BUR-CAL LONDON COUNTY SUBURBS 348 Burton Eliza (Mrs.), confectioner, Downs road, Lower Clapton NB Butcher Aliee (Miss), apartments, 5 Beechmoreroad, Battersea SW Butterworth Bros. hosiers, 8 Atlantic road, Brixton SW Burton Eliza (Mrs.), dining rooms, 1 Barge House ~d.Nth. Wlwich E Butcher Arthur, confectioner, 3 South row, North Kensington W Butterworth James Gibson, tobacconist, 13A, Nelson t<t.Grnwch SE Burton Ellen (Miss), dressmaker, 155 Stockwell Park road SW Bntchfr Oaleb. beer retlr. 1 Warwick ter. Taylor'sla. Sydenham SE Butterworth John Wm. apartments, 141 Lilford nl. Camberwell 8B Burton Frank, auctioneer, 1 Greyhound lane, Streatham SW- ButcherE.L.(Mrs.).servants' regil!try office, 355Nrwd.rd. W.Nrwd SE Buttery Edwin, artist, 32 Schubert road, Putney SW T N 252 Streatham Butcher Elizh. H. (Mn~.). British Lion P.H. 28 Acre et. S. I.ambeth SE Buttery Harriet (Mnl.), confectH. 59 Nightingale lane,Balh&m SW Bur ton Frank L.D.S. dental surgn. 373 Norwood rd. W. Norwood SE Butcher Ellen Elllma(Mrs.),statnr.& pOt!t office, Tunnel av.Grnwch SE Buttifant Frank .Tames, insur. agt. 80 Evelina road. Peckbam SR Burton Frank, estate agent, 47 South End road, Hampstead NW Butcher Emma (Miss), confectioner, 18 Candahar rd. Battersea. SW Bottle Chas. Alfred. ins. inspector, 175 Gipsy rd. WestNorwoodS:B Burton George Fredk:. newo agent, 76 Royal hill, Greenwich SE Butcher Emma (Miss), confectioner, 40 Royal hill, Greenwich SE Bottler George H. tobacconist, 32 Eltham road, Lee SE Burton Geo. Leman,zinc worker,l05 Lg,vender road, Battersea SW Butcher Frederick, confectioner, 120 Forest Hill road, E. Dnlwich SE Button Albert Erlward, house & estate agent, 150 Stamfonl hill N · Burton George William, carman, 9 Hardcastle street, Peckb.am SE Butcher Frederick Henry, dairy, 1 Gassiot road, Tooting SW Button Annie (Mrs.), dressmaker, 20 Devonshire road, Hollowoy N Burton Harry, butcher, 62A., llrixton road SW Butcher George, plumber, 57 Arthur street, Battersea SW Button Elizabeth (Mnl. ), apartmnts. 43 Downs Prk. rd. Hackney NB Bnrton Henry, butcher, 111 Stephendale road, Fulham SW Butcher George, shopkeeper, 29 Brookdene road, Plumstead Button .A.nnie Eliza (Miss), laundry, 21 Taunton road, Lee SE Burton Henry George, tobacconist, 13 Ra.ilton road, Herne Hill SE Butcher Harry A. greengrocer, 66 Tyneham road, Lavender hill SW Button Frederick:, greengrocer, 9 Church street, Lee SE Burton Herbert Campbell.phys.& surg. Lee Park lo.Lee Pk.BikhthSE Butcher Henry, stationer, Poet office, money order & telegraph Buttan Henry H. W. phys.:& surg. 318 Kilbum lane, Maida. Hill w· Burton Herbert Chas. paperhanger, 36 Rommany rd.W. Norwood SE office, Shooter's hill, Woolwich-T N 147 Woolwich Button Robert, china dlr. 5, oil & col or man 7, Church st. Lee S:Q Burton Jamee, builder, 178 Fairbridge road, Upper Holloway N Butcher Joseph W. nurseryman, 87A, King George st. Greenwich SE Button Robert, eoal merchant, 38 Church street, Lee SE Burton John Edwin, gree11ooro. 12 Tottenham st. Keneal New 'l.'n W Butcher Jnlia (Mrs.), apartments, 63 Chestnut grove, Balba.m SW Button Thomas Edward, dentist, 201 Brock:ley road SE Bnrton John Frederick, confectioner,88 Black:sbaw road, Tooting SW Butcher Leopold F.rnest,aprtmts.47 Kingswoodrd.Clapham Park SW Button Wait. Hy. prof. of music, 21 Knatchbull rd. Camberwell BB Bnrton Joseph, fishmonger, 18 Polygon, Clapham SW Butcher Mary (Mrs.), nurse, 140 Fordel road, Catford SE Button William, confectioner, 165 Lee road, lllackheath, SE Burton Katherine (Miss), shopkeeper, 133Vassallrd.Nth.Brixton SW Butcher Mary Ann (Miss), laundress, 13 South row, Nth.KensngtnW Buxton Brothers, oilmen, 6 Greyhound lane, Streatham SW Bnrton Mabel Amy (Miss), ladies' school, see Evans & Burinu Butche·· Mis.~. privatp school, 12 Ulversto!l.e road, W. Norwood SE Buxton Rowing Club, Spring hill, Upper Clapton NE Burton Myles, district supt. Pearl Life Assurance Co. Ltd. 4 Burstock Butcher Philip, butcher, 67 Eglinton road, Plumstead Buxton Alice (Miss), costumier, 107 Lewin road, Streatham SW' road, Putney SW Bt1tcber Philip Webster, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 199 Buxton lsabel (Mr~.), confectioner, 113 Burnt Ash road, Lee SB Burton Norman, house agent, see Springate & Burton Mitcharn roan, Tooting SW Bnzar George, boot maker, 24 Paradise road, Clapham SW Burton Rob'ert, carman, lA, Down's road, Lower Clap ton NE Butcher Robert John, insurance agt. 30 Siebert rd. Blackheath SE Bnzzacott Wm. Henry L provn. dlr. 78 Ash brook rd. Upper HollwyN Durton Robert Joelin, grocer, 79 High street, Plumstead Butcher Sydney Wm. laundry, 2 Vicars Hill villas, Ladvwell SE Byatt & Son, farriers, o4 Snmmerley st. Wandsworth SW Burton Samuel, hootmaker, 81 Pellatt road, East Dulwich SE ButcbPr Thomas Everard, dairyman, 281 New King's road & 192 Byatt Charlotte (Mise), dress maker, 2 Sedgmoor pi. Camberwell S'B Burton Samuel N ott&ge, greengro. 11 Ourrie st. Sth Lambeth SW Wandsworth Bridge road, Fnlham SW Byatt Jsph. wheelwright, 2 Creek st.& 8fiA, Grant rd.Battereea S\Y Burton S>t.rah (Mrs.), dress maker, 154 Mayall road, IIerne IIill S.E Butcher Wm. Dani<'l, builder, 32 Fonthill road, Finsbury Park N Byatt Mabel (Miss), dressmaker, 2 Creek street, Battersea SW Bnrton Thomas, hair dress~r, 17 New road, Woolwich Butcher William Henry, optologist, 73 Peckham rdSE-TN 2886 Hop Bye Percy J. bootmaker, 105 Black Lion lane, Hammersmith W Bnrton William, builder, 60 Lindastreet, Batrersea SW Butfield Henry Alfd. bootma. 2A., Victoria gro. Stoke Newington N Bye William, furniture dealer, 8 Plough road, Battersea SW Burtou William G. wine & spirit mchnt. 170 High st. Clapham SW Butler Chae. G. & Son, insurance brkrs. 118 N orthcote rd. BttrseaSW Byerley Morris Grant li'.R.C. V.S. veterinary surgeon,56 South street, Burton William George(Mrs.), laundry,25 Mallet rd. Lewisham SE Butler Ernest & H. stationers, 148 Stroud Green road N & 57 Greenwich SE (T N 715 New Cross) & 5l Black heath hill SE Burton \Villi am Henry, shopkeeper, 30 Cold Bath st. Lewisham SE Streatha.m High road SW Byerley Waiter, tool maker, 44 Peckha.m rye SE Bnrton Winifred (Miss), toba.ccoaist, 70 High street, Highgate N Butler Frederick & Sons, outfitten~, 69 & 71 W estowhill, NorwoodSE ByenJ & Sellers, perambulator stores, 27 & 29 Atlantic road & china Burtt Arthur, boot maker, 76 Southampton street, Camberwell SE Butler Alban,phys.&surg.ll Park court mansions,ClaphamPk.rd SW & glass warehouse, Pope's road, Brixton SW-T N 700 Y BrixtoD Burtt George, art needlework repository, 106 Lower Clapton road NE Butler AlbertEleazer,Lord Lyndhurst P.H fi3Lyndhnrst rd. PekhmSE Byfield Edward Thomas, piano dealer, 67 Vicarage ro1d, Plumstead Bnrtt Minn:ie (Mr!l.), boot maker, 127B, Stoke N ewingi;on road N Butlel' Alfred Frank, tobacconist, 326 King street, Hammersmith W BygraveAliceLOuisa.(Mdme.),drssma.13 Oanterbury rd.E.BrixtnSW BurtwellAug.Fredk. Tul.Be Hill hotel,98A,Norwood rd Herne Hill SE Butler Alfred Woore, builders' merchant, lA, Abery st. Plumetead Bygrave Charles George, baker, 31 Brockley ri•e, Forest Hill SE Burtwell G-eorge .A.rthur, Crystal Palace P.H. 193 Crystal Palace Butler Ambrosc Stmngc, builder, 332 High road, Kilburn NW Bygmve Frederic George, bootmaker, 17.A, Thrale rd. Streatham SW road, East Dulwiclr SE Butler Arthur I< rnest, shopk~eper. 30 Nelson's row, Clapham SW Bygrave William, shopkeeper, 6 Daintry street, Hackney Wick NE Burvill Robert William, apartments, 23 Farquhar rd. Norwc od SE Butler .A.rthur G. H. beer retailer, 2 Bo rod:lile rd. Wandswortn SW Byha.m Heber, boot maker, 7'.l Beaufoy road, South Lambeth SW Bury Edward, window cleaner, 19 South End road, HampsteadNW Butler Art hur Henry, music teacher, 20 Larkbere rd. Sydenbam SE Bynoe John artfcl. teeth mnfr. Ellesmere, LoamJ.Jit hl. LWllhtn SB J3ury Sidney Arthur, boot repairer, 109 Acre lane, Brixton SW Butler Benjamin, house decorator, 25 Trinity square, Brixton SW Byrd Charles, grocer, 18 Upper Richmond road, Putney SW Busbridge EmilyJane(Mrs.),music tchr.5 Stapleton rd. Up.Tting SW Butler Charles, cutler, 9 High street, West N orwood SE Byrd Edward, builder, 131 Ashmore road, Maida Hill W Busbridge Harold,architect&surveyor,229 Burrage road,Plumstead Butler Charles, waste paper contractor, 4A, Cornwall rd. Peckha.m SE Byrd Louisa (Mrs.), boarding ho. 21 Wilberforce rd. Finsbury PkN' Busbridg-e Herbert Waiter, photographer, 190 Westcombe hill, Butler Charles EdwanJ., shopkeeper, 227 Drew rd. North Woolwich E Byrne Frederick, apartments, 137 The Grove, Hammersmith W Blackheath SE Butler Charlotte (Miss), confectioner, 254 Brixton road SW Byrne Joseph, apartments, 26 Fentiman road, South Lambeth SW Busbridge Thos. Herbt. florist, 110 Forest Hill rd. Ea. Dulwich SE Butler Dan.el Cha les, beer retailer. 401 Battersea Park road SW Bysouth Susan (Madame), costumier, 81 Northcote rd. Battersea SW Busbridge Waiter, builder, Eglinton road, Plum~tead Butler f_dwin ~i"n writer, 20 St. George'>< street, BJ.ttersea SW Bywater Frank, hairdre;;ser, 17 Oharle!l street, Plumstead Busby & Oraker, costumiers, 8 Denning road, Hampstead NW Butler Em est George, apartments, 2 Mount V ern on, Hampstead NW Bywater Jane M. (Miss), ma. 45 Acre lane, W estBri:don SW Busby Alfred, registrar of births & deaths (N. W. sub-district) & Butler Ernest Waiter, painter, 35 Court road, West N orwood SE Cabeldu F. C. & Co. cycle agents, 398 High street, Lewisham SE of marriages for Fulham, 240 Dawee road, Fulham SW Butler Francis, tailor, 170 Crystal Palace road, East Dulwich SE Cable Bros. timber dlrs.20&27 A,Bridgest.Homrtn.NE-TN 1358 Dlstn Busby Edward DavidKent, solicitor,47 Cicada. road, Wandsworth SW Butler J<'rank, beer retailer, 66 Greyhound rnad, Hammersmith W Cable Ernest, apartments, 25 ll-ayton road, Hampstead NW • Busby Henry Horton, chemist, & post office, 564 King's road Butler Frank, greengrocer, 351 Wonlwich road, Oharlton, Kent Gable & Kerr, bootmakers, 56 Victoria road, Peckham SE & 98 Waterford road, Fulham SW Butler Frank grocer, 43 Leverson street, Strea.tham SW Cable Shoe Co.
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