QUESTIONNAIRE FOR EXISTING SAMPLING, LABORATORY AND EVALUATION METHODS 0.0. State your institution and country. Croatian Geological Survey. 0.1. State institution(s) from which you got data to fill this questionnaire. Javna ustanova “Vode Srpske” (water management public authority). I.LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK I.1Enumeration of national or European legislation (laws, governmental orders, emergency ordinances) that regulates the concentrations of dangerous substances posing a risk to the health of the population or aquatic life, in soils, surface waters, drinking water, river sediments, marine sediments, sewage, therapeutic sludge, air and biota. [PLEASE, SUPPORT YOUR ANSWERS WITH REFERENCES (NATIONAL LEGISLATIVE DOCUMENTS AND/OR WEB LINKS)] Title (in national Title No. Link Country language) (in English) http://www.vladars Pravilnik o .net/sr-SP- Regulations on the uslovima za Cyrl/Vlada/Minista terms of release ispuštanje rstva/mps/Docum Bosnia and wastewater into otpadnih voda u ents/Pravilnik_o_u Herzegovina, 1 the public javnu kanalizaciju slovima_za_ispust Republika sewerage system (Službeni glasnik anje_otpadnih_vo Srpska (“Official Gazette Republike Srpske da_u_javnu_kanal of RS”, No. 44/01) broj 44/01) izaciju_44_2001.p df Zakon o vodama Law on water http://www.voders. (Službeni glasnik (Official Gazette of Bosnia and org/images/PDF/z Republike Srpske Republic of Srpska Herzegovina, 2 akoni/zakon_o_vo broj 50/06, 50/06, Republika dama_preciscen.p 92/09,121/12, 92/09,121/1, Srpska df 74/17) 74/17) http://www.narodn Zakon o zaštiti Law on air (Official askupstinars.net/? Bosnia and vazduha (Službeni Gazette of q=la/akti/usvojeni- Herzegovina, 3 glasnik Republike Republic of Srpska zakoni/zakon-o- Republika Srpske broj 124/11, 46/17) za%C5%A1titi- Srpska 124/11, 46/17) vazduha Zakon o zaštiti Law on http://www.narodn Bosnia and životne sredine environment askupstinars.net/? Herzegovina, 4 (Službeni glasnik (Official Gazette of q=la/akti/usvojeni- Republika Republike Srpske Republic of Srpska zakoni/zakon-o- Srpska 1 broj 71/12, 79/15) 71/12, 79/15) za%C5%A1titi- %C5%BEivotne- sredine http://www.vladars .net/sr-SP- Cyrl/Vlada/Minista rstva/MZSZ/Docu ments/%D0%9F% D1%80%D0%B0 %D0%B2%D0%B 8%D0%BB%D0% BD%D0%B8%D0 %BA%20%D0%B E%20%D0%B7% Pravilnik o D0%B4%D1%80 Ordinance on zdrastvenoj %D0%B0%D0%B drinking water ispravnosti vode 2%D1%81%D1% Bosnia and health quality for namijenjene za 82%D0%B2%D0 Herzegovina, 5 human ljudsku potrošnju %B5%D0%BD%D Republika use(„Official („Službeni glasnik 0%BE%D1%98% Srpska Gazette Republika Republike Srpske“, 20%D0%B8%D1 Srpska“, no 88/17) broj 88/17) %81%D0%BF%D 1%80%D0%B0% D0%B2%D0%BD %D0%BE%D1%8 1%D1%82%D0% B8%20%D0%B2 %D0%BE%D0%B 4%D0%B5%20% D0%B7%D0%B0 %20%D0%BF%D 0%B8%D1%9B% D0%B5.pdf Rulebook on Pravilnik o treatment and http://www.voders. tretmanu I odvodnji waste water org/images/PDF/p otpadnih voda za disposal in the ravilnici/Pravilnik_ Bosnia and područje gradova I cities and towns o_odvodnji_otpad Herzegovina, 6 naselja gdje nema where there is no nih_gde_nema_ja Republika javne kanalizacije public sewage vnkanalizacij_PRA Srpska (Službeni glasnik system (”Official VI.pdf?lang=lat Republike Srpske Gazette of RS”, broj 68/01) 68/01) Pravilnik o Rulebook on http://www.voders. uslovima conditions for org/images/PDF/p Bosnia and ispuštanja discharging ravilnici/Pravilnik_i Herzegovina, 7 otpadnih voda u wastewater into spustanje-povrs- Republika površinske vode surface waters vode_44_01.pdf?l Srpska („Sl. glasnik RS“ (“Official Gazette ang=lat broj 44/01) of RS”, 44/01) 2 Uredba o Regulation on klasifikaciji voda i http://www.voders. water classification kategoriyaciji org/images/PDF/u Bosnia and and categorization vodotoka redbe/uredba_o_k Herzegovina, 8 of water courses (Službeni glasnik lasifikaciji_vodotok Republika (Official Gazette of Republike Srpske a.pdf?lang=lat Srpska Republika Srpska broj 41/01) 41/01) I.2List of dangerous (hazardous) substances (metals, non-metals, PAHs, PCBs, other parameters) concentration levels, their significance (definition of terms used for thresholds) in waters, solids or biota, in accordance with the national legislative framework. Annual average for inland surface Name of substance water environmental quality standard (µg/L) Alachlor 0.3 Anthracene 0.1 Atrazine 0.6 Benzene 10 ≤ 0.08 (category 1) 0.08 (category 2) Cadmium and its compounds 0.09 (category 3) 0.15 (category 4) 0.25 (category 5) Chlorfenvinphos 0.1 Chlorpyrifos 0.03 Aldrin Dieldrin ∑=0.005 Endrin DDT total 0.025 Para-para-DDT 0.01 1,2-dichloroethane 10 Dichloromethane 20 Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 1.3 Diuron 0.2 Endosulfan 0.005 Fluoranthene 0.1 Hexachlorbenzene 0.01 Hexachlorbutadiene 0.1 Hexachlorocyclohexane 0.02 gamma isomer, Lindane Izoproturon 0.3 Lead 7.2 Mercury 0.05 3 Naphtalene 2.4 Nickel 20 Nonilphenols 0.3 Octylphenol 0.1 Pentachlorobenzene 0.07 Pentachlorophenol 0.4 PAHs Benzo(a)pyrene 0.05 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ∑0.03 Benzo(g, h, i)perylene ∑0.002 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ∑0.03 Indeno(1,2,3-CD)pyrene ∑0.002 Simazine 1 Trichloromethane 2.5 Trifluralin 0.03 Table 1 Standard quality concentrations for surface water in Republika Srpska (from Directive 2008/105/EC) 3 Zrak [mg/m ] SO2 NOX Solid particles New factories 400 650 50 Table 2 Hazardous substances emissions into the air from factories Purified and Drinking water from Indicator dezinfected water other sources, not [n/100 ml] purified Bacteria Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio kolera and other pathogen microorganisms, termotolerable Coliform 0 0 bacteria, Enterococcus, Proteus species, Pseudomonas aeruginosa Total Coliform bacteria 0 10 Escherichia coli 0 10 4 Sulphite-reducing Clostridium perfringens, 0 1 including spores Number of colonies 22 100 300 +/-2 °C Number of colonies 36 20 100 +/-2 °C Pulmonary protozoa, gut helminths and their 0 0 forms Number of infectious enteroviruses in 10 l of 0 0 water Vibrio 0 0 Bacteriophages 0 0 Table 3 Microbiological parameters and threshold concentrations in drinking water Indicator Threshold values Unit + NH4 0.5 mg/l Sb 5 µg/l As 10 µg/l Cu 2 mg/l Benzene 1 µg/l Benzo(a)pyrene 0.01 µg/l B 1 mg/l CN 50 µg/l Zn 3 mg/l 1,2-Dichloroethane 3 µg/l Anionic detergents 200 µg/l Electroconductivity (20 2500 µS/cm °C) F 1.5 mg/l Chlorides 250 mg/l Cr 50 µg/l Cd 5 µg/l Ca 200 mg/l pH 6.5-9.5 Mg 50 mg/l 5 Mn 50 µg/l Mineral oils 20 µg/l Fuzziness 1 NTU Na 200 mg/l Ni 20 µg/l NO3 50 mg/l NO2 0.5 mg/l Pb 10 µg/l PO4 0.15 mg/l Pesticides individually 0.1 µg/l Total pesticides 0.5 µg/l PAH 0.1 µg/l Soluble oxygen 50 % Se 10 µg/l SO4 250 mg/l Tetrahloroethene and 10 µg/l trichloroethene KMnO4 5 mg/l O2 Vinyl chloride 0.5 µg/l Hg 1 µg/l Al 200 µg/l Fe 200 µg/l Acrylamide 0.1 µg/l Epichlorohydrin 0.1 µg/l Total Trihalomethanes 100 µg/l Bromates 10 µg/l Free chlorine 0.1-0.5 mg/l Table 4 Threshold values for physical, chemical and physico-chemical parameters in drinking water Indicator Threshold Unit value Tricij 100 Bq/l Total 0.1 mSv/year radioactive dose Alpha particles 0.1 Bq/l activity Beta particles 1 Bq/l activity Table 5 Threshold values of radioactivity in drinking water 6 I.4Listing of analytical standards (national analytics and international e.g. USEPA, ASTM, etc.) recommended in documents for chemical, physical, microbiological analyzes of samples Standard Methods 3113-B, APHA- Arsenic AWWA-WEF 2005. Standard Methods 3113-B, APHA- Copper AWWA-WEF 2005. Chromium BAS ISO 9174 Standard Methods 3113-B, APHA- Zinc AWWA-WEF 2005 Table 6 Specific substances of contamination with method of determination Alachlor EPA 525.2:1994 Anthracene EPA 550.1 Atrazine EPA 525.2:1994 Benzene BAS EN ISO 11423-2:2003 Standard Methods 3113-B, issued Cadmium and its compounds by APHA-AWWA-WEF 2005 Chlorfenvinphos EPA 525.2:1994 Chlorpyrifos EPA 525.2:1994 Aldrin Dieldrin EPA 508.1:1994 Endrin DDT total EPA 508.1:1994 Para-para-DDT EPA 508.1:1994 StaticHeadspace/GC/Theory 1,2-dichloroethane &Practice StaticHeadspace/GC/Theory Dichloromethane &Practice Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate EPA 525.2:1994 Diuron BAS EN ISO 11369:2002 Endosulfan EPA 508.1:1994 Fluoranthene EPA 550.1 Hexachlorbenzene EPA 525.2:1994 Hexachlorbutadiene EPA 525.2 Hexachlorocyclohexane gamma isomer, Lindane EPA 508.1:1994 Izoproturon BAS EN ISO 11369:2002 Lead Standard Methods 3113-B, izdat od 7 strane APHA-AWWA-WEF 2005. AMA 254, Advanced Mercury Mercury Analyser,Operating Manual Naphtalene EPA 550.1 Standard Methods 3113-B, izdat od Nickel strane APHA-AWWA-WEF 2005. Nonilphenols EPA 8040 Octylphenol EPA 8040 Pentachlorobenzene BAS EN ISO 6468:2000 Pentachlorophenol EPA 525.2:1994 PAHs Benzo(a)pyrene EPA 550.1:1994 Benzo(b)fluoranthene EPA 550.1:1994 Benzo(g, h, i)perylene EPA 550.1:1994 Benzo(k)fluoranthene EPA 550.1:1994 Indeno(1,2,3-CD)pyrene EPA 550.1:1994 Simazine EPA 525.2:1994 StaticHeadspace/GC/Theory Trichloromethane &Practice Trifluralin EPA 525.2:1994 Table 7 List of priority substances with method of determination Element Analytical standards Standard Methods 2550 B, Water temperature * published from: APHA-AWWA- WEF, 2005 Suspended mater BAS ISO 11923:2002 Dissolved oxygen* BAS EN 25814:2000 pH of water* BAS ISO 10523:2002 Conductivity* BAS EN 27888:2002 Determination of biochemical BAS EN 1899-1:2002 oxygen demand, 5 days (BOD5) Determination of biochemical BAS EN 1899-2:2002 oxygen demand, 5 days (COD) Standard Methods 5220 D, Determination of chemical usage of published by APHA-AWWA-WEF, oxygen 2005 Determination of alkalinity BAS EN ISO 9963-1:2000 Determination of Ca and Mg sum BAS ISO 6059:2000 Determination of ammonium ion BAS
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