E1234 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 14, 2017 to our country will not be forgotten. Mr. Speak- the House floor and was not present for Roll District. The State of Alabama is also home to er, Petty Officer Kenneth Aaron Smith was a Call 528, the vote on final passage of H.R. fifteen Historically Black Colleges and Univer- great American who exemplified the true 3354. Had I been present, I would have voted sities, the most in the country. These impor- meaning of patriotism. I ask you to join me in ‘‘No.’’ As our nation comes together to help tant grants will provide assistance to repair honoring the memory of this truly exceptional those affected by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, and restore historic buildings on our HBCU young man. I am saddened that members of Congress campuses. Our HBCUs are rich with history f were not given the opportunity to come to- that deserves to be preserved for future gen- gether to provide all of the people of our coun- erations, and I can think of no better institution TRIBUTE TO RICH WELLS, VICE try the support they need to meet the many than our Nation’s storytellers, the National PRESIDENT AND SITE DIRECTOR challenges they face and to invest in their fu- Park Service, to do the job. Moreover, this OF MICHIGAN OPERATIONS FOR ture. This eight bill spending package was funding will help revitalize our HBCU cam- THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY considered under a restrictive process that se- puses, and help stimulate economic revitaliza- verely limited the ability of members to influ- tion in their communities. HON. JOHN R. MOOLENAAR ence the bill. I could not in good conscience Again, I would like to thank Chairman CAL- OF MICHIGAN vote for this bill because it is based on the VERT and Ranking Member MCCOLLUM for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES devastating House Republican budget, mean- working with me in the past, as well as Assist- Thursday, September 14, 2017 ing that it underfunds and makes significant ant Leader CLYBURN for offering an Amend- Mr. MOOLENAAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today cuts to many of my constituents’ key priorities ment to increase HBCU Grant funding by $2 to pay tribute to Rich Wells, Vice President such as job training, education, fixing our million. This is an important program for our and Site Director of Michigan Operations for crumbling infrastructure, economic develop- HBCUs, and I will continue to work across the The Dow Chemical Company, in recognition of ment, Pell Grants, housing affordability, after- aisle to ensure that these funds are protected his service and his many contributions to the school programs, and law enforcement. It at- in the final FY18 budget. Great Lakes Bay Region as he begins the tacks women’s health by cutting family plan- f ning and Teen Pregnancy Prevention Grants next step of his journey as the Vice President HONORING BEN WILLIAMS of Texas Operations. and defunding Planned Parenthood, and it in- An influential member of the community, cludes many poison pill policy riders that will Rich originally moved to Midland to work for undermine the Affordable Care Act, undo HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. Dow after he graduated from the South Da- many important Dodd-Frank Wall Street re- OF MICHIGAN kota School of Mines and Technology. During forms, and prevent the EPA from keeping our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his illustrious 34-year career, Rich has gone air and water clean. As the Ranking Member Thursday, September 14, 2017 on to serve in several leadership roles within of the Homeland Security Subcommittee, I find Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, jazz artist Ben The Dow Chemical Company. Before his se- it inexplicable that as we work to recover from Williams will be honored this year by the Con- lection as the Vice President and Site Director Hurricanes Harvey and Irma and see new gressional Black Caucus Foundation at the of Michigan Operations, Rich served as the storms on the horizon, the bill slashes funding Jazz Forum and Concert during the 47th An- Vice President for Global Government Affairs for programs that build resilience and can be nual Legislative Conference. Mr. Williams, an and Public Policy. used for prevention and recovery and it weak- During his tenure as Vice President and Site ens efforts to understand and address climate internationally renowned bassist and com- Director of Michigan Operations, Rich has change, a driving factor of more frequent and poser, will also perform his Protest Anthology benefitted the community in a variety of ways. severe storms. I repeatedly tried to shift fund- at the concert, which will take place on Thurs- He founded the Fast Start program, which has ing in the bill for immigration enforcement ac- day, September 21, 2017, at the Walter E. equipped in demand employees with the skills tivities to more pressing homeland security Washington Convention Center, in Wash- they need to be successful. He also has vol- needs, but I was rebuffed on party line votes. ington, D.C. Mr. Williams will receive the 2017 unteered and advocated for local organiza- Instead of this short-sighted bill that would be CBCF ALC Jazz Innovator Award for his high- tions serving those in need, chairing Midland disastrous for all Americans, I call on Repub- ly creative and multi-faceted contributions to County’s United Way Campaign in 2016. licans to join Democrats to enact spending jazz and world culture. On behalf of the Fourth Congressional Dis- bills that grow the economy, create jobs, and I am very proud to have known this very tal- trict of Michigan, I am honored today to recog- truly keep our nation secure. ented artist for many years. I am also pleased to share the following details of his impressive nize Rich Wells for his service to The Dow f Chemical Company and his contributions to career as they appear in his biography. the Great Lakes Bay Region. HISTORIC PRESERVATION FUND Ben’s mother used to work in my Capitol Hill HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGES office. When she took Ben, an energetic and f AND UNIVERSITIES GRANTS curious six-year-old, into the office on his PERSONAL EXPLANATION school break, a watchful eye was in order. HON. TERRI A. SEWELL One afternoon, while rambling around my per- HON. SAM GRAVES OF ALABAMA sonal office, Ben discovered a huge object OF MISSOURI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that instantly captured his imagination. The IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES shiny upright bass was like nothing the kid Thursday, September 14, 2017 Thursday, September 14, 2017 had ever seen. He tapped on it. He popped a Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I string. He climbed up on it. ‘‘What is this Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, on rise today to state my excitement that Demo- thing?’’ he wondered. September 13, 2017, I missed a series of Roll crats and Republicans were able to come to- Twenty years later, Ben Williams is still sur- Call votes. Had I been present, I would have gether to add two million dollars to the Historic prised at that chance meeting. voted: YEA on Roll Call votes 486, 487, 488, Preservation Fund grants to Historically Black ‘‘Its low frequency attracted me,’’ Williams 489, 492, 493, 497, 498, 507, 508, 509, 510, Colleges and Universities in the FY18 appro- recalls, ‘‘the way the instrument felt when I 511, 512, 513, and 515. I would have voted priations bill passed on the House floor today. touched it. Then later, just the feeling of play- NAY on Roll Call votes 490, 491, 494, 495, Last year, Congress appropriated $4 million ing a groove. When you play a bass the whole 496, 499, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, for grants to Historically Black Colleges and instrument vibrates. It almost feels like the and 514. Universities under the National Park Service spirit of another human being. It’s like dancing f Historic Preservation Fund. Unfortunately, this with somebody and being in full contact with PERSONAL EXPLANATION year President Trump’s FY18 budget elimi- them. And the sound of the instrument ap- nated all funding for this program. I was glad pealed to me. It’s warm and deep and it reso- HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD to see that both Democrats and Republicans nated with me.’’ strongly disagreed with President Trump’s On the eve of his first CD, State of Art, Ben OF CALIFORNIA misguided cut, and ultimately decided to in- Williams had become one of the most sought IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES crease the total funding of HBCU grants to $5 after bassists in the world, his resume a who’s Thursday, September 14, 2017 million for FY18. who of jazz wisdom: Wynton Marsalis, Herbie Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, on My district, the 7th Congressional District of Hancock, Pat Metheny, Terence Blanchard, September 14, I was unavoidably detained off Alabama, is well-known as the Civil Rights Christian McBride Big Band, Nicholas Payton, VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:08 Sep 15, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14SE8.026 E14SEPT1 September 14, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1235 Paquito D’Rivera, Cyrus Chestnut, Benny Marvin Gaye.’’ And like his colleagues in the needs of some of our most vulnerable neigh- Golson, George Duke, Eric Reed, Dee Dee new guard of jazz, Williams is constantly look- bors for a century and a half. Therefore, it is Bridgewater, Roy Hargrove, and Mulgrew Mil- ing ahead, seeking the music’s potential and fitting and proper that we honor the Meriden ler, to name a few.
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