f.10 PWSS-HCTAID OCTOMR 31, 1«*4 Area Crusade §,-„„;„„ QllCOll to 1 waders S*t ~ n x Report Meet \l El Caiiiino Grid Games Thr first report for thr Hsrhor »rra I'mlrri Miw Tina Kdmund^on. an S!iP has nudp everal profcs- with Tina arc Chciyl fairy. Cheese Perks Salad fnuadr n scheduled lomor- iR.yrsr-old psvcholoo- maior.lsiona appearance,*, and Kathy Pp7so, Priscilla Hub row »t the Ports OTall res­ \\\\\ rrien t* Ihe 1!H»4 Kl Ca-'hossa novs rrcnrd she re- FrPtwrp Crpamy C f-e Ipned. Whip pream: f"ld Into hart and Shrrrie MrC'ormirk rnix'iire vlth chps^ss. taurant. urcordmE to Crusade (".rid Queen dur-;corded. "Call Me a r'nnl,"' ctirryl is the Ifl-year-old rv :, r Mol'1 rirly In til day cplniin Official* let it rhitl well heft 'e rle-i parP) hal' e, pore and dice 8 the remaining Rames ofjmade the top »0 in Louisiana dauclitrr of Mr. and Mrs. T liqhtinc family ami f lends ppar>; Md into mlxturp with t football spawn. \Vhrn asked about hrr his-jf. fatry of Rednndn Reach with thU lan - celery. Turn Into R.jnch She was selected over l7iKe.it singing thrill. Tina stated, \i Aviation HI eh School. iilateri Individual break­ Blue rh '. cottage (fipe.-ie. square p,in: chill imMI firm, candidates during hal-,that it was sin cine at thej where she graduated in 196,1. fresh C a or ni a H|rtlett \vith an irr pvfam scoop or downs of the J22.4R2 rollfrt jloting hy the Associated Men "Battle of the Band?." a con-jchpryl was a princess on the The har pear?, celery, onloj and. spoon, .sjHvm chilled mixture rrl srr nnt available i Students test put on by the l>os Angeles Mardi (Iras Court and a mem­ Torrance. whipped cream provjle It i ni 0 lettuce cups. Sprinkle hor area includes Wmnine queen titles ls|^oun«>' Park" and Rr ber of the drill team. i with charactpr giilore. j w ith paprika. Gardens. San Pedro. Wilming- new for the 1963'Department. She plans to enter the field! Now is the time of jf'ur to Makes « to 8 sen-Ings, ton. falos Verdes. Rolling! avor California Ifirtlelti _-. .. Hills, l.omita. and Harbor Leimncer HiRh School grad-i At the contest she was of modeling or teaching after! one of the top young completing courses at Kl City uate. While attending lx>imn voted of the year in South­ Camino. I'nited Crusade is a fund- ger she was a song queen in vocalists CHEESE CHICKEN her junior and senior years ern California. raising partnership between KAT1IY, daughter of Mr, I'nited Way and 13 county and also gathered honors as Tina, who would like to 1 ; rup cold «nter Sports Queen and Olympian I sing professionally in the fu and Mrs. Joseph D e z z o of .IS DELICIOUS chapters of the American Red Manhattan Beach, is a 17-year- I tnblrsptiiin Inwliinl Cross L'nited Wav was form- Girl lives in Lawndale with inlnrril onion ! I This variatiuii ot the fried ed last year. combinnip 3S ... |her mother. Mrs. Ruth Ed old art major. ; She graduated from Mira 1 tattlrxpoon lemon jlnlcc 'chicken theme Is being widely fommuniiy chests and united! IX ADDITION to winnine mundson. Costa Hiqh School this spring, 1 4 tr.i-|H.on suit 'acclaimed. Dip chicken pieces funds that represent 310Jqueen titles. Tins is well-| where she was a member of 1 rnvrliipr plain Kfhilln into a Hpht butter or a mix­ srncirs in thr county 'known for her musical talent. REIGNING as princesses ' cup n hipping CK-IIII the drill team. At the present 2 clips rollaur i h<-f»p ture of lightly »alted beaten time slip is a member of El eggs and a bit of water. Caminn's Kl Cametles. Roll or dip carefully Into a K a t h y plans to graduate firsh liilifor s-hallo\v rxnvl of Parmesan from KC and then go to Art n.iillrll pr. chi>o=e or a combin.Ttion of DENTAL PLATES cup finely dic •t| cilery Center School. hrearl cnimhs mlxwl with Rfpair & Rtlmet While U-Wait PRISC1I.I.A. a spring grad­ f.eHnce rnp» grated rheddar cheese. Fry In EASY ALWAYS uate of Washington High NO REASON l« too Into for lint-hi-mlnc In Southern Faprikn a small amount of salad otl. CREDIT COMPLETE DENTAL SERVICE LOW School. Is the daughter of Mr. r*lif»rnln nnil tnrkey provides the mcnt irhtrh lrn.l« lt«cl( An even more exotir flavor tflTnmblT '" lhl< method of prrpnratlon. Tnrkrj* art Combine water, onlt I, lem­ and Mrs Frpd H. Hubbart of i gela- TERMS IN ONE OFFICE PRICES prlreil In rung' for everyone noil Ihrlr pmlpln content Is on Juire and nalt; stir variation is achieved by nail- Inc'ewood. tin to soften. Dlssoh over'teoing rnincp<l garlic In ohve The 17-year-old sociology rtrh. • 34 MOV ro r*Y hot water. joil, removing the garlic and major would like to he an Cool until slightly thick-1 frying the chicken as twial. OPEN IVCS * SAT PENTOTHAL airline stewardess or social Difficult C*M« iFOR SLEEP! worker in the future. Wild Rice Is Star Wtlconwd FOR EXTRACTIONS AND FILLINGS A 1962 graduate of Olen- Wl WELCOMI UNION DENTAL PATIENTS dora High School, Sherrie is • rMt w vtvr Un'** O«*tf»l ftrmt «Md <•» tt'l* Ml* vev Ml tfrm Mrt the daughter of Col. H. E. LINDY OPERA CO. McCormick of Palos Verdes. for Turkey on Spit NO APPOINTMENT A member of the El Ca­ Presents NECESSARY Phone Barbecued turkey teams per-isplt forks and roll the rod on FAirfox mino Honor Society, the 19- fectly with many foods but It palms of hand to rherk bal- The Lot Angela Art Theatre's World Premiere year-old business administra­ really stars when served with'anee. tion major plans to go into a bed of wild rice. | Tie serurely. Insert ther- In Repertory of 8-0250 business management. Top vour serving of turkey mometer into thickest part of DR. TARR and rice with a rich cheese thigh. CRIME AID PURNISHMENT , . 2418 TORRANCl BLVO TORRANCE Torronc* Family Credit Denrilt Prayer is the very highest sauce and garnish with Around and Around energy of which the human chopped parsley. Pla' e a dl| P Pa". m:'(le "' HA1LET..."POE" NFA» CBENSHAW GROUND FLOOR -MODERN AIR CONDITIONED OFFICI heart is capable. Samuel Turkevs are a good l,uv eco 'leav-v (1!lt-v >"">'«"" foil. In * Coleridge. nomirallv and nutritionally nt. or *oals- ,." , .!>|)i,t, * i * •*• for thevare favorably priced B"l|ih turke-v w ' h , »'«dj otl Guy Stockwell . John Larkin . Marvin Miller and provide rich source of orbastmgsaace If desired. 11 1 1 n g and a company 30 Directed by Donald Freed body building protein. drippingsa from foil pan while To round otit your menu barbecuing. Add charcoal as erve pineapple ilices and new1p(, ,o mi, intain r(K>klnK LINDY OPERA HOUSE buttered broc-coll with your hp., f Tni)1 ,s a verv important turkey- and rice entree. 'procedure and should be done Wilihire of LoBrei WE 7-4440 WE 7-3500 Sp»t BarberuM Turkey |gradually. If twkey 1» frozen, thaw.l Turkey Is rt.-ne when ther- rlni* and pat dry. Ignite char-j'"0"1*'^ registers 1HS degrees Ii. coal at hack of firebox and or wn'n thickest part of drum- HAMLtT Oct. ». S p.m. O<t. 14, p.m. when coali are ready, knc>rk . ^Jfeelsjoft.________ off th» grey ash. Brush Inside! CRIMI t PUNI9IMINT 0<t. 2), S jm. Sun., Ort. 2S, 2:30 f.m. Tick-lock... tick-tock... of bird with «alt or bastlngj Autumn Is the time for •TO€" Ott. 2T .58. J». JO. J1 (•»«•> naure, nceordlng to prefer- house-c leaning In many $«i.<Uy, N»y. lit, 2:30 p.m. ence. homes. If you hnve a food Insert spit rod In front of freezer, perhaps you'll he PRICtS: Tuwiay - the Bourbon that tall, run diagonally through thinking about checking Its Sunday IM«t«i*« S3 SO-S3.00 $2 SO-S2 00 tht bird tnd hart it come out contents to tee that you have Fndoy . Saturdtr fE>Mln«<) S4 00 S3 00 S7 50 $2 00 didii t watch the clock! at the breast hone. Tighten '.rotated the foods. ANYONE CAN ENTER! THE WHOLE FAMILY WINS! i i CHARTER metri-cola's Kentucky's Fines! Itourbon I years old 7/JlJt; A thrill-packed week of Celebrity Living for a family of four! * A week of luxurious living at the famous it Dine- with start «t th« celebrated Hollywood Continental Hotel on Sunset Strip Brown Derby. * You are guests of MGM Studios lunching at the * Enjoy dinner and slow at the renowMd studio commissary end tounnn the stages and Crescendo on Sunset atrip. sets where "The Unsinkable Molly Brown" was filmed. * Dine at the piotureequ* Sporteman't Ledge hi A You'll tour Columbia Studios, watch the filming the Valley. and meet the stars during lunch In the studio * Thrill to an exeWng evening tt <* ' U Dtec commissary. * Enjoy a deluxe tour of the fabulous Movteltn4 * You are guests at Warner Brothers Studios Wax Muieum. where you tour the sets and watch the actual filming of the new TV series "Wendy and Me," * Dine at the famous Luai in Beverry Hills. starring George Burns and Connie Stevens, and "No Time for Sergeants," starring Sammy A Enjoy dinner at the Pirtsien Restaurant oft Jackson.
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