Wisconsin'ss LGBT Entertainmentent0 G0u7ide R 2 Mondays Volume 6 $2.00 Drinks ? Tuesdays Bad Boys MAGAZINE 2-for-1 All Wednesdays Showtunes F'umphouse Martinis Thursdays Surprise Specials Fridays Saturdays Shots Doctor's Marys kelotail St. Patrick's Day Open at 10am March 7th Seven Days a Wee Free Irish Fair Food, Door Prizes 4 Green Apple Martinis arkey'Inside KEEPKEEP YOURYOUR COOL i‘ GETTESTED for HIV,HIV, atat BESTD Clinic.Clinic. It'sIt's free and it's fast, withwith nono namesnames and no needles.Weneedles. We alsoalso provideprovide free STD testing, exams,exams, and and treatment. Staffed Staffed totallytotally byby -~dy.i I, Le & . volunteers and supported byby donations, BESTD has has beenbeen doing HIVHIV outreachoutreach sincesince 1987.1987. Mondays 6 6PM-8:30 PM-8:30 PM: PM: Free HIVHIV && STDSTD testingtesting Tuesdays 6 6 PM-8:30 PM-8:30 PM: All All of of the the above plus STD exams & treatmenttreatment \ Some services onlyonly available forfor men; see our webweb sitesite forfor details.details. BradyBredy EastEast STDSTD CIlnlcClinic 1240 E. BradyBrady St.. Milwaukee,Milwaukee,Wl WI 5320253202 414-272-2144 www.bestd.org the start, thesethese threethree areare quickquick toto kickkick itit upup aa fewfew notches.notches. Boasting somesome greatgreat exoticexotic locationslocations andand somesome veryvery hothot men who are passionate about sexsex allall makes Collin O'Neal's Lebanon well worth visiting. Prolific directordirector Csaba Borbely over the past few yearsyears has made quite a name for himself at Pacific Sun,Sun, filming hothot EurostudsEurostuds in increasingincreasing non-non- descript films.films. Borbely hitshits aa new new lowlow with Sexolympics forfor PrivatePrivate ManMan studios.studios. To createcreate a sensesense ofof thethe sports theme,theme, the performers wear gailygaily colored jockstraps and jerseys evidently emblazed withwith logos.logos. yetYet someone at Private Man must have KR decided that these logoslogos could result in potential legal issues issues becausebecause each and every shirtshirt has the offending logologo distorted,distorted, rather inexpertly.inexpertly. AtAt best, best, these these cloudy, cloudy, fuzzy blobs prove exceedinglyexceedingly annoying as each scene starts. Happily, sincesince thisthis flick lackslacks anyany sortsort ofof aa story, story, these these cute cute little little sports outfitsoutfits are are shed shed very very quickly. quickly. Thank you for your support The lack ofof originalityoriginality continues continues with the for "Camp Heartland" fundraiser chosen locations forfor thethe sexual encounters:encounters: a coach's officeoffice in the firstfirst scene,scene, next up aa and special thanks for all the gymnasium, thenthen aa locker locker room room — -aa shower shower volunteers room not surprisingly quicklyquickly follows.follows. The fifinalnal scenescene isis the most absurd.absurd. InIn aa hallway, oneone manman appearsappears toto bebe making making aa payoff payoff Jerry & Serge to an athlete. EachEach looklook around inin a furtivefurtive fashion.fashion. Cash is exchanged.exchanged. Hands are shaken. Despite theirtheir attemptattempt to keep aa watchful watchful eye, eye, they they are are interrupted interrupted by by two two men, both participants fromfrom earlier scenes.scenes. Expressing Expressing his his outrage, outrage, one one man man tosses tosses the cash into thethe air,air, rips off hishis shirt,shirt, yanksyanks off off his his shorts shorts and and demands demands to to be be serviced. serviced. His companion immediatelyimmediately follows suit. At thethe Sexolympics, sexsex provesproves to to be be the the punishment punishment for cheating. cheating. Interesting. Interesting. Not really thethe sort of message mostmost parents try to instill in their children. WorseWorse yet,yet, Sunday March 11 a potentially hot foursomefoursome nevernever materializes.materializes. Sexolympics is is maybe maybe worth worth a arental rental — -ifif you've "LIL LUCK-O-THE IRISH rented most everything else.else. OnOn thethe plusplus side,side, the the guys in SexolympicsSexolympics allall havehave goodgood bodies,bodies, a fewfew areare Castaways Beer Bust (3:00pm to 7:00pm) mindmind-bogglingly-bogglingly endowedendowed andand most are reasonably good looking. ButBut the the sexsex is is strictly strictly by by thethe numbersnumbers Get Lucky @ KRUZ and the camerawork merely adequate. But mentionmention must be made of the dreadful moaning that accompanyingaccompanying everyevery scene.scene. MoaningMoaning soso awfulawful you think it mustmust be dubbed in. Except thatthat it isn't.isn't. Monotonous moaning that goesgoes onon andand on and on until you will want to scream.scream. OPEN DAILY 3:00 PM - CLOSE Enjoy. Ratings: (*(* toto *****) 354 E National Ave Lebanon: Collin O'Neal's WorldWorld ofof Men Men **** Milwaukee, WI 53204 Sexolympicssexolympics ** ./21/2 !Lm¥LqThrmjFurmmrmAt!}lltLusS§ffijij?Luns{EZ (414) 272-KRUZ Hey folks...it's meme....Ruthie! .... Ruthie! HowHow thethe hellhell are ya?ya? I'd like toto talk about passion.passion. No,No, not THAT kind kind of of pas- pas- sion. I'm['m talkingtalking aboutabout an intrinsicintrinsic enthusiasmenthusiasm you feelfeel for something... aa hobby,hobby, social social cause cause oror politicalpolitical movement, movement, for for instance. instance. I've['ve been been lucky lucky enough enough to to meet meet two two people people whowho hadhad such amazing,amazing, deep-seated enthusiasms thatthat they they had had nono choicechoice but to turnturn their pas- sions intointo their vocations.vocations. Luckily,Luckily, wewe allall inherent inherent thethe benefits.benefits. One of those peoplepeople is Dale Dale Gutzman, Gutzman, owner owner and and operator operator ofof OffOff the the Wall Theatre in downtowndowntown Milwaukee.Milwaukee. Dale's livelihood springssprings fromfrom his love ofof theater,theater, and and we...thewe...the audience...areaudience...are thethe beneficiaries. The other personperson isis Terry Terry Boughner.Boughner. TerryTerry andand his partnerpartner Jerry Johnson foundedfounded "The"The WisconsinWisconsin Light" Light"-the—the firstfirst Milwaukee-basedMilwaukee-based LGBT newspaper. newspaper. I'm I'm sorry sorry to to say say that that TerryTerry passedpassed away in latelate January,January, but thethe immenseimmense legacy hehe left behind,behind, thethe spirit spirit ofof hishis passionpassion will bebe with WisconsinWisconsin for years to come.come. At the memorialmemorial service, speakersspeakers suchsuch asas CongresswomanCongresswoman Tammy Baldwin and and ARCW's ARC\^/'s Doug Doug Nelson Nelson described described Terry's Terry's passionpassion andand whatwhat his devotion meantmeant to Wisconsin.Wisconsin. HavingHaving started my column, "Dear"Dear Ruthie," inin Terry's "Wisconsin "Wisconsin Light"Light" oh oh-so-so many many years years ago,ago, I Icouldn't couldn't have agreed with themthem more. The newspaper was was anan immenseimmense part ofof Terry's Terry's life,life, butbut his realreal pas- pas- sion waswas securing equalityequality for for all all membersmembers ofof the the LGBTLGBT community.community. This accomplished author, I.ournalist,journalist, professor professor and and historian historian was was an an ardent ardent zealot forfor equalequal rights. TerryTerry was nevernever oneone to sitsit back and letlet others do the work.work. HeHe wasn't wasn't oneone toto complain about about thethe statestate of a situation without drummingdrumming upup thethe action action neededneeded toto address address it;it; instead, Terry used thethe powerpower of of the the penpen to flexflex aa socialsocial muscle and makemake othersothers take notice; and he diddid so superbly. Terry (and(and Jerry)Jerry) often often wentwent withoutwithout items mostmost of us take forfor grant- ed ifif itit meant meant makingmaking aa donation donation toto an LGBT charity charity oror political function.function. Anyone who knew TerryTerry understood understood thatthat monetarymonetary profits meantmeant noth- ing to him.him. Securing Securing equalequal rights rights werewere thethe hallmarkshallmarks of success toto Terry. Terry. His passion passion consumed consumed him...and him...and for that wewe shouldshould a][ all be grateful. At the endend ofof thethe memorial memorial service, thethe crowdcrowd waswas asked asked to to thinkthink about what theythey werewere passionatepassionate about.about. How cancan eacheach ofof usus turnturn that excitement into somethingsomething thatthat would would positivelypositively impactimpact thethe world?world? Think about it.it. If each of us could accomplishaccomplish even anan ounce ounce ofof whatwhat Terry did,did, whatwhat a gloriousglorious andand peaceful worldworld it it wouldwould be. be. Thank Thank you, you, Terry, for for sharing sharing your your passion.passion. We'll\^/e'll nevernever forgetforget you!you! The Longest, Finest Cocktail Hour in Town DVD REVIEWS Lebanon: Collin O'Neal's World of Men from Raging Stallion 2 pm - 9 pm, Monday thru Friday pits NNWMa Popular pornporn performer and director Collin O'NealO'Neal isn't isn't satisfiedsatisfied with fifindingnding hot AmericanAmerican menmen toto film film havinghaving sex. sex. [n In his extraordinary Lebanon: Collin O'Neal'sO'Neal's World RALLGAME of Men, O'Neill alongalong with a fewfew handpicked handpicked 196 S. 2nd St. • Milwaukee • 414-273-7474 associates -— includingincluding reigningreigning RagingRaging Stallion
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