Tender No.NB11-32/001-2019/ Security Tender/Mayapuri, Okhla &FCI Regional Office/ FOOD CORPORATION OF INDIA REGIONAL REGIONAL, NEW DELHI Tender No.NB11-32/001-2019/SecurityTender/Mayapuri, Okhla & FCI, RO, Delhi/ Date: 17.08.2020 INVITATION TO LIMITED TENDER AND INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS EMPANELLED WITH & SPONSORED BY THE DIRECTOR GENERAL OF RESETTLEMENT (DGR) FOR PROVIDING SECURITY SERVICES TO FCI PROPERTY & PERSONNEL. Critical Dates: Tender Publish Date and time Date 17.08.2020 at 14.00 P.M. Tender Document Download Start Date/time Date 17.08.2020 at 14.00 P.M. Tender Document Download End Date/time Date 24.08.2020 at 12.00 P.M. Online bid submission Start Date/ time Date 17.08.2020 at 14.00 P.M. Date 24.08.2020 at 12.00 P.M. Online bid submission End Date/ time Date and Time of online Technical Bid Opening Date 25.08.2020 at 12.00 P.M. Place of opening the Technical Bid FCI, Regional Office, New Delhi. NOTE: If the date fixed for opening of the Tenders is subsequently declared as holiday, the Tenders will be opened on the next working day following the holiday but there will be no change in time for opening as indicated above. A. The offer shall remain open for acceptance upto and inclusive of 24.09.2020 and if the date upto which the offer would remain open be declared a holiday/Sunday for the Corporation, the offer will remain open for acceptance till the next working day. B. The General Manager(Region), Food Corporation of India, Regional Office, New Delhi, may at his discretion, extend this date by a month and such extension shall be binding on the Tenderers. C. The General Manager(R), Food Corporation of India, Regional Office, New Delhi for and on behalf of Food Corporation of India reserves the right to reject any or all the Tenders without assigning any reason. D. FCI will not enter into negotiation with any Tenderer including the Lowest Tenderer. IMPORTANT NOTE 1. The Tender document and other detailed terms & conditions can be downloaded at CPP Portal ( https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app). Besides, Tender document can also be seen at FCI website ( www.fci.gov.in). 2. Tender documents may be downloaded from Central Public Procurement Portal https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app. Aspiring Bidders/ Suppliers who have not enrolled/registered in e-procurement should enroll /register before participating through the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app . The portal enrolment is free of cost. Bidders are advised to go through instructions provided under the head “Instructions for online Bid Submission” of this tender 3. Tenderers can access tender documents on the website, fill them with all relevant information and submit the complete tender document into electronic tender on the website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app . 4. Tenders and supporting documents should be uploaded through e-procurement. Hard copy of the tender documents will not be accepted. Signature of Tenderer with Stamp Page 1 of 20 Tender No.NB11-32/001-2019/ Security Tender/Mayapuri, Okhla &FCI Regional Office/ INVITATION TO TENDER Tender No.NB11-32/001-2019/ SecurityTender/ Mayapuri, Okhla &FCI Regional Office/ Dated:17.08.2020 Telephone No.: 011-25716962, 25710963, 25710964 Fax No.: 25768006, 25860201 From: The General Manager(Region), Food Corporation of India, Regional Office, Rajendra Bhawan, Rajendra Place, New Delhi-110008. To S/Shri__________________ _______________________ _______________________ Subject: LIMITED TENDER NOTICE FOR PROVIDING SECURITY SERVICES. Dear Sir, ` For and on behalf of the Food Corporation of India (hereinafter called the Corporation) the General Manager (R), Food Corporation of India, Regional Office, New Delhi, invites online Tenders under two bid system at CPP Portal( https://eprocure.gov.in/ eprocure/app). Agencies must be empaneled with and sponsored by the Director General of Resettlement (DGR), for providing security services to FCI properties & personnel etc. at FCI Depot Mayapuri, Okhla & FCI, Regional Office, Delhi for a period of one year, extendable for a further period of one year on mutual consent on same rates, terms and conditions. General Manager (Region) Food Corporation of India, Regional Office, New Delhi-110008. Telephone: 011-25716962, 25710963, 25710964 Signature of Tenderer with Stamp Page 2 of 20 Tender No.NB11-32/001-2019/ Security Tender/Mayapuri, Okhla &FCI Regional Office/ TECHNICAL BID Signature of Tenderer with Stamp Page 3 of 20 Tender No.NB11-32/001-2019/ Security Tender/Mayapuri, Okhla &FCI Regional Office/ GENERAL INFORMATION TO TENDERERS A. PLACE OF OPERATION: FCI Depot Mayapuri, Okhla & FCI Regional Office under Delhi Region NOTE: Notwithstanding the number of the existing offices/depots, the Corporation may during the currency of the Contract, takeover/acquire/construct more offices/depots for its use as and when necessary. Alternatively, it may also be possible for the Corporation to give up or release one or more offices/depots out of those the description of which is given in these documents. In such event the Contract shall not be rendered void and the Contractor(s)/Security Agency shall be bound to supply security as per terms & conditions and rates of the contract and they shall not be entitled to make any claim whatsoever against the Corporation for compensation/revision of rate or otherwise due to increase/ decrease in the number of offices or depots. B. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORKS: The Tenderer/Agency shall provide Security services by providing approx. 49 (forty nine) Security Personnel (45 Security guards and 04 gunman) at different offices/depots under Delhi region or according to the requirement to be intimated to the Agency in writing or otherwise by various authorized officer(s) of the Corporation from time to time. The Contractor/Security Agency shall ensure safety of properties and personnel of the FCI Offices/depots by deploying Security Guards round the clock in three shifts of eight hours. The total sanction strength of all Security Personnel is inclusive of leave reserve and no separate reliever is to be provided. Hence, no relieving charges will be payable. The number of security personnel may vary as per requirement of FCI. The Tenderer/Security Agency must get themselves fully acquainted with size and location of offices/ depots before submission of Tender and rates quoted by them. C. VOLUME OF WORK: Subject as hereinafter mentioned the Corporation do not guarantee any definite volume of work or and particular pattern of service at any time or through-out the period of Contract. The mere mention of any item of work in this Contract is not by itself confirm right on the Agency to demand that the work relating to all or any item thereof should necessarily or exclusively be entrusted to them. The Corporation will also have the right to appoint one or more Agency at any time viz. at the time of award of Contract and/or during the tenure of Contract for all or any or all the services mentioned hereunder and to divide the work as between such Agency in any manner that the Corporation may decide and no claim shall be made against the Corporation by the Agency by reason of such division of work. D. Tenderer/Agency shall formulate and submit a security plan on the basis of the criteria indicated in Annexure-‘A’. E. In case the rates are quoted in a manner other than as mentioned in Price Bid, the Tenders are liable to be rejected. The Tenderers should not incorporate any condition in the Tender as Conditional Tenders will be summarily rejected. 2. The Contract, if any, which may eventuate from this Tender shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the Contract as contained in the invitation/& General information to the Tenderers and given in this Tender Form and its Annexures and Appendices. 3. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (i) Only the DGR empaneled and sponsored Security Agencies shall be considered for participating in the Tender. (ii) The tenderer should possess ink signed copy of the Sponsorship Letter and upload scanned copy of Sponsorship letter. Tenderer should have original of Empanelment Certificate (with photograph and signature of Proprietor/Directors). (iii) Tenderer should have PSARA Ack/License for Operation in the State of NCT of Delhi and upload a scanned copy with the Technical Bid. (iv) The Tenderer should have PAN of Income Tax and upload a scanned copy with the Technical Bid. Signature of Tenderer with Stamp Page 4 of 20 Tender No.NB11-32/001-2019/ Security Tender/Mayapuri, Okhla &FCI Regional Office/ 4. DISQUALIFICATION CONDITIONS. (I) Tenderer who have been blacklisted or otherwise debarred by FCI or any Department of Central or State Government or any other Public Sector Undertaking will be ineligible during the period of such blacklisting or for a period of 5 years from the date of blacklisting/debarment, whichever is earlier. (II) Any Tenderer whose contract with the Food Corporation of India, or any Department of Central or State Government or any other Public Sector Undertaking has been terminated before the expiry of the contract period at any point of time during last five years, will be ineligible. (III) Tenderer whose Earnest Money Deposit and/or Security Deposit has been forfeited by Food Corporation of India or any Department of Central or State Government or any other Public Sector Undertaking, during the last five years, will be ineligible. (IV) If the proprietor /any of the partners of the Tenderer Firm/any of the Director of the Tenderer Company have been, at any time, convicted by a court for an offence and sentenced to imprisonment for a period of three years or more, such Tenderer will be ineligible. (V) While considering ineligibility arising out of any of the above clauses, incurring of any such disqualification in any capacity whatsoever (even as a Proprietor, Partner in another Firm, or as Director of a Company etc.) will render the Tender disqualified.
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