US010173410B2 (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 10 , 173 ,410 B2 Nardiello et al. (45 ) Date of Patent: Jan . 8 , 2019 ( 54 ) DEVICE AND METHOD FOR 3D PRINTING ( 56 ) References Cited WITH LONG - FIBER REINFORCEMENT U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS (71 ) Applicant: Northrop Grumman Systems 2 , 800 ,683 A * 7 / 1957 Teichmann .. B29C 47 / 023 Corporation , Falls Church , VA (US ) 156 / 143 (72 ) Inventors : Jerrell A . Nardiello , Hicksville , NY 3 , 375 ,550 A * 4 / 1968 Klein . .. .. .. B29C 47 /023 (US ) ; Robert J . Christ , Brentwood , 425 / 114 NY (US ) ; John A . Crawford , Miller (Continued ) Place , NY (US ) ; John S . 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Fig 35. ???????? ????? ? ? ???????? ? ??? ? ? ? wwww ?????????????? ? ??? ??? ??? ??? U . S . Patent Jan . 8 , 2019 Sheet 2 of 3 US 10 , 173, 410 B2 Fig . 5A Fig . 5 perang 42 37 chup LAURA AMALARI KKKK ERKEKLER Amor www www und BUS 12V DE EERTHY ki 0OCUOTTEELLA . XXXXXXXXXXXXX W ???? MAART Fig . SA Fig* * * . 6A Xacus COND ARKKINONDOR TES SEDT. WW FAWWA ** Fig .6A Fig . 7 Fig . 7A A ** TILL wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwRER ResepORD SCROCIERS U . S . Patent Jal. 8 , 2019 Sheet 3 of 3 Us 10, 173 , 410 B2 ? Fig . 8 ' ? ? ?????? ? ?? ?? ? ? ?????????? | wwwmm ?? ? ? ?? ? ?????? ???? ? ?? ??????????????? ??????:????? ????? ??????????????????????????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ???????????????????????????????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ??????? ?????????????????? ?? ?? . ?? ? ??? ? : ? ? ? ?? : ? ?? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? : ? ?? ??? ? nm : ? ? ??????????? ?? : ???? ?? ?? ?? : m ur : ?? ? ? ?? : ???? ? ? ??? ????? ? ? ???? , 4{ ; ???? ???? 28- - ?? ? ? ? : ? ????? ? ?? ?*g ?? + ??????? +? ??? ? ? ???? ??? ??? ? ? ?????? ???? *miA? 224 A ? ! A ? 2654 :18 5 4 _ 56 4??????? ww*: ? * - ?? ?? ??? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ? ? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ? ?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ???? ?? ? ?? ?????????????????????????????????? ? ? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ?? ???? ? ? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ??? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ? ????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ; ?????????? US 10 , 173 ,410 B2 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR 3D PRINTING advanced composites typically come with a large price tag WITH LONG - FIBER REINFORCEMENT (due in part to increased material , design , and manufacturing costs ) that is significantly beyond that of the metallic struc FIELD OF THE INVENTION tures they replace . Manufacturing decisions must determine whether the increased performance provided by fiber rein The invention relates generally to three -dimensional (3D ) forced advanced composites justifies the increased cost. In printers and more particularly to 3D printing with long - fiber addition , there is a middle ground where high performance reinforcement . composites are not required but a medium -duty fiber rein forced 3D printed part would be useful . These parts could be BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 10 made from a variety of thermoplastic materials , along with A number of technologies are used to manufacture non a variety of fiber materials (different base material , woven or metallic structural components capable of sustaining signifi not, etc . ) . cant loads. Typically these involve composite materials that The manufacturing cost of fiber reinforced advanced combine a resin with some type of fiber reinforcement. 15 composites would be significantly reduced by the 3D print Advanced composites have been developed that use expen ing process , eliminating much of the tooling needed for sive , high - performance resins and fiber reinforcement with conventional parts , and most of the processing needed for properties of high strength and stiffness . The design and conventional advanced composites . manufacturing of advanced composites usually employ very Thus , a need exists for a device and method for producing complicated processes and machinery that involve saturat- 20 long - fiber reinforced 3D printed components that eliminates ing the fiber with the resin , then causing the resin
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