TheCaliforniaTech California Institute of Technology Volume LX. Pasadena, California, Thursday, January 22, 1959 Number 14 Boyne DescrilJes Mitl-[fJsfGrfJwflJ Proposed By-Law Revision Italy and Iran are both in the process of rapid and unpredict­ able growth, said E. A. Bayne Alters ExComm Structure in his recent AUFS-sponsored campus visit. A revision of the ASCIT by-laws affecting the makeup and ad­ ministration·of the ExComm has been approved by the BOD. In Bayne described Italy essen­ I Announcements I accordance with the ASCIT Constitution, a meeting of the Corpora­ tially as a growing country rap­ TOTEM tion will be held on Thursday, January 29, to discuss the proposed idly evolving toward a modern Undergraduates who have not change, followed by an election to approve or disapprove the matter. democratic society. yet received their copy of Totem A two-thirds majority of the may pick one up in the "Y" votes cast is required to pass the Bayne contended that Italy lounge at any time during the Alumni Donors issue. is going through a great econom­ next week. ic rebirth, with all areas of the Robert A. Burton Honored As The change in organizational country, including the under­ structure will be accomplished by changing the clause in the developed South, profiting from RADIO GLUB ~Gold the growth. Anyone interested in Jommg Beavers' By-Laws which states that four China Expert of the six ExComm members the Ham Radio Club, or in oper­ (This is the fifth in a series of must come from the BOD: name­ Italy is plagued by many so­ ating the campus ham radio rig, articles charting the progress of cial problems and there remain ly the president, vice-president, should attend a special meeting the Institute's $16,100,000 Devel· many areas where poverty and Burton To Be secretary and treasurer. In­ next Tuesday at 7 p.m. at 201 opment Program.) superstition overwhelm indus­ Engineering. stead, the ExComm will now trial development. These prob­ The formation of a Golden consist of at the most three, and lems will probably decrease in AUFS Visitor Beavers Club, a unique plan for possibly two, BOD members, one the future, as Italy evolves to a Chinese expert Robert A. Bur­ stimulating alumni interest in of them the AlSCIT President. more mature, balanced economy. ton begins his campus visit Mon­ Frosh to Pick Caltech's Development C a m­ Also repealed is the clause Israel, only in its second dec­ day as this year's second Ameri­ paign, was announced this week that states that the AiSCIT Pres- ade as a nation, was described can University Field Serveice New Officers by Grice Axtman, Alumni Pro­ as being a nation which could representative. The procedure for the election gram Director. Under the plan, the top 10 look back with pride on its first Burton will confine his lec­ of freshmen class officers was For text of amendment, see per cent of alumni contributors decade but is still facing many tures to the development of C.om­ set this week, according to Jim "ASCIT Notices," page 3. serious economic and political will be named to membership munist China and what has hap­ Geddis, present frosh president. problems. in the Golden Beavers every pened behind the bambo curtain New officers will be elected to replace those officers appointed month. Each membership will ident shall be chairman of Ex­ In particular, Israel faces prob­ during the past few years. at the beginning of first term. be good for one month. A man Comm. lems concerning the diverse eco­ Burton has been a student of will become a lifetime member The purpose of this whole nomic levels of its people-some, Chinese affairs since 1946, when First step in the elections is in the organization by receiving relatively rich industrialists, and nominations which close this aft­ change, according to Wally he first started graduate study three consecutive monthly mem­ Baer, EixComm member, is to some, very poor immigrants­ in Chinese history and language ernoon at 4. Anyone Wishing to berships. The amount of indio its dependence on immigration run for an office automatically remove the ExComm from con­ at Peking. vidual contributions and the size trol and direction by the BOD and gifts and its own problems nominates himself by merely no­ of the smallest contribution in Covered the Revolution while still remaining account­ of internal development in an tifying either Geddis or Larry the 10 per cent will not be an­ unfavorable agricultural and raw Langdon, frosh secretary, of his able to it for its actions. It is He covered the Communist nounced. materials area. wish to run before this after­ hoped that this change will help Revolution in China as a news noon's deadline. N<'Jtes to Geddis The announcement of the first ExC.omm to more efficiently ac­ correspondent, leaving before the Israel also faces problems re­ may be dropped in the "G" box month's members will be made compIissh its primary purpose: Reds captured Shanghai. On his sulting from its unique position in Ricketts, while those to Long­ early in February. Axtman ex­ that of investigating and advis­ return to the U. S. he toured the as an enclave in a region whose don should be placed in the "L" pects 150 or more "charter" ing on student body problems country under the auspices of governments are all hostile to box in Blacker. members. on a long-range basis. it, and its role in the Cold War. the Chicago Council on Foreign "We have already collected ~-~------~------ The ·final list of candidates Relations. $521,778 from 1,260 of our 7,600 will be announced at the fresh­ alumni," Axtman said, in an in­ In 1951, Burton returned to man Chemistry lecture Monday. SOC Selects terview with the California Tech UN Delegates Hong Kong as consulate general, Elections will be held one week Monday. "This is over 50 times and from 1954 until 1958 he from today in the normal elec­ DePicciotto worked in Hong Kong as a re­ the amount of alumni donations tiro mcmner: through the stu­ Sol DePicciotto was appointed Plan Ahead search consultant for the ~Far for any period before the cam- dent houses, Throop Club and in recently by the Board of Control The Caltech Model United Na­ Eastern and Russian Institute of . paign began" he continued. "The front of Dabney Hall. as senior representative to fill tions delegation, representing the University of Washington. alumni are really rallying." Japan, began preparations for the vacancy left by Dick J ohn­ Freshmen offices to be filled Over-all Development Cam­ the coming assembly'last week In collaboration with a founder son when he was appointed are president, vice-president, sec­ paign contributions totaled $7,­ by assigning the delegates spe­ of the Chj.nese Community Party, ASCIT vice-president. retary, treasurer, athletic man­ 590,000 on December 31, it was cific roles. he wrote a two-volume history ager and two BOC members. DePicciotto will serve on the of the Communist Party, which also announced. BOC for the remainder of the Eight separate organs of the was published last fall. United Nations will be attended NewtfJn Hits Big Time by Caltech delegates. Assign­ Burton joined AlU~S in 1958. ments are: Security Council ­ Speaks Tuesday Cleve Moler and Dave Nissen; Economic and Social Council ­ Burton's schedule calls for him Beat Bard Beckons Beadle Back Tom Morton; Political and Se­ to give his first campus speech By Carnoy The friendly campus bard, curity Committee.- Mike Milder Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. to the His­ When G e 0 I' g e Beadle left known to everyone as the gun­ and Pedro Bolsaitis; Finance tory 5 classes. He will speak Stockholm in Dec e m bel', it toting stantion of law and order Committee - Doug Carmichael; that evening to H-124 at 7:30. could not be conceived by even and dealer of peach and white International Court of Justice ­ He will meet with·the YMCA the most optimistic of his col­ dollar signs, has again shown Roger Noll and Ken Scholtz and lunch forum Wednesday and league, that the modest biolo­ that his rough exterior is mere­ delegation chairman-Tom Jo­ will dine in one of the student gist could receive a greater ree­ ly a front for the great artist vin. houses. ognition for his outstanding that lies within. work than the Nobel Prize. The Model United Nations, this Thursday, he will meet with Yet, on his return to Oxford, Beadle's response was prompt year at USC, will take place from the Y Grad Sack Lunch Forum and grateful: it was waiting for him: a per­ April 22 to April 25. This will and following dinner at 6:00 will sonalized dedication by the man be the ninth annual P9.cific present a lecture in the Athena­ "Dear Lt. Newton: who put poetry in the position States Model United Nations. eum, "Who Rules Red China?" it holds today on campus-Lt. Congratulations on being right Albert G. Newton: on your toes on those tickets. McKfJY [nsemIJ/e Gives /(ecitfJ/ "Dear Prof. Beadle, Just put the charge on our bill, won't you? The Harper McKay Ensemble The Ensemble will present: Merry Xmas and Happy New will present a chamber music "Divertissement, Opus 68," by Year and enclosed isa First No­ Lt. A. G. Newton And we do like your poetry~ concert Sunday evening at 8:15 Franz Kuhlan; "As It Fell Upon tice ticket for over-time parking makes us so homesick! Here in Dabney Lounge, featuring the a Day," Aaron Copland; "Five at the Queen's Palace.
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