PROGRAM SEMPL 2019 MARKETING MEDIA Thursday, 28 November INNOVATION Start. Fail. Innovate & Kick ass! Ali Mahlodji, Co-Founder, Chief Visionary & Chief Storyteller, WHATCHADO.COM European Youth Ambassador & EU Ambassador for the New Narrative, Austria Look back to drive forward PORTOROŽ Lauren Kelly, Founder & Design-Psychologist, BehaviourStudio, UK 28./29. 11. Boom vs. Doom in the Digital Age 2019 Ivan Ivanov, Marketing and Communications Manager CEEMCA, Discovery, Bulgaria www.sempl.si Three Lessons in Creative Effectiveness #sempl2019 Chiara Manco, Assistant Editor, Case Studies, WARC, UK Is Voice the New Click? Simon Dunlop, Co-Founder, Instreamatic London, UK What Is Conversational Commerce & Why You Should Care Tim de Boer, Business Development Director, Liveperson, The Nederlands The Mindset Of Unlocking Future Opportunities Jonathan MacDonald, Private Advisor, Keynote Speaker, Bestselling Author, UK Success in the Digital is an Inside Job: In-housing for Competitive Advantage Alessandra di Lorenzo, CEO, Forward, lastminute.com’s media company, UK How to Rock Experiences at Scale Maëva Le Rosch, Director of media Europe, Mastercard, UK The Secret to Growth in Digital Marketing Stefan Carrington, Founder at Poplartree & eCommerce Revenue Growth Consultant at Electrolux, UK Friday, 29 November Silence: In the Age of Noise Erling Kagge You’ve got the best fuel for our marketing tools Momchil Elenkov, Telco & B2B Partnership Director, Rakuten Viber, Bulgary Planet Audio 2025 - Audio use of the Future Charlotte Hager, Founder and Owner, Comrecon Brand Navigation Institute, Austria The secrets of the voice or how it impacts on your media messages Emma Rodero, PhD, Researcher and University Proffesor and Director, Media Psychology Lab, Spain Demystifying Digital Influence Maddie Raedts, Founder and CCO, IMA, The Nederlands TikTok and the Gen Z revolution Maira Genovese, Founder & CEO at MG Empower, UK How to Integrate Traditional and Online Media Samuel Scott, Marketing Speaker and Columnist for The Drum, Israel Brand vs. Bland Vikki Ross, Copy Chief, UK What Great Innovators Do Differently Greg Satell, Innovation and Transformation Advisor, USA Marketing with Attitude Phil Kemish, Brand builder, award-winning marketer & international speaker passionate about positively impacting people & the planet DEEP DIVE, DAY 1 DEEP DIVE, DAY 2 How design can(not) affect online sale Power breakfast session: How to empower an Innovative Culture Emma Rodero Greg Satell Saša Stanković, Digital Media Manager, mmb media agentur, Croatia Greg Satell, Innovation and Transformation Advisor, USA Jonathan MacDonald Power BI: Set up your own marketing dashboard Mobile-first creative approach on Instagram Rok Pirnat, Director at B2 BI, Slovenia Eva Škedelj, Head of Facebook Slovenia IT’S HARD YOU STAY AHEAD The love affair of Content Marketing and SEO Fake News in Marketing COMFORT ZONES Sabina Bevc, SEO and Content Marketing Manager at Red Orbit, Slovenia Iztok Sila, Founder at Sila Consulting, Slovenia TO PROVOKE BY CONTINUALLY What the heck is Native? AI Impact: 7 tips for enjoyable drive time ARE NOT WHERE Isabel Becker, Customer Success Team Lead Europe & International at Goranka Jednak Maksimović, Head of Radio Production Unit RTV Vojvodina, Audio Content Zemanta, an Outbrain company and Simon Pekolj, Customer Success Consultant, Serbia, Emma Rodero, PhD, Researcher and University Proffesor and Director, EMOTIONS WITH LOOKING FOR A THE MAGIC Manager at Zemanta, an Outbrain company Media Psychology Lab, Spain, Charlotte Hager, Founder and Owner, Comrecon Brand Pitch to win Navigation Institute, Austria and Simon Dunlop, Co-Founder, Instreamatic London, UK AN ARTIFICIAL NEW PROBLEMS HAPPENS Vesna Sodnik, Communication Skills and Public Speaking Trainer, Diggital Ad of the Future Business Coach and Director at Beseda, Slovenia Damjan Planinc, director and partner, Get Interactive, Slovenia VOICE TO SOLVE Sustainable Growth for European eCommerce Stefan Carrington, Founder at Poplartree & eCommerce Revenue Growth Consultant at Electrolux, UK Sempl2019_215x290+3_NASLOVNICA_24-7.indd 3-4 15/10/2019 13:41 21 .SEMPL - 2 dni +13 nagrad - 9 žirantov Lidl trgovine + 3 v bližini = × NAGRAD LIDL 26 sempl LS_v2_nve.indd 1 27/09/2019 13:45 KEEP PUTTING OUT GOOD. IT WILL 21 .SEMPL COME BACK TO YOU. lthough you only recognized the major part recent months. We want to bring you even closer to of the increase SEMPL in quality in recent the experts from whom we can learn in November. years, the basis was laid a long time I believe that this reading will be the first glimpse ago. Probably nobody knows that already of what you can expect from this year's SEMPL, and A that it is an extraordinary announcement of the dni in 2011, when I was running my first SEMPL, we - 2 hosted as many as 28 foreign speakers, including hottest trends in the media and communications Steven van Belleghem and Google and The Walt industry. We have invested a lot of knowledge, time Disney Company representatives. I myself am and above all money in this program. Unfortunate- positively surprised when I look at one of the past ly, quality, be it an event, a service, a good digital programs and notice that sometimes we were too expert, a sophisticated media strategy or an extre- advanced and talked about trends for which the mely creative solution, costs a lot. We are very gra- nagrad market was far from ready. And this year will not be teful to all those who acknowledge and appreciate +13 any different. Rightly so. We have to keep up with our efforts every year, be it through the purchase the world. of tickets or sponsorships. And I want quality to be evaluated and rewarded everywhere in the only Here is the updated SEMPL 24/7 magazine in whi- right way - with the right payment. This is the only ch we have compiled some interesting conversati- way for all of us who do something for the good to - 9 žirantov ons that we have had with some of our speakers in write even more success stories! Lidl trgovine VALERIJA PREVOLŠEK DOBRO SE + 3 v bližini MANAGING DIRECTOR AT MEDIA POOL AND PRESIDENT OF THE SEMPL CONFERENCE Z DOBRIM DIREKTORICA MEDIA POOLA = × IN PREDSEDNICA KONFERENCE SEMPL PLAČA eprav vas večina dvig kakovosti SEMPL-a vorci. Vse v želji, da vam strokovnjake, od katerih prepoznava šele zadnjih nekaj let, je bila se bomo lahko učili novembra, še bolj približamo. osnova zastavljena že pred časom. Verje- Verjamem, da bo to branje prvi vpogled v to, kaj Čtno nihče ne pozna dejstva, da smo že leta lahko pričakujete od letošnjega SEMPL-a, in da 2011, ko sem vodila svoj prvi SEMPL, gostili kar gre za izjemno napoved najbolj vročih trendov 28 tujih govorcev, med katerimi so bili npr. odlični medijsko-komunikacijske stroke. V program je FOR SEMPL2019 /ZA SEMPL2019 Steven van Belleghem in govorca Googla in The vloženo ogromno znanja, časa, predvsem pa tudi SVET24, informativne Walt Disney Company. Tudi sama sem pozitivno denarja. Žal kakovost, pa naj gre za dogodek, sto- vsebine, d. o. o., presenečena, ko pogledam katerega izmed prej- ritev, dobrega strokovnjaka za digital, dovršeno Vevška cesta 52, 1250 Ljubljana -Polje šnjih programov in opazim, da smo bili včasih še medijsko strategijo ali izjemno kreativno rešitev, Editor/Urednica: preveč aktualni in govorili o trendih, na katere trg stane. Vsem, ki ta naš trud vsako leto prepozna- Mateja Špiranec še zdaleč ni bil pripravljen. Tako bo tudi letos. In vate in ga cenite bodisi z nakupom kotizacij bodisi Journalists/Novinarji: prav je tako. Moramo iti v korak s svetom. s sponzorstvi, smo izjemno hvaležni. In želim si, da Nejc Simšič, Karolina Marolt Design/Oblikovanje: se kakovost povsod v naši stroki začne vrednotiti Urban Aršič Pred vami je prenovljena revija SEMPL 24/7, v in nagrajevati na edini pravi način – s korektnim Circulation/Naklada: 2000 kateri smo zbrali zanimive pogovore, ki smo jih v plačilom. Le tako bomo lahko vsi, ki delamo dobro, NAGRAD October 2019/Oktober 2019 zadnjih mesecih opravili z nekaterimi našimi go- napisali še veliko zgodb o uspehu! 3 LIDL 26 sempl LS_v2_nve.indd 1 27/09/2019 13:45 SEMPLER AWARD WINNERS 2018 / NAGRADE SEMPLER 2018 GRAND SEMPLER BEST MEDIA STRATEGY OF THE YEAR THE BEST MEDIA THE REAL LIFE ESCAPE ROOM STRATEGIES OF 2018 Client: Unicef Slovenia Advertising and media agency: Agencija 101 Production: Perfo PRODUCTION Credits: Irena Stamenkovič, Tjaša Jazbinšek, IN THE REGION Amadea Ris, Sašo Petek, Jure Korenč GOLDEN GOLDEN SEMPLER SEMPLER STRATEGIC BEST USE OF THE TARGETED MEDIA MIX LAŠKO CHALLENGE CAMPAIGN PART OF THE GAME Lottery of Bosnia and Herzegovina Client: Pivovarna Laško Union Client: MITA Group Advertising agency: Luna \TBWA Advertising and media agency: Sarajevo Media agency: Media Publikum MITA Group Sarajevo Production: Kinomotel Production: Asif Osmanagic, Nedim Hamzic, Alma Credits: Janez Rakušček, Saša Droftina, Urška Cerar, Credits: Nina Zadnikar, Medeja Kraševec Ajanovic, Azra Pilav, Ermin Soco 4 GOLDEN SEMPLER INNOVATIVE USE OF THE COMMUNICATION CHANNEL #UNWANTED Client: NGO Women's Rights Center Advertising agency: McCANN Podgorica, McCANN Beograd Media agency: Universal Media Podgorica Credits: Jana Savić Rastovac, Sandra Vujović, Vladimir Ćosić, Ivan Čelebić, Jelena Roganović Jana Savić Rastovac, Sandra Vujović, Vladimir Ćosić, Ivan Čelebić, Jelena Roganović NAJBOLJŠE MEDIJSKE STRATEGIJE IZ REGIJE V LETU 2018 GOLDEN SEMPLER PAINT IT BACK BEST Client: Scouts of Croatia EXPERIENTIAL CAMPAIGN Advertising and media agency: Imago Ogilvy Production: Panorama Credits: Igor Mladinovic,
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