February 3, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S527 Before I do that, I see the chairman that the effort we put in was a lengthy It is an issue which I think is essen- of the subcommittee is here. I ask Sen- effort and much compromise—nobody tial to the national security of the ator BOND if he has anything further to got really all they need, which, unfor- American people. If we don’t learn say insofar as the highway bill is con- tunately, is the nature of a com- from our mistakes, we are bound to cerned. promise. make those mistakes again. It is high Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I thank the Again, I appreciate the comments time we have gotten around to it. chairman, the good Senator from Okla- made. I hope all of us can get together In the past few days, the administra- homa. He is doing a wonderful job. I and move quickly. We are ready to tion and the world have come to under- have been listening to the comments of offer an amendment. I gather we are stand and acknowledge on a broad our friend from Arizona and I under- urged to wait until tomorrow morning. basis the colossal intelligence failures stand his concerns. In order to achieve If others have amendments, I hope we that led us to war, a war that may have equity, in order to get the bill passed, can be open for business tomorrow and led to good ends, but the Nation clearly we were only able to give certain get going because there are lots of didn’t come to those conclusions on the States, under the formula, an increase pressing amendments and there are basis of the information we now seem that maybe in all rights was not ade- issues that need to be voted on. I hope to be discovering. quate. But anybody who gets a 40-per- we can get up and running and begin a There is a question about means to cent increase is certainly doing better very important debate and have votes an end that I think is pretty simple in than most. on these amendments. I thank the Sen- the kinds of discussions I think all of I have driven the highways in Ari- ator. us have in the families and in the com- zona, and I know that my colleague Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I thank munities in which we live. I don’t from Arizona does an excellent job rep- the Senator from Missouri. I also think we want to get into a position resenting his State. I hope the addi- would like to say that it has been a where means justify ends when they tional $1.118 billion will be a help. very difficult task developing this leg- don’t relate to them. I just point that This is a problem we always face on islation. While it seems as though all out as some of this discussion has the highway bill. I don’t know any some colleagues want to talk about is evolved. State that cannot make a compelling the formula in terms of money, there On January 8, Secretary of State case that they have needs that are are many other issues we dealt with— Colin Powell addressed the lack of con- greater. The chairman of the full com- environmental issues, streamlining nection between Iraq and al-Qaida, mittee and I are sitting on the first or issues, safety issues, issues that are of stating; second and third worst roads and the paramount concern to everyone. A I’ve not seen a smoking gun, concrete evi- first and second worst bridges in the compromise was made on all of those dence about that connection. Nation. I am not getting a 40-percent issues—some I don’t like, but we did We were told something different. increase. I can tell you in detail about compromise. Then the President, in his latest friends who have been killed on the f State of the Union Address, referred highways in Missouri because there MORNING BUSINESS only to weapons of mass destruction was too much traffic—10,000, 15,000 cars and related program activities, what- a day on narrow two-lane roads. This is Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I ask ever that is—a far cry from the active a huge problem. unanimous consent that there now be a nuclear program and stockpiles of The State of Oklahoma is a major period for the transaction of morning chemical and biological weapons Southwest-to-Midwest freeway. My business, with Senators permitted to warned of in his last State of the Union State is in the center of the States. speak for up to 10 minutes each. Message in 2003. Mr. CORZINE. Reserving the right to When you look at a map that shows the It was last week’s testimony from truck traffic and you identify the object. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. David Kay, the man responsible for the major corridors by red lines, the center weapons search in Iraq, that finally COLEMAN). The Senator from New Jer- of Missouri is a big red spot, and St. sey. brought this matter to maturity and Louis is a big red blotch on the map; Mr. CORZINE. Mr. President, I won- captured the attention of the Nation, there is that much congestion. der if the Senator from Oklahoma will the administration, and the world, and We were very proud to have the first allow for 20 minutes speaking as in that has really changed the whole con- interstate in the Nation under Presi- morning business. text of this debate and discussion. dent Eisenhower’s bill, starting Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I amend Dr. Kay, a man who told us last fall through St. Charles, MO. That is the that to up to 20 minutes for the first that Iraq’s nuclear programs were only good news. But the bad news is that the speaker and 10 minutes thereafter. at the most rudimentary level, told the road is badly out of shape, and there is The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Senate Armed Services Committee not enough money in this highway bill objection, it is so ordered. there was no evidence of stockpiles of even to make a beginning on repairing Mr. CORZINE. I thank the Chair. chemical or biological weapons. it. The Missouri Department of Trans- Mr. President, I, too, respect very David Kay has made an important portation may be able to make some much the challenges the chairman of recommendation—one that I think has improvements. We are giving them the committee and the ranking mem- been obvious for a number of months— some options on how to deal with it in ber have been able to work through. I that an independent inquiry be estab- our State, but it is clearly a pressing look forward to a good, healthy debate lished so that the American people, so need. about some of the specifics. I think we that the allies of the United States and I can make a case that Missouri is are on the right track. those who would work with us, so that the demographic center, because as f all of us who are involved in policy- many people live north of us as south making know we have the facts that of us, and as many people live east of INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS allow us to make good decisions so us as west of us. The national traffic Mr. CORZINE. Mr. President, I rise that we are not committing the lives of flow is through the State. We have to speak on an issue about which I our men and women in our military to needs. We don’t increase at 40 percent, have spoken a number of times and efforts that are based on false prem- but we had to stay with the funding which I passionately believe needs to ises, whether those are intentional or formula because this is a compromise. be addressed—frankly, it is one that is unintentional. We are trying to take care of everyone well past the maturation stage where We need to have the right answers, and meet the needs that are pressing, it should have been addressed—and and that recommendation apparently meet the highest priority needs, and we that is an independent look at our in- has now led—some might say forced— were not able to do it. telligence operations, particularly as the President to announce he will We want to work with our good they relate to the pre-Iraqi invasion name a panel to look at the intel- friend from Arizona. We understand his and how conclusions were drawn, so ligence issues related to Iraq. concerns and we thank him for his kind that can speak to the American people I welcome the President’s reversal on comments. Again, I will have to say about the facts we had. this critical need, and I suspect we will VerDate jul 14 2003 02:04 Feb 04, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00145 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G03FE6.079 S03PT1 S528 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 3, 2004 see a reversal of support for that con- lem with analysis? Or was there a prob- it might be misuse. Some may argue it cept among my colleagues, about lem in selectivity and use of the intel- is selectivity. I think we need an inde- which there have been some healthy ligence provided? pendent commission so we can get to debates in the last months.
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