Find Your Local Department of Employment, Small Business and Training Office Version 69 September 2021 To find your local department office, select 'Ctrl' and 'F' and search for either the suburb or postcode Or use the search function by right clicking on the document and selecting 'Find' Suburb/Town Postcode Regional Office Email Postal Address Physical Address ABBEYWOOD 4613 Toowoomba [email protected] PO Box 234, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 Lvl 1, James Cook Cntr, Cnr Herries & Ruthven St, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 Lvl 1, 102 Lennox St, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 and DET ABBOTSFORD 4670 Wide Bay [email protected] PO Box 1046, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 North Coast Region, Cnr Woondooma & Maryborough St, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 ABERCORN 4627 Gladstone [email protected] 20-22 Herbert St, GLADSTONE QLD 4680 Lvl 1, 20-22 Herbert St, GLADSTONE QLD 4680 ABERGOWRIE 4850 Townsville [email protected] PO Box 2122, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Lvl 1, 187-209 Stanley St, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 ABINGDON DOWNS 4892 Cairns [email protected] PO Box 4993, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Ground Fl, State Govt Bldg, 17-19 Sheridan St, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Lvl 1, 102 Lennox St, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 and DET ABINGTON 4660 Wide Bay [email protected] PO Box 1046, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 North Coast Region, Cnr Woondooma & Maryborough St, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 ACACIA RIDGE 4110 Metro South (Mt Gravatt) [email protected] PO Box 6500, UPPER MT GRAVATT QLD 4122 Lvl 2, Block A, Garden Sq, 643 Kessels Rd, UPPER MT GRAVATT QLD 4122 ACACIA RIDGE BC 4110 Metro South (Mt Gravatt) [email protected] PO Box 6500, UPPER MT GRAVATT QLD 4122 Lvl 2, Block A, Garden Sq, 643 Kessels Rd, UPPER MT GRAVATT QLD 4122 ACACIA RIDGE DC 4110 Metro South (Mt Gravatt) [email protected] PO Box 6500, UPPER MT GRAVATT QLD 4122 Lvl 2, Block A, Garden Sq, 643 Kessels Rd, UPPER MT GRAVATT QLD 4122 ACLAND 4401 Toowoomba [email protected] PO Box 234, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 Lvl 1, James Cook Cntr, Cnr Herries & Ruthven St, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 ADARE 4343 Toowoomba [email protected] PO Box 234, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 Lvl 1, James Cook Cntr, Cnr Herries & Ruthven St, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 ADAVALE 4474 Roma [email protected] PO Box 234, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 Cnr Mayne & Feather Sts, ROMA QLD 4455 ADELAIDE PARK 4703 Rockhampton [email protected] PO Box 30, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 Lvl 3, State Govt Bldg, 209 Bolsover St, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 ADVANCETOWN 4211 Gold Coast [email protected] PO Box 492, OXENFORD QLD 4210 Lvl 1, Building C, 340 Hope Island Rd, HOPE ISLAND QLD 4210 AEROGLEN 4870 Cairns [email protected] PO Box 4993, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Ground Fl, State Govt Bldg, 17-19 Sheridan St, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Lvl 1, 102 Lennox St, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 and DET AGNES WATER 4677 Wide Bay [email protected] PO Box 1046, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 North Coast Region, Cnr Woondooma & Maryborough St, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 AIRDMILLAN 4807 Townsville [email protected] PO Box 2122, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Lvl 1, 187-209 Stanley St, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 AIRLIE BEACH 4802 Townsville [email protected] PO Box 2122, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Lvl 1, 187-209 Stanley St, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 AIRVILLE 4807 Townsville [email protected] PO Box 2122, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Lvl 1, 187-209 Stanley St, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 AITKENVALE 4814 Townsville [email protected] PO Box 2122, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Lvl 1, 187-209 Stanley St, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 AITKENVALE BC 4814 Townsville [email protected] PO Box 2122, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Lvl 1, 187-209 Stanley St, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 AITKENVALE DC 4814 Townsville [email protected] PO Box 2122, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Lvl 1, 187-209 Stanley St, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 ALABAMA HILL 4820 Townsville [email protected] PO Box 2122, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Lvl 1, 187-209 Stanley St, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 ALBANY CREEK 4035 Metro North (Nundah) [email protected] PO Box 3376, STAFFORD DC QLD 4053 Lvl 2, Circa Building, 1231 Sandgate Rd, NUNDAH QLD 4012 ALBERTA 4702 Rockhampton [email protected] PO Box 30, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 Lvl 3, State Govt Bldg, 209 Bolsover St, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 ALBERTON 4207 Gold Coast [email protected] PO Box 492, OXENFORD QLD 4210 Lvl 1, Building C, 340 Hope Island Rd, HOPE ISLAND QLD 4210 ALBINIA 4722 Central Highlands [email protected] 99 Hospital Rd, EMERALD QLD 4720 99 Hospital Rd, EMERALD QLD 4720 ALBION 4010 Metro Central [email protected] PO Box 3376, STAFFORD DC QLD 4053 Lvl 2, Circa Building, 1231 Sandgate Rd, NUNDAH QLD 4012 ALBION BC 4010 Metro Central [email protected] PO Box 3376, STAFFORD DC QLD 4053 Lvl 2, Circa Building, 1231 Sandgate Rd, NUNDAH QLD 4012 ALBION DC 4010 Metro Central [email protected] PO Box 3376, STAFFORD DC QLD 4053 Lvl 2, Circa Building, 1231 Sandgate Rd, NUNDAH QLD 4012 ALDERLEY 4051 Metro North (Nundah) [email protected] PO Box 3376, STAFFORD DC QLD 4053 Lvl 2, Circa Building, 1231 Sandgate Rd, NUNDAH QLD 4012 Lvl 1, 102 Lennox St, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 and DET ALDERSHOT 4650 Wide Bay [email protected] PO Box 1046, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 North Coast Region, Cnr Woondooma & Maryborough St, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 ALEXANDRA 4740 Mackay [email protected] PO Box 395, MACKAY QLD 4740 Lvl 4, 44 Nelson St, MACKAY QLD 4740 ALEXANDRA HEADLAND 4572 Sunshine Coast [email protected] PO Box 1046, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 Lvl 4, Mike Ahern Building, 12 First Ave, MAROOCHYDORE QLD 4558 ALEXANDRA HILLS 4161 Logan [email protected] PO Box 492, OXENFORD QLD 4210 Lvl 1, Building C, 340 Hope Island Rd, HOPE ISLAND QLD 4210 ALGESTER 4115 Metro South (Mt Gravatt) [email protected] PO Box 6500, UPPER MT GRAVATT QLD 4122 Lvl 2, Block A, Garden Sq, 643 Kessels Rd, UPPER MT GRAVATT QLD 4122 ALICE CREEK 4610 Toowoomba [email protected] PO Box 234, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 Lvl 1, James Cook Cntr, Cnr Herries & Ruthven St, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 ALICE RIVER 4817 Townsville [email protected] PO Box 2122, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Lvl 1, 187-209 Stanley St, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 ALLAN 4370 Toowoomba [email protected] PO Box 234, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 Lvl 1, James Cook Cntr, Cnr Herries & Ruthven St, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 ALLANDALE 4310 Logan [email protected] PO Box 492, OXENFORD QLD 4210 Lvl 1, Building C, 340 Hope Island Rd, HOPE ISLAND QLD 4210 ALLENSTOWN 4700 Rockhampton [email protected] PO Box 30, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 Lvl 3, State Govt Bldg, 209 Bolsover St, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 ALLENVIEW 4285 Logan [email protected] PO Box 492, OXENFORD QLD 4210 Lvl 1, Building C, 340 Hope Island Rd, HOPE ISLAND QLD 4210 ALLIGATOR CREEK 4740 Mackay [email protected] PO Box 395, MACKAY QLD 4740 Lvl 4, 44 Nelson St, MACKAY QLD 4740 ALLIGATOR CREEK 4816 Townsville [email protected] PO Box 2122, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Lvl 1, 187-209 Stanley St, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 ALLINGHAM 4850 Townsville [email protected] PO Box 2122, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Lvl 1, 187-209 Stanley St, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 ALLORA 4362 Toowoomba [email protected] PO Box 234, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 Lvl 1, James Cook Cntr, Cnr Herries & Ruthven St, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 Suburb/Town Postcode Regional Office Email Postal Address Physical Address Lvl 1, 102 Lennox St, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 and DET ALLOWAY 4670 Wide Bay [email protected] PO Box 1046, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 North Coast Region, Cnr Woondooma & Maryborough St, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 ALMADEN 4871 Cairns [email protected] PO Box 4993, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Ground Fl, State Govt Bldg, 17-19 Sheridan St, CAIRNS QLD 4870 ALOOMBA 4871 Cairns [email protected] PO Box 4993, CAIRNS QLD 4870 Ground Fl, State Govt Bldg, 17-19 Sheridan St, CAIRNS QLD 4870 ALPHA 4724 Central Highlands [email protected] 99 Hospital Rd, EMERALD QLD 4720 99 Hospital Rd, EMERALD QLD 4720 ALPURRURULAM 4825 Mount Isa [email protected] PO Box 1267, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 51 Miles St, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 ALSACE 4702 Rockhampton [email protected] PO Box 30, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 Lvl 3, State Govt Bldg, 209 Bolsover St, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 ALTON DOWNS 4702 Rockhampton [email protected] PO Box 30, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 Lvl 3, State Govt Bldg, 209 Bolsover St, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 ALVA 4807 Townsville [email protected] PO Box 2122, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Lvl 1, 187-209 Stanley St, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 Lvl 1, 102 Lennox St, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 and DET AMAMOOR 4570 Wide Bay [email protected] PO Box 1046, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 North Coast Region, Cnr Woondooma & Maryborough St, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 Lvl 1, 102 Lennox St, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 and DET AMAMOOR CREEK 4570 Wide Bay [email protected] PO Box 1046, MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 North Coast Region, Cnr Woondooma & Maryborough St, BUNDABERG QLD 4670 AMAROO 4829 Mount Isa [email protected] PO Box 1267, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 51 Miles St, MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 AMBERLEY 4306 Metro West (Ipswich) [email protected] Locked Bag 8002, IPSWICH QLD 4305 Lvl 1, 117 Brisbane St, IPSWICH QLD 4305 AMBROSE 4695 Gladstone [email protected] 20-22 Herbert St, GLADSTONE QLD 4680 Lvl 1, 20-22 Herbert St, GLADSTONE QLD 4680 AMBY 4462 Roma [email protected] PO Box 234, TOOWOOMBA QLD 4350 Cnr Mayne & Feather
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