Index A Adhalin, 152, 154 Aase–Smith syndrome, 231 a-Adhalin, 167 Abboud, M.R., 381 Adhalinopathies, 152 Abdallat syndrome, 196 Adoption, 6, 714 Abdelnoor, A.M., 383, 395 Adrenal hyperplasia, 397 Abdul-Karim, R., 383, 395 Adrenal hyperplasia congenital due to 12 Abifadel, M., 383, 413 hydroxylase deficiency (AR), 364 A-b-lipoproteinemia, 378 Adult-onset disease Abu Bakr al-Razi, 39 Alzheimer disease, 97 Abu Feisal, K., 378 bipolar disease, 97 Abu Haydar, N., 387 cancers, 96, 97 Abyssinia, 575 diabetes mellitus, 96 Acanthosis negricans AD, 364 heart disease, 97 Acardi’s syndrome (XL), 366 schizophrenia, 97 ACE gene, 578 Advanced maternal age, 329 Achalasia-alacrimia syndrome, 186 Afghanistan, 640 Achondroplasia, 221, 274, 275, 277, 285, Afifi, A.K., 384, 386, 388 288, 289, 292, 592, 655 African continent, 575 Achromatopsia, 665 African Nilotes, 576 Acrocephalopolysyndactyly type II, 378 African populations, 595 Acrodermatities enteropathica, 249, 335, Agammaglobulinemia (XL), 366 378, 507 Agenesis of corpus callosum, Acrofrontofacionasal dysostosis, severe 650, 651 (AR), 365 AGL alleles, 243 Acromesomelic dysplasia, Maroteaux Agyria-pachygyria with agencies of corpus type, 654 callosum, 202, 667 Acroosteolysis, neurogenic, 186 Ahmed, Z.M., 423 Acro-reno-ocular syndrome, 182 Aicardi–Goutieres syndrome, 184, 226 Active X chromosome, 602 Akl, K.F., 387, 422 Adaimy, L., 385, 417 Alacrima–achalasia–addisonianism Adams–Oliver syndrome, 231 (triple-A syndrome), 544 Addison’s disease, 378 Alagille syndrome I, 378 Adenosine deaminase deficiency, 253, 548 Al-Aqeel–Sewairi syndrome, 194, 708 741 742 Index Al-Awadi–Raas-Rothschild syndrome, Anetoderma, 254 197, 233 Angelman syndrome, 666 Al-Awadi, S.A., 378, 384, 398, 413 Angiotensin, 394–395 Albinism, 249, 590 Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) oculocutaneous, 397 gene, 577 Alexander, D.A., 382, 384, 390, 415 Ankylosing spondylitis, 397–398 Al-Gazali syndrome, 200, 667 Anophthalmia, 251 Algeria, 150 Antenatal care coverage, 78 Algerian, 185, 196, 198 Anterior hypopituitarism, 544 Alkalosis, hypokalemic, 378 Anthropometry Alkaptonuria, 378, 535, 590, 656 birth measurements, 93 Allele frequencies, 578 childhood stature, 93 Almawi, W.Y., 381, 385, 405, 416 Antisense oligonucleotide (ASON), 236 Alopecia, 188, 339 a-1-Antitrypsin (a 1 AT), 553 Alopecia universalis, 200 deficiency, 548 Alpha-1-antitrypsin, 335, 496 Anus, imperforate, 378 Alpha-globin gene deletion, 235 APECED, 253 Alpha-mannosidosis, 243 Apert syndrome, 221 Alpha-one antitrypsin deficiency, 242 Apnea of prematurity, 398 5-Alpha-reductase deficiency, 245 ApoB-100 R3500Q mutation, 378 5-Alpha-reductase type2, 246 Apolipoprotein E, 398 Alpha thalassemias, 7, 8, 236, 364 Apple-peel syndrome AR, 365, 507 Iraq, 311, 312 Arab, 588 Alport’s syndrome (XL), 366 Arab Bedouins, 654 Al-Ruhawi, 4 Arab countries, 4–8, 12, 14, 17, 20, 22 Alstrom syndrome, 543 ancestry, 577, 586 Al-Tabari, 4 culture, 6 Al Taweel, 581 diseases, 9, 10 Al-Thani, 516 family, 6, 16 Al Zaiem Al Azhari University, 580 fertility, 46, 49 Alzheimer disease (AD), predisposing history, 3 genetic risk factor, 621 league, 4 Ambiguous genitalia, 602 minorities, 6 Amelia, X-linked, 205 population dynamics, 40, 45–48 American University Hospital, 377, 419 societies, 85–92, 97, 99 Amino acid disorders, 590 world, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 21–23 Aminoacidopathies, 361, 503 Arabia, 575, 577, 597, 640, 647 Amniocentesis, 643 Arabian gulf, 4, 639, 640 Amyloidosis, 112 states, 584 Ancient Egypt, 221, 273–294 Arabian peninsula, 4, 9, 15, 16, 153, 645, 646 Anderson’s continuum, 72 Arabic language, 4 Androgen end organ non Arabs, 575, 590, 640–643, 649 responsiveness, 245 descent, 576, 583 Androgen receptor (testicular feminization nomads, 575 syndrome) (XL), 366 origin, 587, 588 Anemia, dyserythropoietic congenital, populations, 643 Type I (AR), 365 tribes, 596, 639 Anencephaly, 597 world, 643 Index 743 Arachnodactyly, 228, 231 Auto-inflammatory, 111, 116, 126, 131 Arayssi, T.K., 379, 400 disorders, 8 ARCI. See Autosomal recessive congenital Autosomal dominant (AD), 9, 20–21 ichthyosis condition, 483–484 Arginase deficiency, 535 hereditary paraplegia, 226 Argininosuccinic aciduria (ASA), 367, 535 Autosomal recessive, 678–680, 685–693, Aringa, 582 695–697 Aringa ethnic group, 582 cerebellar hypoplasia with cerebral gyral Armenian, H.K., 382, 386, 408, 409 simplification, 650 Armenians, 5, 8 epidermolytic palmoplantar Arnold, W.P., 417 keratoderma, 186 Arranged marriage, 85, 98, 99 gene, 247 Arrhythmias, 167 microcephaly, 652 Arterial tortuosity syndrome (ATS), 520, Robinow syndrome, 232 523, 547 spastic paraplegia with thin corpus Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, 230 callosum, 662 Arthrogryposis, renal tubular dysfunction, Autosomal recessive anophthalmia/ and cholestasis (ARC) syndrome, 548 microphthalmia, 665 Arthropathy, progressive, Autosomal recessive cardiomyopathy and pseudorheumatoid, 398 ophthalmoplegia (ARCO), 169 Arylamine N-acetyltransferase, 395 Autosomal recessive cerebellar Arylsulphatase A pseudodeficiency, 242 ataxias, 599 Asphyxiating June thoracic Autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis dystrophy, 507 (ARCI), 248 Aspirin, 588 Autosomal recessive cutis laxa (MIM No. Asthma, 252 219200), 599 Ataxia, cerebellar, congenital, 378, 379 Autosomal recessive disease, 502 Ataxia-deafness-retardation syndrome brain structural defects, genetic (AR), 186, 364 diseases, 481 Ataxia-microcephaly-cataract childhood morbidity, mortality and syndrome, 186 handicap, 477 Ataxia telangiectasia (AT), 331, 399, congenital blindness and deafness, 483 447, 527 disorders, 7, 10, 11, 22, 327, 496–502 Ataxia telangiectasia-like disorder ethnic and genetic diversity, 477 (ATLD), 541 hemoglobin disorders, 477 Ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type immunodeficiencies and chromosomal 2 (AOA2, MIM No. 606002), 599 instability syndromes, 481 Ataxia with selective vitamin E deficiency inborn errors of metabolism, 478 (AVED), 197 neurodegenerative disease, 480 Athabaskan brain stem dysgenesis neurogenetic disorders, 478–480 syndrome, 198 neurologic dysfunction, genetic Atopic dermatitis, 248, 658 diseases, 481 Atrial septal defect with various cardiac and neuromuscular disorders, 480 noncardiac anomalies, 182 neuromuscular disorders, genetic Atrophic benign EB, 599 diseases, 481 Autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITDs) seizure disorders, 480 linkage analysis, 622 skeletal dysplasias and bone structure susceptibility gene, 622 diseases, 481 744 Index Autosomal recessive Ehlers Danlos Berber, 5 syndrome (type I), 452 Beta thalassemias, 7, 8, 235, 367, 525 Ayoub, N., 382, 407 gene mutations, 235 Azar, H.A., 387 Iraq, 311–312 phenotype, 235 Beutler, E., 410 B Bidinost, C., 379, 400 Bacterial infections, 585 Bifid nose Baggara, 577, 590, 592 renal agenesis and anorectal Baggara tribal, 583, 588 malformations, 200 Baghdassarian, S.A., 378, 379, 381–388 renal and rectal malformation, 667 Bahrain, 4, 5, 7, 20 Bile acid synthesis defect, 536 Bahraini, 664 Bilharzia-associated bladder cancer Baluchistan, 645 (BAC), 600 Baluchis, 640, 646, 661 Bilharziasis, 580 Bamforth-like syndrome, 667 Biliary malformations, 379 Bangladesh, 640 renal tubular insufficiency, 186 Bantu, 586 Binary polymorphisms, 577 Baraka, A., 378, 386, 387 Bio-engineering, 710, 711, 718 Barakat, A.Y., 378, 386, 387 Bioethics, 706 Barbari, A., 403 Biotinidase deficiency, 242, 535 Bardet–Biedl syndrome 5 (AR), 366 Biotin-responsive basal ganglia disease, Bardet–Biedl syndrome (BBS), 17, 254, 536 367, 399, 499–500, 542, 648 Birth defects, 596 Bardet–Biedl syndrome 1990a (AR), 364 Birth incidence of malformations, 223 Bartsocas-Papas syndrome, 527 Birt–Hogg–Dube syndrome, 249 Bartter syndrome, type 4, 400 Birth rate, 354 Batten’s disease, 522 Births attended by skilled health Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD), 150, professionals, 79 161, 163, 331, 539 Bitar, E., 379, 383 Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome, 666 Bitar, J.G., 380, 382, 388, 403 Bedouins, 5, 6, 11–13, 15–20, 22, 186–189, Bladder cancer 191, 195–198, 200, 204, 640, 641, 647, case-control studies, 628 648, 651 detoxification of xenobiotics, 627 Bedouin spastic ataxia, II (AR), 366 disease susceptibility, 627 Bedouin spastic ataxia syndrome, high risk, 628 363, 366 polymorphism, 628 Bedouin tribes, 499 Bleeding disorders, 590 Beh| et syndrome, 398, 400 Blepharophimosis–ptosis–telecanthus– Beighton, P., 406 epicanthus inversus, 546 Beirut, 389, 391, 393, 398, 402, 403, 411, Blibech, R., 383, 420 419–421, 425 Blindness, 332, 501 Beja, 583, 588, 594 childhood, Iraq, 316 Beja tribal group, 594 Blood groups, 495 Ben Ezra, D., 387 Iraq, 300–303 Benin, 586 Blue Nile, 580, 583 Benin haplotype, 237 Bonafede, R.P., 406 Berardinelli–Seip syndrome, type 2, 384 Bone dysplasias, 655 Index 745 Borjeson–Forssman–Lehmann CAHMR, 186, 204, 255 syndrome, 543 Calcinosis, tumoral, with Bosley–Salih–Alorainy syndrome, 198, 550 hyperphosphatemia, 379 Bou-Dames, J., 387, 421 Callosal dysgenesis, 226 Boustany, R.M., 423 Camel milk, 595 Boyadjiev–Jabs–Eyaid syndrome, 183 Cameroon, 586 Brachmann de Lange syndrome, 254 Camptodactyly, 188 Brachydactyly, 228 Camptodactyly, arthropathy, and coxa vara type A1, 232 (CAC syndrome), 544 Brain malformation, 650 Camptodactyly-arthropathy-coxa Branchial myoclonus with spastic vara-pericarditis (CACP), 231, 544 paraparesis and cerebllar ataxia Canaanites, 4 (AD), 364 Canavan disease, 534, 535 Branchiogenic-deafness syndrome, 184 Cancer, 504 BRCA2 exon 11, 599 breast, 506, 551 BRCA1-ineracting protein 1; BRIP1 colorectal, 506 (AD), 367 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma Breast cancer, 467, 599, 600 (DLBCL),
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