MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, Iflfl The Weather Manchester Evening Herald Average Dally Circalation ForecMt ot r . 8. Weutbor Buroun pa;o e t w e l v e ^ For the Mouth ot Septembor, 1045 Cloudy uud cooler tonight with occMioMl light mih princIpuUy Lieut. Muriel Palmer of thej Mrs. James along oouat; Wedueadny conridcr- The Manchester CSiapter of Ha- Sgt. Steven Sapienza, son of Army Nurse Corp.s, left yesterday rnan and Mrs Max Kasulkl co- PIANO TUNING Oil Burners 8,988 MANCHESTER nUo cloudlMM uud eo ^ dassah will hold a tea tomorrow Mr. and Mrs. Peter Saplcnra of for Fort, Dix, N. J.. after spending chairman of the fall rummage 202 Oak street, is in Manila' with sale ?f St. Mary's Woman's Auxll- AND VOICINQr$5.00 end Maaber of the Audit About Town evening at 8 o'clock at the Temple a leave and extension of time with AUTO BODY B m eu ot ClrealsUoiia Beth Sholm vestry. Mrs. Herbert 692nd Amphibian Kngineers. He relatives here and in Philadelphia. laryr Thuraday at nine o’clock Ip Papnirippr Rebuilding Mancheater— A CUy of ViUage Charm N. Greenberger, chairman of the sircnt 16 month.'? in Mow She returned last month from the the pari.sh hall. Locust street en- 50 Oak, Street Furnaces The ChUdren «>« , trance. Members of the commlt- Cash for Your Spinet Grand i t . Jamee’i parieh wll hold » political Zloness and American af­ fore going to duty in the • •'"‘P' European area where she served Telephone 3979 and Upright A Few StUI ATailable. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE rUREE CEN1 ‘taiM’en Party Wedneadey evening, fairs. will be .In charge of the pro­ pines a few months ago and he nearly two years. .,tee will be on. hand.ML day Wed Ante Body and (UtaMOiaod Advorttoiug on Pufo 11) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23,4945- lOet. l i at 8:30. at the St. Jame* s gram. Rabbi Leon Wind will be the wears the Good Conduct ribbon. Fender Repairing RAGKI.IFFB OIL CO. VOL. LXVn NO. 20 guest speaker and his topic will be Philippines Liberation ribbon and THibdl 1t*n. tJamea and refreah- the Asiatic Pacific theater ribbon Corptiml Edwin G. Price, son unable to deliver at the parlsl Aato Painting A. G. McCROHON rei Hartford 7-SI9I will be served with dancing "History of Zioness.” All members of G. G. Price, of this town, has Phone .3328 _____ 498 Maple Avenne — Hartford to fonow. All members are In­ and prospective members are in­ with two battle stars. Before en­ house should contact Mrs. Oath' Simonizing tering the service he w o rk e d for been aa.slgned to the First Troop erlne Smylhe, Mrs. Frank B R^olutionary Junta in Control of Veneniela vited. There will be no admission vited to attend. t.’arrier Comm-md. Sedalia Army «td all pUlhnlng to attend are asU- Cheney Brothers. Croeker or Mias Gertruds Llddoi Truman Wants Year Air Field, Warrensburg, Missouri Od to come In costume. Mrs. Arvid Seaburg is chairman and they will be collected. Major Labor Row Members of the degree team ot | He was formerly an inspector em­ of the rummage sale which LaryaJ ployed by the Colt’s Patent Fire The Initial social of the Buck- ^ ^ i t RlU’s Mothers Orcle wlU Circle of King’s Daughters will Miantonomoh Tribe. ImproN'ed Or-| Arms Company in HartfoW. 'S « e e t tomorrow evening at the conduct Wednesday. Oct. 21, In der of Red Men, are rcmimled )f. land-Oakland Club will take place, ^fcom e of Mrs. Bari Boynton, 10 the lobby of Center Church House. the rehearsal to be held this eve­ tomorrow evening at 8:15 in the j Nears S^bowdown; Radioman 2c Patrick J. Hum­ Buckland school hail. A brief biial-, Of Military Training iCfteatnut street. It is hoped friends will deliver arti­ ning at seven o'clock sharp pre­ cles at the church Tuesday eve­ ceding the lodge meeting. , phrey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thom­ ness meeting will precede card' It’s Almost Unbelievable i i — — .l'~ ning, or contact Mrs. Seaburg if as Humphrey of 189 East Center playing, at which time offlceral they, are to be cal.led for- Members of the Tall Cedars of street arrived home on a 30 day will be elected. All residents of thej Lebanon who are • planning to go leave after two years’ service In Buckland and Oakland section of | Strike Yote Soon to Providence next Saturday to the South Pacific area. Upon com­ the town will be welcome. | What You Can Make With For Nation’s attend the ceremonial there are pletion of his leave he will report asked, to contact James O. Baker back to Boston for a new assign­ Pfc. Clarence Schlebel, of 45 St. Country’s Biggest Union TVlfe Rummage Sale since reservations on the two ment. John street, was among the fliat buses which have been engaged American troops to land In Japan, And jAirgcst- Automo­ W niijft Plnrf» Divided Con^ Thursday^ October 25 (ire rapidly being taken up. and Is now stationed with the oc­ t 9:30 a.m. The. Ladies Aid Society of the cupation forces near the town of tive Corporation Spar Of Torture King Opposes W O U ia r ^ t u c e 1 © Order-^SpeciaUi There will be a committee meet­ Emanuel Lutheran church will Fuchinobe, several miles west of On Wage-Hour Issue; VACANT STORE AT ing of all Italian societies in Man­ hold a rummage sale at the va^ Yokohama. Pfc. Schiebela' divi­ Controls ! Training for Youi 29 BISSELL STREET chester tomorrow night at 8 cant store at 29 Biaaell street on sion, the Americal. reached the .^ H A L E ’S Idle Now Lowest To­ Of 3 Fliers Merger Plan Men of 17 to 20 Auspices of Ladies Aid So^ o’clock at the Italian American Thursday at 9:30 a. m. The mcm Jap homeland lesa than a week Club on Eldridg# street. Reports hers are reminded that their do­ after the surrender terms were tal in Several Weeks Form ‘Backbone of ] I eiety of Emanuel l.utheran from the Columbus Day commit­ nations may be left at the ators signed. Pfc. Schlebel Is a Com­ w . For Defense On Benefits Church tees will be made. j on Wednesday afternoon, or if pany Clerk In the 182d Infantry By The Associated, Press 0-29 Crewmen Submit fense’ Against Any Fi MAKE anyone would like their cijntrlbu Regiment. He has been overseas ted to Such Humilities ture Aggression; Aj tions called for they should con six months, and wears the Good One of the nation’s major Fleet Admiral Declares Colorado Senator Sug­ If tact Mrs. Armv E. Carlson, and Conduct Medal. S Smart post-war labor disputes ap­ Their Names May N e r plauded and Cheere MICKEY they will be picked up. Others jn peared headed for a show­ Proposed Consolida­ gests Atomic Ener­ the wmmlttee assisting Mrs. er Be Told to Public gy's Peacetime Uses NfeW BUTTERNUT SQUASH Carlson are Mrs. Raymond Erick­ down today as the country’s tion Is- ‘Working Out Washington, Oct, 23.- MINNIE biggest union and largest au­ Shown here are members of the revolutionary junta which deposed Venezuelan President Medina CONNECTICUT PRODUCT son, Mrs. Fred Lavey and Mra. Hankow, CThina, Oct. 23.—^/P) Problem Backwards’ Be as Free as Air —President Truman urged Vi John I. Olson. tomotive corporation, on the and his government. Left to right are Maj. Carlos Del^do Chalhai^; Romulo Betancourt, divided Ckingress today to or AND LECLERC American intelligencs officers to­ ..V. - ------- ■ver feel that you Juet wished aotneone wonid eve of a strike vote involving president of the- junta; Lula. Beltran Prieto; Capt. Mario Vargas; Dr. Edmundo Fernandez; Dr. Gon- der a year’s specialized veceteMe. Well. he» ItU. the new Buttemut Sgnnah, whkh ^ FUNERAL HOME' day related a story of Japanese Washington, Oct. 28—<>P)—Fleet Washington, Oct. 23— {/P)— A Mra. David Mullen and daugh­ more than 300,000 workers, zalo Barrios. <^AP wi-ephoto.l______ Suggestion that atomic energy’s tary. training for young me;] PLUtO C sn ^ ef the Conn. Agiicnitnml StsHon ter, Mrs. Stuart Smith of Knox 23 Main Street sparred on the wage-hour is­ torture of three B-20 crewmen Admiral Ernest J. King declared moet Important winter aqoash to be grown In this area. street are registered at the Hotel who were submitted to such hU' today the proposed consolidation potential peacetime benefits be 17 to 20 years, of. WITH A The sqnaiihea weigh *V4 to 4 pounds each and taste moeh Wke Phone 5299 sue. made ."as free aa the air” came a “backbone of defens Woodstock In New York City for Idle Around 230.000 miUtles that their names never of the War apd Navy departments a nweet petato. __. , the week. may be revealed—for the sake of Emperor Rule Valmore Gets Second la "working out the problem back­ today from Senator EMwln C. against future aggressioii •nmy «SMi be baked lUie a ttm Moines The fight between the ClO’a United Automobile Workers union their relatives. ward. Johnson (D., Colo.). Applauded and cheered in paidfaign ar Hke a sweet potato. Boy one at Ptnehnrst Tueeday. for Fall and One of the fliers, almost naked, “I regard It aa a step backward Af the same time Johnson told first post-war appearance befo r A 1 . l i i i * ** 1 and General Motors CorporaUon Becomes Top OTHER VEGETABLES ASHES AND RUBBISH In Detroit highlighted the nation’s was forced to walk through .Han­ Top Job in Veiiezuela to attempt to regiment, mUJtary- reporters the new special aenate Congress the president told labor troubles.
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