6084 • In ParKament.-^rSession 1866. nating -ia 't^^^AG^^bl^lS^i^i^^^la the Macclesfield, Knutsford, and Warrington county".of>" LtuicdBter^a'tt -appoint'in -or near s Railway. •• " certain field belonging'.,to,. John Ireland Blacl- (Incorporation of Company; Power to make burne, Esquire, and occupied by James Welsl»y, Railways from Macclesfield to Knutsford and . and which''field'is bounded on the sputh-westerly Warrington; Compulsory purchase of Lands; side thereof by an-occupation rbM''-leading from Tolls; Power to the London and North- Manehester-lan6 to other lands >bf"th'e said/John Western, the Manchester, Sheffield and Lin- Ireland Biackburrie,:;and 'occupied^ by the-saiii colnshire, the Great Northern, the Midland, James Welsby anil aiiptKef, on the; north-westerly and the North Staffordshire Railway. Com- .side by a certain.-field -belonging to' this said John panies tp subscribe; Running Powers* over Ireland Blackburne^ arid occupied by thie"*said the Warrington and Stockport and -the James Welsby and 'smotEer^-bri '-thie^riortherly' Cheshire Midland Railways, ;and Use of side', in part'by:a^ 'certain^-fiel^belohgihg1 "to" th| Stations, Traffic Arrangements; Amendment of Acts, and other purposes.) OTICE; is hereby given, that, application-IB N intended to be made to Parliament in the .ensuing session,- for leave .to bringin a'Bill, 'and F6rd,rah(i"oii the south-ea. to pass an- Act toN incorporate a-Company;'for an ositer bed;-'ariid: -"stream^'beldnging t%o;<the:)s'aiol . making . and -maintaining the Railways herein." - John IrelMd-Bia«kburne, and-'-bcc'upiea:- jBy Ben^- after mentioned, or some parfr or parts .thereof, jamin. Hutbhinson, - a'nd- another)"jon^thef "^piarb ^together with all necessary, and convenient or thereof by-a -certain field -arfd stfjsani JbglofiginJ . incidental works, stations, approaches, bridges, to the';said-John -Ireland :Blatokburhe,Jaird^occu- ; roads, or communications, viz.:—. '" -pied by-the^same Jaines-Wel&Dy'an'd/another, ancl • • • • Railway No. 1. •• A railway commencing in the township and ; borough of Macclesfield, in the parish of Prest- the said James.-Wglsbyf and'whicK'saia p :bury, in the county of Chester, at or near a termination •' is ' "distant" 'two, 'nundTed' ' -^ blr 4 dwelling-house, belonging to Charles Brockle- therea'bbutsj measured^ iii - an/fa^fcerly.-aii?ec;ti6n hurst, Esquire, and- formerly nr the occupation froin the--easterly-corner • *df - the • wall^-" DouB.d-iSg of James Frost, deceased, twenty-eight yards or the. dweU&gihouse'Wd? groiuidlj simte^tf|taif- thereabouts, north-west of the - point where the chester-larie •aforesaid, ;b§lpngingTJb4he-'sai public street or road called •" Brunswick-hill" Ireland Blackburn^," > and r occujJit forms a junction with, the road leading -from •Fitchett Marsh, Esquire,:Tand whieh> Hibei-road to Waters-green, and .terminating .in railway- will pass"-in, 'through,- or^mto- the parish of'Grappenhall, in the said' county of parishes, "townships,' or extf a^pafochial'and o'th'er . Chester at a point in or near a certain field called places 'following, thaf is-to say,~Grappenhall;^a5i(l " Further Brook Field," belonging to William Latchford,':in;'the' county of Chester, ^afitf Wa¥- rJ : Hall, and occupied by William vBellhoiise. and rington'" and" P6ulton-with-Fearnhea^i, iri^-- '6Kje .others, which field.is in. part .bounded on the cduntyi palatine' of LancasteiC «" •'-"*f £~'- -^*^3'7* south-westerly side thereof-by a field called "Near Brook Field," Jbelongihg. to the said ..; ,>- •"> ,. Railway No.'Sr- '.- 'V crL'.r.v MS William Hall, and occupied by the said William A railway.'wholly situate" in the.saidrpaTish":6f Bellhouse and others ; and by other part thereof, Warrington, commencing^by^arjunction with the by a certain field called " Far'Meadow," belong- last described railwa^-^Nb". "2"), at or near the . ing to the Reverend Thomas Greena!!, and occu- ^t^vj^&w^ de'gcfibe;d •termina'tidn "there'oT/ancl pied by John . Mainwaring; and :on the"-north- ™at-.7.a} 'point— 'in?-i westerly side thereof by a certain, "fields-called corner of a-, certain ~ garden-b< ."Half Acre," belonging - to - the said Thomas Edielston, andi occupie^Sy" -Mexai .Greenall, and occupied\by the said,John.; Main- andr. rwhichr-jsaidv-'Tgajr'den; ^is^-b"6% nor&erly^side: by ^^Swe^liing-HousleJ^ belonging, .to' the. saidjJanies^Edelstf'"' ""J "-'""' .the said William Hall, and occupied by-the said pied, by the. said James ^Edelst'oii ! William Bellhouse and others; and on the south-'. easterly side thereof by a, brook or stream called: " Godley Ford Brook," and which.said.point is. mont; Esquire, and" •Occupied distant fourteen yards or thereabouts, measured j tram, 'and 6ri the. wesiberly side in a north-westerly direction from the middle of; or public highway "<^ed"Winwick-s€ree1^ia'nia. the said brook or stream; and which said--in-1 .which said, .point ofr *"lLk-'' " •*- -—•-- ^--°i:- ^L -*-~*^ tended railway will pass from, in, • throughy or. nineryards: ;br'r the] into the several parishes, tbwnshipsy or extra1 easterly direction, frqm'-thevsaid parochial and other places following, or some of biighway called Winwick-street,{! them (that is to say) : 'Prestbury, Macclesfield, or thereabouts, measured-M A'indrtherly direction Titherington, Upton, Fallibroome, ,Mottram,. from the northvwesterly,corner'of the-yard-Be- Saint Andrew, Alderley, Over Alderley, Nether longing, to the" Educational^Sbctet^'i Schddl,'% Alderley, Great Warford, Wilmslow, ..Chorley, Newton-street,-in the said parish"bf:Y^":ii-'ii""l:^L!> Bollin-Fee, Pownall-Fee, Fulshaw, Mobberley, • - • -.\- .v-r *; .-;i ..- . Nether Knutsford, -Over Knutsford, OUerton, . ' . -f''. Railway No. 4r.-.:'- , .-„ -\ ,_;. .-.j. Bexton, Rostherne, Marthall-with-Little .War- A railway wholly situate in: the-:saad-parish <jf ford, Over Tabley, Mere, High Leigh, Great Warrington, commencing::by-a'iuiiction- with'the Budworth, Aston-by-Budworth, Hull, and Apple- iiereinbefore / described., jrailway :(Nb. ~- 2) ; at <S* ton, Lymm, and Grappenhall, all in the county' near the hereinbefore described termination :there> of Chester. .. ;; • -v- "-•* • ••• ., Railway,Ko. 2. • :: -,- ' :; A railway commencing in. the •saidVparish-.of and/Lincolishife Grappenhall, by -a..junction withv the last-de- scribed railway (No. 1), at or near --the Kerein- - before described termination thereof, and /termi-.
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