MAY 14, 1976 25 CENTS VOLUME 40/NUMBER 19 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY/PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE • • - --PAGE 4 RAZA u CHICANOS FIGHT FOR POWER IN ROBSTOWN, TEX. PAGE 14. NEW MEXICO RUP SETS DRIVE FOR U.S. SENATE. PAGE 15. CHICANO SLATE SWEEPS COTULLA ELECTION. PAGE 15. JUDGE RETREATS ON SCHOOL DESEGREGATION. PAGE 6. HOSPITALS IN NYC, YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO GET SICK. PAGE 13. Militant/Stu Singer ALISM REVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE • FOR U.S. TODAY. PAGE 16 . • ECO y WHAT'S BEHIND THE I RECOVERY? PAGE 23 . -PAGE• 3 In Brief THIS GAY CENTER HIT BY ARSON: Eleven days after the SECRET FILES TIP THE SCALES: Have you ever been WEEK'S Supreme Court upheld state laws prohibiting homosexual rejected from jury duty? Is there an FBI file on you? If the acts between consenting adults, Seattle's Gay Community answer is yes to both questions, there could be a connection. MILITANT Center was destroyed by fire. This was the second arson Federal prosecutors recently admitted that FBI and police attack in two weeks. 3 March for women's rights files are sometimes checked when juries are being selected David Neth, the center's director, told the Militant that in Springfield May 16! for "important and sensitive Government prosecutions," there has been a recent increase in threatening phone calls reported the April 19 New York Times. Prosecutors secretly 4 FBI admits to the center and bomb threats at gay bars. "The court's check these and Internal Revenue Service files to uncover spying on NAACP ruling obviously has encouraged violence by an antigay "possible antigovernment biases" among prospective jurors. minority," he said. As~istant Attorney General Richard Thornburgh dis­ 5 N.Y. rally rips FBI During the first fire, on March 28, an employee at the missed the idea that this practice can tip the scales against assault on Bill of Rights center almost died while trying to put out the flames. In the defendants. "We're entitled to as much information as 6 Federal judge retreats second blaze, the same employee reports that at 2:00 a.m., possible to select jurors with some integrity," he said. on Boston busing plan April 9, an unidentified man entered the building and assaulted him, shouting antigay epithets. The employee was UK STUDENTS TAKE ON 'CONFEDERATES': Civil 7 Students set May 29 knocked unconscious and later helped out by the fire rights songs and chants of "Racism must go, can't take it antiracist meeting department, after most of the building had been engulfed in no more!" rang out as students marched across the flames. University of Kentucky campus last month. The demonstra­ 9 Issues in national Fund-raising events at area gay bars and businesses have tors, led by the Black Student Union and the Student rubber workers' strike helped the center move to a new location. Coalition Against Racism, were protesting an incident 13 Protests hit closing during "Old South Week," sponsored by the Kappa Alpha of N.Y. public hospitals "The Struggle for Social Justice" will be the title of a fraternity at this Lexington campus. May 14 meeting at the Native American Center in "Old South Week" comes complete with Confederate 14 Chicanos fight for control Minneapolis. Featured speakers will be Clyde uniforms and flags. Racist insults were shouted at passers­ in Robstown, Texas Bellecourt, executive director of the American Indian by from the fraternity house, provoking a fight between frat 15 New Mexico Raza Unida Movement, and Peter Camejo, Socialist Workers party members and Black students. names Senate candidate presidential candidate. It begins at 8:00 p.m. The next night, SCAR and the BSU cosponsored a speak­ out against racism. A focus for the meeting was defense of 16 Prospects for ANTI-ABORTION AMENDMENT FAILS: On April28 the Coleman family, which has been the target of antibus­ Socialism in America the U.S. Senate rejected an attempt to add an anti-abortion ing vigilantes since the family. moved into predominantly provision to the Constitution. By a close 47-to-40 vote, white Okalona near Louisville. Speakers at the meeting 23 What's behind the senators tabled a so-called right-to-life amendment, which were Edgar Wallace, president of the Kentucky NAACP economic recovery? would have made all abortions illegal. Conference; Eileen Carver of Louisville's: Progress In 24 Hubert Humphrey's Sen. Jesse Helms, the amendment's sponsor, charged that Education; and Bronson Rozier of SCAR working-class challenger the vote "will be viewed by millions of Americans as a vote against the protection of the life of the unborn." However, TEXANS PROTEST SHAH'S REPRESSION: One 28 Stop the frame-ups most will do nothing of the sort. A recent Harris poll hundred fifty people attended a meeting April 22 at the of Indian activists! reported that a solid 54 to 39 percent majority support the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) to protest repres­ Supreme Court's 1973 abortion-rights decision. sion against dissidents in Iran. Iranian poet and former 2 In Brief Another defeat for anti-abortion forces recently came in political prisoner Reza Baraheni gave an extensive account Wisconsin. Pro-abortion-rights activists demonstrated in of police-state methods used by the U.S.-backed regime of 10 In Our Opinion January and March against an assembly bill prohibiting the shah. Letters the use of government funds for almost all abortions. Other speakers included Prof. RD. Martin of the Ameri­ 11 Capitalism in Crisis Hundreds of women's rights supporters packed public can Civil Liberties Union; Gertrude Barnstone, national By Any Means Necessary hearings on the bill in Madison, extending them so long board member of Women's Equity Action League; Bill Eden, that the bill failed to reach. the senate floor before the student government president; and Prof. Daniel Georges, 12 The Great Society __ legislative session adjourned. UTA Institute of Urban Affairs. The meeting was chaired Women in Revolt by Jeanne Ford, director of the Women's Center at UTA, American Way of Life ZIONISTS BOMB CP HEADQUARTERS: A bomb and sponsored by the Committee for Artistic and Intellectu­ 25 Campaigning for Socialism exploded in the early morning hours of May 2 in front of the al Freedom in Iran. -Ginny Hildebrand Communist party's national headquarters in New York City. Fortunately, little damage was done, and there were WORLD OUTLOOK no injuries. Four other pipe bombs also went off at a Soviet 19 Apartheid Axis publications bookstore, two banks, and a subway stop near meets in Israel the United Nations. Police report that a note and phone call 20 The oppression said that the Jewish Armed Resistance had carried out the of Soviet Jews bombings. The JAR is associated with the Jewish Defense League, a 22 Protests hit French pro-Zionist outfit that has taken credit for other terrorist university 'reforms' acts and has tried to violently disrupt pro-Palestinian meetings and demonstrations. The CP's Daily World reported that thirty hours after the explosions cops said that they had made no arrests and THE MILITANT were not questioning anyone. The five blasts took place at the dawn of "Solidarity VOLUME 40/NUMBER 19 Sunday for Soviet Jewry," which drew tens of thousands to MAY 14, 1976 an afternoon rally. Sharing the anti-Soviet speakers CLOSING NEWS DATE-MAY 5 platform were liheral Democrats Bella Abzug and Birch Editor MARY-ALICE WATERS Bayh and right-wing Republican-Conservative Sen. James Managing Editor: LARRY SEIGLE Buckley. Business Manager: ROSE OGDEN Special Offer Southwest Bureau: HARRY RING J.B. JOHNSON WON'T GET JURY OF PEERS: As Washington Bureau: NANCY COLE jury selection for J.B. Johnson's second frame-up trial Published weekly by The Militant Publishing Ass'n., comes to a close, it's clear that once again the Black youth For New Readers 14 Charles Lane, New York, N.Y. 10014. Telephone: won't be judged by his peers. In 1972 an all-white, older, Editorial Office (212) 243-6392; Business Office This week Southwest Bureau head Harry Ring begins a (212) 929-3486. Southwest Bureau: 1237 S. Atlantic suburban jury convicted him of being an accomplice to the Blvd .. Los Angeles. Calif. 90022. Telephone: (213) 1970 shooting of a cop. Now, of the seventy jurors called for series on Chicano struggles in Texas, based on 269-1456. Washington Bureau: 1345 E St. NW, questioning, only three· were Black-and they were rejected; discussions with leaders and activists there. Raza Unida Fourth Floor, Washington, D.C. 20004. Telephone: Two of them were eliminated after expressing opposition to party . farm workers movement . bilingual (202) 638-4081. education . fight against deportations ... Keep up Correspondence concerning subscriptions or a Missouri law making the accomplice to a murder equally changes of address should be addressed to The guilty with the murderer. Only fifteen of the seventy with the struggle for Chicano liberation. Subscribe to the Militant Business Office, 14 Charles Lane, New questioned were under forty. Militant. York, N.Y. 10014. Secor.d-class postage paid at New York, N.Y. The Militant-10 Weeks/S1 Subscriptions: U.S., $7.50 a year; outside U.S., IN SEARCH OF 'BROTHERHOOD': Scott Nelson, the $13.00. By first-class mail US., Canada, and Mex1co. Imperial Wizard of the Fiery Knights of the Ku Klux Klan ( ) $1 for ten issues (new readers only) $35.00. Write for surface and airmail rates to all other in Texas, has announced that he is quitting the Klan. He ( ) $4 for six months ( ) $7.50 for one year countries. complains of losing his job, his wife, and reputation in the For subscriptions airmailed from New York and ( ) New ( ) Renewal then posted from London directly to Britain.
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