Friday, September 22, 1972 YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY Volume 50 No. 1 iar 1st class The Jambar has been awarded a rating of "First Class" from the Associated Collegiate Press for by Jack Hagan the second year in a row based NewsEditor • upon newspapers published dur• The issue of possible faculty cutbacks is expected to be ing Spring quarter of last year. settled in the next few weeks, Dr. Thomas A. Shipka, The newspaper received assistant professor of philosophy and chief negotiator for "Marks of Distinction" in Editor• the YSU Ohio Education Association said yesterday. Atty.- ial Leadership and Writing and John Weed Powers, the chief negotiator for the university, Editing, two of the five areas also states that he hopes the retrenchment issue will be evaluated, for the second year. settled soon. records dating from 1967 wuen The critique commented that Dr. Shipka and Atty. Powers "relevant topics are given mature YSU become a state institution. have agreed not to release specific Dr. Shipka said that there are treatment" in the editorials and information concerning issues un• that the news staff writes "like still many issues on the table that der current negotiation. have to be se.ttled including pros." ON THE RIGHT TRACK - Mr. John Vitco (left), operating The OEA became the sole several proposals that the OEA The ACP is a national organ• engineer for the Charles Shutrump Construction Company, and Bob bargaining agent for the faculty as university ization of over 1,000 college and has presented t0 the Hobart, Junior secondary education, discuss progress on the a result of a election held last negotiating team headed by (Cont. on page 9) addition to the Kilcawley Student Center. spring. They have been nego• Powers. Among those yet to be tiating with the university since resolved are expanded insurance the summer quarter. coverage for faculty, proposals on .A&S Seniors Atty. Powers said that he be• faculty leave, structure of aca• lieved the OEA negotiating team demic departments, retirement is "very conscientious" and that All students graduating in benefits and a proposal con• •they have presented detailed pro• December are reminded that cerning the University Senate- Ted Seidler posals. He added that the sessions Staff Reporter - a formal application for gra- which is the longest and one of duation must be obtained have- been "very low key." Since the most important proposals ac• The YSU Campus Action Team, established to identify ; issue .of. retrenchment has been future university goals, will soon begin, circulating interim from either Genevra cording to Dr. Shipka. The OEA, Mann or Jack Franken- pushed to the forefront, Atty. Dr. Shipka said,-is also, preparing reports to committee members, according to Dr. Irwin berg, Arts and Sciences Build• Powers said, they are going to proposals, on faculty work load Cohen, chairman of the Central Committee. ing, and th; twenty dollar deal with that problem first be• ind compensation. Dr. Cohen said that soon after cil. The Central Committee was fore going on to some of the graduation fee paid to the He said that the Senate pro• the,interim reports are evaluated, appointed by Dr. Edgar. other proposals. Bursar's Office by the end of posal calls for a complete revision checked, re-evaluated and re- ' In addition to the Central With the release of the budget the week. of the structure and role of the checked, a final report will be Committee, the Team consists of last month, the OEA now has made available to the university three committees from the col• access to university financial (Cont. on page 11) community. The final report, lege of Arts & Sciences, one hopefully to be used by the uni• committee each from the school versity in formulating future poli• of Business, Rayen School of cies, may be ready by the end of Engineering, school of Education, fall quarter. school of Music, and the Techni• The Campus Action Team1, cal & Community College, and a f formed by Dr. Earl Edgar, vice special committee on Student A - president for academic affairs, fairs., consists of 9 committees and a Eacn committee co^ "ists of 1 Iff Central Committee to "be respon• faculty member from each de• .... ^ sible for organizing and colla• partment and three students from ting...reports, and for appropriate the school, two appointed by dialog with the various School Student Council, and one ap• and College committees on points pointed by the faculty members. Hi of disagreement; as well as for The team is receiving added help 1 engaging in such other studies and through the American Associa• activities as it deems proper and tion of State and Colleges and .helpful." Universities, and a Report of the National Commission on the fu• The Central Committee con• ture of State Colleen and Univer• sists of Dr. Cohen, chairman; Dr. sities. The report, set up in multi• C, David Bertelson, assistant ple choice format, asks pertinent dean, student affairs; Dr. Mary questions on many functions of Alice Budge, assistant professor, the university and presents a English; Dr. Phillip Chuey, asso• number of different approaches ciate professor Accounting; Dr. in solving problems and potential Ralph Crum, supervisor, civil en• problem areas. gineering technology; Dr. The Team is designed for as Adolphus Hailstork, assistant pro• much feedback as possible be• fessor Music; Thomas Martindale, tween'committee members and bursar; Dr. Juanita Roderick, as• the university as a whole, Dr. sistant professor elementary edu• Cohen noted. There will soon be cation; Dr. Matthew Siman, asso• a number of vacancies on com• ciate professor electrical engineer• mittees for students due to gra• ing: Skip Davis, chairman of stu• duation, he said, and it is hoped dent council; and Tom Mont• that no trouble will be found in L.A. RELIGION-Proselytising prophets from Los Angeles; talked religion to YSU gomery, president^ student coun- filling these vacancies. students yesterday in front of the Kilcawley cafeteria. The Jambar, Page 2 YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY Friday, September 22, 1972 K3C Registration is optional— McGovern Meeting Mini-Courses, a means of ac• will be available. Only in the cases place from 10 to 11:30 a.m., on An organizational meeting for Students and Faculty quainting students with the Co• of mini-courses numbers 2 and 5 Oct. 3 and 5 at the Disciple will the classes be limited strictly | for McGovern will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the operative Campus Ministry facil• House (corner Wick and Spring). ities and staff, will be offered free to those registered for them. Kilcawley. Hall Buckeye Room, Joseph May, assistant Speaking will be Rev. Tim of charge by the CCM throughout Presently, there are five mini- McArthy and Lowell Burk. Mini- professor of history and advisor to the organization the coming quarter, Richard D. courses definitely slated to take course 2, "Yoga and Eastern announced today. Spicher, Protestant chaplain of place in October of this quarter. Mysticism Meet Jesus," will be i;he CCM announced this week. The registration to be conducted, conducted from 1:30 to 2:30 Student registration for the will concern itself specifically p.m. on October 4 and 6, also at Lateef Attends Seminar mini-courses will be conducted by with these. the Disciple House. The course the CCM from tables which will Mini-course 1, entitled "Meet (Cont. on page 3) Dr. A. Bari Lateef, assistant professor of criminal be set up from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. the Encounter Culture," will take justice attended a seminar for forensic chemists next Tuesday in the Kilcawley sponsored by the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous arena. Students, however, have Drugs of the U.S. Department of Justice, this week in the.option of lot officially regis• tering for the courses, and will be Washington, D..C. entitled to drop in on any class, taking their chances that space Fleming Advises Play Tryouts HEAR YE HEAR YE Tryouts for the dramatic Robert E. Fleming, assistant professor of music and production Time, of Your ..........AH male director of bands, recently served as a university advisor •Life will be held at 7:30 p.m. for the contest music selection committee of the Ohio I Monday and Tuesday in students of the Y.S.U. Music Education Association for the 1973 large ensemble I Strouss Auditorium, Jones forum. You are cor• competitions. Hall, Dr. Bill G. Hulsopplc, dially invited to attend a associate professor of speech Delta Chi Rush Party. Paper Published and dramatic; has announced. Food, Refreshments, and About 18 men and 6 wo• friendly conversation men will bt: cast. A male Dr. Janet E. Del Bene, assistant professor of chemistry will greet you at the door. piano player and a male dan• TIME: Mon.. Sept. 25, 8:30 p.m. at YSU, has had her paper on the molecular orbital cer are needed, Dr. Hulsopple theory of the hydrogen bond published in the recent said. The play will run Oct. fPLACE:I33 Lincoln Ave. THE issue of the Journal of Chemical Physics. 30 through Nov. 4. I AMERICAN VILLAGE (Rt. across from the Engineering Science Bldg., •' - - , Eshlenian Writes Need transportation? Call 746-8285 Dr. Winston H. Bshleman,' director of the Media Thank you ' Center and associate professor of education, has had hist SIGN-UP The Members of article entitled "Technology or Printed Media-. Separate Areas of Interest * published in the recent issue of KILCAWLEY 116 Educational Technology. SEP! 25-28 Attends Institute Adoracion F. Gonzalez, assistant professor of political EMBROIDERED science, recently attended the intercollegiate , Studies Institute of the Eastern/Southern Summer School held at MUGS. MONOGRAM William and Mary College. Va. PINS - BUTTONS 72 ot.
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