ZINTETRTIT 1I41 Tirpitie 41Ir-1, T.Qu (\Tcp( Sir Atft-Ftzrit)

ZINTETRTIT 1I41 Tirpitie 41Ir-1, T.Qu (\Tcp( Sir Atft-Ftzrit)

tic (-1) -1.4.(-71071041o/ [Fab secio/kro1 fo-91/2014-16 en* -if te ief t-d JR47 rd‘ TaVitzi titem IRT TRAM ZINTETRTIT 1i41 tiRPitie 41ir-1, t.qu (\tcp( sir aTft-ftzrIT) c4N-1th, 911,1, 5 3PIRI, 2019 49-4u1 14, 1941 'TM meact %flit iltf x11•94 ?anti 3TIffrir- —i +NA( 1446/79-174-1-19-13-19 eittith, 5 3111WF, 2019 affer-fo7r ittsr 71 ‘371( 5R7 (Pt( F4Re4 "17ff61 TritaTiff" aira 200 04M ti,TeNkti lit4 11M, 2019 (TiiltF) itIzIT, 2019 ThOf ‘Pr-f %ZiT 31T1FT-1 ARTrefr* WI tieciRid tR R94 2 01 79.ret arlRft scav aSr tiin 6 WI 2019 WIA kreltritri(ur z-fr aiftri-AT aRr srQD7 itzif 7r-dr WI \ick-N A-kW •tluzi f1cl114IcW (7V1)V9.) 3TffilkzPi, 2019 Ock-K liaxf 31telk411 titsit 6 2019) [1/431ti1 \icctt ar foirff fluscrr gk1 ErrRff prr] R• Tie-T9 maxr •flotr facirastieltr ST, 1973 Th-T arlid- f*.ifRgyr 3TWIffiZN crimr..41 t giNd 41.k1v4 * -fr-d-Rt 9•Fr -kV 9 aki 'tot! fazur1vici4 tifeltT9) 311W49Ti, 2019 zrg 3Titf471 \it vrnIT .114411. 1 (2) zrg Wa 7 fl'1, 2019 Thl• ;Fr gan. ,4-141$11 WIPE! I85_RPH_Data 4 Vidhaika Folder (Adhiniyam_2019) • 2 AtZT 3TRITS1TRuf fivid, 5 3171Wf, 2019 .sccrl 17t4T 2— \ict-PE arfi1/474 lPlElIcll4 3M447, 1973, Da 344 affilikzur r 3Tifri-ZN Th7T 7171T t, S UM 4 11, 311URT (1—) k — 29 9 1974 grir <9u4 NO 14, t1;w11€11q kil5i CIA awzrr wtr4 zraTri4vr1Nrff vT -314ivfr Re.11 WtilT; arf4ftqft (RR) Cslud NO 4 sic4 *c116.16114 '<lug ivitatileig, $0161•41C <itctifirr 7x44 sic< "mlitfR ,(1,31-i Rig ( m, Tina) alfe4=riT wiucrr ,, 10, 'f19 1973 viia4; tf MT 4 ff (TI) Nud (7) Tr4wq, qi-ifMtict iug 44-r f4-4 3121fq "(sr) kr7 xi Eimer, +416“13 Mrti • Yci Idef, egNiv u1111 ‘3114 41i;" "(5i) t cinuiciet 3TMIFT-4- ,t1w4 IQ11EJML 3117e4-4* vilir ETTRT 50 3-1:17 71tf444 tar tiRT 50 k 3METTVT (1-3") f*i cf v4i WRINK 4-qf t aft, 7e1fq ff7 ftni 31tftff S sitni NRPIIHI4eiT 1IT A u44, ut V101- wRiTr Rt. Vc1 Emig, 40:1 S tiPflq.iicief aet ft4g ‘icivf WicRi ell' Wr eft tt 311 w7c 91 3frz \iLlimuft 31671tff 7riltrift .zler ft4T7T twovr 3a1p4-1 9N1 kiiGiRter 73- 1" "(i—u) uw 1* we ETRi NEN- 31I-744 live! Mxc1)tlic14, arr74TriS LIET9 EIRklellica 9- 44r A 7r4, uff7 4t7 Rig Tema faxiiitheig, 71-47 S tiR1in,qeft. alit ftaw k3ict fdxi1asilei4 Swrcrgi Ai) twr eft Of rft:e91 atff anit4 we 447-ril 0,11 atif it '41°4 *NOW 71t4p4r nT 'iqlkr i" MI 52 31tAZPI S ETTRT 52 k (2—E0 t tr4-41q i Pllèici 74tireq 441 41 vaift, arzifq 7-4 utft \ill NE (2) t 7414 I-161.<1V Thief 1 ci fweic& i151.11g smirr arwrtxr, 44r fair viia, STIt iww Rig faxafavicia, aitzfrhr, atir ft 4 \icier ThviDeilew wrcr4r aw 14 Irr arlm:a 31'W ‘igicku4 * aTaftliff Ce TR oft tit tter ftTar *New ow atitwr Blum ft4 I" "(2—'4) cia7ft UtItTWT (2) * 31419- 347444- Thrzi faVcInElIcief, 311-A419-4- IRPT 3TEZTrbT, 44T 1"-4 ,414, 4-5rg f4i6 W-47 xci view, 71-4Eg aiff ft k *id 'DX41441014 WIIT9T 41W 10 lir el, 4* 3Trt:a91. aftz ‘iiier<uft 7670t4 we tH 7pk 6)ei mizt *mop( ou 3TRRI991- 9TEZM Sag f4) WRII" \iccif At' 3ifiTETTPT Iu1d, 5 371W1, 2019 3 5—TLF 3.11tffi-414 Thcf 390 artOt tia*t titsell-2 IR ‘iinivilif d4 cli M in PHRRacf 14Ri1ki1 vur t &Et, aRTiq t Y4IE1Ictt& ,?0 (sra ti6vtiv •flvo amvd, ge1gxI6, 4 wilegi,K ‘96itig wrcrffr &14 11Ai0604, 45, viLtiml , ti6p1v 3N vrP941- . Del (t) tI6NIV '4104 faxaDvidu, UIflct, (14 I", dIIc19c1 4IC .96kiv mar P.T1Er9-r it 11A4060 4, Tp 3th 1)0 fe)- \Ai la 11&..11 6 a UnR0.11 W-1T9"w f.-i1?iRsin wrnit7 t wtit, ar 1 2 3 6. VRE 41.1)6•E arnf 31-6V 3#3-t-7 9TR, 3TtEZIT, 616•<15-4, fdxardeilem, Sri 4R-r-4a, 411.sr a117 %ccitiv (ii) m-IT tuar—s -cw \imi-micr 6 4 c1ie faiet S3R1T9 1Tq qmireiNcr s1fte-41 t wrtiift, arztiq -9. cfk Wag 946 tpfra faxafavider, ufli (Sri) 31TWIW tug Mcifaviegr, aimn Trrav, ui1i afrq 11- 3i 31MITTiq wrEmrit (t) alinetil lrf lq1€jieta, Trr-atp W4cg aTrwrirg met wircr9T it vI14 070 wit *kw! 12 a Ufareiv.ii S uff I47 Thi--ARgt-r A1Re-4t, tinicw vui t 'W44l, 31* :— 1 2 3 12. Inthff fl‘31.- %6 (.4 lizaT) mtggi, mixiii-Gft, ITUTEMV 3th qYclielle14, lill•PlIvf 1“011•0‘.4 Del (3) TB 3:kgz11 14 5 147-4M Th1.11?1Rsicf 41:1 titAiv, AW t WzIt, araifq :- 116It.13 '<MT qYclia€11e14, T314t4Ittti, ii6P0-1V 31W i161•013.< Virical fc,1 3TMITTW MAI faVa1t0c141, 31171:111 3th ITT -fe) arrwriria' 185_RPH_Data 4 Vidhaika Folder (Adhiniyam_2019) , 5 371-M, 2019 4 3ccy( l 31-fRITZu1 mil cb -1*44 6-0) 'Ikrtf tkchk, •416N-IV Thre.f qxcr woo, ‘116k a fihi# wea-9-r4 7 fezir weir arrwrq givo facavicia, 34r-A4Trq 4 witrffr TrRt10- -M4) f .,Lei cpg4 T147914 'livid -wpifitcr atr-Or gpa Zig Mu t 31 aarf'444 \rft tidicar aff-a-zr 4 RPRtdt1 j4 arjr1 3Tafti'M tiiI t 4f3wR, tiRicd-r zj(114zi 14 14 3ITTSIT ZIT gi41414 fl, writ 0.1 : tr? zrt II* g-ir 4)14 sTrtir, \iccig wair gr,r4 faxcneitem (3tsttn) -ZIT WtrIT; 3Tti1frzPi, 2019 T ATTAT 6)4 T ti 44*TR-4m -at it (2) 31:1ITTZT 0) T 314M qtqff TRIT 311t4T, Thrzf fauff .9ci st& g14-1 3naT ggr WTTI )TM) 31a11tc4T, 2019 Vicgr<1 ‘iccK Wazi flta'i 3iW 7-0) ‘3ccr1 Atta •fl (#41- 3itzfraTI 6 Q4 f4*ru fszrr Amit 3I92019 (2) t44 .ftrizM T. 6)1 '4t 3TRITZT (1) ti feZ aitztrata glgf ZR-TT cfrf 014 014 ZIT T't zrzft ct)) +RI cf ter 3TRIftfPf T 3-crettf T aTtfr9- Wff 3S 510 zizTT tWtlim+VT ad4ftzm T Zig '5MT2n \31-1ciEff T 314M cIct zff T°t 1I51 *111$1). aft 411-1)- aiftflkztii T 314 gitgoi-r gviti 9u.ç4 .t41C 116ItIV, \icck Tr .3cc1gt1Rr ffft 3t17 CelieW 41 **11 Wt-R 14 cr>i 'duo NT-A-4/g 4E4 31af34ff t 3frZ zrt 4t fluseller .tcwiertr ti Vs \340 ikt wit 91T fliT chNuf cl6f \inf itur jLd og4 4 t1dli4g1r Tf cM-11 lsc1I ll ar4: witatluilwrafa-il Met 2#71 R,ii6N-IV 3117 3TrAWM T CfrnT fTTI kr- givo faxcrDsuder w-rf4-d lit-4T .1 NI airaczaT I Trzrr %HI gqi-r 4 14PciMcr ?sir uii4 ltnytigic att c1IIcliC 45I ITR cP91 Nittzrr atiR .4441 4*so yrii Tr9te fiitzrr arqu facinvienr, tr11114 311Z *c1161.4I4 '<NO qYcliavilcri4, T -114f Tlf nclgil•E H-49tftm itzrr WJIdL1, *(1161€114 ;h.° \ictrztd ginivr 4 gi,er 11i tho gi R46 (g.A4zzrr) qvcavieizr, Tcf 14 3H-411M itzrr Trzrr 211 1 ardsra aftq arr-Trirg trc1t f' -ffr 4 gm.4 favcifweizr tlZ91R111 ctt 3t1Z zrair tralwr idvcaviciqi 4 lacivirr f+-3/4 ,ffi4 ccig wa-vr 13ZT faufavicrio 312114ziff, 1973 14 TIVETM 14)+4 kr114 TT n1tc141 fT-EIT TRIT I Tin) '<MA itTM 995(4 g-hr 4 -161 qf tew ThPii iM R?iikci crg4 Totr ?au* of4cipg tI vi 41 a 4, 3M: gi,g4viet gkf ftffiT 07 914, 2019 Tlf \iccH cki 11/7e44 gYcI1slle141 (71T9) 3Thif1tca, 2019 (kiccI•( IltY1 3Tzzflt4T tiCcelf 1 3M 2019) I4t9e41 fd,ir Trzrr zit itlzr- terovr wire-vr mThi-urfera- 4,g4* -1q 3Vwar144 Th)m viior t aTrar *0 to mit4 •185_RPH_Ddla 4 Vidhaika Folder (Adh yam_2019) kick-P? Trk9T 3IWITZTR 0i 1ljid, 5 31W1., 2019 5 No. 1446(2)/LXXIX-V-1-19-1(Ka)3-19 Dated Lucknow, August 5,2019 IN pursuance of the provisions of clause .(3) of Article 348 of the Constitution, the Governor is pleased to order the publication of the following English translation of the Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vishwavidyalaya (Sanshodhart) Adhiniyam, 2019 (Uttar Pradesh Adhiniyam Sankhya 6 of 2019) as passed by the Uttar Pradesh Legislature and assented to by the Governor on August 2,2019. The Uchcha Shilcsha Anubhag-1 is administratively concerned with the said Adhiniyam. THE UTTAR PRADESH STATE UNIVERSITIES (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2019 (U.P. Act No. 6 of 2019) [As passed by the Uttar Pradesh Legislature] AN ACT. further to amend the Uttar Pradesh State Universities Act, 1973. IT IS HEREBY enacted in the Seventieth Year of the Republic of India as follows :- 1. (1) This Act may be called the Uttar Pradesh State Universities (Amendment) Act, 2019. Short title and commencement (2) It shall be deemed to have come in 2. In section 4 of the Uttar Pradesh State Universities Act, 1973, hereinafter Amendment referred to as the principal Act, in sub-section (1-A),- section 4 of in clause (b) for President's Act the word "Fainbad" wherever occurring the word no. 10 of 1973 "Ayodhya" shall be substituted; as amended and in clause (g) for the words "Allahabad State University, Allahabad" the re-enacted by U.P. Act no. 29 words "Professor Rajendra Singh (Rajju Bhaiya) University, Prayagraj" shall be of 1974 substituted. after clause (h), the following clauses shall be inserted, namely :- "(i) a University to be known as Saharanpur State University, Saharanpur:" "0) a University to be known as Azamgarh State University, Azamgarh;" 3.

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