INDEX Abolition: See Anti-slavery American Peace Society, 241 Academy of Music, Phila., 99 American Philosophical Society, 248, 308 Act of Supremacy, 383 American Psychiatric Association, 187 Act of Toleration, 434, 436-437, 439 American Railroad Journal, 168 Act of Uniformity, 284 American Revolution: American Patriots and Adams, Henry, 118 the Ritual of Revolution, by Peter Shaw, Adams, John, 219, 345, 353, 491; Pennsyl- rev., 345-348; The "Centinel": Warnings vania Federal District Court, 311; and of a Revolution, Elizabeth I. Nybakken, Timothy Pickering, 225-226 ed., rev., 217-218; "Controlling the Op- Adams, John, schoolteacher, 67 position in Pennsylvania During the Adams, John Quincy, 119 American Revolution," by Anne M. Ous- Adams, Samuel, The Old Revolutionaries: Po- terhout, 2—34: John Adams and the Diplo- litical hives in the Age of Samuel Adams, by macy of the American Revolution, by James Pauline Maier, rev., 348-350 H. Hutson, rev., 111-114; Letters of Del- Adams, Willi Paul, 351 egates to the Congress, 1774-1789, Paul Addams, Jane, 241, 363 H.Smith, et al., eds., rev., 105-106: Light- Ader, Clement, 324 Horse Harry Lees and the Legacy of the Ahlstrom, Sidney E., 453 American Revolution, by Charles Royster, Aitken, Robert, 355 rev., 495: The Old Revolutionaries: Polit- Alden Park Corporation, Phila., 247 ical Lives in the Age of Samuel Adams, by Alexander, John K., Render Them Submissive: Pauline Maier, rev., 348-350; The Press Responses to Poverty in Philadelphia, and the American Revolution, Bernard Bar- 1760-1800, rev. 109-110 lyn and John B. Hench, eds., rev., Aliens, registration of, 1717, 251-253 350-351; Revolution, Reform and the Pol- Alison, Francis, 218 itics of American Taxation, by Robert A. Allen, John L., 108 Becker, rev., 222—223; The Revolution Allen, William, 296, 304 Remembered: Eyewitness Accounts of the War Allen's Lucky Office, 50 for Independence, by John C. Dann, rev., Almshouses: See Workhouses 220-222; See also, Congress, Continental Alotta, Robert, 514 American Society for the Judicial Settlement "The Amateur in Aviation: George A. Spratt of International Disputes, 241 and the American Aeronautical Commu- American Stereoscopic Company, 194 nity," by William F. Trimble, 323-334 Amherst College, 117 Ambridge, Economy settlement, 498 Amyraut, Moses, 380 American Antiquarian Society, 350 Anarchist Women, 1870-1920, by Margaret American Anti-Slavery Society, "An Anti- S. Marsh, rev., 505-506 slavery Agent: C. C. Burleigh in Penn- Andalusia, 122 sylvania, 1836-1837," by Ira V. Brown, Anderson, Margaret, 506 66T84 Andrews, Wayne, Pride of the South: A Social American Artillery School, 246 History of Southern Architecture, rev., American Association for the Advancement 115-116 of Science, 324 Anglican Church: See Church of England American Church, Paris, France, 87 Anne, Queen of England, 288, 440 The American Civil Engineer, 167 Anti-Masonry, 67 American Colonization Society, 75 "Anti-Popery in Colonial Pennsylvania," by American Dictionary of the English Language, Joseph J. Casino, 279-309 116-117 Anti-slavery: "An Antislavery Agent: C. C. American Friends Service Committee, 236 Burleigh in Pennsylvania, 1836-1837," American Institute of Architects, 116 by Ira V. Brown, 66-84; Lucretia Mott: American Mutoscope and Biography Com- Her Complete Speeches and Sermons, Dana pany, 317-318 Green, ed. and intro., rev. 359—360; Pol- American Patroits and the Ritual of Revolution, itics and Ideology in the Wage of the Civil by Peter Shaw, rev., 345-348 War, by Eric Foner, rev., 360-362 589 5 90 Anti-trust and American business ethics, 124 Bamheld, "Councillor," 475 Appleton, Nathan, 119 Bank of North America, 496 Archdale, Governor, 409 Banking, national bank issue, 497 Architects and architecture: The Engineering Baptists, religious liberty in Pa., 447, 449 Drawings of Benjamin Henry Latrobe, Dar- Barclay, Robert, laws for West Jersey and win H. Stapleton, ed., rev., 353-354; Pa., 379-381, 465, 467; Popery, 285; Mora/ism and the Model Home: Domestic Quakerism, 216; religious liberty, 428, Architecture and Cultural Conflict in Chi- 430 cago, by Gwendolyn Wright, rev., Barnes, Harry Elmer, 363-365 362-363; Pride of the South: A Social His- Barton, Thomas, 304 tory of Southern Architecture, by Wayne Bartram, William, 106-107 Andrews, rev., 115-116 Bauman, John F., rev. of One Third of a Armistead, John, 335 Nation: Lorena Hickok Reports on the Great Armistead, Lucy (Mrs. John Armistead), Depression, Richard Lowitt and Maurine 335-338 Beasley, eds., 508-510 Armistead, Mary Burwell (Mrs. Landon Bauman, Roland M., rev. of Letters of Del- Carter), 335 egates to Congress, 1774-1789, Paul H. Arndt, Karl J. R., comp. and ed., Harmony Smith, etal., eds., 105-106 on the Connoquenessing: George Rapp's FirstBaxter, Richard, 486 American Harmony, 1803-1815, rev., Baylor family, 335-339 498-499 Baylor, Lucy (Mrs. John Armistead), Artifacts and the American Past, by Thomas 335-338 J. Schlereth, rev., 513-514 Beard, Charles A*, 118 Aspden, Matthias, 28 Beasley, Maurine: See Lowitt, Richard Assembly, Pa., "Controlling the Opposition Beccaria, Cesare, 392 in Pennsylvania During the American Becker, Carl, 118 Revolution," by Anne M. Ousterhout, Becker, Laura L., 134; "The People and the 3-34 System Legal Activities in a Colonial Associated Press, 509 Pennsylvania Town," 135—149 Association of Medical Superintendents of Becker, Robert A., Revolution, Reform and American Institutions for the Insane, 187, the Politics of American Taxation, rev., 189, 196, 198 222-223 Astor, John Jacob, 107 Beecher, Lyman, 119 Audubon, John James, 106-107 Beeman, Richard R., rev. of Pauline Maier's Augusta, Maine, State Hospital for the In- The Old Revolutionaries: Political Lives in sane, 189 the Age of Samuel Adams, 348-350 Augustine of Hippo, 462 Beer, 45-46 Aviation, "The Amateur in Aviation: George Bell, John C, 99 A. Spratt and the American Aeronautical Bell, Tom, 492-493 Community," by William F. Trimble, Bell, Whitfield, 344 323-334 Bellevue, Pa., 60-65 Axtell, James, 215 Benezet, Anthony, 302 Babbitt (smuggler), 433 Bensman, David, "Economics and Culture Babington, Tnomas, 484 in the Gilded Age Hatting Industry," 512 Bache, Richard, 54 Benson, Lee} 361 Backus, Isaac, 449 Berkeley, John Lord, 379 Bacon, Margaret Hope, 359 Berkofer, Robert F., 489 Bacon, William, 390 Berliner Zeitung, 48 Bailyn, Bernard and John B. Hench, eds., Berrigan, Daniel, 241 The Press and the American Revolution, rev.Berthoff, , Rowland, 512 350-351 Berton, Pierre, The Invasion of Canada, Vol- Baldwin Locomotive Works, 128 ume One: 1812-1813, rev., 228-229 Baltimore, Md., welfare and relief, 155, 158 Besse, Joseph, 484 Baltimore in the Nation, 1789-1871, by Gary Bethlehem, Pa., 131 Lawson Browne, rev., 356-357 Beverly, Robert, 108 Baltimore, Lord: See Calvert, Cecilius Bezalion, Peter, 293 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 357 Bezilla, Michael, Electric Traction on the Baltzell, E. Digby, 365; Puritan Boston^ and Pennsylvania Railroad, 1895-1968, rev., Quaker Philadelphia: Two Protestant Ethics 127-128 and the Spirit of Class Authority and Lead- Biddle, Francis, 365 ership, rev., 229-232 Biddle, Nicholas, 122 591 Billings, Edward, 411, 430; "Laws and 319-320; Phila., 45-46 Governments proposed for West Jersey and Brewster, David, 89 Pennsylvania, 1676—1683," by Caroline Bribery, 63-64 Robbins, 373-392 Bridenbaugh, Carl, Early Americans, rev., Billings, Lilias, 378 492-493 Billington, Ray, 106 British Journal of Photography, 202 Binns, John, 53-54 Brittin, Lionel, 290 Birch, William R., 122 Broad Street Hospital, 247 Bishop, James Leander, 169 Broadway Tabernacle, N.Y.C., 66 Blackwell, John, 426, 442, 445 Brock, C. Helen, 344 Blair, Francis Preston, Francis Preston Blair, Brock, Isaac, 229 byElbertB. Smith, rev., 120-121 Bronner, Edwin B., 483 Blair, Frank, 120 Brown, Ira V., 2; "An Antislavery Agent: Blair, Montgomery, 120 C. C. Burleigh in Pennsylvania, Blake, George E., 356 1836-1837," 66-84; rev. of Lucretia Mott: Blankenburg, Rudolph, 100 Her Complete Speeches and Sermons, Dana Blanton, Wyndham, 345 Green, ed. & intro., 359-360 Blockson, Charles L., rev. of Freedom Not Brown, Ralph Adams, rev. of Carl Briden- Far Distant: A Documentary History of Afro- baugh's Early Americans, 492-493; rev. Americans in New Jersey, Clement Alex- of James H. Hutson's John Adams and the ander Price, ed., 365-366 Diplomacy of the American Revolution, Blumin, Stuart, 512 111-114 Bok, Edward M., 363-365 Brown, William Findlay, 100 Bolton, Joseph, 27 Browne, Gary Lawson, Baltimore in the Na- Bond, Julian P., 498 tion, 1789-1871, rev., 356-351 Book of Common Prayer, 284 Brownell, Charles, 354 Boone, Daniel, 108 Bruchey, Stuart W., ed., Small Business in Boorstin, Daniel, 505 American Life, rev., 512-513 Bordin, Ruth, Woman and Temperance: The Bryan, George, 29-30, 218 Quest for Power and Liberty, 1873-1900, Bryan, William Jennings, 99 rev., 234-235 Buchanan, James, 501 Boston, Mass.: The Forging of an Aristocracy:Bucknell University, 325 Harvard & the Boston Upper Class, Buckner, George, 336 1800-1870, rev., 357-359; Puritan Bos- Buel, Richard, 350 ton and Quaker Philadelphia: Two Protes- Bullitt, William Christian, 363-365 tant Ethics and the Spirit of Class Authority Bultmann, Rudolph, 457, 459, 462 and Leadership, by E. Digby Baltzell, rev., Bunisk, A. J., 319-320 229-232; welfare and relief, 155, 158, Burke, Edmund, racism and Whigs, 119 163 Burke, Kenneth, 228 Botein, Stephen, 351 Burleigh, Charles Calistus, "An Antislavery Botkin, Ben, 367 Agent: C. C. Burleigh in Pennsylvania, Boudinot, Elias, 335, 338-339 1836-1837," by Ira V. Brown, 66-84 Boudinot, Mrs. Elias, 338 Burleigh, Cyrus Moses, 67 Bouquet, Henry, 341 Burleigh, George Shepard, 67 Bowden, Henry W. and James P. Ronda, Burleigh, Gertrude (Kimber), 76 eds., John Eliot's Indian Dialogues: A Study Burleigh, John, 66 in Cultural Interaction, rev., 214—215 Burleigh, Lydia (Bradford), 67 Bowne, Bordon, 98 Burleigh, Rinaldo, 66-67 Boy's Industrial Association, 367 Burleigh, William, 67 Braceland, Francis, 187 Burlington, proposed city, 414-416 Bradford, Andrew, 432-434 Burnett, Edmund C, 105 Bradford, Lydia (Mrs.
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