April 2018 Photo by Louise Imbeault www.newedinburgh.ca Melting snow, warmer weather and longer days have us looking forward to spring flowers. Sundae School set to return this summer as Bridgehead’s next door neighbour By Christina Leadlay and vacated earlier that year by explains in an email to the Karen Harrison Details Home Apparel. But New Edinburgh News. Ice cream fans will be happy Bridgehead President and “When we considered this to learn that Sundae School is CEO Tracey Clark con- alongside the fact that the set to return this summer, but firmed to NEN in March that cost of expansion would have in a new location: next door plans have since changed. been the same as building to Bridgehead on the corner “Although it’s true that a brand-new Bridgehead, we of Beechwood and Putman. at sometimes a seat is hard opted not to expand, but to New Edinburgh News to come by, the reality is renovate instead.” reported in October 2017 that for eight months of the The renovations, which took that Bridgehead had initially year, our patio doubles our place this past December and considered expanding their seating and the additional January, included tiling the coffee shop into the space space is not needed,” Tracey Continued on page 8 NECTAR programs continue at 255 MacKay as conditional sale moves ahead By Sean Flynn, chair of lightly and was the result of the summer of 2017, and NECTAR a number of conversations attracted considerable interest In early 2017, the Board at with many in the community. from a wide range of buyers. NECTAR embarked on a Although it was a sad day However, given the unique journey towards preserving its for some, marking the end characteristics of the build- remaining assets and gradu- of five years of community ing and the current zoning of ally shifting its focus towards ownership of this splendid the property, it proved to be a more sustainable approach old house, we are excited to a challenging proposition for to delivering programming look at how we can continue most buyers, who were typi- and community events. The to serve the community and cally looking for more turn- collaborate with other part- most significant part of this key properties with fewer journey was the decision to ners and organizations going hurdles to overcome. sell New Edinburgh House forward. located at 255 MacKay St. The house was official- Late last fall, the board was This decision was not taken ly listed on the market in Continued on page 3 Syrian refugee family to arrive this month By Abby DeWolfe The MacKay United Church growing crisis in Syria. We After two long years of wait- is our Sponsorship Agreement held a fundraising party ing for our Syrian refugee Holder and Norma McCord, approximately two years ago family to arrive in Ottawa, the who has helped in welcoming and it was wonderful to bring New Edinburgh Welcomes many refugees to Ottawa, has together a diverse group of Refugees (NEWR) group been instrumental in guiding people who shared a common is happy to announce that our group along the way. desire to make a difference. the refugee application has This journey began in the A core group was formed and been approved and the family fall of 2015 when a couple NEWR was connected with a should be here in April. of us had the idea to con- displaced Syrian family liv- NEWR is a group of individ- nect like-minded people in ing in Beirut, Lebanon. uals from our community that the neighbourhood to make The family consists of a has come together to sponsor some small contribution to young couple in their 30s a refugee family from Syria. help those affected by the Continued on page 14 Page 2 New Edinburgh News April 2018 With springtime come concerns regarding health, flooding and road safety as temporary solutions to an actual flood situation – such as building sandbag walls along the riverfront in stra- tegic areas – Poirier replied Cindy Parkanyi that he was relatively new to the job and would review NECA President the New Edinburgh Flood Control Study (2015) and explore the possible options for moving forward. The City In the past, when New place Apr. 11 at 5:30 p.m. at was asked to take a more Edinburgh residents have the Fieldhouse. proactive approach to plan- heard booms and blasts com- Flood prevention ning for these events, par- ing from the park area, it was Another sure sign of spring ticularly given the intricacies considered a positive sign of is the rising water level and of establishing mitigation on things to come – blasting of swift current in the Rideau National Capital Commission the river ice, which meant River. Luckily, it appears lands and the delays associat- warmer weather, spring flow- that aside from the very real ed with obtaining approvals. ers and the sweet sound of dangers of the swiftly flow- NECA will be following up chirping birdlife. This year, ing water, the threat of major with Poirier and Councillor however, the sounds also por- flooding this year is not high. Nussbaum to explore pos- tend a period that will be Nevertheless, in anticipation sible next steps. bittersweet – spring weather of the potential of flooding, and blossoms mixed with Dufferin sidewalk exten- City staff and Councillor sion unmitigated and excessive Tobi Nussbaum held a Flood noise and diesel fumes waft- Mitigation Information At its Mar. 20 meeting, the ing in through (now open) Session on Mar. 19 at St NECA Board of Directors windows. Bartholomew’s Church Hall. approved in principle a New Edinburgh Community There were a number of motion to request that the Association (NECA) Board tables set up displaying emer- City consider extending the Photo by Liba Bender members and residents have gency preparedness informa- sidewalk along the south Boats belonging to the crew that helps break up the Rideau river ice, as seen from the St. Patrick street bridge. been steadfast in raising the tion, specifically how to pre- side of Dufferin Road from noise and air quality issues pare for or recover from flood- Crichton Street to the west to the Combined Sewage ing. Pierre Poirier, Manager side of the driveway leading Storage Tunnel (CSST) proj- of the City’s Security and to the back of the townhouses ect staff at the Community Emergency Management that face onto Crichton. The Construction Monitoring Department, spoke to the Traffic and Safety Committee Casting Committee (CCMC) table. small crowd about the differ- will work with the City to The response from the City ent activities and groups that ensure appropriate consulta- Call project staff thus far has been are involved in flood response tions take place with affected consistently underwhelming and the measures that indi- residents once design and and unapologetic. We will viduals can take to prepare engineering plans are more for continue to push for appro- for (or prevent) flooding of fully developed. priate mitigation to protect their properties. When asked If you would like to get the health and wellbeing about specific plans for mea- more involved with your See page 3 for details NEN! of residents and are inter- sures that the City would take community or would like ested in hearing about any in case of flooding in our par- to provide input on NECA’s other issues of concern that ticular area, either as a per- activities, please feel free to Stanley Park Fieldhouse we should raise at the next manent solutions – such as contact me at cparkanyi@ Sunday May 6, 2-4 p.m. CCMC meeting, which takes installing a berm or wall – or yahoo.ca. Your NECA Representatives 2017-2018 NECA Meetings - All Welcome The NECA board meets nine times a year, normally on Dave Arnold [email protected] the third Tuesday of each month at 8:00 p.m. No meet- Ted Bennett Treasurer, [email protected] ings in July, August or December. During October, NECA Roslyn Butler Secretary, 613-746-8037, [email protected] holds its annual general meeting (AGM) and a regular Natasha Cappon [email protected] board meeting. Joe Chouinard [email protected] Meetings will be held at the NECTAR Centre, 255 Matt DeWolfe President, Crichton Community Council, [email protected] MacKay St. Meetings are open to all New Edinburgh Ann Davis [email protected] residents. Anyone wishing to make a presentation to the Sean Flynn Chair of NECTAR, [email protected] board should please contact Cindy Parkanyi in advance to Gail McEachern Heritage & Development, [email protected] arrange scheduling. Our next meetings are: Philipp-Clemens Nowotny [email protected] Tuesday, April 17, 8 p.m. Cindy Parkanyi President, NECA, 613-745-8734, [email protected] Tuesday, May 15, 8 p.m. Ex officio: Any changes to this schedule will be posted in advance on Christina Leadlay New Edinburgh News, 613-261-0442, [email protected] the New Edinburgh website, newedinburgh.ca. April 2018 www.newedinburgh.ca Page 3 Wanted: local talent to join our team NEW EDINBURGH NEWS is the time, the energy and 255 MacKay St., Ottawa, ON K1M 2B6 the commitment to spreading local news. Now in our 41st year of Publication dates: Oct. 1, Dec. 1, Feb. 1, April 1, June 1 publication, NEN is a not-for- Christina Leadlay profit, volunteer-run commu- Deadlines: Sept. 10, Nov. 10, Jan. 10, March 10, May 10 nity newspaper, so we can’t Publisher: New Edinburgh Community Alliance Managing Editor pay you for your photos or Advisory Committee: writing. But you will get the satisfaction of seeing your Roslyn Butler Carolyn Brereton name in print when we pub- Jane Heintzman David Horley We have an incredible team local events and local peo- lish five times a year, know- of volunteers who run the ple? Or are you handy with a ing all the latest news and Louise Imbeault Gemma Kerr New Edinburgh News.
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