University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 2-6-1959 Sandspur, Vol. 65 No. 14, February 06, 1959 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 65 No. 14, February 06, 1959" (1959). The Rollins Sandspur. 1095. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/1095 The Rollins Sandspur Volume 65 Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida, Friday, February 6, 1959 Number 14 Von Braun To Speak At Animag This Year's Magazine Deals With Space Flight By LEE ROGERS Associate News Editor Four of the nation's top rocket experts, a coordinator, a production chief, an engineer, and a guidance director, will discuss the staging of a rocket trip to Mars on the 32nd edition of the Rollins Animated Magazine. Featured speaker for the pro- gram will be Werneher von German rocket center, Pweene- Braun, director of the Devel­ muend. He came to the United opment Operations Division of States with a group of 102 Ger­ Redstone Army Ballistic Mis­ man scientists in 1945, under con­ sile Arsenal in Huntsville, Ala. tract to the Army Ordinance De­ Appearing with Von Braun will partment. be three of his closest associates: Winner of numerous awards, he his deputy at Redstone, Eberhard is now second in command at Red­ F. M. Rees, manager of the V-2 stone under General Medaris, Com­ Rocket Missile Program; Arthur mander General of the Army Bal­ Rudolph, director of the Pershing listic Missile Command. Missile Program with Martin Co., Orlando; and gyro expert Fritz As manager of the V-2 Rocket Muller, deputy chief of the Guid­ Missile Program, Rees directs the efforts of some 4,000 workers on ance Department at Redstone. missile launchings, having directed These men will each give a ten- such important projects as the Ju­ YOUNG AND HANDSOME missile expert Von Braun is flanked by a model of the Army's powerful minute presentation on some phase piter C program. He also serves Jupiter-C rocket at his desk in Redstone Arsenal, where he is second in command of the U.S. Army of an expedition to the planet Mars. as acting director of Redstone Rees will discuss what we know Ballistic Missile Center. when Von Braun is away. about Mars and what we need to A pioneer in the field of rockets The next issue of the Sand­ know before we can visit that and missiles, Rudolph has made spur will be that of Feb. 20. planet. Von Braun's topic will be (Continued on Page 3) When the 'Spur allocation was the actual scheduling of the- trip, made final at the Student Coun­ how and when it will be staged, Debate Ends; Council cil meeting of Nov. 17, 1958, it and how long the actual journey was decided to eliminate two is­ will take. King And Queen sues of the paper in order to An expert on rocket fabrication, cut down on expenses. The pa­ Rudolph will talk on the appear­ App ointment per originally scheduled for next ance of the rocket as to shape, Contest Begins Friday is one of those two is­ Completing the discussion on the appointment of a re­ size, stages and capacity. Muller Alpha Phi is again sponsoring sues. placement to the Student-Faculty-Trustee Committee which will consider the navigation and its King and Queen of Hearts con­ was begun last week, Student Council passed the president's Because of there being no pa­ communications problems of such test. Voting by penny-balloting appointment of Bruce Aufhammer, Sigma Nu representative, per on Feb. 13, today's issue a trip. will continue in the center until by an 8-4 vote. • contains several preliminary no­ This year's Animag will be noon Saturday, Feb. 14. tices on events that will not held in the Annie Russell The­ Candidates for Queen are: D. A. In appointing Aufhammer, Wood stated that he realized take place until the week of Feb. atre on Sunday, Feb. 22 at 2:30. Sharpe, sponsored by Delta Chi; that the Council's rejection last week of his first appointment, 13-19. A calendar of remaining Part of Founder's Week, cele­ Liz Jacobs, Independent Men; Dick Mansfield, was justified. Founders' Week events will be brating Rollins' 74th anniver­ Cherry King, KA; Val Hamlin, The question of having a sophomore girl rather than a included in the issue of Feb. 20. sary, it will be a complete de­ Lambda Chi; Pam Rial, Sigma boy was brought up again. Com­ parture from previous formats. Nu; Ginny Willis, TKE; and Beth mittee chairman Larry Hitner had In other years, the program Halperin, X Club. suggested that this be done dur­ consisted of top personalities each Those nominated for King are: ing discussion last week, as there of whom spoke on a different top­ Bruce Greene, sponsored by Alpha is only one girl now on the com­ Rojas Awarded Barcelona ic. This year, for the first time, it Phi; John Henriksen, Chi O; Bob mittee. will be devoted to a single sub­ Stewart, Gamma Phi; Jose Ochoa, Wood replied that his reason ject — the conquest of space. Independent Women; Dick Bishop, for choosing Aufhammer was that Although only 42 years old, Kappa; Frank Willis, Phi Mu; his "main interest is in getting Literary Prize For Novel Von Braun, one of the most Denny Learned, Pi Phi; and Pete someone who will not be afraid to On Tuesday, Jan. 26, the city standing in a window overlooking out-spoken men of the missile Kimball, Theta. speak up," and that Aufhammer of Barcelona, Spain, bestowed a the multitude of people whom he program, recently received the Winners will be announced at has had experience with the com­ literary award on Dr. Carlos V. has just freed from tyranny. nation's top recognition, the the Student Council sponsored mittee on former issues. Rojas, Rollins Spanish professor, He thinks back 20 years to a Presidential Gold Medal, for his Valentine Dance, a formal to be In other business of the night, for his novel, El Asesino De Cesar similar day when he saw the now- work in the field of rockets. held at the Angebilt from 9-12, Bruce McEwan, Kappa Alpha al­ (Caesar's Murderer). deposed despot standing where he Von Braun joined a group of Feb. 14. Proceeds from the bal­ ternate, made an announcement Dr. Rojas was one of 62 con­ now stands. He remembers his pre­ German inventors, the German So­ loting will be donated to the Heart concerning the Library Colloquium testants who were competing for decessor saying that although the ciety for Space Travel, in 1930, Fund, Alpha Phi's philanthropic to be held during Founders' Week. the prize, which is offered annu­ people did not need him, he need­ and he later became director of the project. The subject of the meeting ally by Barcelona. The entries are ed the people. Now, 20 years later, starting at 3 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. judged during a festival given each he finds himself saying exactly 18, is Abraham Lincoln. year at this time. Other prizes the same words. Soo Young, a well-known Winter are offered for poetry, drama, Dr. Rojas points out that this is Park actress and monologuist, will musical composition, and motion a cycle which is unavoidable when­ read the "Gettysburg Address." pictures. ever and wherever there are dic­ Mr. J. F. Fisher will give an ad­ The winning novel which Dr. tators. dress entitled "Lincoln — Man Rojas entered dealt with the ever- Although this novel is set in a Among Men." present problem of dictatorship in fictitious country, Dr. Rojas com­ In reference to a request from South American countries. ments that there is a great similar­ Dean Scroggs, the Council passed He begins the story with a rebel ity between its contents and plot a motion to relegate the Student who has finally, after 20 years, re­ and the recent events in Cuba. Center to the Rollins Associates captured his city. He finds himself EI Asesino De Cesar is the third from 4:45 to 7:45 on Feb. 11. novel that Dr. Rojas has written. Aufhammer then reported a sug­ His other two were De Barro y de gestion that a sign be put up over Esperanza (Of Clay and of Hope) the cafeteria advertising the affil­ and El Futuro Ha Comenzado (The iation with Morrison's Cafeteria. Future Has Begun). Representatives felt that having He began work on his third nov­ the sign would encourage the cafe­ el last year here at Rollins and teria to raise the standards of the finished it in Spain this summer. food. Editions du Seuil, a French pub­ The problem of a sidewalk be­ lishing company, is planning to tween Cloverleaf and Elizabeth print the three. The first two are Hall was mentioned; this, along now printed in Spanish and his (Continued on Page 2) last will go to press soon. Dr. Rojas remarks that he was certain that he would not get the The Brothers Karamazov, prize, and that he had resigned based on the novel by Dostoe- himself to this fact by Tuesday yevsky, will be the all-college morning when the eventful tele­ movie sponsored by Community gram arrived.
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