nuclear Fusion 36 1425-1429 (1996). The session chairmen were J. Fujita, R. Amrollahi, J. Stoeckel, X.W. Deng, E. Azizov and P.K. Kaw. A broad spectrum of papers was presented, both theoretical and experimental. Some interestin resultw ne g s (suc s froa h m START d techniquean ) s (suc s neuraa h l network analysis of tomographic data) were reported. The main problem for most participants was trying to do state-of-the-art research on low budgets. e centreTh f excellenco s e thadevelopine ar t severan gi l countries will form strong technical bases for future research projects. International collaboration may be useful to facilitate the exchange of ideas, joint funding of large experiments, and increased public awarenes importance th f so fusiof eo n research. EDITORIAL NOTE In preparing this publication press,for IAEAthe staffof have pages madethe up from the original manuscripts as submitted by the authors. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect IAEA, thosethe governments the of nominatingthe of Member nominatingStatesthe or organizations. Throughout the text names of Member States are retained as they were when the text was compiled. The use of particular designations of countries or territories does not imply any judgement by publisher,the legalthe IAEA,to the status as suchof countries territories,or theirof authorities and institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries. The mention of names of specific companies or products (whether or not indicated as registered) does imply intentionnot any infringeto proprietary rights, should construednor be it as an endorsement or recommendation on the part of the IAEA. The authors responsibleare havingfor obtained necessarythe permission IAEAthe to for reproduce, translate materialuse or from sources already protected copyrights.by CONTENTS Energy confinement in ohmic H-mode in TUMAN-3M............................................................7 M. V. Andrejko, L.G. Askinazi, V.E. Golant, V.A. Kornev, S.V. Lebedev, L.S. Levin, A.S. Tukachinsky Magnetic fluctuations in CASTOR tokamak and studies of their relationship with the electrostatic fluctuations (Abstract)..................................................................... 15 V. Dhyani, K. Jakubka, J. Stockel, F. Zdcek Correlation analysi edgf so e fluctuation CASTOe th n so R tokamak (Abstract)......................7 1 J. Stockel, Petrzilka,J. Svoboda,V. Horn,M. Kryska,L. EndlerM. Observations on the peculiarities of sawtooth relaxation in SINP tokamak (Abstract)...........................................................................................................................9 1 A.K. Hui, R.K. Paul, Banik,D. Mukhopadhyay,S. RanjanP. Study on plasma biasing, poloidal flow and fluctuation suppression in a toroidal plasma.................................................................................................................1 .2 K.K. Jain Conceptual desig steadf no y state superconducting tokamak SST1........................................9 .2 SST Team Phenomenolog STARf yo T operating regimes .......................................................................9 .3 C. Ribeiro, Gryaznevich,M. Hugill,J. Jenkins,I. Martin,R. Robinson, C. D. A. Sykes, T.N. Todd, M.J. Walsh Ergodic magnetic limiter experiment at the small TBR tokamak ............................................45 M.S.T. Araujo, A. Vannucci, I.L. Caldas, I.C. Nascimento Present TCA/Bstatue th f so R tokamak...................................................................................3 .5 I.C. Nascimento, R.M.O. Galvdo, A.G. Tuszel, F.T. Degasperi, Ruchko,L. R.P. Silva,da A.N. Fagundes, A.C.P. Mendes, E.K. Sanada, Taran,V. R.M.O. Pauletti, W.P. de Sd, A. Vannucci, J.H. Vuolo, H. Franco, J.I. Elizondo, I.L. Caldas, M.C.R. Andrade, A.C.A. Ferreira, I.H. Tan, V.S.W. Vuolo, M.V.A.P. Heller, M.Y. Kucinsky, E. Ozono, M.S.T. Araujo, E.A. Lerche HL-1M modificatioe th , HL-e th f 1no tokamak......................................................................1 .6 HL-1M Team Recent development ADITYn so A operation..........................................................................3 .7 P.K. Atrey, V. Balakrishnan, S.B. Bhatt, D. Bora, B.N. Buch, C. Chavda, C.N. Gupta, C.J. Hansalia, K.K. Jain, Jha,R. P.I. John, P.K. Kaw, Kumar,A. Kumar,V. S.K. Mattoo, C.V.S. Rao, H.A. Pathak, H.R. Prabhakara, H.D. Pujara, P. Ranjan, K. Sathyanarayana, Y.C. Saxena, G.C. Sethia, A. Vardarajalu, P. Vasu Improved confinemen currend an t t driv biasey eb d electrod vern ei y low-ga discharges of SINP tokamak..................................................................................79 J. Ghosh, Chattopadhyay,P. Pal,R. A.N.S. lyengar Recent HL-1M results..............................................................................................................7 .8 HL-1M Team ICRF plasma productio heatind URAGAN-3ne an th n gi M torsatron....................................5 .9 V.V. Plyusnin, V.E. Moiseenko, A.I. Lysoivan, S.V. Kasilov, A.I. Zhukov, N.I. Nazarov, E.D. Volkov, K.N. Stepanov, O.S. Pavlichenko DAMAVAND — An Iranian tokamak with a highly elongated plasma cross-section.......... 107 R. Amrollahi Present status of research activities at the National Institute for Fusion Science and its role in international collaboration........................................................................ 127 J. Fujita Status of plasma physics research activities in Egypt............................................................. 135 MasoudMM. Slow bank system of SINP tokamak: A short report.............................................................. 143 Ray, R. Ranjan,P. Chowdhury,S. BaseS. JUST: Joint Upgraded Spherical Tokamak............................................................................ 149 E.A. Azizov, N.Ya. Dvorkin, O.G. Filatov, G.P. Gardymov, V.E. Golant, V.A. Glukhikh, R.R. Khayrutdinov, V.A. Krylov, Leykin,IN. V.E. Lykash, A.B. Mineev, G.E. Notkin, A.R. Polevoy, K.G. Shakhovets, S.V. Tsaun, E.P. Velikhov, N.I. Vinogradov nonlocaA l mode electror fo l n heat transpor tokamaks....................................................n i t 3 17 . A. Das, P. Kaw, S. Dastgeer Nonlinear saturation of the Rayleigh Taylor instability.......................................................... 181 Das,A. Mahajan,S. Kaw,P. Sen,A. Benkadda, S. VergaA. Shear reversal, improved confinemen temperaturn io d an t e gradient mode .........................9 18 . S. Sen, A. Sen Ponderomotive modification of drift tearing modes............................................................... 197 G. Urquijo, R. Singh, A. Sen Equilibrium and fluctuations in a currentless toroidal plasma............................................... 203 Singh,R. Mahajan,S. AvinashK. A transport bifurcation model for enhanced confinement with negative shear...................... 211 K. Avinash, P.K. Kaw, SinghR. Tomography using neural networks ......................................................................................9 .21 G. Demeter, . ZoletnikS Research Using Small Tokamaks: Summary publishe Nuclearn di Fusion...........................7 22 List of Participants.................................................................................................................. 233 ENERGY CONFINEMENT IN OHMIC H-MODE IN TUMAN-3M M.V. ANDREJKO, L.G. ASKINAZI, V.E. GOLANT, V.A. KORNEV, S.V. LEBEDEV, L.S. LEVIN, A.S. TUKACHINSKY A.F. loffe Physico-Technical Institute, Russian Academ Sciencesf yo , St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Abstract The spontaneous transition from Ohmically
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