The weather Sunny, mild, high around 60. Fair, patchy fog tonight, early Friday, low 40-45. Mild Friday, liatu:l|PBlpr Sunning ralh high in low 60s. Manchester—A City of Village Charm tw enty-eight pages — tw o sections pr ic e -, fifteen cents MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1975- VOL. XCV, No. 44 Carlos becomes king Saturday News summary Franco leaves Spain Compiled from United Press International % 1 deathbed warning MADRID (UPI) — Generalissimo the streets, others looked to the El Pardo palace before burial Sunday State Francisco Franco died today, and in future with renewed hope. in the Valley of the Fallen, the monu­ a political last testament he typed The final medical bulletin by Fran­ ment to the nearly one million per­ GROTON-Under the eye of out on his deathbed warned the na­ co’s 32 doctors said he had suffered sons who died in the Spanish civil federal mediator W. J. Usery, tion that the enemies of Spain were from Parkinson’s disease, acute war. formal talks have resumed on the alert and that the heart attacks, acute bleeding ulcers, between the Metal Trades A government spokesman said the authoritarian policies of his 36-year peritonitis of the intestinal lining, Vice President Nelson Rockefeller Council and Electric Boat Divi­ rule must continue. double pneumonia, blood clots in his sion of General Dynamics. The would represent the United States at There were immediate stirrings left thigh, shock from poisons in his Franco’s funeral. strike has idled 10,000 workers from the outlawed Communist and body and at 5:25 a.m. (10;45 p.m. EST since July 1. The single Sociaiist parties expressing hope for Wednesday) “an irreversible heart Franco’s typing was crude and remaining issue is wages. politicai reforms and anguish that stoppage.” there were many typographical violence will follow the death of the Spain’s uncertain future falls to the errors but his last testament proved PLAINVILLE - City of­ 82-year-old Franco. Basques who hands of Prince Juan Carlos de Bon­ that he was as authoritarian in death ficials have accused nine seek their own independent state in bon 37, who will be promoted Satur­ as he was in iife. policemen of accepting money western Spain toasted his death and day to Captain-General, Spain’s It made no concession to from operators of Las Vegas honked their horns to ceiebrate. highest miiitary rank, and sworn in widespread demands for democratic nights between December,.1974 There were mixed emotions in as the country’s first king in 44 years. reform, warned of the threat of Com­ and Nov. 5. Plainville Town Madrid where for four decades many Until then a three-man Regency munism, declared Franco’s enemies Manager Robert M. Hutchin­ had known no other ruier but Franco, Council will run the government. son said the men have been or Spain’s enemies and urged Spaniards the last of the right-wing dictators The government proclaimed a 30- to raliy round Juan Carlos for God wiil be suspended for seven to who rose to power on the eve of World day period of mourning. Franco’s and country following the funeral 30 days for being “tipped” $25 War II. Some people wept openly on body lay in state at the chapei of his to $100 for working during the Sunday. Las Vegas nights. Town starts budgeting process Regional Although Manchester is not quite your current expenditures and make who has led criticism of Weiss for not BOSTON - Sen. Birch Bayh, five months into its 1975-76 fiscal pius or minus adjustments from that. predicting there would be a 1974-75 year. Town Manager Robert Weiss surplus in excess of $300,000 (during D-Ind., say’s he’ll have to hus­ Rather, you look at your operation already has started the wheels tur­ the time the directors were adopting tle to catch up with some of the from scratch and determine what ning for the 1976-77 budget process. the current budget), claims, in a other Democratic candidates you need to provide an adequate levei in the New Hampshire and “In an attempt to improve the of service. I can weil imagine that letter to Mayor Matthew Moriarty Jr., he still hasn’t received what he Massachusetts presidentiai Miss Manchester thinks snow budget process this year,” he has you can distinguish between the two considers “ a satisfactory primaries. He was in Boston to asked all spending agencies and approaches and the subtle Miss Manchester, Lee Scott, has that faraway look in her eyes as department heads to submit their differences that are involved.” explanation.” get the endorsement of Lt. Gov. Thomas P. O’Neili III. she examines skiing gear during her pre-Christmas Manchester 19’76-77 requests by Jan. 15. He admonished them, “Once again He said he has asked Robert shopping spree. On pages 4 through 7 of today’s Herald you can He is recommending they foliow we are in a tight economy, where you Franklin, executive director of the the “zero budgeting” process. must exercise the strictest possibie BOSTON - The follow Miss Manchester as she pinpoints a sampling of the wide Connecticut Public Expenditures “Under this method,” he wrote in f’ontrols, in order to complete the Massachusetts House is Council (CPEC), "if it would be range of merchandise available to area residents in Manchester memos to them, “you don't look at present year within your budget and expected to act today to cor­ possible for our board to sit down and stores. (Herald photo by Dunn) to project your thoughts for the next talk budget with them (CPEC),” and rect a defect in a new law year.” expanding the 8 per cent meals that Franklin said, “They would like Holding out better prospects for tax. Unintentionally the law very much to do so.” the future, Weiss said, “Some year I taxes doughnuts and ice cream hope that I can state in my budget Consequently, Zinsser has asked cones. New Haven talks resumed memo to you that the lid is off and Moriarty to invite a CPEC represen­ tative to an open and informal NEW HAVEN (UPI) - Teachers teachers voted unanimously to sus­ the location for talks, according to you can base your budget requests on meeting with the board, sometime in and the New Haven Board of Educa­ pend their strike. Dr. Ray Pugliese, executive board whatever you think the town really National January or February, “to get some tion today resumed negotiations to The strike which began Nov. 10 member of the striking New Haven needs. Unfortunately, this is not the insight into preparing a budget and resolve a week-long strike of public spread Wednesday when about 1,000 Federation of Teachers. year.” predicting a surplus or deficit.” ili: RICHARDSON, Tex. - schools that resulted in the jailing of nonteaching school board employes “Hopefully, we’ll start the Republican Director Carl Zinsser, Three months ago school of- 90 union members. stayed away from work in support of negotiations where we left off, short­ j:} ficials in this Dallas suburb put In a compromise to encourage the the teachers. cut this business, put it to bed and get I:} into action a plan to achieve resumption of talks, the board Both sides met Wednesday for it over with,” School Supt. George A. Hawaii show tonight desegregation without court- decided to close the city’s 45 schoois preliminary discussions to settle Barbarito said. iS ordered busing — and its today and Friday, and about 900 such questions as ground rules and Meanwhiie, 78 teachers jailed The Herald's Travel Show on receive Vanda orchids flown in from i:-: working. Using a “pacesetter” Tuesday by Superior Court Judge “Hawaii” will be presented tonight Hawaii especially for the show, i:- schooi that was all black, the George A. Saden for refusing to at 8 at Howell Cheney Regional- courtesy of United Airlines. plan then invited an equal return to work, spent Wednesday Technical School, 791 W. Middle Myles Travel of Glastonbury, one number of white students to at- Reagan to make bid night in World War II type barracks Tpke. of the sponsoring travel agents, has tend. So far it has been at Camp Hartell, the Air National United Airlines will present a film had fresh Hawaiian pineapples successfui with the balance Guard facility in Windsor Locks. which will highlight the many shipped in and they will be given as now nearly 50-50 black and The 12 members of the federation’s wonders of the beautiful island. door prizes. i:- white. for GOP nomination negotiating team were held behind Guest speakers will be Rick Representatives of the foiiowing bars Wednesday night, the men at the Schweizer, Southeast regional sales sponsoring travel agents, will also be I WASHINGTON - A six-year WASHINGTON (UPI) - Ronald election campaign. “ When it’s Bridgeport Community Correctionai manager and Don Kusana, Midwest on hand: Mercury Travel, Airway campaign of 'illegal harass- ■' Reagan; bnce a top movie box office everybody picking at the President, Center, the women at the Connec­ regional sales manager, both of Travel, Goodchild-^rtlett Travel, i:-: ment and surveillance by the attraction and now billed as the star he’s at his weakest,” Callaway said. ticut Correctional Institution at MacKenzie Hawaii Tours. Globe Travel, and LaBonne Travel, j-: FBI against Martin Luther of Republican conservatism, an­ “But when it gets down to one-on- Niantic. They were jailed last Also on hand will be George 0. all of Manchester; and Glastonbury King was conducted under the nounced his candidacy for president one, Gerald Ford, President Ford, Friday, released Saturday and Briere, sales representative of Travel, Myles Travel, both of jj: mistaken suspicion he was un- ;|: of the United States today with an at­ wiil be at his strongest.” ordered back to jail Monda when United Airlines Eastern Division.
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