AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. VOL. L] NEW YOKK, SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 18G8. [No. 15. PUBLISHED .WEEKLY BuY THE THIED AVENUE ASSESSMENT. the work to have been completed and accepted THE introduction of a resolution in the when they had rejected the whole street for 0. W.' SWEET. &-C0., Common Council, for paving Third avenue, one block. The taking a- bond to do the work, ROOM B, AVOELD ButLnutG, No.v3T PABK Row. and Avithholding part of the money, did not from Eighty-sixth to One Hundred and obviate the difficulty. That work hjoia not been ' TERMS. Tenth street, Tvith Belgian pavement, Ave moke done to the time of the trial, and yet the own­ Six months, payable in advance $3 00 the occasion for a fcAv comments, which we ers have been assessed for it. trust AviU have the effect of preventing the an­ We do not, under this proceeding, inqnire PRICE 6F ADVERTISING. whether the work is weU done or done accord­ 1 square, ten lines, three months $10 00 noyance, the injustice, and the expense caused ing to the contract, so far as relates to the ma­ 1 square, single insertion '..... 1 00 by non-compliance Avith contracts, and the ir­ terial or workmanship; and if thia were all, Special Notices, per line 20 regularities which have to a large extent pre­ there Avould be no groimd for our interference vailed in some of the departments. on that account, but when it appears that the certificate was given, with a full knowledge TO OTJR PATRONS. We last week caUed attention to the fact that that the work was not finished, it Avaa a Ariola- WE have refrained, so far, from saying any­ the Croton Aqueduct Board had caused the tion of the contract, Avhich prohibited the thing about the RECORD as an advertising work of paving 2d avenue, from 61st to 86th contractor from receiving payment until the whole work was completed, and was unjust to medium; but as the trade has begun to find street, to be stopped, because it was sought, in the owners who were assessed for its payment. out the benefit of using our columns, we may •violation of the contract, to furnish imperfect The application should be granted and the be pardoned for adverting to that topic " just stone for that work. This was just, and showed assessment vacated. once," a degree of watchfulness on the part of the Our circulation is principally among the f ol- Croton Board, that properiy OAvners, as well as THE " Fernando Wood Lease" is about to loAATaig classes. the general public, have cause to be thankful come to a conclusion. A few days Avfll deter­ 1st. Real estate agents and dealers. for. mine whether, as some people say, the whole 2d, Large property holders, land and build­ We regret that when the contract for paAring thing was'' a put up job." We hope, for the sake of the honor of our city, it may not turn out to ing associations, banks, and capitalists who 3d avenue, from 110th street to Harlem River be so, and if the contract was made in good have heavy sums invested in real estate or was made, the same interest had not been faith, that further expense to the city wUl be buildings, manifested, and a like care had not been exeir- avoided and the lease executed. It does no 3d. Architects, builders, contractors, plumbers cised, as in the case of the 2d avenue pav­ credit to the intelligence or integrity of our and gas-fitters, lumber and timber dealers, ing. legislators, lawyers, and judges to exhibit such moulding and planing mills, manufacturers and But "an ounce of prevention is worth a a spirit as this case has evoked. It is demoral­ dealers in brick, lime, stone, plaster, drain and pound of cure," and much good may be done izing and destructive in its influence upon the sewer pipes, windowglass, and all other kinds of by the Croton Board, in the interest of the city public, and introduces into our system of gov­ materials used in the construction of a building, and the OAvners of property, if, in the work of ernment a principle that, in time, will sap its paving 8d avenue from 86th to 110th street, from the f oundationto the roof, very foundations, unless checked. NOAV, while the RECORD would be a poor pa­ the contractor is held to a strict accountabili­ per, in which to advertise for a partner, a trot­ ty, and not allowed to impose upon the city THE Evening Post and several other papers ting horse, a Avife, a cook, or a lost dog, it is the a bad job for which some property owners have ask why, if New York wants the East River very best possible medium by which to reach to pay, and others avoid, as in the case of the navigation improved, do not its merchants put certain lucrative and important branches of the 3d avenue above 110th st. their hands in their pockets and pay for it ? business. The value of this paper is not to be As pertinent to this, and as a matter of The answer is plain. measured merely by its circulation, for, more great interest to property OAvners, we give 1. The East River improvement is a na­ than any other paper published, it is kept in beloAv an opinion of Judge Ingraham, con­ tional, and not a local matter, and the nation, files for reference. Hence, it is looked over by curred in by Judges Sutherland and Barnard, not the locality, should pay for it. fifty persons while other weekly papers are of the General Term, Supreme Court: 2. It would not be fair for a few doAvn read only once. toAvn merchants to pay for an improvement There are a multitude of trades which M t7ic mattei' of t7ie petition of Wm. O. Wood and ot7iers, to vacate assessment for paving which would directly benefit other people's must (yet use the RECORD, and to whom other T7iird Anenue. property at the expense of their OAVU. papers are of no sort of value. Property to be We have heretofore held that it was irregu­ 3. Nor woiild it be just to expect a few bought and sold, finds its proper place in our lar, Avithin the meaning of the act of 1858, to property owners on the north-east side to pay columns; while all the materials which enter do several things which are complained of in this petition, among which are the f olloAving: for the improvement when it would equally into the construction of- houses have no other 1st. The contract and .specifications did not benefit land oAvners in Westchester county, and means of getting their merits before the pub­ proAdde for takiog up the gutter stones and on Long Island, who would not pay a cent. lic. We cannot spare space to tell all the paving in their place Avith Belgian pavement, but on the contrary required the contractor, to There is only one fair thing to do. Congress trades which wiU yet find it indispensable to readjust the gutter stones Avherever necessary, should appropriate at least one milKon dollars use the columns of the RECORD. Avithout charge. In violation of this he removed for this great national work, and part of the We have not said much on this subject while the gutter stones, and substituted the pave­ expense might be assessed upon the adjoining making up our subscription lists, but now ment under the assent of the Water Purveyor, at the request of some of the owners. There property. that we can boast of haAring on our books all Avas no authority for this, and it Avas outside of the reputable real estate dealers, builders, the contract. BY reference to advertisement in another architects, and property holders in New Tork 2d. The assessors Avere wrong in including column, parties interested in assessments for and Kings counties, we cannot be accused of in their assessment a charge for making the regulating, grading, flagging, &c,, wiU observe assessment. This we held some time since to egotism in claiming very great value for the be erroneous. Avhat have been referred to the Board of As­ RECORD in certain lines of business. Send in 3d. It was irregular and erroneous for the sessors. They wiU also ascertain the limits in your advertisements and try us. Commissioners of the Croton Board to certify Avhich fche assessments are imposed. REAL ESTATE REGOJaD. :' ESSEX County, N. J., is about the most active any member of the board of trustees of ^ said association, Lord, Hajmes Ss Co., Dry Good Com .'.•".:..- " shall receive any,compensation for services rendered by Manara, T. &Co., Im^its. & Com ;."..• .'. " region around New York, so far as real estate Place, Fletcher, MerclBroker .'-. :•...'.: " them, in discharging the duties of their'.respective Salem, AVm. Ss Co., Shipping & Com;.....'.; '.. " is concerned. The volum.e of changes, especi­ officers. Steele & Co., Brokers ....;• •.•....;.'.. '^ ally around Newark, is literally immense. This Thorpe, C. A., Cabooses ;'..-.-..•..;. 1... •" § 4. The said association shall, in addition to the power Availing, H.F., Maps: ..' ' " last named locaUty, by the way, is destined to and authority conferred by the first section of IJiis act, AVebster, T, A. R. & Co., Commission " be one of the great cities of the Union. have a building stock of one hundred thousand dollars, AViUiams, J, H., Broker • ' " AVolff, Max A,, Cigars & Crockery Assigned which said stock shall be divided into shares of twenty- 'flA'e dollars each, to be appUed to the purchase of a site, NEAV TORK STATE.
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