_ ____________ steàaë -*5§SSSSSB8!®S-r*Wrt“ «BI«SB£: * T ^ « -apTr-rs KgF'^F *r * 11»» “4 ■"1l»j«f'*™U /oL XXXI No. 27 . P "" M i m iBW AV AHT.U3T I6 1928 FIVE CENTS f^ nJvp^MW»rnwfWrt’Vw.v,ort« yfitHtrorytwGjri^l I p j y G n ■ m i u ’ji ÎOWB InprOTOMBt fishermans Waken fa n a G Sfirii DixieGiNs Are Líeos Iñrowl TI Freaolder Droesaer Ordnances lotrodhced Club Hks S nG K t p r t E | T i GckhnftuAwversarj W ianiG ReGohrijr Crufbrd fenp Host to Board Members ■ t “ ..Year of Oub*e Team Haa Been- Greatly Contingent of Local Club Rep- Will Entertain Union County W orkm d Coit«) Improv •tu U -ta .menta^HerctoiGre...AGreed J “daJiUh«tn*a .ifl-a.Quan? W ìtEMHvW ài __ Tjm e *t5hore^.,,. , inG; Over-All Opposition. filrtTome on Lincoln on Pasted on First ReadinG. dary as to Nest Move. rioua Contea nuo This Afternoon.- kumdnd and fifty On Saturday aflernoou hut, several Thirty-five BuildinG Per­ ll Mbma that »vvry now and Uten ’Skipper” Hants threw a monkey «■■s tX Oaaford Republican Club and som, team esvke a game with the Otite member! ol tile Cranford Lions Club Frvrlioltier B«verlA R- Drueactter. mits Approved. I a n Buaday. am eotoied a abort dinner and so­ tovaded the camp pt Use Cranford wrench Into the near r— a Walton Giants, with the promise of bringing a who lui wvrrol year« lia« repieneiueti 78 and IQ munaai cial Get toGether at Long Branch yea- Boy Bcouta at BUver Lake, where they IhU FrwifOider UUliplcl Ul the Cuuiity Club last week when he announced aftarnooo and evening. They cracker-Jack team to oppo^ thron and were under the supervision of Bcom ■niGht heltf an unusually "short meeting, m r bershlp. are members of one or more of the major pari of ^the crowd in Such was the cam late Sunday wlian a liom irtlaud.-ficvulinMU'r öUtenach ■but transacted more than the usual that he bad bad the pmm Tha dlnnar waa aaryed Ills fellow member», un the County the various Audobon Societies, it Is Go­ team from Plainfield, under the name wo» to have been Ûmm bul^biUUneü Board and County officials ■amount at important business. Seven Bvan P—chyy d T ta G • set Use Tbwer Houaa, Ooaan Boulevard. of the L, I. U, furnished the opposition nece«ütat«d hi« trovine camp «ariitr in ■ ordinances tor- various improvements, inG to be necessary tor them to gain The occsatun for the party was an Warner ate» at T tm + m ca The affair proved one .of the. moat tlissi la they tried, to furnish opposi- Um wee«. Thw.Scoutma«Wn wen «bty act of appreciation on Uie part ol Mr. lincludlng a storm sever Mansion.Ter- consent of their various presiding 'onu eceeaful tha d a b hai ever held.;’ Po- cers before they can be considered. He the tarfses man bar ed pi ban hut wen decidedly outclassed from «routed in Uiitir week by RohaJd Witii- Drueacher for the cuoperullun hla ool- Irace to Linden Avenue, a-sanitary aev- bca Otounlaetooer BcGGs wa.-CEulr’ says that any man who belongs to any start to finish. The .filial scon was «m u d O m r T«n«el, leaGue, on Uie Uuurd have given film ler In Meeker Avenue, paving of Meek- durinG tha aeeakas amt wnfl aaea of the .Oommlttee In charGe and IpptafM^i j, . |vrAwm£.^vin(retc,'(>t'Linc6InAve^ ol the-Bird Societ^-wi^ K.Xhe, p < ^ i>i, ,Uün« durmG_.U)!i,„pa*t, year., to gettiug. Un- Wjrllteiy ^ermjaGioi] of first iand' " " iT7i»fnm r.% m r ^ n «- ^ y r -T « nsyfryttó r"' ' ÏÎ1Ï fui‘!BTG;1^M^ailli?l'>ttBtHFr" e ptepeSBe^^BtifciiS: AjHwwîifffTiaraififaTi |ini98.~pfz)Thue'of-psrk 'plot- at Cen oeiwB h ^ i w v ^ ^ r ^flsh'ciub,*:-": 8o a wvuderfur Job. " Itral and Springfield Avenues, providing that’s that. However, no accomplished yean pa^t a d h ar cap Manager. Tyne and asked for the Game other U ons-that Is as closely, as their Kirat drnl (or Urn Uialrict'.«wry olio later MorGan P. Larsou. Republl- with a promise of bringing a good team cars would stand for. We don’t mean sUiiUU. DurinG liie po«t year he luis . I/or the construction of the additional fireside fisherman who has bought his offered tor tha two bop Xmdldate for Governor, and Ham- ■ bridGe work at the new Union Avenue catch at the corner store and stuck to to Cranford They failed to do that, to Infer that Fred broke any inulte accomplished a Great deal: in brinG- . and sacopd place ao T. Kean, candidate for United Now as a nutter of fact the Dixies am rule, or anyttilnG llke. lluit. but then luG about these improvements ho ha« . I undergrade crossing and to widen and it that he cauGht them, will be daunted camp. a Senator, who wen a t tome pb- I pave Centennial between North and by anything like that. csaxerancea to Ocean county, one of the strongest teams In tilts lec­ he had the minister tn lUs car and per­ had Uie active am i whu|e-liMirteU «up- - .Charli|_SkiUmant who_pp)babJy_ha» Place durinG the U f i 1 itoli, If not In New Jersey, and any haps thouGht the Lord would take care l»rt of 'the *iuembcr!i of tire board ami :-a a , ,„ t;f ^n asalw ^ 'H aasin G ‘«n''f<lF-Uie»e r a d i u m « ? ^ M fcSa f e s i stiow iii^~approciaCwn " " ^ . - -- “ — I proposed ordinances was fixed for AuG. Cranford' except Oeorge Milieu, _____and Vice County Chair- Good. They have defeated eeveral real Lord aiul everythin* elm in hi« favor says that Cranfofd needs such a dub. peted on the same beass aesft lb classy 'outfits this season and will de­ lor he reached romp In oafety In Without tho work ho htu done anil |2$th.~ . ■ . ■ • • boys, Beecher add Wknatr aoo b rv. p. p. Ram. of Weetfleid. also BuildinG -inspector Moore submitted It is a hardship on any honest, hard ueete of the Club with State feat many m an before the end at ttie or tiie faci that he gave his paroeiiGoni ihe coopviittiun of tiio hoard, “f Frro- working4 fisherman to be unable to get encampment. The ceesass is aa season wveral thrill* a« lie awunG hi* partners hoiiloiB, hoproveineuls now III proGraro 133 building permit applications, which Troop controt In whSeh cwery So r Arthur H. Pierson of Weet- 1 were approved, one of: O. Zingales for on audience , and his stand is that such On Friday evening of tills week the I mean paroeuxer«— in «ml out- of wuuni have been impoMlhlv. IltouGh camp may enter wttb the rand Other- notables present were Ins iinawiRlnG olTorU lie‘was ubiu lo in- • [store and apartment building on Wai- a club will make an audience compul­ star Harry Simmon» of Rahway, .Dixies.will play a twilight game at trafne. One of the other titfver* made I put Avenue next to the hotel property sory. O. K. Warner Is another, strong some lively times are saagsd. Bcotch Plains, the Game being sche- it very plain that he wiro not ifotim to dUi'i* the Freeholdei« to Iciiii Llieir aUl .A*,complete. reportef-X baen Sheriff, Sheriff Samuel H. Tool, [ beinG referred- ta the:ZoninG1Board: advocate -of-goinG ahead regardless of Under Sheriff Frank Deunoni, Mayur duied to start « B rlS’o’ilbCk. "A ’lirGe drtvfculit)ihefttllie-Amhe_mte'uf^R in -thet>nt»4oinaiwvrinnrImpnrvemwnt ........... ...... Police. Commissioner BegGs reported what may happen. ment follows: The f i a t s aemr number of Crantordltos will Journey up «t which he had followed Fred up u» winch Gtvc« Urunfnrd u new bridGe the direction of Bl W. ■ F. Ran O. Aldrich, Poatmaater Hough- i 24 arrests In July and fines of $102.50, It Is more than likely that, those who tom Tmraahlp Oommlttoemen Oeorge to the Plains to wttnosi the contest. the Lake. • ucriMMf uie nvi'i. «truiGiitoninG out Scoutmaster, of Troop TL nprlnGfiehi avenue *o that It will lead [of which $35 went to the State. are intent upon forming the club will K. Warner and Jamea G, BCGGa: Bet- The attraction for Sunday afternoon After tiie entlre~;p*rty had made It« C. E. Blakeslee by letter complained proceed and “8klpper” Harris Is prom­ Cattenach. at Troop IP etgd Sea on the South avenue grounds will be appearance ul the camp, the Hctmt* directly, under tho railruaii. tt also ter WUllam Ireland. o£ Troop WL yeC and aa it should be. neary »H made it pmsible to widen Uie under- .. 1 or closinG up of the old tunnel at the inently named as the man* who will be members were accompanied by the strong Port Heading A. C , and. nuuleni oroembied the 'I'rwfM aiul had ed. Sir. Ireland and Mr. Ra P«M . ’ . ' . • . I Central Station. Tills it was said Is the first president* When Oeorge Luts tr .wlvea who enloyed the pccaalqn, ManaGer-Tyne-haa.nude .it Ids .busl- them jfu U)mu$h_«evoraL. «iuul«e_HiHt l beiiw...jeQpened,_JChe_letter._.WM_r.fci was seen hurryinG somewhere or other neis to Inquire throuGh teams of Itali then had tiie awlmmlnif evenU. which [ferred to the Police Committee........... : he simply, said that “he was for It and tenach oaa unable to kwhmlsakaier Beggs. aa Chairman ol MUIOIUAL UUAtMENT ON 1IOOVKK way and elsewhere as to the grade of were followed by open «wimmlhtt for Herbert Hoover « popularity lw Grow- • William Cox asked'information as to for anything else the boys wanted.” Hr week-end«, tost the ok Special Committee to charGe, wel-.
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