THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC VOL, 79 OCTOBER 1, 1943 NO. 12 9H ^kU OUIM: Engineers Dance Tonighf N. R. O. T. C. Ball U. S. O. Show Here V-72 Dance Coming Irish vs. Go. Tech Tomorrow TOMORROW ALL PATHS LEAD TO THE STADIUM ^^HMiM APPOINTED BY T HE U. S. N AV Y TL Official Distributors of REGULATION UNIFORMS for Commissioned Officers of the U. S. Navy Commissioned Officers' Service Blue, ^40 Commissioned Officers' Raincoat- Overcoat (with removable wool lining) ^37.50 GILBERT'S 813 - 817 S. Michigan St. t In South Bend TAXI FREE to The Modern Gilbert's f THE MODERN GILBERT'S 1 Customized HICKEY-FREEMAN NAVY OFFICERS' UNIFORMS $ 60 and up AILORED to highest standards and T individualized by the Modern Gil­ bert's expert fitting, Hickey-Freeman uni­ forms assure naval officers long, hard wear and complete ease and comfort. In buying your uniform here you have the advantage of a fine store's taste and ex­ acting quality standards. DOBBS OFFICERS* CAPS In South Bend TAXI FREE to Gilbert's GILBERT'S 'OHM, MoH^TUts AtotivuC 813 • 817 S. Michigan Street t SOUTH BEND'S LARGEST STORE FOR MEN! :7 siz 2^ acc ss: snc 3CE: =zz: SIC 2X HE NOTRE DAME The Week T SCHOLASTIC Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive acs szs sz: 2s 2k^ SIC: 2z: acs ^g g Quasi Cras Moriturus BY BELL TALBOT AND JIM CUNNINGHAM FOtrNDED 1867 TOP OF THE WEEK: MARINES MARCH Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of B for Balls, Beauties, and Bertelli. From tJie Halls of Zahm postage. Section 1103, October 3, 1917. Authorized June 25, 1918. • To the S}i07'es of Cavanaugh Congrats to Sergeant King's smooth- BIG NIGHT stepping Marines. Those who got a Here comes the first football week-end glimpse of the parade last Saturday saw and the Engineers and Ro-Hos will try some mighty fine marching. But most to outdo each other tonight Avith more Marines, unlike a lot of Sea Scouts,, balling than the Tech fans vnW be doing make a habit of always marching well. in the Blarney Room after tomorrow's One of Chief Gallagher's favorite deals game. The slide-rule gents A\nll be re­ backfired on him last Aveek. Seems that inforced A\ath operators from the other he had told a couple of straggling jug- four deaneries; they of the yellow build­ heads to prance around the field like a, i \. ing Avill be on their own. The Eo's with eh, kind of bird would do. One happy dress blues and their drags in formal soul tripped lightly do\\Ti one side of the may top the tweeds and short skirts of field flipping his arms like a, eh, certain the Progress club, but the real test vdW kind of bird. But instead of making the F. J. PEQUIGNEY, Editor come Saturdaj'^ afternoon when the dates turn, he kept right on his way back to ROBERT O'TOOLE Managing Editor must be paraded on equal terms before the hall. Eosiepants called after him, but BILL CAREY. ' Sports Editor the cheering thousands in dear old Notre the fellow turned around, said: "It's get­ Dame stadium. ting cold! This here, eh, certain kind of Dick AMES Campus Editor We suspect in the end the best girls bird is flying South!" and then continued JAMES SCHAEFFER Admin. Editor of all \vill come from dear old LeMans on his way. JOHN MATTMILLER Circulation hall. When Chief Clark recently left for CHARLES RENAUD Staff Photographer Speaking of dancetime, we note those sea duty. Company B decided to take up REV. C. M. CAREY Faculty Advisor smiling little human bloodhounds, the a collection and get him a little present. corsage salesmen, have been treeing ball- Suggestions ran all the way from a pup- Features goers all week. Four of them cornered tent to a promotion. By the way, that The Week |Wm. Talbot and "B" in Company B stands for the ban­ a senior near Science Hall but he es­ (James Cunningham caped down the new sewer ditch. ana they always get in the chow line. Pressbox Splinters Bill Waddington, Last week the parents of a Freshman yJ, f J. A. Flanagan, H. D. Hart, J. were up to visit him. First they asked (D. Schwendeman, J. E. Taylor FALL AND FOOTBALL him about the weather. And he said, "That's for the ducks." Then they in­ N.R.O.T.C H. Gilligan, J. D. Usina But we're not all up in the air over it. quired about the food. He answered, Marines I Lou Riepenhoff The NROTC turned out en masse for "That's for the birds." And then they the big rally last Friday, but only about asked him about St. Mary's. He said one-fourth of the civilians and navy stu­ amazedly, "Are you kidding?" Which dents appeared—^probably because the proves that they're growing them smart­ rally was a big secret until the last er each year. minute. Company A of the Naval Unit assimied one. of the primary fimctions Four roses to the gentlemen who of N. D. tradition when it had a little staged the very successful K. C. Vaude­ lake party one early morning two weeks ville. It was a much better show than the ago. Wouldn't be the least surprised if modest SCHOLASTIC would ever let on. there are more coming up. Much to our surprise we discovered that the trumpet player whom the SCHOLAS­ The Seniors this year have the biggest TIC reported as unpleasantly conspicuous Member of Catholic School Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Distributor of Col­ gripe of the century. In '40 they sat on because of his "fly-catching" antics, was legiate Digest. Represented for national advertis- the 15-yard line; in '41, on the 25-yard follovTing directions from the bandleader.- . ing by National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 line; and in '42, on the 35-yard line. But Hence, we absolve him from all censure. Madison Avenue, New York City—Chicago—Bos­ this year, instead of getting those cov­ We're sorry that Johnny Boyle.didn't in­ ton—Ix)s Angeles—San Francisco. THE SCHO­ form us earlier. LASTIC is published thirty times during the school eted 50-yard seats, they'll get 55 cent year at the University of Notre Dame. Address all standing room in the peanut gallery. manuscript to the Editor. 305 Serin Hall or 121 Administration Bldg.. Notre Dame, Indiana. By the way, what ever happened to the plans for a senior dinner-dance? BOnOM OF THE WEEK: Staff meetings in the Editorial Korans, Old Ave Maria Building: Sunday through Wednesday at What's the gory gobble, Mr. President? P for Prokop and Petunias. 7:li ». B. THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Autliorized June 25, 1918. VOL. 79 OCTOBER 1. 1943 NO. 12 Engineers, R-O.T.C. Dance Tonight Big Weekend Planned for Ball-Goers Boyle to Play for Engineers, vene for the dancers to recover from Indiana Club is First Stop on their late date tonight. Guests at Progress Club The Progress Club is the place, and NROTC Week-end Cruise Johnny Boyle and his Notre Dame Cava­ Contributing their part to the festivi­ liers, 12 pieces and two vocalists, will be Tonight's the night! And at 2100 ties of Notre Dame's first home game there with the best of their dancy music. sharp the ROTC weekend cruise will weekend of the current season, the Engi­ The return of St. Mai-y's to the field steam out of port at the Indiana Club, neers have planned a mammoth, colorful has eased the task of date-getting for the and start on its round of dances and ball for the ProgTess Club tonight. Engineers and their friends, and bodes football festivities. Since it is very doubtful that there well for an amazing show of beauty at Frank "Tex" Crowley, as Officer of will be any opportunity to hold the cus­ this evening's affair. the Deck, announced that final plans had tomary class dances, the Engineers con­ been completed for weighing anchor on William Snyder, senior in Metallurgi­ schedule, and William Madden, Dick sider their Ball a worthy substitute. cal Engineering, is general chairman of Student enthusiasm for the project has Pedrotty, Dave Champion and Jim Crow­ the Ball. Those who have helped him in ley, assistants, who have arranged de­ been clearly exhibited, for all available smoothing out difficulties of time, place, bids were sold by Tuesday noon of this tails throughout the entire weekend, pre­ music, etc., are: Joseph Fieweger, music; dict smooth sailing for the whole voyage. week. The holiday spirit which permeates Earl Englert and August Legeay, ar­ all Notre Dame men at the prospect of Teddy Powell and his sensational or- rangements; Robert Kohl and lieo Lar- chesti-a from New York City will pro­ a big game will be in full swing by dance die, publicity; Eay Smith and Jack Mc- tJnie tonight. -.-:.-• vide music for the affair, which, more Kenna, tickets; and William Johnson, prosaically, is known as.the Third An­ Miss Claudia' Sullivan, a very attrac­ patrons. nual Naval Ball for the Notre Dame tive young lady, will reign as queen of Patrons and honored guests of the Unit of the Reserve Officers' Training the Ball. Miss Sullivan, who \vill be the Biall, chosen principally from the facul­ Corps.
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