ICPDR MeetIngs For final dates, please consult the ICPDR calendar, available at www.icpdr.org. DanuBe watCH THE MAGAZINE OF T HE DANUBE RIVE R / W W W. I C P dr .O R G 2 /2009 14-15/9/2009 saRajevo, BosnIa anD HeRzegovIna PRogRamme anD MeasuRes exPeRt GrouP 15-16/9/2009 BuchaRest, RoManIa task GrouP on GrounDwateR 17-18/9/2009 vIenna, austria tIsza GrouP 8–9/10/2009 BuchaRest, RoManIa PuBlic PaRticipatIon exPeRt GrouP DeClaRatIon oF Vienna 12-13/10/2009 To Be DetermineD The substantial preparatory work of recent MonItoring anD assessMent EG years was rewarded in June 2009 with the foundation of DANUBEPARKS through the 29-30/10/2009 To Be DetermineD signing of the ‘Declaration of Vienna’. The RIveR BasIn ManageMent exPeRt GrouP speaking with one voice on important issues. An Danube River Network of Protected Areas will The Danube River is additional priority for project partners is the develop- guarantee an ongoing collaboration among home to a rich biodi- versity, with protected 10-11/12/2009 Vienna, austria ment of nature tourism in the Protected Areas. The Protected Areas along the Danube as well as the realisation of transnational projects areas playing an essential creation and realisation of joint visitor concepts and role in the protection ICPDR OrdinaRy MeetIng addressing diverse conservation issues. programmes within the framework of DANUBE- of that biodiversity. But PARKS should help to strengthen each individual area A budget of € 2.7M will support this pilot for many species even 6 DANUBe DAY 2009 administration and serve to anchor the protected area project over the next three years. large protected areas are not big enough for their ShaReD wateRs more firmly in its own region. protection, especially protected area regarding management tasks and for organisms with – joInt “Especially important is the exchange of ideas and cement their role in conservation tasks at a national large territories and ResPonsibilItIes migratory species, hence experiences among the Protected Areas,” says Eszter level. DANUBEPARKS should enable the Danube Dw 03/09 uPCoMING ISSUE Buchert, Deputy Director of the Duna-Drava National Network Protected Areas to speak with one voice the need for transnational 22 conservation measures. a new Plan FoR Park. “We all are facing similar problems and can thus MInISTERIAL MEETING 2010 on behalf of the shared natural heritage of the Credit: Baumgartner wateR ManageMent learn from each other. I am particularly excited about Danube. BUSINESS AND NATURe: ONE EURoPe - MoRe NATURe The first ever management plan for the developing and implementing joint activities and ideas Danube River Basin has been drafted. for nature tourism.” For more information, please visit: www.danube PLANNED BIOSPHeRe RESERVE ON MuRa AND DRAVA parks.org. RESULTS FRoM tHe TWINNING PROJECt In CROATIa 25 PRoteCtIng tHe At the same time, collaboration at a transnational joInt Heritage oF level should expand the horizons of each individual Georg Frank is the Project Manager DANUBEPARKS. euRoPe A new network of protected areas in the the network of Protected areas within the Danube River Basin expands cooperation, coordination river basin is providing a new quality in and consultation and strengthens links between 12 national parks and protected areas in 8 Danube conservation. countries. Fold out to see a map of this network. ICPDR — International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River DANUBE WATCH 27 Secretariat, Vienna International Center, D0412, P.O. Box 500, 1400 Vienna, Austria, Tel: +43/1/260 60-5738, Fax: +43/1/260 60-5895 e-mail: [email protected], www.icpdr.org 3 Letter to readers 10 Putting the Danube Box to 16 Supporting a regional 22 A new plan for water the test understanding of climate management – for 2015 and 4 News & events change beyond 12 Cooperation for common 6 DANUBE DAY 2009: solutions 18 Partnerships beyond the 24 Collaboration between Shared Waters – Joint basin cities and regions generates Responsibilities 13 Majority of Europeans be- the new European Danube lieve quality and quantity of 20 The Danube is on region 9 Borealis joins the water is a serious problem everybody’s agenda Business Friends of the 25 Protecting the joint heritage Danube partnership 14 Fishing the entire Danube 21 Looking into the future of of Europe in just 42 days the Black Sea 12 10 12 11 Zagreb, Croatia 9 8 20 This 25 June marked four Bratislava, Slovakia years since the creation of the International Sava Over 70 people participated River Basin Commission to in the Second ICPDR implement the Framework Stakeholder Forum to discuss Agreement on the Sava the draft Danube River Basin River Basin. Management Plan. 10 Budapest, Hungary 7 From over 400 entries, 8 teams advance to the Nati- 5 1 onal Final for the Hungarian 6 Danube Box competition, held at the Geological Insti- tute of Hungary. 3 2 4 Partner of the Danube River Network of Protected Areas 1 Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve 7 Duna-Drava National Park 2 Srebarna Nature Reserve 8 Duna-Ipoly National Park 3 Kalimok-Brushlen Protected Site 9 Danube Flood Plain Protected Landscape Area 4 Persina Nature Park 10 Zahorie Protected Landscape Area 5 Special Nature Reserve Gornje Podunavlje 11 Donau-Auen National Park 6 Nature Park Kopacki Rit 12 Danube Flood Plain Restoration Area Neuburg-Ingolstadt www.danubeparks.org Dear readers, Credit: Slovak Ministry of Environment An enormous collective effort ended on 18 May: the funding. Despite the economic crisis, it will be crucial draft of the Danube River Basin Management Plan has to find investments for these activities. Clean water been finalised and offered to the public for discussion. scores high on the agenda of the European citizen as the article on page 13 shows. Therefore taxpayers’ Over 250 dedicated experts provided professional and money also needs to be spent in this field. We will personal efforts to develop this Plan, a key element work towards this goal. requested by the EU Water Framework Directive. It is my task to thank all of you for your dedication and for However, I would also like to underline that the basin- adding to this plan, which will now shape our coope- wide river basin management plan is an addition to the ration and joint activities from Germany to Ukraine national plans which have been developed in all Danu- and the Czech Republic to Montenegro. be countries that are members of the European Union and are under development in Croatia, Bosnia and It goes without saying that integrated and multi- Herzegovina and Serbia. These national plans are held disciplinary documents like the Danube River Basin together by the international plan – together they will Management Plan also have weaknesses – we are aware shape the management of the Danube and its tributa- of this. Some of the open issues such as the sediment ries for the coming years ... for the people and the na- problem and the ongoing pressure from infrastructure ture of the Danube River Basin. development have been pointed out in the public par- ticipation process. We hope to include some of these In conclusion, I would like to thank many, many peo- issues in the final Plan, which will be ready by the ple throughout the basin who contributed to the end of the year. Others will take longer and can only Danube River Basin Management Plan. I hope that by be included in the next cycle of the EU Water Frame- continuing to cooperatively work together, we can work Directive. But be assured that we will continue meet the ambitious goals we have set. our efforts beyond the finalisation of this first Danube River Basin Management Plan. Olga Srsnova Having a Plan is one thing – the other is how to im- General Director of the Division of Waters and Energy Sources at the Slo- plement it. Our challenge now is to secure the needed vak Ministry of Environment and ICPDR President for 2009 IMPRINT For a free subscription Owner/Publisher: ICPDR – International Commission for the to Danube Watch, or Protection of the Danube River, Vienna, [email protected]; to contribute to Danube Executive Editor: Jasmine Bachmann; Editor: Kirstie Shepherd; Watch, please contact Design: Agentur 7, Sylvia Kostenzer; Cover photo: Kovacs; [email protected] Print: Druckerei Janetschek, Vienna Danube Watch is Danube Watch is the official magazine of ICPDR, the International available on the web Commission for the Protection of the Danube River. Danube Watch at www.icpdr.org enhances regional cooperation and information sharing on sustainable water management and environmental protection in the Danube River Basin. It reports on current issues affecting the Danube Basin, and Danube Watch is printed on action taken to deal with challenges in the river basin. Striving on Arctic the Volume for scientific accuracy while remaining concise, clear and readable, it 150 & 100 g/m2. Arctic is produced for the wide range of people who are actively involved in Paper holds a FSC the Danube River Basin and are working for the improvement of its traceability certificate. environment. The ICPDR accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to information or opinions of the authors of the articles in this issue. DANUBE WATCH News & events ImpacTs of climaTe chaNge in souTh-easT euRoPe A report by the European Centre for Nature Conservation (ECNC) describes the impacts of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystems for South- East Europe (SEE). Many SEE regions are areas most vulnerable to climate change where the highest future impacts of climate change can be expected, such as increased flooding, crop failure and changes in species distribution. The ECNC is an independent organisation working for the conservation and sustainable use of nature, biodiversity and landscapes.
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