FFmpeg Filters Documentation Table of Contents 1 Description 2 Filtering Introduction 3 graph2dot 4 Filtergraph description 4.1 Filtergraph syntax 4.2 Notes on filtergraph escaping 5 Timeline editing 6 Options for filters with several inputs (framesync) 7 Audio Filters 7.1 acompressor 7.2 acontrast 7.3 acopy 7.4 acrossfade 7.4.1 Examples 7.5 acrusher 7.6 adelay 7.6.1 Examples 7.7 aecho 7.7.1 Examples 7.8 aemphasis 7.9 aeval 7.9.1 Examples 7.10 afade 7.10.1 Examples 7.11 afftfilt 7.11.1 Examples 7.12 afir 7.12.1 Examples 7.13 aformat 7.14 agate 7.15 aiir 7.15.1 Examples 7.16 alimiter 7.17 allpass 7.17.1 Commands 7.18 aloop 7.19 amerge 7.19.1 Examples 7.20 amix 7.21 anequalizer 7.21.1 Examples 7.21.2 Commands 7.22 anull 7.23 apad 7.23.1 Examples 7.24 aphaser 7.25 apulsator 7.26 aresample 7.26.1 Examples 7.27 areverse 7.27.1 Examples 7.28 asetnsamples 7.29 asetrate 7.30 ashowinfo 7.31 astats 7.32 atempo 7.32.1 Examples 7.33 atrim 7.34 bandpass 7.34.1 Commands 7.35 bandreject 7.35.1 Commands 7.36 bass 7.36.1 Commands 7.37 biquad 7.37.1 Commands 7.38 bs2b 7.39 channelmap 7.39.1 Examples 7.40 channelsplit 7.40.1 Examples 7.41 chorus 7.41.1 Examples 7.42 compand 7.42.1 Examples 7.43 compensationdelay 7.44 crossfeed 7.45 crystalizer 7.46 dcshift 7.47 drmeter 7.48 dynaudnorm 7.49 earwax 7.50 equalizer 7.50.1 Examples 7.50.2 Commands 7.51 extrastereo 7.52 firequalizer 7.52.1 Examples 7.53 flanger 7.54 haas 7.55 hdcd 7.56 headphone 7.56.1 Examples 7.57 highpass 7.57.1 Commands 7.58 join 7.59 ladspa 7.59.1 Examples 7.59.2 Commands 7.60 loudnorm 7.61 lowpass 7.61.1 Examples 7.61.2 Commands 7.62 lv2 7.62.1 Examples 7.63 mcompand 7.64 pan 7.64.1 Mixing examples 7.64.2 Remapping examples 7.65 replaygain 7.66 resample 7.67 rubberband 7.68 sidechaincompress 7.68.1 Examples 7.69 sidechaingate 7.70 silencedetect 7.70.1 Examples 7.71 silenceremove 7.71.1 Examples 7.72 sofalizer 7.72.1 Examples 7.73 stereotools 7.73.1 Examples 7.74 stereowiden 7.75 superequalizer 7.76 surround 7.77 treble 7.77.1 Commands 7.78 tremolo 7.79 vibrato 7.80 volume 7.80.1 Commands 7.80.2 Examples 7.81 volumedetect 7.81.1 Examples 8 Audio Sources 8.1 abuffer 8.1.1 Examples 8.2 aevalsrc 8.2.1 Examples 8.3 anullsrc 8.3.1 Examples 8.4 flite 8.4.1 Examples 8.5 anoisesrc 8.5.1 Examples 8.6 hilbert 8.7 sine 8.7.1 Examples 9 Audio Sinks 9.1 abuffersink 9.2 anullsink 10 Video Filters 10.1 alphaextract 10.2 alphamerge 10.3 ass 10.4 atadenoise 10.5 avgblur 10.6 bbox 10.7 bitplanenoise 10.8 blackdetect 10.9 blackframe 10.10 blend, tblend 10.10.1 Examples 10.11 boxblur 10.11.1 Examples 10.12 bwdif 10.13 chromakey 10.13.1 Examples 10.14 ciescope 10.15 codecview 10.15.1 Examples 10.16 colorbalance 10.16.1 Examples 10.17 colorkey 10.17.1 Examples 10.18 colorlevels 10.18.1 Examples 10.19 colorchannelmixer 10.19.1 Examples 10.20 colormatrix 10.21 colorspace 10.22 convolution 10.22.1 Examples 10.23 convolve 10.24 copy 10.25 coreimage 10.25.1 Examples 10.26 crop 10.26.1 Examples 10.26.2 Commands 10.27 cropdetect 10.28 curves 10.28.1 Examples 10.29 datascope 10.30 dctdnoiz 10.30.1 Examples 10.31 deband 10.32 decimate 10.33 deconvolve 10.34 deflate 10.35 deflicker 10.36 dejudder 10.37 delogo 10.37.1 Examples 10.38 deshake 10.39 despill 10.40 detelecine 10.41 dilation 10.42 displace 10.42.1 Examples 10.43 drawbox 10.43.1 Examples 10.44 drawgrid 10.44.1 Examples 10.45 drawtext 10.45.1 Syntax 10.45.2 Text expansion 10.45.3 Examples 10.46 edgedetect 10.46.1 Examples 10.47 eq 10.47.1 Commands 10.48 erosion 10.49 extractplanes 10.49.1 Examples 10.50 elbg 10.51 entropy 10.52 fade 10.52.1 Examples 10.53 fftfilt 10.53.1 Examples 10.54 field 10.55 fieldhint 10.56 fieldmatch 10.56.1 p/c/n/u/b meaning p/c/n u/b 10.56.2 Examples 10.57 fieldorder 10.58 fifo, afifo 10.59 fillborders 10.60 find_rect 10.60.1 Examples 10.61 cover_rect 10.61.1 Examples 10.62 floodfill 10.63 format 10.63.1 Examples 10.64 fps 10.64.1 Examples 10.65 framepack 10.66 framerate 10.67 framestep 10.68 frei0r 10.68.1 Examples 10.69 fspp 10.70 gblur 10.71 geq 10.71.1 Examples 10.72 gradfun 10.72.1 Examples 10.73 haldclut 10.73.1 Workflow examples Hald CLUT video stream Hald CLUT with preview 10.74 hflip 10.75 histeq 10.76 histogram 10.76.1 Examples 10.77 hqdn3d 10.78 hwdownload 10.79 hwmap 10.80 hwupload 10.81 hwupload_cuda 10.82 hqx 10.83 hstack 10.84 hue 10.84.1 Examples 10.84.2 Commands 10.85 hysteresis 10.86 idet 10.87 il 10.88 inflate 10.89 interlace 10.90 kerndeint 10.90.1 Examples 10.91 lenscorrection 10.91.1 Options 10.92 libvmaf 10.93 limiter 10.94 loop 10.95 lut3d 10.96 lumakey 10.97 lut, lutrgb, lutyuv 10.97.1 Examples 10.98 lut2, tlut2 10.98.1 Examples 10.99 maskedclamp 10.100 maskedmerge 10.101 mcdeint 10.102 mergeplanes 10.102.1 Examples 10.103 mestimate 10.104 midequalizer 10.105 minterpolate 10.106 mix 10.107 mpdecimate 10.108 negate 10.109 nlmeans 10.110 nnedi 10.111 noformat 10.111.1 Examples 10.112 noise 10.112.1 Examples 10.113 normalize 10.113.1 Examples 10.114 null 10.115 ocr 10.116 ocv 10.116.1 dilate 10.116.2 erode 10.116.3 smooth 10.117 oscilloscope 10.117.1 Examples 10.118 overlay 10.118.1 Commands 10.118.2 Examples 10.119 owdenoise 10.120 pad 10.120.1 Examples 10.121 palettegen 10.121.1 Examples 10.122 paletteuse 10.122.1 Examples 10.123 perspective 10.124 phase 10.125 pixdesctest 10.126 pixscope 10.127 pp 10.127.1 Examples 10.128 pp7 10.129 premultiply 10.130 prewitt 10.131 program_opencl 10.132 pseudocolor 10.132.1 Examples 10.133 psnr 10.134 pullup 10.135 qp 10.135.1 Examples 10.136 random 10.137 readeia608 10.137.1 Examples 10.138 readvitc 10.138.1 Examples 10.139 remap 10.140 removegrain 10.141 removelogo 10.142 repeatfields 10.143 reverse 10.143.1 Examples 10.144 roberts 10.145 rotate 10.145.1 Examples 10.145.2 Commands 10.146 sab 10.147 scale 10.147.1 Options 10.147.2 Examples 10.147.3 Commands 10.148 scale_npp 10.149 scale2ref 10.149.1 Examples 10.150 selectivecolor 10.150.1 Examples 10.151 separatefields 10.152 setdar, setsar 10.152.1 Examples 10.153 setfield 10.154 showinfo 10.155 showpalette 10.156 shuffleframes 10.156.1 Examples 10.157 shuffleplanes 10.157.1 Examples 10.158 signalstats 10.158.1 Examples 10.159 signature 10.159.1 Examples 10.160 smartblur 10.161 ssim 10.162 stereo3d 10.162.1 Examples 10.163 streamselect, astreamselect 10.163.1 Commands 10.163.2 Examples 10.164 sobel 10.165 spp 10.166 subtitles 10.167 super2xsai 10.168 swaprect 10.169 swapuv 10.170 telecine 10.171 threshold 10.171.1 Examples 10.172 thumbnail 10.172.1 Examples 10.173 tile 10.173.1 Examples 10.174 tinterlace 10.175 tonemap 10.175.1 Options 10.176 transpose 10.177 trim 10.178 unpremultiply 10.179 unsharp 10.179.1 Examples 10.180 uspp 10.181 vaguedenoiser 10.182 vectorscope 10.183 vidstabdetect 10.183.1 Examples 10.184 vidstabtransform 10.184.1 Options 10.184.2 Examples 10.185 vflip 10.186 vfrdet 10.187 vignette 10.187.1 Expressions 10.187.2 Examples 10.188 vmafmotion 10.189 vstack 10.190 w3fdif 10.191 waveform 10.192 weave, doubleweave 10.192.1 Examples 10.193 xbr 10.194 yadif 10.195 zoompan 10.195.1 Examples 10.196 zscale 10.196.1 Options 11 Video Sources 11.1 buffer 11.2 cellauto 11.2.1 Examples 11.3 coreimagesrc 11.3.1 Examples 11.4 mandelbrot 11.5 mptestsrc 11.6 frei0r_src 11.7 life 11.7.1 Examples 11.8 allrgb, allyuv, color, haldclutsrc, nullsrc, rgbtestsrc, smptebars, smptehdbars, testsrc, testsrc2, yuvtestsrc 11.8.1 Examples 11.8.2 Commands 11.9 openclsrc 12 Video Sinks 12.1 buffersink 12.2 nullsink 13 Multimedia Filters 13.1 abitscope 13.2 ahistogram 13.3 aphasemeter 13.4 avectorscope 13.4.1 Examples 13.5 bench, abench 13.5.1 Examples 13.6 concat 13.6.1 Examples 13.6.2 Commands 13.7 drawgraph, adrawgraph 13.8 ebur128 13.8.1 Examples 13.9 interleave, ainterleave 13.9.1 Examples 13.10 metadata, ametadata 13.10.1 Examples 13.11 perms, aperms 13.12 realtime, arealtime 13.13 select, aselect 13.13.1 Examples 13.14 sendcmd, asendcmd 13.14.1 Commands syntax 13.14.2 Examples 13.15 setpts, asetpts 13.15.1 Examples 13.16 setrange 13.17 settb, asettb 13.17.1 Examples 13.18 showcqt 13.18.1 Examples 13.19 showfreqs 13.20 showspectrum 13.20.1 Examples 13.21 showspectrumpic 13.21.1 Examples 13.22 showvolume 13.23 showwaves 13.23.1 Examples 13.24 showwavespic 13.24.1 Examples 13.25 sidedata, asidedata 13.26 spectrumsynth 13.26.1 Examples 13.27 split, asplit 13.27.1 Examples 13.28 zmq, azmq 13.28.1 Examples 14 Multimedia Sources 14.1 amovie 14.2 movie 14.2.1 Examples 14.2.2 Commands 15 See Also 16 Authors 1 Description# TOC This document describes filters, sources, and sinks provided by the libavfilter library.
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