CHURCH TODAY Volume XLV, No. 9 www.diocesealex.org Serving the Diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana Since 1970 September 22, 2014 O N T H E A look inside INSIDE the changing roles of Extraordinary Synod of Bishops to be held Altar Servers Oct. 5-19 in Vatican City A very “extraordinary” event for the Catholic Church will take place Oct. 5-19 in Vatican City. For 14 days, more than 250 representatives from around the world, each appointed by Pope Francis, will gather in Vatican City for the ‘Extraordinary’ General As- sembly of the Synod of Bishops to discuss topics related to the family and evangelization. An Ordinary General Assem- bly of the Synod of Bishops will fol- low in September 2015. See pgs. 2-3. Servant House wins $10,000 as finalist in Lumen Christi Award Servant House, a Catholic Charismatic House of Prayer founded by Aggie Neck and Donna Culotta in 1989 in Marksville, was named a finalist in the 37th annual Lumen Christi award. As a result, ALTAR SERVERS it was awarded $10,000 for future Larry Feldkamp, and are support of its ministry. Read more all altar servers at St. Frances Cabrini Church in about this prestigious award on Alexandria. Read more about the changing role of pg. 8. altar servers since the beginning of the Church. PAGE 2 CHURCH TODAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2014 ‘Extraordinary’ Synod of Bishops to be held Oct. 5-19 at Vatican 250 members worldwide will meet to discuss marriage and family issues By Nancy Frazier O’Brien Catholic News Service (CNS) -- The family under discussion when the extraordi- nary Synod of Bishops convenes at the Vatican Oct. 5 will bear little resemblance to the family of 50 or even 20 years ago. The blended and extended families created by high rates of divorce, remarriage and cohabita- tion -- along with the worldwide migration prompted by economic turmoil and war -- have com- bined to change forever the view of family as limited to a mother, father and their children. But children are still most likely to live in two-parent fami- lies in all countries except South Africa, according to the World Family Map 2014, a research project sponsored by the Bethes- da, Maryland-based nonprofit Child Trends and a variety of ed- ucational and nongovernmental institutions from across the globe. “The family is the core in- lowest rates of single parenthood. people without family ties of mar- 7 percent with parents who co- than 50 years ago, primarily be- stitution for child-rearing world- The report also found that riage, blood or adoption. Thirteen habit with unmarried partners, 6 cause of immigration. wide, and decades of research “although marriage rates for percent of “family households” percent with single fathers, and 3 In 1960, he said, the U.S. have shown that strong fami- adults aged 18-49 are declining in the U.S. -- defined as one in percent with grandparents and no population was 85 percent white, lies promote positive child out- worldwide, they remain high in which two members are related parent present. 10 percent black and 4 percent comes,” said Laura Lippman, co- Asia and the Middle East (be- by birth, marriage or adoption “Different families have dif- Hispanic. By 2060, according to director of the World Family Map tween 47 percent in Singapore -- are headed by women with no ferent child-rearing challenges Taylor, whites will make up 43 and senior program director for and 80 percent in Egypt), and are husband present, while 5 percent and needs, which means we are percent of the population, His- education at Child Trends. particularly low in Central/South of family households are headed no longer well-served by poli- panics 31 percent, blacks 13 per- The report, co-written by America.” by men, with no wife present. cies that assume most children cent, Asian-Americans 8 percent Lippman and W. Bradford Wil- The rate of cohabitation for In a report prepared for the will be raised by married-couple and other races or ethnicities 6 cox, an associate professor of adults aged 18-49 tops 30 percent Council on Contemporary Fami- families, especially ones where percent. sociology at the University of in some Central and South Amer- lies, based in Coral Gables, Flor- the mother stays home throughout “We were once a black and Virginia, found that “growing up ican countries and 20 percent in ida, Philip Cohen, a professor of the children’s early years,” Cohen white nation; now we’re a rain- with a single parent is especially some European nations, the report sociology at the University of said in the report. bow,” he said. common in sub-Saharan Africa, said. Maryland, found that the “typi- In his 2014 book, “The Next In addition, Taylor said, only in Central and South America, Data from the U.S. Census cal” American family that existed America: Boomers, Millennials one-fifth of the U.S. population and in several English-speaking Bureau’s 2012 American Com- in 1960, with a breadwinner- and the Looming Generational was made up of first- or second- Western countries.” munity Survey shows that only father married to a stay-at-home Showdown,” Paul Taylor, ex- generation immigrants in 1960. A One-fifth or more of children 48 percent of U.S. households mother, now only applies to 22 ecutive vice president at the Pew hundred years later, in 2060, first- in the United States, the United include a married couple and 34 percent of U.S. children today. Research Center, said the United or second-generation immigrants Kingdom, New Zealand and percent of households include Meanwhile, 23 percent of U.S. States also must deal with a vastly will make up 37 percent of the Canada live with only one parent, only one person or two or more children live with single mothers, different racial and ethnic makeup U.S. population, he said. while Asia, the Middle East and Eastern Europe have the world’s Brigitte Paul Kelso Insurance, LLC Like us on Facebook Brigitte Kelso Owner/Agent 2918 S. MacArthur Dr. Alexandria, La. 71301 Phone: 318.448.2226 Fax: 318.448.2280 Diocese of Alexandria [email protected] SEPTEMBER 22, 2014 CHURCH TODAY PAGE 3 ‘Extraordinary’ Synod of Bishops is a ‘big deal’ for the Church A very “extraordinary” event for the Catholic Church will take Jesus, Mary and Joseph, place Oct. 5-19 in Vatican City. in you we contemplate For 14 days, more than 250 Sept. 28 is Worldwide the splendor of true love, representatives from around the to you we turn with trust. world, each appointed by Pope Day of Prayer for Synod Francis, will gather in Vatican Holy Family of Nazareth, City for the III Extraordinary Gen- eral Assembly of the Synod of grant that our families too October 2013 -- Pope Francis an- Bishops to discuss topics related may be places of communion and prayer, nounced that an Extraordinary Syn- to the family and evangelization. authentic schools of the Gospel od would be held in October 2014. An Ordinary General As- and small domestic Churches. sembly of the Synod of Bishop November 2013 -- Preparatory Document outlined the purpose of will follow in September 2015. Holy Family of Nazareth, both the Extraordinary and Ordinary may families never again What is a Synod of Bishops? General Assemblies, provided a ba- experience violence, rejection and division: sic catechesis on the Gospel of the may all who have been hurt or scandalized Family, and requested input from the A Synod (sin-uh-d) of Bish- find ready comfort and healing. world’s bishops on nine questions ops is an assembly of bishops about the current state of pastoral from around the world who as- care for marriages & families. sist the Holy Father by providing Holy Family of Nazareth, counsel on important questions may the approaching Synod of Bishops June 2014 -- Instrumentum Laboris facing the Church in a manner make us once more mindful (Instrument of Labor) Document con- that preserves the Church’s teach- of the sacredness and inviolability of the family, tained the results of the consultation ing and strengthens her internal and its beauty in God’s plan. achieved via the Preparatory Docu- discipline. ment’s questionnaire. This document A Synod of Bishops is called Jesus, Mary and Joseph, provides a substantive reflection on “Ordinary” if its topic is “for the graciously hear our prayer. the major challenges facing the fam- good of the universal Church” ily today, and outlines the topics that and seems to require the “learn- will be discussed at the Extraordinary ing, prudence and counsel” of all General Assembly. the world’s bishops. The one be- ‘Extraordinary” Synod ever held Who will be attending? pope appointed 26 synod fathers. ing held in September 2015 will since synods were reinstituted by More than 250 participants, Nonvoting members include October 5-19, 2014 -- III Extraor- be the 50th anniversary of the Pope Paul VI in 1965. Previous including 14 married couples 38 observers and 16 experts ap- dinary General Assembly of the creation of synods. ones were held in 1969 and 1985. from around the world, are ex- pointed by the pope. Many of the Synod of Bishops on the Family A Synod of Bishops is called pected to attend October’s ex- 38 observers and experts are lay What is the theme of the III Ex- will meet in Vatican City. “Extraordinary” when it is con- traordinary Synod of Bishops on and religious women and men ac- vened to deal with matters “which traordinary General Assembly the family. tive in family ministries and pas- October 4-25, 2015 -- Ordinary require a speedy solution” and of the Synod of Bishops? In addition to 114 presidents toral care, canon law and moral General Assembly of the Synod of which demand “immediate at- of national bishops’ conferences, theology.
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