®lu' ijudjtstm m t Gazette An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the People of Hightstown and Vicinity 110TH V EAR—No. 11 HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1958 PRICE-FIVE CENT* New Simplified Area Girls Are Engaged Fall Near at Hand? Mercury Dips to 46 To A d d S. S. Raises Local Adult Income Tax The thermometer gave a good sign that fall is on the way early Automatically to Checks Tuesday morning when the tem­ School to Open perature dropped to a cool low of Form Set Up 46 degrees. uee<^ taken by the! Adopted children whose adopting September has come up with 18,000 residents of Mercer County parent began receiving retirement September 24 some of the best weather of the receiving social security checks to benefits less than 3 years after the Persons Who Earn Up season. The mercury has been up get the increases granted by the1 adoption. (In many cases this pro- in the 80’s during the day and new law Ruben R. Blane, manager | vision will also make possible pay- ABC* of Hi-Fi/ To $10,000 a Year dropping during the evening hours ° . the Irenton social security dis- ments to the mother of the adopted to make sleeping on the comforta­ tnct office, said these raises will be child.) Human Relation* Class Can Use Small Card ble side. dnp^arlv'^in ajJded to the checks \ person receiving benefits who As for rain, there has been only Amount 1of^ f^ e^ L i 959-,,TKe 'm arri« a"°ther P ^ o n also receiv- Among New Courses The government has made it easi­ a trace the first 10 days of the month, according to Cooperative ‘sliehtiv mnrp than 10 • C ■W1 ’e >n8, benefits can continue to receive er to pay taxes from some 30 mil­ anf liX l^ n otSrs 35651 m onthl>- chccks' eli- lion Americans who earn up to $10,- Weather Observer James R. Pick­ ,ind s ightly less in others. ,glble as a dependent of the new 1 he local Adult Education School 000 a year. ering. Under other changes made by the husband or wife without waiting 3 has scheduled several new courses Weekend readings were: Thurs­ new amendments, social security I years. for the fall term, starting September The Internal Revenue Service has day, maximum 81, minimum 53; 24 and 25, it was revealed today. announced that persons in this benefits will become payable to a Some persons in situations similar Friday, 86-62; Saturday, 86-65; number of people not previously el-1 to those mentioned above may have If you like music (recorded or bracket could pay their income taxes Monday, 78-58; Tuesday, 46 mini­ broadcast) you should know what simply by filling out a small card in­ igible tor payments. They, however,j applied for benefits in the past and mum. must apply to their social security j have been notified that they did not the newest in high fidelity reproduc­ stead of laboring through a long P S. Fall is slated to make its tion and stereophonic sound offers. four-page form. orhees before payments can start. < qualify for payments. These indi- official debut Tuesday, September Among the groups eligible immedi-' viduals should get in touch with The “ABC's of Hi-Fi” will help you However, using the easier form Eleanor J. Perrine Miss Anna M. Wiley 23, when the sun enters Libra. dtely because of the amendments j their social security office promptly; understand the principles of high could cost some taxpayers money. rL: ;about filing new applications. fidelity and guide you in the pur- The IRS said that if taxpayers Engagement of two area girls were of Peddie School and the University I chasing or building of the necessary revealed over the weekend. Mr. and Dependents ot persons now get-! Disabled -workers -whose social se- wanted to take deductions tor bus of Pennsylvania. He is a teacher in ting social security disability bene-jeurity disability benefits were re- equipment. John D. Bowker, a pro­ Mrs. George V, D. Perrine of Mon­ the local school system. iness expenses, dividend credits, sick PTA President , qR|1 include children who areiduced or were not payable because fessional electronics engineer and pay and credit for estimated tax mouth Junction announced the be­ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wiley of musician, will conduct this course trothal of their daughter, Eleanor under 18 or disabled, a wife at any;they received workmen’s compensa- payments they’ll have to use the Princeton road disclosed the en­ age who has a child in her care eii-; tion or other Federal disability pay- and plans to include the discussion long form. Jane, to Harold C. Cox Jr., son of gagement of their daughter, Anna of tape recorders, AM & FM recep­ Mrs. Harold C. Cox of Morrison Lists Executive titled to benefits, a wife 62 or over | ments will begin to receive the full Prior to the ruling, which is ap­ Mae Wiley, to SP4 Martin H, Bow- or_4 ^Pen(^en* husband 65 or over, iamount of their social security dis- tion and amplifiers, sound systems avenue and the late Dr. Cox. ker Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin and will demonstrate the use of such plicable to 1958 incomes, only per­ Miss Perrine is a graduate of Disabled people 50 or over who ability payments. They do not have sons with incomes under $5,000 could Bowker of Oak lane. Miss Wiley is could not qualify for benefits under i to file new applications. Their full equipment as part of the course. Jamesburg High School and Beaver a graduate of Princeton High Board Aides This will be a one hour session on use the card form, a punch card College, Jenkintown, Pa., Class of the old law because they did not social security benefits will be start- about the size of a bank check with School. SP4 Bowker is a paratroop­ nave as much as 1 l/i years of work ed automatically with checks mailed Thursday evenings from 8 to 9 p.m. 1957. Currently she is employed by er with the 101st Airborne Division 15 questions to be answered. Mrs. William Murphy, president 'ui ^Y ears before they were dis-lout early in September, Anyone who has addressed a gath­ the Greenwich (Conn.) Board of at Ft. Campbell, Ky. A November abled. (A total of at least 5 years O ther amendments make possible Revenue Commissioner Russell C. Education. Mr. Cox is a graduate wedding is planned. of the local Parent-Teacher Associ­ ering or conducted a meeting will Harrington said the new card may ation, has announced the following * work under the law is still re-j the retroactive payment of disability know what an asset effective speech be used by any taxpayer who has a members of the executive board. quired.) insurance benefits and give workers can be. To be able to express one’s total income of less than $10,(XX) con­ Cranbury Girl Plans Mrs. A. Reynolds, first vice presi­ Dependent parents whose son or with long-standing disabilities until thoughts clearly and with confidence sisting of wages as reported by the Miss Fracassi dent; Mrs. W. Field, second vice daughter died after 1939 and who j June 30, 1961 to have their social se- can aid you in business and organi­ person’s employer or has received Spring Wedding president; Mrs. A. D. Cope, record­ could not qualify for benefits under ; curity records frozen as of the time zational work. “Effective Speech” is no more than $200 in dividends, inter­ ing secretary; Mrs. J. Bronish, cor­ the old law because the son o r ; they actually became disabled. An- designed to do just this for you. J. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad W. Kulil- responding secretary; Mrs. P. Har­ daughter left a widow, widower or other new provision makes it easier Walter Reeves, former head of the est and wages not subject to with­ Becomes Bride thau jr. of Cranbury have announ­ child. — holding during the year. ing, treasurer; Mrs. A. J. Braun, Jr., (Continued on page 8) Public Speaking Department of ced the engagement of their daugh­ Peddie School, will conduct this Husband and wife can make joint executive board secretary. ter, Miss Margaretta Meyer Kuhl- John J. Doyle, 71, | / * D O I § i ,,i ■ course for 8 weeks starting Septem- returns in this simple manner pro­ thau, to Frederick Cleveland Mit­ Budget, Mrs. M. Kamen; bulletins, Of C. Nodine Mrs. R. Hand; citizenship, legisla­ Q tI U fT P rQ ^ ^ronl & to 10 p.m. Reeves is vided their joint income is under the chell, son of Mrs. Charles Henry Lived Here 38 Years the author of, several textbooks on limit. I Baumbach of Erie, Pa. and the late tive goals, Mrs. L. Van H ise; civil defense and safety, Mr. and Mrs. public speaking and parliamentary The new form is called 1040 A. By. Miss Barbara Fracassi. daughter Iohn F. Mitchell, 1 he njm~r;d ,,i J-hn i Doyle. 7).' I | # | | y (ftlaw and is planning to devote one using it the taxpayer claims an auto­ ot Id r. and Mrs, Renato D. Fracassi | Miss Kuhlthau was graduated M. STIverstem; cong. pub., reading and library, Mrs. Esther Hoyt; who died September 3 in Princeton ■ I H I f l l l i i V session to the techniques in conduct- matic 10 per cent deduction allowed of Chatham, was married Saturday i from the Hartridge School, Plain Hospital, was held Saturday at 8 ing public meetings.
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