ki - a ,. l £ w1UJAMS " ;tW!RSITY L.lBRARY NOV 25 \91\l largest student weekly newspaper in Canada. Volume 3, Number 12 November 23, 1970 ---------------------------------------------- Loyola Coll• and Sir Geo,. William University. _________, LESA Accounting 'Attendence down Records 'Shameflll~ Doctorates by Dennis Cusson ful. " Mark Grad Bob Brisson, la t year's trea­ Alf Martijn LESA Treasurer surer, " officially" trhisfered by Jim Baxter tld Council in a written tate­ the books of the 1969-70 Coun­ ment delivered Saturday, that cil and the previous years Fall convocation, held last he found the condition of t he Council's tran action last Tue day at Place des Arts, was accounting records "shame- Wednesday. attended by 46', of the Gradu­ After a review of these re­ ates, a little le than normal. cords, Martijn stated that m Hegister Ken Adams wa dis­ past year , only once has there appointed in the poor faculty been an attempt to draw up ome turn out but partially attributed the small number (around fifty) financial statements and that was three years ago. " to the fact that it wa a mid­ He said that " the records were week affair this year, and ome, possibly, had lectures to give. shabbily kept and that "many items and reference are mis - Those who did come, however, ing or misplaced." (and the auditorium was filled with friends and relatives), were Transactions were not backed not let down by the ceremonies. up by receipts, he claimed. ir George -granted its first Council is unable to pend two doctorates, both in the field any money until last year' re­ of engineering. It was fitting cord are audited. therefore, that music was pro­ In order to get around this vided by profe sor James Lind­ problem, the records will be say of that department, an ac: ent to the Auditor o that compli hed organist. they may express an opm1on a to the fairness of the finan­ The University honoured three cial statements (these still have outstandings Canadians. Miss to be made up). Elizabeth H . Morton; Mr. George Woodcock; and the Honourable A denial of opinion, becau e Bryce Mackasey all received the of the inadequacy of the account­ degree of Doctor of Laws. ing reco rds and support ing evi­ Mi Morton has been the guid­ dence, is expected. ing pirit and prime mover in An opinion or denial wo uld improving library scienc~ in Ca­ ab olve Council of re ponsabili­ nada fo r over twenty years. ty for prior years. They could Mr. Woodcock, well known then proceed to this year' bu­ author, is the ed itor of the siness. photo by Ray quarterly "Can adian Literat- Martijn stated that as far as "Stick with Quebec" - Bryce Mackasey at Fall Convocation -cont'd on page 2 he knew, the LE A had paid all its debts from the pa t year . Plans at present call fo r fi ­ On-camp.us recrui~ng down nancial st atements· to be made "Rah, Rah" - up (as of Oct. 15) and pre ented to Council no later than Nov.28. On to the Cup In order that thi not occur, Grads Hunting But Jobs Scarce Martijn ' recommended that Council '"insist on an inco me tatement from the Trea urer by Doub Wiltshire situat_ion and the poor on cam­ industri al ex perie nce. at least bi-monthly", that Co un ­ pus re cruiting stati tic.. indu t rial expe.r ience. cil "police the activitie of the Twenty per cent fe wer than The consen u show that A second reason that em­ T reasurer more frequently" and last time. Employer , that the depletion i a direct re­ ployers gave fo r in the ma­ that Council "have the books is! Mr. eguin of the 1r fl ection of the very poor jor pulp and paper indu tri es audited by Oct. 31 of each new George William Un iversity unemployment situation in the and petroleum concern , is academic year" . Branch of Canada Manpower economy a. a whole. the fact that they just 'are not told T he Paper that there At the moment unemploy- sell ing their commod itie . The Drummond . ... pg 3 He also recommended that the are almo t one-third fewer ment rest. at 8.61 , . That' public i not spend ing money fiscal year of the L.E. .A. be on campus recruiters for about 171.000 people without on consumer article or t ra­ Hende rso n . .. .. pg 5 adopted a Oct. 1 to ept. 30. 1971 graduates than la t year. wo rk. velling as was the case a few Martijn plan to write-up a Jesus .. .. pg 1 0 and 11 In the province o(, Quebec One of the reasons for years ago. Code of Conduct fo r the T rea­ the figures are almo t yno­ fewer on cai;np~ recruiter Mr. Seguin said that fo r urer, setting out h is respon ­ Johnson pg 12 nymou . University of Mont­ is that companie uch a about the la. t three years ibilitie and duties. real, Quebec, Loyola. M cGill We tinghou. e, Air Canada, this situation has ri pened and Dino . pg 13 All the e item were tabled and Laval all are in the same and Dupont all have had to it ha. been difficult fo r the .loe . pg 14 for study by Council. ituation as ir George. layoff employees and that graduate to get the job he de­ In other business Peter Pitt their major consideration would sires regardles of his course Ellyett pg 17 was elected Communications Accord ing to the company be to rehire the. e people ralher of study. Chairman b.v acclaimation. to per. onnel director, Mr. Se­ than dip into a market of rece nt Again this year he will Mose s pg 20 ucceed .Jim Conway, elected guin has spoken to there is university graduates most of Vice-President last week. no relation to the political whom possess almost negligihle cont'd on page 3 2 I THE PAPER NOVEMBER 23. 1970 At Loy.JHa Bilingual Day Care Cent;er Overcomes· Snags by Mary Bonar and Joanne Smith The proposed Loyola Day Care of Montreal. The stipulation is O'Connor. of financial backing she replied, been looked into, but if the day Center has been designed in its that approximately 300 cubic feet ''This ties in with our aversion "It is much easier for an organi­ division is successful there is experimental stages as a means of space must be allowed per to making this an experimental zation to receive money after it no reason why it co uld not be ex­ • to help alleviate the critical lack child, as well as all fire preven­ study of the child, as too many has been set up and the need in tended · into the evening", ex­ of child care facilities on Loyola tion regulations met. The loca­ of these institutions of this type essence no longer exists." plained Jackie. campus. tion of the center in Hingston Hall· seem to be becomihg." T here is also the possibility The Child Care Center has Scheduled to open in Septem­ meets these requirements and · The volunteer system could that the government might par­ been an urgent necessity at Loyo­ ber, the project has been serious­ the issuance of a permit is ex ­ prove to be a hazardous method tially subsidize the undertaking la fo r a hmg time. Parents who ly hampered by the lack of space pected shortly. of arranging a staff, but The ·th the amount of $2.00 per day feel that their children would available and a delay in acqui­ Catering to students, staff, and Paper has been assured that a per child. A strictly non-profit benefit from such a service are sition of a permit. faculty, the center is expecting schedule will be set up for all enterprise, should it prove suc­ requested to phone Elizabeth Mi­ According to Mrs. Dennis to enroll between 25 and 35 pre- members." It will be based on the cessful it could eventually form ledoux at Loyola ( 482-0320 O'Connor, one of the organizers chool children of all ages. Both free time· available to each stu­ a co :operative. ext. 498) or at home (489-0431). of the center, "Loyola is filled French and English speaking dent between classes, and will Students interested in helping to 85"c capacity which is a highly children can be accomodated due be carefully controlled. There "Another thing to look for in out in their spare time are re­ unusual situation. There is very to the services of Professor are enough people interested in the future might be a Child Care quested to call Mrs. O'Connor little vacant space available ei­ Margaret Anderson of Loyola. participating in the organization Center to accomodate evening at ( 482-0320 Local 432) or at ther on or off the campus." The major part of the staff will to allow for replacement of any­ students. As of yet this has not home (484-1950) . At the moment Malone Library be comprised of qualified volun­ one who fails to meet his respon­ ' and the Lounge of the Hingston teer students to be trained in sibilities. Hall for a total of 1,479 square the care and entertainment of Fees for the service provided · lopments sitting on the table feet has been reserved. There is their charges. " Most of the by the Day Care Center are: Lack of .T obs for passing such as the Pla­ still the hope though that an even people that have contacted us re­ Students - $40 per month per child con't from pg l ce Desjardins, the Condordia larger space may be made avail­ garding the venture have show a Staff - $50 per month per child have to accept any job ins­ Complex, and extension of able sometime in the fu t ure.
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