SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Histologic characteristics of the gingiva associated with the primary and permanentteeth of children Enrique Bimstein, CD Lars Matsson, DDS, Odont Dr Aubrey W. Soskolne, BDS, PhD JoshuaLustmann, DMD Abstract The severity of the gingival inflammatoryresponse to dental plaque increases with age, and it has been suggestedthat this phenomenonmay be related to histological characteristics of the gingiva. The objective of this study was to comparethe histological characteristics of the gingival tissues of primaryteeth with that of permanentteeth in children. Prior to extraction, children were subjected to a period of thorough oral hygiene. Histological sections prepared from gingival biopsies were examinedusing the light microscope. Onebiopsy from each of seven primaryand seven permanentteeth of 14 children, whose meanages were 11.0 +_0.9and 12.9 +_0.9years respectively, was obtained. All sections exhibited clear signs of inflammation. Apical migration of the junctional epithelium onto the root surface was associated only with the primaryteeth. Comparedwith the permanentteeth, the primary teeth were associated with a thicker junctional epithelium (P < 0.05), higher numbers leukocytes in the connective tissue adjacent to the apical end of the junctional epithelium (P < 0.05), and a higher density collagen fibers in the suboral epithelial connectivetissue (P < 0.01). No significant differences werenoted in the width of the free gingiva, thickness of the oral epithelium, or its keratinized layer. In conclusion,this study indicates significant differences in the microanatomyof the gingival tissues between primary and permanentteeth in children. (Pediatr Dent 16:206-10,1994) Introduction and adult dentitions to plaque-induced inflammation. Clinical and histological studies have indicated that Consequently, the objective of this study was to com- the severity of the gingival inflammatory response to pare the histological characteristics of the gingival tis- dental plaque increases with age. 1-3 This phenomenon sues associated with the human primary teeth with may be related to several factors including the matu- those associated with the permanent teeth. ~ rity of the bacterial plaque, the innate and learned Methodsand materials immune response, 7-11 and the histomorphology of the tissues.12-16 Children referred to the department of oral and max- Differences reported in the histomorphology of the illofacial surgery for extraction prior to orthodontic gingivae associated with the human primary and the treatment were included in this study. All the children permanent dentitions include: a thinner stratum were healthy and were not on any medication. None of corneum associated with the gingiva of the permanent the primary teeth used in the study were close to shed- dentition, greater vascularity of the gingival connec- ding, and all the permanent teeth used had reached tive tissue in the primary dentition, and a less orga- occlusion. After confirming a patient’s suitability for nized pattern of orientation of the collagen fibers of the inclusion in the study, informed consent was obtained gingival connective tissue. 12-15 However,in these stud- from the child and parent. In order to obtain clinically ies, the degree of gingival inflammation was poorly healthy gingivae, all the children were subjected to a defined, and no comparisons between the gingiva of thorough prophylaxis using a rubber cup and prophy- the primary and permanent dentitions in children were laxis paste 14 and 7 days prior to extraction. In addi- made. Matsson and Attstr6m 16 compared the gingival tion, the children were instructed on brushing tech- tissues adjacent to the deciduous teeth in juvenile dogs niques and requested to brush thoroughly at least twice with that of the permanent teeth of adult dogs. The a day. teeth had been subjected to meticulous cleaning in or- Only one tooth from each patient was obtained for der to achieve clinically healthy gingiva. The gingivae study. The sample consisted of seven primary and seven of the juvenile dogs displayed a thicker stratum permanent teeth. Immediately prior to extraction, the corneum and junctional epithelium than the adult dogs. gingival and plaque indices (GI & PII) were recorded27 No differences were found in the density of collagen In order to retain the relationship between the marginal fibers or in the degree of vascularity of the gingivae. It gingiva and the tooth, a reverse bevel incision was is reasonable to assume that thickness of the stratum made approximately 1-2 mmapical to the free gingival corneum and the junctional epithelium could affect margin onto the underlying bone or the crown of the their permeability and thus, provide a partial explana- underlying permanent successor. The teeth with their tion for the difference in susceptibility of the juvenile gingivae were removed in one piece and placed in 4% 206 Pediatric Dentistry: May/June1994 -Volume 16, Number3 were expressed as the percentage of grid intersections Margin _ T superimposed on the collagen bundles or the blood Gingival vessels.16 Measurements of the width of the free gingiva, the junctional epithelium, and the oral epithelium were made at a magnification of 200x (objective 20x, ocular LevelI 10x). Measurementof the width of the keratinized layer 1.0 rnm of the oral epithelium and assessment of the cell num- bers and the density of the collagen bundles and the blood vessels were made at 1000x magnification (objec- tive 100x, ocular 10x). At the latter magnification the LevelI I grid covered an area of 0.01 mm2 and comprised 100 squares and 121 cross-points. Each unit of analysis in- cluded two adjacent 0.1x0.1-mm squares (Fig 1). Statistical comparisons were made using the Mann- Whitney nonparametric test. Differences at the 5%level of probability were considered statistically significant. Fig 1. Diagramaticrepresentation of the microscopicfield. A = subcrevicularconnective tissue area, B-- suboralephitelial Results connectivetissue area, C -- connectivetissue area adjacent and Clinical findings apicalto the apicalend of the junctionalepithelium. The mean age of the children at the time of extrac- tions was 11.0 + 0.9 years for those whocontributed the neutral formalin. After a period of 1-3 weeks, the teeth primary teeth and 12.9 + 0.9 years for those who con- were demineralized in a 10 % solution of EDTA,pH 7.4, tributed the permanent teeth. The group of primary and embeddedin water soluble resin (Historesin ®, LKB, teeth consisted of three maxillary canines, one maxil- Bromma, Sweden). Sections, 1-2 ~tm, were cut and lary molar and three mandibular molars. The group of stained with hematoxylin and eosin. permanent teeth included four maxillary and three From each tooth, the best midbuccal section was mandibular premolars. selected for light microscopy and the following mea- Immediately prior to extraction, zero PII were re- surements were made by one of the authors (LM) corded on all teeth except for one primary and one two defined levels (Fig 1): permanent tooth, which had a PII score of 1. However, 1. Thickness of junctional epithelium at levels I five primary and four permanent teeth had clinical and II signs of gingivitis (GI = 1). The remaining GI scores 2. Thickness of oral epithelium at levels I and II were zero. (the thickness of the oral epithelium was as- Histologicfindings sessed at and between the rete-pegs nearest to levels I and II) All sections exhibited clear signs of inflammation 3. Width of gingiva at level II, measured from the within the SCCT.The inflammatory cell infiltrate was junctional epithelium-enamel interface to the ex- usually clearly defined and often adjacent to areas of ternal surface of the oral epithelium dense collagen bundles. Beneath the SECT, only soli- 4. Thickness of stratum corneumat levels I and II. tary inflammatory cells were seen. No differences in In addition, the total numberof cells and the number the size or density of the inflammatorycell infiltrate in of leukocytes (neutrophilic granulocytes, macrophages, the connective tissue were noted between the two lymphocytes, and plasma cells) in a 0.02-mm2 area were groups of teeth. counted at three different zones (Fig 1): 1) Four of six samples from the primary teeth had an subcrevicular connective tissue (SCCT), above level unbroken tooth-epithelium interface. Apical migration 2)The suboral epithelial con- nective tissue (SECT), below Table1. Widthof the junctionalepithelium in mm level II; 3) Theconnective tis- sue adjacent and apical to the LevelI Level H Typeof Teeth apical end of the junctional Mean SD Mean SD epithelium (JECT). In these same areas, the Primary 0.32 0.14 0.15 0.06 density of the collagen Permanent 0.18 0.06 0.14 0.15 bundles and the blood ves- sels were measured using an P" < 0.05 NS ocular grid. The densities ¯ Mann-Whitney. PediatricDentistry: May/June 1994 - Volume16, Number3 207 Table2. Thicknessof the oral epitheliumin mmat (1) andbetween (2) the rete was noted in both the pri- mary and the permanent LevelI LevelII Typeof Teeth teeth. 1 2 1 In areas with an inflam- Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD matorycell infiltrate the col- lagen was fragmented and Primary 0.34 0.07 0.20 0.12 0.36 0.06 0.16 0.06 separated by the cells and Permanent 0.32 0.09 0.21 0.12 0.38 0.11 0.19 0.07 exudate. However, in the P° NS NS NS NS connective tissue on the oral side, the collagen fiber ¯ Mann-Whitney. bundles appeared dense, of- ten extending into the con- Table3. Thicknessof the keratinizedlayer of the oral epitheliumin mm nective tissue papillae of the LevelI LevelII oral epithelium. The appear- Typeof Teeth ance of the collagen was Mean SD Mean SD similar in both groups of Primary 0.027 0.033 0.017 0.006 teeth. The average width of the Permanent 0.020 0.009 0.019 0.009 free gingiva was greater in P° NS NS the primary teeth (1.48 + 0.29 ¯ Mann-Whitney.
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