PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE By Dona Kay Renegar Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About: #yourLSBA or many years, we, as an expected when they called a lawyer’s of- practice and in their ethical standards, Association, have battled the fice. He encouraged us to remember that and we must lift up those members who perception society has about our communities need lawyers as we are are struggling to meet those standards. lawyers and our practices. A an essential component of a civilized so- That is the duty society has entrusted us Fnumber of years ago, television shows ciety and will continue to serve that pur- with in allowing us to manage our own like “The Public Defender” and “Perry pose regardless of the changes in tech- members, and it is an honor. Mason” gave society the first visual rep- nology or availability of legal forms from In this day of the 24-hour news cycle resentation of the practice of law, albeit the Internet. Darrel is right and, while I and the need to be the first to break a in a criminal setting. With the increase welcome the inquiry into society’s per- story, as opposed to getting the most ac- in television shows about the practice ception of lawyers, I suggest that there curate story, our most troubled members of law, the opening of our courtrooms to is little control we have as an association often get attention. I intend to spend my the media and the advancement of social to change that perception by looking out- year celebrating our members who get media, our everyday practices have had side of our membership. We do, however, up every day and diligently represent little effect on society’s perception of have the ability to promote our members, their clients with the highest of ethical what we do. Members of our community, their dedication to the practice of law, the and professional standards and with no depending upon how old they are, see us necessary role they play in our justice expectation of recognition or gratitude. as characters from “LA Law,” “Law & system, and the time and resources they I would like to share their accomplish- Order,” “Ally McBeal,” “Boston Legal,” devote to their communities. ments with you via the LSBA’s social or even “The People’s Court” and “Judge The practice of law is the last self- media platforms this year by using a new Judy.” We, as a profession, know and un- regulated profession in our state. While hashtag, #yourLSBA. I will recognize derstand that these shows are not indica- we have citizen members who serve on our members who are mentors to young tive of how we practice, the professionals our disciplinary committees, our citizens lawyers and officers of the court in the that we are, or the difference we make in have decided that, solely due to our deci- truest sense of that term, and those who a civil society. Yet we struggle against sion to become lawyers, we are entrust- use their legal skills to benefit their com- the media’s representation of lawyers and ed with disciplining our own members. munities. Over my years of practice, I the practice of law and the skewed image Doctors are not allowed to regulate their have seen many of these attorneys and I those representations create in the eyes of own practices. Nurses are not allowed have chosen a few to recognize now. our citizens. to regulate their own practices. Social Danny Landry acted as a curator in a I suggest that the numerous shows workers are not allowed to regulate their divorce case on behalf of an absentee de- on television, the advancement of so- own practices. But, we, as lawyers, are fendant. After being unable to locate the cial media, and the competitive nature allowed to set the high standards to ob- defendant and taking the necessary steps of the practice of law in Louisiana will tain a law license, maintain that license attempting to do so, he filed an answer continue to control society’s perception and represent our fellow citizens in our and the matter was set for trial. The at- of lawyers. A year ago, 2016-17 LSBA courts of law. That level of trust also torney for the plaintiff sent a young as- President Darrel Papillion asked us to brings a great responsibility. We must sociate to handle the trial of the matter consider what members of our society celebrate our members who excel in the and she struggled to properly introduce 78 August / September 2017 2017-18 LSBA President Dona Kay Renegar during the Installation Luncheon at the LSBA Annual Meeting in Destin, Florida. Photo by Matthew Hinton Photography. the necessary exhibits and ask the correct torneys share with their communities and champions who, with every day of prac- questions to establish her case. The judge are a source of pride for #yourLSBA. tice, represent our profession with grace became anxious and somewhat frustrat- Maria Losavio was asked by her lo- and dignity. I hope that each story shared ed, and the young attorney became even cal court to represent children in certain will chip away at the negative percep- more nervous as the hearing progressed. juvenile law cases (Children in Need of tion some may have of our profession Danny moved for a recess, invited the Care or CINC) to ensure that their inter- and begin to build a new admiration for young attorney into the hallway, and ex- ests were protected. After being trained the practice of law and the integral part plained what needed to be done to estab- as a CINC attorney and serving in that lawyers play in both our justice system lish a case. The professional courtesy and capacity, she became a qualified foster and our communities. mentoring Danny Landry shared with parent so she could foster a family of I am so proud and honored to rep- that young lawyer represents the very children who needed to be placed in a resent this association and its 22,000+ best of #yourLSBA. safe environment while their mother got members, and I look forward to meeting Ric Mere’s oldest son attended school the help she needed. Maria agreed and as many of you as I can in the next year. with a young man whose home life be- fostered a family of four siblings, pro- I will continue our partnership with the came unstable and whose basic physical viding them with a safe, loving home Louisiana Supreme Court and am so ap- needs were not being met. Out of con- and keeping them together as a family preciative of the support our association cern for this young man, the Mere family unit. The court now appoints Maria, by receives from our highest court. Not discussed inviting him into their home agreement of the parties, as an advo- all state bar associations are so fortu- and family. After much discussion and cate for children with special needs or nate to have that relationship with their by unanimous agreement, Ric, his wife unique issues in private divorce or cus- Supreme Courts. I look forward to shar- Kathy, and their sons, David and Andre, tody matters to make sure the children ing with the state of Louisiana the fine sought temporary custody of the young get the support from the school system work of our members both inside and man and brought him to live with them and counseling they may need to suc- outside the courtrooms of our state. as a member of their family. This young cessfully navigate the emotional litiga- You are champions of justice every man flourished under their care and con- tion. Maria Losavio’s dedication to the day you walk into your offices, with trol. They had struggles along the way justice system and selfless commitment every client you meet, every piece of and the road was not always easy, but of time to help those who have no rep- advice you share and every argument they persevered and created a trusting, resentation and need it desperately are you make. I am honored to count myself loving relationship with their new fami- examples to which we all should strive amongst your numbers and look for- ly. Ric and Kathy now have legal custody in #yourLSBA. ward to championing your efforts every of this young man and speak with such Over the next year, I ask each of you day of my tenure as your president. pride of their three sons and the wonder- to share with me similar actions of law- ful family they have crafted out of love. yers in your local jurisdictions so that I Ric Mere and his family are shining ex- can recognize them this year as I travel amples of the generosity and devotion at- around our state. They are our silent Louisiana Bar Journal Vol. 65, No. 2 79.
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