. , GOOD MORNING, IOWA ·CITY! The weather for today will be partly cI~dy and warmer with scattered showers moving in early OWGI1 tomorrow morning, F.a!ablished 1868 Vol. 78,' No. 178 AP News and Wirephoto __P" Iowa City, Iowa, friday, April 19-five Cents " angc un, e en ers ac 1 Britain;,,Russia ,House Wants Probe Porler Claims BeHy Lou Gets Some Help 5-Foot Coloradan Red Artillery ,', , . • Of, Document Thefts . Takes Holdup Man Rankin Dedare. Spy Argue Spam~h OPA Measure Groceryman Beats Fire, Shatters· Thief Over Head Peace Menace ~~n:i~;::::gs~%~ Kills Ceilings With Own Shotgun Besieged ity WASHINGTON (AP) - The COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. house instructed its judiciary com­ Administrator States Gromyko Announces (APl-A Michigon ex-convict Claim Attacki nks mittee to investigate the disposi­ Bill Removes Control sought for questioning in a Col­ In Favor of Diplomatic tion of cascs involving six persons Manned by .... lfeak With Madrid Over Commodities orado shooting was arrested yes­ in thc alleged wa d ime theft of terday wben he mistakenly tried Of 'Certain C..".tI'y' sccrct documents fl'ol11 thc slute, W.M:i lllNGTO:l\ (AP)-Puul to push around Louis Maccarini, (AP)- GI"Dt NEW YORK war and nllvy depal'tmenls. l'ortcl', backed inlu U COI'llel' by CR NO KING, Fl'iduy CAP) Brltain and Russiu sllul'ply lIi '­ little Colorado Springs grocerY The 221 to 111 roll call vote ' IIUUSC P Ul)l)Ug'C ycslcl'(Jay of a - Official go\,erumcint 11 e w s agreed jn the Unitcd Nutio)IS se· came ",ner Rep, Rankin (D., store proprietor. bi II choppi Ill; g'l'eat gups in llispatchcs today desCl·jbed bit­ curiiS council today oyer Po­ Miss.) tbld the house the com­ Police Chie:!: I. B. Bruce id~nt­ o P A pOwCl'~ , fou ght buck last tel' fighting ill Clurugchuu, !.and's picture oC Spain al) U mittee on un-American actlvl­ ilied the man as Wei' n e r night with un u~~crliol1 tilUt the with outnumbered govcrnment;. Nazi.iuspired 11101l0CO to peuer. lies had learned. that "the spy SchwartzmiUer, 30, of Dowagiac, rillJ' (Janada Is illvesU,allug is measure would require removal of fOl'ces driven back to makeshift SOl'ict Delegate A II d .. e i Mich., sought throughout SOU01- worklnt til the United States. ceilings from "commoditics mak­ redoubts, hurd hit by continuillg Gtomyko joined Russia with ing up al least hal! the cost of liv­ ern Colorado since the shooting Chinese Communist al·tillery Poland, France and Mexico in fa­ tryll1l' to learn the secret of the atomic bomb." ing." of County Commissioner Thomas fire. One report soid that defend­ vor of a concerted break in dip­ The price administrator's stale­ Rep. Dondero (R., Mich.l, auth- O'Haver at Solido Wednesday ers held only two buJldings. lomatic re1ations with Madrid. ment particularly mentioned such The Mukden dispatches satd 01' of the rcsolution aulhorizing night. He said Doris Stutsmon, 18 Sir Alexander Cadogan lined the investigation, said the Unitcd items as coal, shoes, wool and Chanl'Cluln's ' defenders suffered Britain up Witil the Netherlands Statcs governmcnt first Icarned rayon textiles, meats and millt as also of 'Dowaglac, was alTestcd hea vy casualties. Ineendtar)' and Brazil in opposition to thl: from the British that the U. S. articles which would have Lo comc with SchwortzmiJIer. shells burned out several defense Poli sh proposal char,ing Spoin is secret documents wcre sto tcn dur­ out from under contl'Ols if the Poln ted Shot&'U1I poillts. The at"ckln. columns ", a pOtcnUaJly explosive threat to ing the war. house decision prcvails. Bruce said Maccarini didn't were spearheaded by tour _or Frallce and a long-range menace Specifically, t h c resolution He ga ve special atlentlon 10 argue when the gunman pOinted live medium tanke. drivell ana 10 I)le wOrld in the atomic age. adopted by the house provides: the Gossett amcndment, incor­ a shotgUn at him and suggested ,lllUled by "olleers of a certain ~eDdJDe.t Offered "A thOl'ough invesligation ot lilt porated by the house In PPA that he hand over the inoney from country," the dispatch asserted. LI. Col. W. R. Hodgson. the Ihe circumstances with respcct to extension legislation, which re­ the cash register. addill, "It Is obvious the tanks A1IStrian delegate, offered an the disposition of thc chargcs of qulres' OPA to I&kc off ceilings IFOUR-YEAR-OLD Betty Lou Hall had a IiUle trouble ,eUhl, the first 1946 Buddy Poppy pilllled .on But, when he rapped Maccal'ini were furnished by tbcM certain amendment to Ihe Polish resolu­ espionage and the possession of whim output of a conimodJty ex­ President Truman yesterday. l\t len the president ,iveB her a hand. Rleht, Betty Lou has a satisCied on the arm with his gun for em­ country." customer. (AP WmEPHOTO) . tion for a break w.i.th Spain, asking documents stolen (rom secret gov­ ceecjs Its production during the phasis he did the wrong thing. Tbere was no furthe1' word of tb.ai a five-man sub-committee ernment files which were made fiscal year J941. He named coat , "It made me mad," explained five American correspondents and invnlillatc the Spanish situatioll by the federal bureau of investi­ and cl{ltblng items in a partiat Mllccarini, wbo . bi_rely tops five two American military personnel al)d tePart back to tile council by gation against the following indi­ list of products ",hlch he said feet. "I took his gun away trom in the besicged Manchurian cap­ Mil>' 17. viduals: have come UP to that level, with Secretary of State Bvrnes Rey~als U~ S. Wage Raises him and hit him on the head with ital. The defense gorrlson report­ ., .Mler two sessions ot debate on "Philip J. JarIc, Kate L. Mit­ "supply stili far out of balanee it." edly had been compressed into a S~Jn the. lineup showed Poland, chell, John Stewart Service, Em­ with demand." To Recognize Tit~'s Yugoslav G,overnment F T" Maccarini knocked the intruder rew <:entraI strong points, inclu~­ Mexico, France. and Russia faVOf­ manuC)1 Siguard Larson, Andrew Porter, reiterating n statement down three times with his fists ing the central bank, police hea$!­ lnt a diplomatic break with Fran­ Roth and Mark Gayn." o[ Wedncsdny night thnt the house W.ASH1NGTON Ol Stute Byrnes disclosed and when Schwortzmiller fled he quarters postal building and power CD; the Netherlonds, Britain and Jaffe and Miss Mitchell arc edi­ bill "in effect repeals price con­ (AP )- ~CCl'ctU I'Y or ralnmen pursued him to a nearby house building, al\ being hamlJlered YI'8lC'l'da'y tllat Uic I niled Hlatc~ i$ i'ecognizing the Tilo go\'Cl'lI- Bl'lIzil stoutly agl/inst such a move; tors of the magazine Amerosia. trol," gave attention too to other where he was capturCtl a lew min_ steadily by field guns. the United States and China un­ Service is an assistant in General amendmcnts in the house meQji­ IJlllut of Yti'ro~I,1\'ia - lhou!!h \\'itb OIllC reservations 011 its do· Recommended utes latel' by policemen. A dispatch from Chingchow coO)ITlitted; Austria sponsoring MacArthur's political advisory ure, notobly the WoJcott-Crowford llIC'stic po li cies. ~ r Stole Taxicab (Chinhsien) said that all except further subsidiary investigation, committee. Larson is an employe provision requiring a "reasonable" Thc recoguition cOllies aftel' intormation at Belgrade, would Bruce said Schwartzmillel' told the ce'ltl'al bonk and postoUice Imj Egypt thus far unhenrd. Po­ ot the state department's far east­ proItt on each J:lroduct, the p~'oh~" USSLU'UIICCH from tl le Bclgl'iHle be quite accePtable os ambassador him he stole a taxicab in ChiCIlfJO had p.een, ()yerwhelmed. but there; land needs seven IlfIlrmotive crn division; RaUl-is 1J - .JoJlfJ\er . 1\:'srcC(l1il'ement government th at It woould live up Ifro m YUlloslavla. It was not .fo~­ Oy 'rlJ\l A SOCI,,', '';I) I'Rt;S~ Jast Thursday in which be _Gl)d was no confirmation. Y<ltes out 01 the eleven to carry naval officer in intelligcnce, and that manufacturers turn out a cer­ to an Yugoslovia's treaty commit- mally announ<;ed b~t the ~ert- An emCI'gelley fact - finding Miss Stutsman heoded west. The .0. 00 motion. Gayn is a Irep.-Iancc writer. tain proportibn of low priced " can ambassador will be Richard bOlll'd rccommended yestcrday a police chief sold Schwortzmiller ments With the Umted Stotes. The C. Patterson Jr., nbw in Washinl(- ('l'he fo llowing [1'ugnlcntu7'Y . Experis DIsa,ree clothing and that retailers in some 16 cents hourly wage boost and had served three prison terms for dispatch was "cccivecl Z.ast · Disagreement on anothel' phase cases ab>3orb part of the price in­ most important .01 these, in the ton who formerly was accredited changes in working rules for more robbcl'y, finishing the last onc opinion ot state dep~l'tment to the regime of King Peter and than 200,000 railroad engineers night /I'OI'~ Associated Press was announced last night in 0 re­ creases given monllIacturers. at Joliet, Ill., five months ago. Corrospondent Tom Mastel'­ port from the cO\lncll's committee Twelve Workers Die The price administrator potently officials, is one which dates back to more lately served as political and trainmen who threatened to O'Hover was shot Wednesday o( experts, who disclosed ' they was pointing his remarks a t the 1881 and pr~vides that no natiolT representatJve in Yugoslavia.
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