Mar. 17 / Administration of George Bush, 1992 perhaps his legendary driving record. things in life: friendship, faith, and family. [Laughter] Since 1988 things have gone And at a time when young Americans look better; he’s had a white pickup, but I hear for role models, those are noble virtues. the driving is about the same. [Laughter] And your life is going to help them appre- I could also talk about his love of family, ciate that ours is the freest, most blessed such a mainstay of his life. You talk about country on the face of the Earth. I salute Helen Walton who, as Senator Pryor told you, sir, for your vision, and I am proud me on the way down, is the soul of Wal- to give you your Nation’s highest civilian Mart. Her love of the arts inspires so many. honor. Her faith, her deep faith in God, comes And now, may I ask you all to be seated shining through. as we honor a man who loves his country, The story of Sam Walton is an illustration who loves his family, given far more than of the American dream. His success is our he’s gotten. success, America’s success. And when Sam’s And now if Major Cancilla of the United grandchildren read about what makes States Army will read the citation, I will America great, they’ll read about people present to Sam Walton the Medal of Free- who have grand ideas and great dreams, re- dom. sourceful people who make imagination come alive with accomplishment. And they’ll read about adventurous people who Note: The President spoke at 11:08 a.m. at have the drive, ambition, and talent to take Wal-Mart Headquarters. In his remarks, he big risks and to achieve great things; people referred to Helen Walton, Mr. Walton’s who bring prosperity to their community wife; James L. (Bud) Walton, Mr. Walton’s and to their country. Sam’s grandkids, like brother and cofounder of Wal-Mart; David my own little guy over here, his down here, Glass, president and chief executive officer will read about people like Sam Walton. of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.; Representative And sir, you are generous and genuine, John Paul Hammerschmidt; Senator David tireless and tenacious. You took risks and Pryor; George Billingsley, Bentonville busi- helped our country grow vigorous and nessman and longtime friend of the Walton strong. You brought out the best in people. family; and Maj. Russell J. Cancilla, Army You and Helen have honored the important Aide to the President. Remarks at a St. Patrick’s Day Ceremony and an Exchange With Reporters March 17, 1992 The President. May I just say to Minister ing the American people have about the Andrews how delighted I am to be here. Irish-American relationship. It is strong. It I missed the traditional lunch on Capitol is good. And it is very, very important to Hill, a lunch of genuine friendship between us. And this ceremonial occasion gives me not only the parties here, but normally Ire- a chance to extend through the Minister to land is so well-represented, as they were the people in Ireland our respects, our love, today. And as I think everyone knows, I and our affection on this very special day. was down in Arkansas for a Medal of Free- So Mr. Minister, I’m glad you came our dom ceremony. But may I say to our friends way, sir. And I’m delighted to have had this from Ireland, particularly the Minister, how short visit. sorry I am to miss the luncheon but how pleased I am to receive you here. [At this point, Foreign Minister David An- It gives me an opportunity to express, drews of Ireland spoke and presented the once again, the feeling I have and the feel- President with a crystal bowl filled with 466 Administration of George Bush, 1992 / Mar. 17 Irish shamrocks.] out. It is a problem that because of the The President. Thank you very, very many Americans of Irish heritage we are much. vitally interested in and because of Ireland’s Q. Mr. President, will the luck of the Irish own substantial role in the EC that we’re be with Pat Buchanan on this day? vitally interested in, and as Ireland-U.S. re- Foreign Minister Andrews. Yes and no, lations that we’re vitally interested in. But he asked me to say. we simply are not in a position to dictate The President. I’ve got to put a little a solution, to in any way be the sole arbiter shamrock in here. of this difficult situation. But I’ve told the Foreign Minister Andrews. Did you want Minister we would like to help in any way to say something in response? he deems possible. But again, it isn’t easy, The President. No. as he and I both know. House Bank Controversy Loan Guarantees for Israel Q. How about Secretary Cheney, Martin, Q. Mr. President, the Israeli loan guaran- and Madigan bouncing checks, Mr. Presi- tees, are they dead? dent? The President. What did you say? The President. No, I have no comment Q. The Israeli loan guarantees, are they on all that. I just got home and am looking dead now? about it. I heard that Secretary Cheney, as would be expected, did an outstanding job. The President. Well, I don’t think they’re I haven’t seen the testimony, but needless dead. We have always wanted to go forward to say I have great confidence in him, total with loan guarantees. Our administration confidence in his integrity. And I just has been in the forefront of bringing and haven’t heard anything about any of the oth- encouraging people to go home to Israel, ers. whether it be from the Soviet Union or What I’ve decided to do is let this matter Ethiopia. We have a longstanding policy unfold. It’s a matter of considerable agony that feels that settlements are counter- for good people on the Hill. And let’s get productive to peace. This is not a new pol- the facts out, and then I think the American icy. This is a longstanding policy. And I am people are very smart. They will be able determined to see that that policy not be to make a determination as to what was altered. wrongdoing and who were simply victims However, if there’s room within that pol- of a system that obviously has failed every- icy to do what we’d like to do, which is body. And so we’ll just wait and see how to support the people coming home, why, that works out. But I have no further com- we’d like to do that. But settlements are ment on that subject at all, so spare your- counterproductive to peace, and everybody selves the agony of asking because I simply knows that. So we’ll just have to wait and will not take any more questions on it on see. I have made my position very, very this marvelous St. Patrick’s Day. clear to the Congress, and Secretary Baker Foreign Minister Andrews. Irish journalist has done the same thing. And we have close here. historic relations with Israel, and they will The President. Sure. always be that way. But we have a dif- ference now, it appears, in terms of these Northern Ireland settlements. But I have said over and over Q. Mr. President, what role can the again that we want to help, we want to help United States play in bringing forward the in a humanitarian way, but that we simply progress for peace in Northern Ireland? are not going to shift and change the foreign The President. Well, I’m not sure. I think policy of this country. heretofore we’ve tried to be a catalytic role, Yes, Brit [Brit Hume, ABC News]? And tried to support, as the Minister generally then I’ve got to go because I don’t want said, certain funds. But we’ve got to be in to be rude to our guests. I want to say hello close touch with the Government. But it to our other friends here. is not a problem that we ourselves can work Q. What is your view, sir, of the compro- 467 Mar. 17 / Administration of George Bush, 1992 mise that was discussed yesterday on the overdrawn—absolutely. Of course, I sym- Hill that’s been offered there? I understand pathize with that. And I think there’s a you’re about to meet with Senator Leahy. major institutional problem. The bank’s The President. Well, I’m not sure which been closed now. But I’ll have more to say one you’re talking about. about that when the facts are out there. Q. Well, do you have something to say But I will, in the meantime, grunge through to Senator Leahy that might—— every file I can find stored away in little The President. No, I’m listening. They cubbyholes here or in Houston, Texas, and asked for a meeting with me, and I’m very try to find checks from 1967 to 1970. And glad to have a meeting with him. Secretary I challenge everybody out here to try to Baker has had many meetings with Senator do the same thing so his conscience or hers Leahy. I talked to him over the weekend, will be clear when they’re asking these and I look forward to the meeting.
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