ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1943 X-lll—Vol. XXIV Inter-Fraternity Council Steber And Prokop Placed Cancels New Year Hops On AP All-American Teams Preference Shown Jackets Strongest New Year's Dance ODK Selectees Late information to The TECH­ For Name Band In S. E. Conference NIQUE confirms statements that At the regular monthly meeting of there will be a dance on New By Scott Kelso the Tech Interfraternity Council last Year's Eve at the Naval Armory. Sunday, plans for the final dances Admission price and sponsors are Coach W. A. Alexander's Sug­ ar Bowl team achieved nation­ sponsored by the Council at the close still undecided but the traditional wide renown this week by plac­ of each semester were discussed. welcmoe will be observed for 1944. ing John Steber, giant guard, on President John Gattey revealed that the Associated Press All-Amer­ the set of four dances which were ican football team, and Eddie tentatively scheduled for New Year's Prokop, flash halfback, on the would have to be called off since no ROTC Displays second team. Such a record, bands were available in this vicinity coupled with winning the South­ at that time. eastern Conference champion­ Bands available in January were War Materiel ship, gave the Yellow Jackets a found not acceptable, and the Council well-deserved reputation as voted to hold a one-day set of two "strongest in the deep South." dances at some week-end in Febru From Germany Speculation in the Atlanta area on ary. It will be until later in the the outcome of the New Year's Day month before the band to play will Japanese and Italian classic in New Orleans has yet to hit be signed and announced. its peak, though Tech is expected to A motion was made that the I. F. C Among Represented be a slight favorite among S. E. C. sponsor some function on New Year's | By GERALD WEISS sports writers. Much of this specula­ Eve for the whole campus, using local tion is based on the fact that six of bands. Upon objection of most of the On Thursday, December 2, the reg­ Tech's squad took positions on the fraternities that they had planned af ular military drill of the basic Army International News Service All-South­ fairs of their own at this time and R.O.T.C. was interrupted by a timely eastern Conference team. These men that interest would possibly be small, and interesting display of American were Bill Chambers at tackle, Phil this was voted down. and captured German, Italian, and Tinsley at end, Frank Broyles at quar­ President Gattey and Dean Field Japanese bombs, explosives and booby Outstanding Seniors tapped this week by OmicronDelta.Kappa.national honorary society, are shown above. From left to right are Scott Kelso, Paul terback, and Bob Cummings at cen- gave interesting comments on their traps. The display was presented by Lee, Loche Thomison, and Jack Baldwin. Photo was taken in front of class ^ besides Steber and Prokop. Also >l recent trip to the National Interfra the Ordnance Department and the of '32 graduation gift near the Administration Building. gaining honors on the I.N.S. second ternity Council meeting in New York. material was from the Aberdeen team were Jim Wilson, George Hills, Dean Field announced that he had Proving Grounds, and Major Leonard Buster Beall, and Mickey Logan. " invitetr Beair -jRarmimdo de Ovies, of was the lecturer. The enemy equip­ Thomison, Baldwin, Lee, Further credit to Coach Alex is the St. Phillip's Cathedral, to speak to ment was gathered by bomb disposal fact that he becomes the nation's first a group of fraternity men in the officers who discovered enemy projec­ Chapel of the Main Building Wednes tiles which failed to go off at impact. coach to send teams to the four major day night, December 15, on "Prob­ Kelso Selected By ODK post-season bowls. Having won in 'both Among the displays were a few lems of Fraternity Life in the War." the Rose Bowl and Orange Bowl and past secret weapons. One of the most The Council heartily endorsed the having lost in the Cotton Bowl, Tech's effective was a parachute bomb used National Honorary Dean's action and suggested that af mentor will attempt to trim a strong by our troops against the Japs on fraternities spend their regular meet­ Ex-Tech Man Tulsa eleven, who seek revenge for New Guinea. The bomb opens up on ings that week in attending the Retains Standards their previous loss in Tulane Stadium the way down and the enclosed incen­ before 73,000 fans. speech. Dean de Ovies is a fraternity Scott Kelso, Locke Thomison, Jack diaries and anti-personnel bombs Is Promoted Of unusual interest in John Steber's man himself as well as a speaker of Baldwin, and Paul Lee, have been cover a wide territory. A 75 mm. football career, which climaxed in all- wide repute, and should deliver a tapped by ODK, national leadership shell which is fired from a cannon on H. Crosswell Raised American rating, is that he played for challenging address. fraternity and highest campus honor, the B-25 medium bomber aroused a Vanderbilt University last year be­ at a ceremony last Tuesday. The good bit of interest. A butterfly type To Rank of Major fore entering the service. Upon selec­ formal initiation will be held next bomb which was used by the Germans Promotion of Capt. Horace Alfred tion to the Navy V-12 program, he Combined Glee week and will be conducted by the with good results against our troops Crosswell, of Atlanta, Ga., to the was sent to Tech, where in one season faculty members. proved to be an extra-sensitive booby rank of Major, was announced at he rose to captain of the Sugar Bowl ODK is a national leadership or­ Clubs Entertain trap. A plane flying 250 feet over headquarters of the 2nd Ferrying team. Football history recalls few this missle would set it off by the ganization founded in 1914 in order The combined glee clubs of Geor­ Group, Ferrying Division, New Castle such records. Also complimentary to vibrations of its engines. Other ex­ that outstanding student leaders gia Tech and Agnes Scott College will Air Base, Wilmington, Del. him was Coach Alexander's remark hibitions included several anti-tank might be recognized on their respec­ present their annual Christmas pro­ Major Crosswell is the son of Mr. that it was hard to find anything tive campuses. ODK points are won gram in Presser Hall at Agnes Scott and anti-aircraft shells, parachute and Mrs. Gower Crosswell, 920 Adair (Continued on Page 6) by participation in various fields of on Sunday, Dec. 12, at 4:30 P.M. flares, high explosive bombs and avenue, N.E., Atlanta. activity on the campus. These fields The chorus will sing the Hallelujah shells, detonating devices and many Major Crosswell was graduated of activity include those of Leader­ Chorus and other selections from miscellaneous types. The lecture em­ from Boys High School in Atlanta ship, Athletics, Publications, Social Group Debates Handel's "Messiah"; several famous phasized that if the men were to ever and attended Georgia Tech. He was Speech, Music, and Scholarship. In Christmas selections will also be pre­ enter a combat zone, they should employed by the Atlanta Constitution order to be eligible for membership sented. Mr. Walter Herbert, Tech never pick up supposed duds for for a year. a minimum of 30 points must be won At Agnes Scott Glee Club director, is in charge of souvenirs, as many of these suppos­ In February, 1941, he became a representing at least 3 different fields the concert and will direct the chorus edly dead shells are merely clever flying cadet and received his com­ The M. L. Brittain Debating So­ and 10 points of which must be in with the assistance of Mr. Johnson, booby traps which will explode vio­ mission as a 2nd Lieutenant Sept. 26, ciety has challenged Agnes Scott Col­ the field of leadership. (Continued on Page 6) lently upon being touched. 1941. A month later he was assigned lege to debate on the subject of Mili­ Scott Kelso has served as editor of to the Ferrying Division and in April, tary Government in Occupied Coun­ THE TECHNIQUE, and treasurer of 1942, was promoted to 1st Lieuten­ tries After the War. Plans are being the IFC. He is also president of made to challenge Emory University Rest In Peace ant. He won his Captaincy in July, Kappa Alpha Fraternity and a mem­ 1942. and the Georgia Evening College. ber of Who's Who as well as a mem­ Poor Strong Heart, half wirehair, half dachsund! A friend has passed Last week, the debating club dis­ ber of the Bull Dog Club, the Yellow away. Poor, dingy Strong Heart, seen padding silently, weakly about the cussed the reorganization of our Jacket Club, and Student Council. environs of the chow hall, leaning against a tree for support, trailing along Chemical Engineers armed forces into Army, Navy, and Locke Thomison, who was recently the outskirts of the pack, or standing uncertain in the middle of the street. Air Corps. Next week, the topic for nominated for recognition in Who's discussion will be farm subsidies. Smutty little dog—an insignificant life, and an ignominious death at the Hold Annual Fete Who Among Students in American wheel of a ruthless automobile. The debating club meets every Mon­ The Georgia Tech Student Branch Colleges and Universities, is editor day evening at seven forty-five in Poor heart, Strong Heart suffered greatly.
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