EFFECTS OF SIMULATED AND REAL ALTITUDE EXPOSURE IN ELITE SWIMMERS 1,2 2,3 2 4 EILEEN Y. ROBERTSON, ROBERT J. AUGHEY, JUDITH M. ANSON, WILL G. HOPKINS, 1,2,5 AND DAVID B. PYNE 1Department of Physiology, Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra, Australia; 2Faculty of Health, University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia; 3School of Sport and Exercise Science, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia; 4School of Sport and Recreation, AUT, Auckland, New Zealand; and 5Medical School, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia ABSTRACT mers. Sports should investigate the efficacy of their altitude Robertson, EY, Aughey, RJ, Anson, JM, Hopkins, WG, and training program to justify the investment. Pyne, DB. Effects of simulated and real altitude exposure in elite KEY WORDS swimming, live high-train low, hemoglobin mass, swimmers. J Strength Cond Res 24(2): 487–493, 2010—The performance effect of repeated exposures to natural and simulated moderate altitude on physiology and competitive performance of elite athletes warrants further investigation. This study quantified INTRODUCTION changes in hemoglobin mass, performance tests, and competi- espite widespread popularity with elite athletes tive performance of elite swimmers undertaking a coach- and coaches, the physiological mechanisms prescribed program of natural and simulated altitude training. underpinning improved performance after alti- Nine swimmers (age 21.1 6 1.4 years, mean 6 SD) completed tude training remain elusive. Although some up to four 2-week blocks of combined living and training at D coaches advocate altitude training for enhanced athletic moderate natural altitude (1,350 m) and simulated live high- performance at sea level, the literature on central and train low (2,600–600 m) altitude exposure between 2 National peripheral adaptations is inconclusive. The current debate Championships. Changes in hemoglobin mass (Hbmass), 4-mM centers on whether performance enhancements are primarily lactate threshold velocity, and 2,000 m time trial were mediated by hypoxia-induced hematological or nonhemato- measured. Competition performance of these swimmers was logical changes (15). In the erythropoietic pathway, increased compared with that of 9 similarly trained swimmers (21.1 6 erythropoietin (EPO) release at altitude increases oxygen 4.1 years) who undertook no altitude training. Each 2-week carrying capacity of the blood and presumably enhances maximal oxygen uptake (14). However, whether a transient altitude block on average produced the following improve- increase in EPO concentration with brief altitude exposure ments: Hb , 0.9% (90% confidence limits, 60.8%); 4-mM mass is sufficient to accelerate erythropoiesis and increase lactate threshold velocity, 0.9% (60.8%); and 2,000 m time hemoglobin mass (Hbmass) in elite athletes remains unclear trial performance, 1.2% (61.6%). The increases in Hbmass (6,12). Alternate explanations for improved performance had a moderate correlation with time trial performance (r = after altitude exposure include local muscle adaptations such 0.47; 60.41) but an unclear correlation with lactate threshold as increased muscle buffer capacity (9) and improved exercise velocity (r = 20.23; 60.48). The altitude group did not swim economy (24). faster at National Championships compared with swimmers The live high-train low (LHTL) model of altitude training who did not receive any altitude exposure, the difference has gained popularity over traditional altitude training, where between the groups was not substantial (20.5%; 61.0%). extended periods of hypoxia are reported to impair training A coach-prescribed program of repeated altitude training and quality as a consequence of reduced work rates (14). The exposure elicited modest changes in physiology but did not rationale behind LHTL is to improve performance by living and sleeping at moderate altitude to facilitate acclimatization, substantially improve competition performance of elite swim- while maintaining training velocities at lower altitudes (14). A further refinement of LHTL is using simulated altitude in Laboratory: Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra, Australia. the form of a nitrogen house or hypoxic tent. After 3–4 weeks Address correspondence to David B. Pyne, [email protected]. of natural LHTL, increased erythropoietic activity and red 24(2)/487–493 cell mass have been observed (14,29). However, other studies Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research using simulated LHTL altitude have reported no substantial Ó 2010 National Strength and Conditioning Association change in reticulocytes or Hbmass in athletes (2,3,24). The VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 2 | FEBRUARY 2010 | 487 Altitude Training in Elite Swimmers mechanisms of physiological adaptations with LHTL and examined single bouts of natural or simulated altitude exposure, their potential contribution to improved performance remain no studies have examined the benefits or otherwise of coach- uncertain (15). prescribed altitude training programs. These programs typically The relationship between change in Hbmass and perfor- consist of short duration (;10 days) and multiple bouts (3–4) of mance improvements after altitude training and exposure in combined moderate natural and simulated altitude exposure elite athletes is unclear. Conflicting results from recent studies within a training year. Evaluating the efficacy of this current report increased Hbmass with improved performance in elite training methodology on swimming performance is of endurance athletes (26) and junior swimmers (8), increased considerable interest to coaches, sports scientists, and elite Hbmass with no performance improvement in highly trained swimmers. swimmers (21), and no change in Hbmass or time trial The aim of this study was evaluate a coach-prescribed performance after altitude training in well-trained triathletes altitude training program, quantifying changes in hemoglobin (6) or world champion track cyclists (11). mass, training performance, and competitive performance of _ Although maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) is not the elite swimmers. An observational study design was employed sole predictor of performance in elite athletes (25), many to evaluate a typical altitude training methodology, consisting previous studies have used it to evaluate altitude training of 3 to 4 repeated 2-week altitude exposures, undertaken by _ and reported VO2max to be increased (14,26,29), decreased elite swimmers in preparation for competition. (9), or unchanged (6). Given these equivocal findings, actual competition performance or a sanctioned time trial may be METHODS a more appropriate means to evaluate performance changes Experimental Approach to the Problem with altitude training in elite athletes. To the best of our This observational study evaluated the altitude training knowledge, other than a recent uncontrolled ‘‘double case’’ methodology employed by elite swimming coaches for the study of 2 elite runners (28), no other studies have used actual preparation of their swimmers for National Championships competition performance and parallel changes in Hbmass to and Commonwealth Games (Figure 1). The altitude training evaluate altitude training. Moreover, the focus has been on and exposures were designed by the coaches, and there were reporting group means, and although individual variation has no experimental manipulations of these elements by the been observed (23), the magnitude of individual responses study investigators. This study evaluated, using rigorous data has not been quantified directly. analysis, the actual practices of elite athletes in contrast to the Despite limited documented evidence on performance gains majority of the altitude studies in the literature that employ from altitude training in elite swimmers, several leading fully controlled experimental designs. swimming nations use this preparation for competition. The altitude group undertook three to four 2-week altitude Although previous experimental studies have generally blocks comprising living and training at moderate natural altitude (LMTM) or simulated LHTL before National Cham- pionships (after block 3) and Commonwealth Games (after block 4). During each LHTL altitude exposure, swimmers spent 9–10 hours per night, in a normobaric hypoxic chamber with N2 enrichment or an altitude tent with reduced O2 concentration, and trained as normal in Canberra, Australia (LHTL, 2,600–600 m). Blocks 1 and 3 comprise 10 nights of simulated LHTL, whereas blocks 2 and 4 consisted of a combination of LHTL alti- tude for 5 nights, followed by 5 days of living and training in Thredbo, Australia (LMTM, Figure 1. Time line of altitude training (living and training at moderate natural altitude [LMTM], 1,350 m) and 1,350 m). Hemoglobin mass exposure (live high-train low [LHTL], 2,600 m) in preparation for National Championships (NC) and Commonwealth Games (CG). Hemoglobin mass (H) was measured before and after blocks 1–4, and training performance tests and pool testing were per- (7 3 200-m step test and over distance time trial; tests 1, 2, and 3) were completed before blocks 1, 2, and 3. formed under normoxic con- ditions in Canberra for the 488 Journalthe of Strength and Conditioning ResearchTM the TM Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research | www.nsca-jscr.org altitude group, with only group 1 performing the training international swimming competition presented as coefficient performance tests in the pool (modified 7 3 200-m step test of variation (CV) is 0.8% (20,27). and over distance time trial).
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