onday, September 29, 1958 TORRANCE PRESS /^utomobiles for Sale 200 ^utomobllet for Automobiles for Sale 200 ^utemebllet fer Sale 200 Sale 200 Automobiles for * * 20° Automobll*t for Sal» 2<* Automobiles for Salt 2°° Automobiles for Sale 200 Aufomobl1" *»r Sato 205 Closeout '56 Model SALEM CLEARANCE '1956 TR-3 Roadster. Black with white wal tires & wire wheels. A Triumph- r Full Price $1895 1956 PLYMOUTH station wagon 4-door, 6-possenger custom. Automatic, radio, Imported heater, white side walls. Car Dealer Full Price $1595 1^56 PONTIAC club coupe. Power pak, automatic, radio, heater. A goer. Full Price $1195 1956 BUICK Special Riviera hardtop coupe. Full power, Wants automatic, radio & heater. Out Full Price $1595 of..... 1956 FORD V-8 convertible. Full power, sharp car. New top, automatic, radio, heater, full power. Full Price $1495 American-Trade-ins....They're Just 1956 PLYMOUTH station wagon 2-door, 6-passenger. Economy straight shift, radio, heater. Local car. Full Price $1295 Top Big For Our Little Lot.... 1956 BUICK SpeciSl Riviera 4-door sedan. Like new. Automatic, radio, heater, white * W« side wall. Have 35 of Them. * All cars are plainly marked by Super Market Style! * They are all in fop condition. Full Price $1495 All late models have 1-year uncondi­ if For clearance most are right at whole­ 1956 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe. Automatic, radio, heater- Too clean to be called used. tional warranty available. Full Price $11 95 sale. 1954 DODGE. Automatic, full power. '55 CHEVROLET V-8 Bel-Air hardtop. Radio, heater, '57 CHEVROLET V-8 2-dr. Hardtop. Radio, heater, powerglide, etc. Full Price $795 powerglide, etc. FIAT 1958 FORD Fairlane 4-door hardtop sedan. Ford-o-matic, radio & heater, white side Reg. $1395-Clearance $1195 i Factory Says wall tires. Save $1 100. Reg. $1995-Clearance S1845 Full Price $21 95 '55 CADILLAC 4-dr. sedan. Radio, heater, automatic power steering & brakes, air conditioning. 'Go Exclusive' Also a Late Model Stock Reg. $2195-Clearance '56 PONTIAC 870 4-door Catalina Coupe. Heater, Reduction $1895 hydramatic, etc. All These Other Lines Must Go! i '53 PONTIAC Custom Catalina Coupe. Radio, heat­ SALE!! er, hydra mafic, etc. Reg. $1495-Clearance $1295 GOGGOMOBILE We must clear our lot to make room for the trade-In'* v MORGANS on our new car clearance sale. Reg. $595-Clearance $495 '56 MERCURY Monclalr 2-door hardtop- Radio, BERKLEYS 1955 BUICK Super Riviera Hardtop Coupe. Dynaflow, radio, heater, power steering. '57 FORD V-8 Fairlane "500" 4-dr. Victoria. Radio, All the extras, a beautiful gem, green color, like new. heater, Ford-O-Matic, etc. heater, automatic, etc. TRIUMPH Full Price $1395 Reg. $2095-Clearance $1895 Reg. $1795-Clearance $1495 ISETTA 1952 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. Sedan. Radio, heater, original paint- Immaculate. '55 PONTIAC 2-door sedan. Radio, heater & auto- '53 PONTIAC Custom Catalina coupe. Radio, heater, Full Price $395 mafic transmission. automatic. No down, $27 a month. This is a once-ln-a-liferime opportunity 1956 PONTIAC V-8 2-dr. Sedan. Automatic, radio, heater, loaded with extras. A Clearance $745 as imports are normally not discounted* once in a lifetime buy. Clearance $495 All carry new car guarantees. Ful Price $1195 » LOADS & LOADS MORE TO STEAL FROM 1955 FORD Fairlane Town Club Coupe. Fordomatic, radio, heater, white wall tires, TRADES ACCEPTED NO DOWN ON GOOD CREDIT etc. A beautiful all white car in wonderful condition. Not a rattle in thU one. THIS Full Price $1195 SALE GOOD UNTIL SEPTEMBER 30 1956 BUICK Special Riviera Coupe. Dynaflow, radio, heater. Very clean ear. 505 Pacific Coast Hwy, Hermosa Beach , FR 4-0921 Full Price $1595 No Down Payment Required if Your Credit Is Good 1956 PLYMOUTH Suburban Wagon. Heater, economical straight stick, original fin­ Division Open Til 9 p.m. and Sundays ish. Very clean. Full Price $1295 1956 PLYMOUTH Savoy 2-door-door automatic. Radio, hheater, white over r»d finish BOB WOOD AUTO SALES Sharp. SPECIAL FOR TORRANCE PRESS READERS Full Price $1195 100 Discount Coupon Are We Crazy? HERMAN MILLER Can be used on «ny car advertised below We Will Sell Every New 1958 MORRIS.. In Stock By OCTOBER 1st. PROFIT NO OBJECT YOU NAME IT AND WE 'LL PROBABLY TAKE IT! These cars are already priced low, but with th*« coupon, you can SAVE WHY BUY 0 to 60 mllat par hour In M tacondt. Tha small car with B16 IDEAS) Plymouth as never before! A MORRIS? -Triumph 1. Made by MG (Morris Full With Garage) of England 9. Torsion Bar Suspension USED CAR DEPARTMENT Price Coupon 2. England's No. I seller guarantees. Smooth comfortable ride on '1311 CABRILLO, TORRANCE FAIRFAX '49 NASH .......................... $129 $29 3. Pr*cl«ion built by 8-4014 any surface Sedan. Good work ear. .skilled craftsmen ___________ Open Eve's & Sundays '47 DODGE ...................... $129 $ 29 4. 45 miles per gallon 10. Oversize brakes. Club coupe. Runt food, naadt braket. , 5- One year 11. Brilliant acceleration Miscellaneous for Sale 173 '49 PONTIAC .................. $129 $ 29 full warranty Club coupe. Pint ona In takat It. on parts & labor with 80 m.p.h. top GOLD COLORED DRAPERIES, llnad BOB KEEPER 6. Station wagon four speed. padded cornice box**, travarta '49 FORD.......................... $149 $ 49 rod*, for 12 ft, & 6 ft. windows. PLYMOUTH FIAT ALFA ROM CO a door, school boy draam. door rear seats in Complete set, WO. DA 4-0474 12. Remarkable sports Write your own deal on KP§ Plan every model. car maneuverability. POR SALI or will trada HotpoTnt '47 CADILLAC ................ $169 $ 69 automatic wathar, portable tewing Sedanette. Priced r!0ht. 7. All-silent unit Moro- Have fun while you machine. Hl-chalr A crib. PA 8-0*57 '49 BUICK ........................ $199 $ 99 torque construction drive. Sedan. You mutt drlva thlt ona. LIST PRICES START AT ... NO MONEY DOWN 8. Handles & corners just 13. Will out perform eny Miscellaneous Wanted 17S NO FURNITURE LOAN ____ '49 BUICK ........................ like MG with finger- NO SALARY LOAN $299 $199 imported sedan selling KFBP"^ jfj^ LA* Station waeon. Room for tha younfater*. light rock & pinion $1665 under $2000. FURNITURIE& New '58 Plymouth Cpe. Factory aquplt. $12.10 par wk on KFB Plan '50 CADILLAC ................ $649 $549 sfeering PENNY PINCHERS TAKE NOTE: APPLIANCES Sadan. Luxury tpeclal. You will also save over $100 each month in depreciation, NO MONBY DOWN tPICIALS '55 PLYMOUTH .............. $999 $899 gasoline, maintenance, faxes, and insurance. Club coupe. Late modal tpeclal. WANTED '56 Plymouth 4 dr. $7.89 Wk. ONLY FIVE '58's LEFT Automatic. Radio, heater, whlta aWa w*Ma. On KFB Plan S*H P.P. TAKE YOUR CHOICE "World's BIGGEST Small Car Buy" Home of the famous Hamilton plan 1 Station Wagon More living per gallon . Never , TOP DOLLAR '55 Plymouth Sport Cpe. $8.10 Wk. before has a small Automatic. Radio, heater, whlta akfa walk. On KPB Plan •ft RBMBMBtR: You never pay ratal! family car been so universally acclaimed . and so whan you buy on tha HAMILTON PLAN 2 2-Door Sedans * OS 6-3766 110*9 P.P. enthusiastically. -ft YOU NEVCR PAY OVBR 110 PER WEEK 2 4-DoorSedans Red "Cnr Life", WANTED! '55 Chevrolet Sport Cpe. $8.62 Wk. •fr RBMBMBBR: Your credit It aood when you buy on the Hamilton Plan "Road & Track" magazines & see why. Automatic. Radio, heater, whlta tide walla. On KFB Plan DON'T WAIT COME F.P. if RBMBMBER: YOU APPROVE YOUR OWN CRBDIT IN TODAY! Used Furniture whan you buy on tha HAMILTON PLAN and Appliances '56 Ford Convertible $9.32 Wy. & SAVE -fr SAVE & SAVE "TERMS" CALL VAN Automatic. Radio, haatar, whtta «Ma walls. On KPi Wan P.P. When You Buy on The Hamilton Plan YOU . -OS 6-0152* '57 Ford 500 Clb. Victoria $12.66 Wk. NAME IT!! Automatic. Radio, haatar, whlta aMa wall*. On KFB Flan ^Furniture Wonted^ F.P. 1120 Pier Ave.' Newcastle HERMOSA OPEN SUNDAYS FR 4-3814 Authorized * MG, Morris, TOP $ $ $ '57 Buick $11.99 Wk. Special Riviera 5-door, automatic, radio, haat- On KFB Plan Austin, Austin-Healey, Deal­ SPORTS CAR CENTRE ar & whlta wall tlra* 1WJ PLYMOUTH LTD. For Your Furniture & $17W P.P. 4 door «*d*n. In flood condition Need Jutt tpent |278 In rapalrt. Mutt an Economical er. TOOLS all at onca. 1404 Cravana. Prlvata Party. 700 Pacific Coast Hwy. - Hermosa Beach DISCOUNT»-ALL '* PLYMOUTHS MUIT «OI Leonard's Auction PA 1-3348 Station Wagon? OPEN NITES & 1311 W. Carton, Torranca 1MO MIRCURY 8-door. Radio, haat­ SUN. TILL 9 P.M. - FR 6-3474 CAYE * NOW ar, whlta walli, elatt packt. A-l Saa tha low mllaaaa Volvo tfatlon tandltton, 9791. wagon! You'll ba turprliart at tha FA 8-2602 New Fury PA S-M2I amount of Inttrior cargo space, fully equipped Was $4178, Now $3099. comblnad with American car per- '55 ITUDiBAKIR Comdr. 4-dr. foimanca and European car mlla- Repairing 193 Sport Coupes $2650. 4 Doors- 2 DOOM Now! Autom thlff. Mr. Ramalmayar. 8 HB*. Beautiful r«d & tan finish a.m to 5 p.m. PA 1-5310 With r«dlo, hent«r & w/l'wallt. PONTIAC 'M Bonnevllla Hardtfl*. Your Automatic BUICK 'If lupar Hardtop. Perfect ONLY $1895 Drlvan «nly UOO mllat. Taka ovtr '57 FORD Transmission Shift Car buyer here at all times. Bring yours In! thepe. Taka ovar payment* A»K for payment*. Atk for Ban Tbppar. Henry. FR 4-W44. FA 1-3217 FAIRLANE Slow? Leolc? Jump? CHAS. Marsh and Carlson OR '4* PORD Radio, haatar. Rabullt . Taha ovar pavmanti of 4 door. Radio and haatar, powar Some of th««« III* can IM oulcktv 8-4956 KEEPER OS 9-2521 motor. O«od condition, 1100.
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