Monthly publication for the Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls November 2020 The Eucharist REAL PRESENCE REAL LIFE The “thirst” of Jesus is deep and strong he striking words of Jesus on the God’s love in Jesus’ real presence in His body cross “I thirst” have long been and blood. understood in our Catholic faith as TJesus’ thirst for all of humanity to receive Unresponsive when I started Mass, he seemed God’s love. Consider these words written to be slightly saying the words of the Our by St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa) to Father. Oh how I longed even more for him the sisters in her community explaining the to receive viaticum. Then the moment of meaning of Jesus’ “thirst”: “Not only [that] profound grace, when my mom and one of He loves you, even more—He longs for you. my four brothers propped him up in the hos- He misses you when you don’t come close. pice bed because he was too weak to receive He thirsts for you. He loves you always, even Jesus’ body. I held the back of his neck and when you don’t feel worthy. Even if you head in my right hand and the precious blood are not accepted by others, even by yourself of Jesus in my left and said, “Dad, the Blood sometimes—He is the one who always ac- of Christ.” cepts you.” To our astonishment he momentarily became As a kid I just fi gured Jesus was thirsty for alert and strongly sipped the precious blood. some water to drink, but as I am learning Jesus’ “thirst” was fulfi lled in my dad and me, more and more to receive the love of God, I and I suspect many in my family who were fi nd Jesus’ “thirst” through me as your shep- gathered for his last “I thirst” on earth. What herd. In other words, the more I receive God’s a privilege and gift that forever changed my love, the more I desire to love God and all heart to long ever more to fi ll the “thirst of of you. Jesus’ “thirst” through me has grown Jesus” for everyone to receive God’s love. throughout my priesthood and has intensifi ed since God called me to be your bishop. As your spiritual shepherd, it is my hope and prayer that the “I thirst” of Jesus’ love, One example of an out-of-the-ballpark as exemplifi ed in my dad and my own heart, “thirst” experience was the profound longing helps fi ll the desire of our loving God for all my dad had to have Mass throughout his life, to receive the gift of faith in the real presence including his fi nal stages of terminal cancer of Jesus’ body and blood as Jesus tells us in when he could no longer get to Sunday Mass. John’s Gospel, “Unless you eat the fl esh of My mom shared that he would regularly share the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do about mid-week of the last six weeks of his not have life within you. Whoever eats my earthly life, “Is Father Don coming home for fl esh and drinks my blood has eternal life” Mass this Sunday?” I was so very blessed to (John 6:53-54). be in an assignment where I could get home each Sunday afternoon to celebrate Mass with As bishop of our wonderful diocese, the my mom and dad at our home. haunting statistics from the Pew Research One Sunday as he was clearly becoming more Center that only one-third (31%) of Catho- weak, I was home to celebrate Mass with lics believe in the real presence of Jesus in them and some dear friends of theirs. Going the Eucharist troubles me greatly. And yet, back to St. Paul where I was assigned, I then I can assure you the “thirst” of Jesus is deep received a frantic call from my brother say- and strong. It is my hope and prayer that ing, “Get home as quick as you can because many will ask for the gift of faith, intention- hospice does not think he will live much ally seek it out by attending weekly Mass if longer; he has gone mostly unconscious.” healthy enough to participate, and prayerfully ponder Jesus’ words, “Whoever eats my fl esh This triggered a deep “I thirst” longing to give and drinks my blood has eternal life” and “I my dad viaticum (spiritual food, i.e. Jesus thirst.” body and blood) for his journey from earthly life to eternal life in heaven. Man, did I speed Know of my deep desire to share the gift of home, rushing to see if by chance he might the Holy Eucharist with all of you on earth become conscious for just one more last Mass and the gift of the eternal banquet in heaven together to fi ll his and my “thirst” of God’s with you, my dad, and all those of faith who love. My desire was to be the instrument of have gone before us, with us now, and those God’s love as priest and his was to receive to come in the years ahead. 2 The Bishop’s Bulletin • November 2020 sfcatholic.org/bishopsbulletin Prayer to the Most Blessed Sacrament Reminder: The bishop’s schedule is subject to change due to current cir- My Lord Jesus Christ, who for the love you bear us, cumstances related to the coronavirus remain night and day in this Sacrament, full of compassion and of love, pandemic. Changes to his schedule awaiting, calling and welcoming all who come to visit you. and any Masses will be updated on I believe that you are present in the Sacrament of the Altar. the diocesan website as information is I adore you from the abyss of my nothingness and I thank you for all the graces available. you have given me until now, and in particular, for having given me your Most Holy Mother Mary as my advocate and for having November called me to visit you in this church. 4 Mass, Catholic School I now salute your Most Loving Heart, and this for three ends: Principals’ Retreat, Broom fi rst, in thanksgiving for this great gift; Tree Retreat Center, Irene second, to make amends to you for all the outrages 5 Catholic Community which you receive in this Sacrament from all your enemies; Foundation for Eastern third, I intend by this visit to adore you in all the places on earth SD Fall Board Meetings, in which you are present in this Sacrament Cathedral of Saint Joseph and in which you are the least revered and the most abandoned. 5 3:00 Mass, Foundation and St. My Jesus, I love you with all my heart. Joseph Legacy Society, I grieve for having until now so many times off ended your infi nite goodness. Cathedral of Saint Joseph I promise by your grace never more to off end you for the time to come; 7 4:00 Stational Mass, Cathedral of and now, miserable and unworthy though I am, Saint Joseph, broadcast on I consecrate myself to you without reserve. Keloland TV or live stream I give you my entire will, my aff ections, my desires, and all that I possess. via sfcatholic.org From now on, use me and all that I have as you wish. All I ask of you and desire is your holy love, 9 St. Michael Cemetery Board of Directors meeting fi nal perseverance, and the perfect accomplishment of your will. 10-12 Clergy visits, Yankton I recommend to you the souls in Purgatory; but especially those who had the Deanery greatest devotion to the Most Blessed Sacrament and to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. 11 6:30 Installation of Father Thomas I also recommend to you all poor sinners. Anderson as pastor, St. Benedict Parish, Yankton And fi nally, my dear Savior, I unite all my aff ections with the aff ections 14 4:00 Stational Mass, Cathedral of your most loving Heart, and I off er them with you to your Eternal Father of Saint Joseph, live stream and beg him for your sake and for love of you, via sfcatholic.org only, not graciously to accept and grant them. broadcast on Keloland TV Amen. due to Master’s Golf By St. Alphonsus Liguori 16-19 USCCB Fall Meeting, Marquette, MI 21 4:00 Stational Mass, Cathedral of Saint Joseph, broadcast on Keloland TV or live stream via sfcatholic.org 28 4:00 Stational Mass, Cathedral of November 2020 | Volume 74, Number 11 Saint Joseph, broadcast on Postmaster Keloland TV or live stream Publisher Most Rev. Donald E. DeGrood Send address changes to: via sfcatholic.org 523 N. Duluth Avenue December Executive Editor Sioux Falls, SD 57104-2714 Rev. Michael L. Griffi n 1 6:00 Real Presence Radio Annual Correspondence should be addressed to: 523 N. Duluth Avenue Fundraising Banquet, Sioux Managing Editor Sioux Falls, SD 57104-2714 Falls Mrs. Renae D. Kranz Phone: 605-334-9861 E-mail: [email protected] 3 11:00 Presbyteral Council, Catholic Communications Staff: Anniversaries, copy and advertising deadline Pastoral Center Mr. William B. Sealey for the December edition is Nov. 13. 5 4:00 Stational Mass, Cathedral of Miss Brianna L. Wingen Saint Joseph, broadcast on The Bishop’s Bulletin Subscriptions (ISSN 0193-5089) is published monthly by the Keloland TV or live stream Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls, 523 N. Duluth Ave., Sioux $24 per year, or as part of each Falls, SD 57104-2714 and entered as Periodical Postage Paid via sfcatholic.org family’s CFSA contribution.
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