February 14, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E151 Aye on Roll Call vote #5, on motion to sus- Jessi, and his fiance´e Jennifer Bocher, I want Legislator Association recently named Senator pend the rules and pass H. Res. 335, hon- to wholeheartedly congratulate Casey Hillman Legislator of the Year for the year oring the contributions of Catholic Schools. FitzRandolph for his accomplishment. 2001. Senator Hillman continues to be of tre- Aye on Roll Call vote #6, on motion to sus- f mendous service to the state of Colorado and pend the rules and pass H.R. 577, as amend- I am pleased to recognize his achievements ed, to require any organization that is estab- PAYING TRIBUTE TO SANDY today. lished for the purpose of raising funds for the GUTIERREZ In a recent edition of The Wray Gazette creation of a Presidential archival depository Senator Hillmnan was quoted as saying, ‘‘I’m to disclose the sources and amounts of any HON. SCOTT McINNIS truly honored to be chosen for this year’s funds raised. Aye on Roll Call vote #7, on mo- OF COLORADO award among the hundreds of qualified can- tion to suspend the rules and pass S. 970, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES didates nationwide.’’ Mark’s humility makes Designating the facility of the US Postal Serv- him a fine public servant and the state of Col- Wednesday, February 13, 2002 ice located at 39 Tremont Street, Paris Hill, orado is proud of his achievements in the Col- Maine, as the Horatio King Post Office Build- Mr. McINNIS. Mr. Speaker, it is my distinct orado General Assembly. This award follows ing. Nay on Roll Call vote #8, on ordering the pleasure to pay tribute today to a woman the Senator’s recognition in August as Legis- previous question, H. Res. 342, providing for whose incredible heart and extraordinary ef- lator of the Year by the American Legislative the consideration of Motions to Suspend the forts have made an indelible impact on the Exchange Council. Rules. community of Pueblo and the State of Colo- Mark enjoys his position immensely and his Aye on Roll Call vote #9, on motion to sus- rado. Sandy Gutierrez is both inspirational and dedication to his post as state senator is evi- pend the rules and pass S. 1888, to correct a courageous, and a true testament to the inher- dent in his success in the state legislature. He technical error in the Codification of Title 36 of ent greatness that resides in all of humanity. holds the highest degree of personal fairness the United States Code. Nay on Roll Call vote Throughout her life, she has consistently given and integrity while also carrying his strong #10, on motion to suspend the rules and pass, her time, effort and love to others, and it is convictions on to the floor of the state legisla- H. Con. Res. 312, expressing the sense of the with a great deal of satisfaction and pride that ture. House of Representatives that the scheduled I pay tribute to her for the tremendous accom- I am privileged to be a colleague of the dis- Tax Relief Provided by the Economic Growth plishment of being honored by the United tinguished Senator Hillman. The state of Colo- and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 States Justice Department for her significant rado is fortunate to have a man of such integ- passed by a bipartisan majority in Congress civil rights contributions. rity and character to serve it. On behalf of the should not be suspended or repealed. Aye on As Director of the Latino Chamber of Com- citizens of Colorado, and especially those of Roll Call vote #11, on motion to suspend the merce, Sandy has long been a champion of the Fourth Congressional District, I congratu- rules and pass H.J. Res. 82, recognizing the civil rights and has dedicated a significant late Senator Hillman on his recent achieve- 91st birthday of Ronald Reagan. Aye on Roll amount of her time and efforts to improving re- ments. Furthermore, I ask the House to join Call vote #12, on agreeing to H. Res. 343, lations in the Pueblo community. Recently, her me in congratulating State Senator Mark providing for consideration of H.R. 3394; tireless efforts and extraordinarily selfless en- Hillman for this high honor. Cyber Security Research and Development deavors culminated in the creation of the f Act. Aye on Roll Call vote #13, on passage of Pueblo Human Relations Commission, a 15 H.R. 3394, the Cyber Security Research and member panel which will discuss divisive com- TESTIMONY OF BETTY R. MOSS Development Act. Aye on Roll Call vote #14, munity issues, and a long-time dream of approving the Journal. Sandy’s. Along with Diane Porter, Sandy was HON. WILLIAM D. DELAHUNT f responsible for the Commission’s creation, OF MASSACHUSETTS which will undoubtedly serve as a catalyst for TRIBUTE TO CASEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES more open discussions on race related issues FITZRANDOLPH Wednesday, February 13, 2002 and other controversial issues facing the Pueblo community. Like all true pioneers, Mr. DELAHUNT. Mr. Speaker, as we debate HON. TAMMY BALDWIN Sandy had to overcome a great deal of oppo- the merits of reforming our nation’s pension OF WISCONSIN sition to see her dream come to fruition, and system, I would like to share with my House IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I commend her for her courage and persist- colleagues the experience of Ms. Betty R. Wednesday, February 13, 2002 ence in the face of such opposition. Moss, a recent retiree of the Polaroid Corpora- Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Mr. Speaker, I am honored to stand before tion. Her compelling testimony, prepared for recognition of Casey FitzRandolph, Olympic you today in order to bring the accomplish- delivery before the Senate Committee on Gold Medal winner at the Salt Lake City ments of such an extraordinary woman to the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, paints games. This year’s Olympic Games have a attention of this body of Congress. Sandy a vivid and disturbing portrait of the vulner- special meaning to Americans who have come Gutierrez has been instrumental in improving ability of workers and retirees under our cur- together with unity and pride in these troubling her community and her state, and I, along with rent pension and bankruptcy laws. I ask my times. I rise today to pay tribute to a con- the people whose lives she has so profoundly colleagues to consider her poignant words, stituent whose incredible accomplishment affected and enriched, are eternally grateful and join with me in enacting new protections made us all proud to be Americans. for everything she has done. I wish to offer to ensure retirement security for all workers Casey FitzRandolph, of Verona, Wisconsin, her my sincere congratulations today on the and retirees. won the Gold Medal yesterday in the 500- creation of the Pueblo Human Relations Com- TESTIMONY OF BETTY R. MOSS BEFORE THE meter Men’s Speed skating competition. He is mission and for the tremendous accomplish- SENATE COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, the first American to win the Gold in this com- ment of being honored by the United States LABOR AND PENSIONS, DATED FEB. 7, 2002 petition since Eric Heiden, also from the sec- Justice Department for her efforts. I wish her Good morning. My name is Betty Moss, ond district of Wisconsin, swept the Olympics the best of luck in all of her future endeavors. and I am a former Polaroid employee. I am in Lake Placid in 1980. accompanied today by Karl Farmer, chair- f man of the Official Committee of Retirees When he was five years old, Casey for Polaroid Corporation. I am also accom- FitzRandolph proclaimed that he would grow TRIBUTE TO STATE SENATOR MARK HILLMAN panied today by counsel for the Official Com- up to be just like Eric Heiden, who was there mittee of Retirees, Scott Cousins, of Green- cheering Casey on in his Gold Medal victory berg Traurig. last night. Another Wisconsite, Kip Carpenter, HON. BOB SCHAFFER I am 56 years old and I live in Smyrna, took home the Bronze Medal as well, skating OF COLORADO Georgia with my husband, Lawrence. We have been married for 32 years and have one in the final pair with Casey in a very special IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Olympic moment. son, Tom. Wednesday, February 13, 2002 I started working for Polaroid more than In the spirit of Eric Heiden, Dan Jannsen 35 years ago as a file clerk, soon after fin- and Bonnie Blair, this new generation of Wis- Mr. SCHAFFER. Mr. Speaker it is an honor ishing high school. My job was eliminated consin speed skaters has made their state, to rise today to express congratulations to an last July, and I retired from Polaroid, fin- their nation and the entire world proud. outstanding member of the Colorado State ishing my career as the Senior Operations In recognition of the sacrifice of his parents, Legislature, Senator Mark Hillman of Bur- Manager of Polaroid’s Atlanta Business Cen- Jeff and Ruthie, his grandparents, his sister lington, Colorado. The National Republican ter. VerDate 11<MAY>2000 03:50 Feb 15, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13FE8.021 pfrm02 PsN: E14PT1.
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