September 14, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1541 deemed her as a perfect fit as the center’s su- Collectively, this group has provided four hun- NATIONAL SECURITY AND JOB pervisor. On July 1, 1982, Ms. Chamblee dred and twenty-five (425) years of service to PROTECTION ACT transitioned into the center supervisor role, the U.S. House of Representatives: SPEECH OF and on October 17, 1982, the center opened Kevin M. Allison, Office of the Chief Admin- under her care and guidance. istrative Officer HON. BETTY McCOLLUM Virginia Chamblee established programs OF MINNESOTA that have become senior center traditions. In Harold Blakney, Office of the Chief Adminis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the first week of the center’s opening, the trative Officer Monday Night Dance was established where it Thomas H. Blatnik, Office of the Sergeant at Thursday, September 13, 2012 has continued to this day. Likewise, the Christ- Arms Ms. McCOLLUM. Madam Speaker, I rise in mas Luncheon began in 1982 and has devel- Clarence G. Butler, Office of the Chief Ad- opposition to the so-called National Security oped into one of the largest North Texas sen- ministrative Officer and Jobs Protection Act. This legislation is an- ior community pot luck lunches. Another nota- other attempt by House Republicans to force ble tradition from the opening year was the David Carreiro, Office of the Clerk severe spending cuts that would harm middle weekly jam sessions, which began as music Darren Dahlstrom, Office of the Chief Ad- class families, while protecting tax breaks for lessons but developed into a community or- ministrative Officer millionaires. chestra of nearly 20 members. This bill is an election year talking point, not Virginia Chamblee has spent the majority Scott Derrick, Office of the Chief Administra- tive Officer a genuine solution to preventing massive her life serving her community. Throughout across-the-board budget cuts looming in Janu- her distinguished career, she has been a dedi- Kelda Y. Dunklin, Office of the Chief Admin- ary 2013. The nonpartisan Congressional cated and conscientious employee who has istrative Officer Budget Office determined this legislation always championed seniors. She is known for Wesley D. Jones, Office of the Chief Admin- would do nothing to prevent budget sequestra- her kindness, gentle spirit, and willingness to istrative Officer tion. H.R. 6365 cannot take effect unless a listen to any problem and extend a helping Kent Kahler, Office of the Chief Administra- separate bill implementing the policies of the hand. House Republican Budget becomes law. The Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the 24th Congres- tive Officer House Republican Budget turns Medicare into sional District of Texas, I ask all my distin- Kevin S. Kelley, Office of the Chief Adminis- a voucher program, runs deficits for 29 years, guished colleagues to join me in honoring Vir- trative Officer provides trillions of dollars in additional tax ginia Chamblee for her 40 years of public Ronald M. Mullvain, Office of the Chief Ad- cuts to millionaires and billionaires, and forces service with the City of Bedford. ministrative Officer layoffs for thousands of police officers, fire- f Sandra Q. Pilkerton, Office of the Chief Ad- fighters, and teachers. President Obama and RECOGNITION OF EMPLOYEES OF ministrative Officer the Democratic Senate would never impose THE OFFICERS AND THE INSPEC- such a radical and destructive plan on Amer- TOR GENERAL OF THE U.S. Deborah M. Robertson, Office of the Chief ica’s families and communities. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Administrative Officer The American people should be thankful WITH 25 YEARS OF SERVICE TO Joe T. Taylor, Office of the Chief Adminis- H.R. 6365 will never become law, since it em- THE HOUSE AND RECIPIENTS OF trative Officer bodies the same flawed policies as the House THE HOUSE EMPLOYEE EXCEL- Kimberly von Harders, Office of the Chief Republican Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Resolu- LENCE AWARD Administrative Officer tion. It seeks to replace the budget sequester House Republicans originally supported with Richard E. Wright, Office of the Chief Ad- cuts to America’s women, children, seniors, HON. DANIEL E. LUNGEN ministrative Officer OF CALIFORNIA and middle class families. H.R. 6365 insulates IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES We also recognize and congratulate four the Defense Department from spending reduc- House employees for receiving the Employee tions even though the Pentagon’s budget dou- Friday, September 14, 2012 Excellence Award. This is a merit-based bled over the past decade and the war in Iraq Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of California. Mr. award, given to one employee from each is over. H.R. 6365 refuses to ask millionaires Speaker, I rise today to congratulate and rec- House Officer organization, and the Office of and billionaires to share the sacrifices it de- ognize outstanding employees of the Officers Inspector General. Selected employees exhib- mands of middle class families. (Clerk of the House, Sergeant at Arms, and ited outstanding overall job performance and The budget sequester must be prevented Chief Administrative Officer) and the Inspector displayed a willingness to go above and be- from taking effect. House Democrats are General of the U.S. House of Representatives yond the call of duty throughout the last year. ready to compromise and vote to replace the who have reached the milestone of 25 years We honor the individuals named below for re- sequester with a balanced deficit reduction of service to the U.S. House of Representa- ceiving this prestigious award. plan that includes a combination of spending tives, as well as the recipients of the House Monica Barnabae, Paige Beatty, and The reductions and revenue increases. Every Employee Excellence Award. mainstream economist agrees this is the only The House’s most important asset is its HRCCC Staff, Office of the Chief Administra- tive Officer approach that will reduce long-term deficits dedicated and exceptional employees, whose and avoid plunging the economy back into re- work, often behind the scenes, is vital in keep- Stefan J. Bieret, Office of the Sergeant at cession. Regrettably, the bill on the floor today ing the operations and services of the House Arms chooses ideology over compromise and pro- running smoothly and efficiently. The employ- Charles M. McGee, Office of the Clerk longs the wait for the solutions our economy ees we recognize today are acknowledged needs to grow and create jobs. and commended for their hard work, dedica- Joseph C. Picolla, Office of Inspector Gen- eral I urge my colleagues to oppose H.R. 6365. tion, professionalism, support of House Mem- f bers, their staffs and constituents, and for their On behalf of the entire House community, I contributions day-in and day-out to the overall extend congratulations and once again recog- HONORING CARLA LAEMMLE ON operations of the House. These employees nize and thank these employees for their pro- HER 103RD BIRTHDAY have a wide range of responsibilities that sup- fessionalism and commitment to the U.S. port the legislative process, ensure the secu- House of Representatives as a whole, and in HON. HOWARD L. BERMAN rity of the institution, maintain our technology particular to their respective House Officers OF CALIFORNIA and service infrastructure, and contribute to a and the Inspector General. Their long hours IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES more effective and efficiently operating House and hard work are invaluable, and their years support structure. They have accomplished of unwavering service, dedication, and com- Friday, September 14, 2012 many great things in a wide range of activities, mitment to the House set an example for their Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker, it is my pleas- and the House of Representatives and its colleagues and other employees who will fol- ure to rise in recognition of Carla Laemmle on Members, staff, and the general public, are low in their footsteps. I celebrate our hon- the occasion of her 103rd birthday. better served because of them. orees, and I am proud to stand before you Carla is the niece of Carl Laemmle, who We honor the individuals named below for and the nation on their behalf to recognize the founded Universal Studios. She grew up on 25 years of dedicated service to the House. importance of their public service. the Universal Studios lot in the early days of VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:25 Sep 15, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14SE8.037 E14SEPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1542 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 14, 2012 the San Fernando Valley, the area I now rep- HONORING THE VOLUSIA HONOR DeLand Elks #1463, Conrad Yelvington, Ma- resent. She began her long professional acting AIR PROGRAM, VOLUNTEERS jors Medical Supply, Inc., Sweetwater Medical career at the age of 16 with an uncredited role AND DONORS Central, Halifax Hospital, and Florida Hospital as the prima ballerina in the original silent film in Ormond Beach. version of the Phantom of the Opera, dem- HON. JOHN L. MICA It has been my honor and pleasure to ac- onstrating her many years of training in clas- OF FLORIDA company our veterans during most of these sical dance. Carla is perhaps best known for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES trips to Washington and I will always remem- ber the satisfaction, joy and solace I have wit- her role in Dracula, starring Bela Lugosi. Her Friday, September 14, 2012 role in Dracula made her the person who nessed in these remarkable men and women spoke the first line of dialogue ever in a horror Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and often their family members as they visited movie. She is now the last surviving cast honor the Volusia Honor Air program.
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