Volumen 14 · publicación anual · 2019 http://polipapers.upv.es/index.php/rdlyla Volumen 14 publicación anual · 2019 http://polipapers.upv.es/index.php/rdlyla EDITORA Mª Luisa Carrió Pastor, Universitat Politècnica de València, España COMITÉ EDITORIAL María José Labrador Piquer, Universitat Politècnica de València, España Mercedes López Santiago, Universitat Politècnica de València, España Josefa Contreras, Universitat Politècnica de València, España Debra Westall, Universitat Politècnica de València, España Penny MacDonald, Universitat Politècnica de València, España Hanna Skorczynska, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, España Ricardo Mairal, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, España Jose Antonio Diaz Rojo, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, España Maria Josep Cuenca, Universitat de València, España Miguel Casas Gómez, Universidad de Cádiz, España Teresa Cabré, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, España Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza, Universidad de La Rioja, España Francisco Yus Ramos, Universidad de Alicante, España Carmen Caldas-Coulthard, University of Birmingham, Reino Unido COMITÉ CIENTÍFICO Francisco Alonso Almeida, Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España Guadalupe Aguado de Cea, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España Josep Ballester, Universitat de València, España David Banks, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Francia Pascual Cantos Gómez, Universidad de Murcia, España Berta Raposo Fernández, Universitat de València, España María Isabel González Cruz, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España Marianna Chodorowska Pilch, University of Southern California, Estados Unidos María Tadea Díaz Hormigo, Universidad de Cádiz, España María Luisa Donaire Fernández, Universidad de Oviedo, España Juan Manuel Hernández Campoy, Universidad de Murcia, España Brigitte Lépinette, Universitat de València, España Begoña Clavel, Universitat de València, España María Belen Díez Bedmar, Universidad de Jaén, España Mercè Lorente Casafont, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, España Francisco Vizcaíno, Universidad Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España María José Gómez Calderón, Universidad de Sevilla, España Aneider Iza Erviti, Universidad de La Rioja, España Barry Pennock, Universitat de València, España Mercedes Sanz Gil, Universitat Jaume I, España Noelia Ibarra, Universitat de València, España Ana Isabel Rodríguez-Piñero Alcalá, Universidad de Cádiz, España Sergio Maruenda Bataller, Universitat de València, España Stephan Patin, Université Paris Diderot Paris 7, Francia María Querol, Universidad Católica de Valencia, España Elena Quintana-Toledo, Universidad Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España Chelo Vargas, Universidad de Alicante, España Isabel Moskowich-Spiegel, Universidad de La Coruña, España Margarita Mele Marrero, Universidad de La Laguna, España Begoña Bellés Fortuño, Universitat Jaume I, España Herbert Holzinger, Universitat de València, España Pascuala Morote, Universitat de València, España Susana Pastor Cesteros, Universidad de Alicante, España Carmen Sancho Guinda, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España Raquel Criado, Universidad de Murcia, España Jan Goes, Université d’Artois, Francia, Francia Ricardo Morant, Universitat de València, España Isabel Verdaguer Clavera, Universitat de Barcelona, España Chris Taylor, University of Trieste, Italia Ana Llinares García, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España Javier Martin Arista, Universidad de La Rioja, España REVISTA INDEXADA EN: ERIH European Reference Index for the Humanities: https://www2.esf.org/asp/ERIH/foreword/search.asp DIALNET: http://dialnet.unirioja.es/appl/ppal.jsp CINDOC: http://bddoc.csic.es:8080/index.jsp Base de conocimientos de SFX (ExLibris) METALIB: http://metalib.upv.es:3210/sfx_local/a-z?perform=textSearch DOAJ: http://www.doaj.org MLA: http://www.mla.org PORTAL DEL HISPANISMO: Ministerio de Cultura. Instituto Cervantes: http://www.hispanismo.es/revista.asp?DOCN=2604 LINGUISTICS ABSTRACTS ONLINE: http://www.linguisticsabstracts.com ELEKTRONISCHE ZEITSCHERIEFTENBIBLIOTHEZ: http://www.zblx1.uni-regensburg.de/ezeit/ LATINDEX: http://www.latindex.unam.mx JOURNALSEEK: http://journalseek.net DULCINEA: http://www.accesoabierto.net/dulcinea/consulta.php?directorio=dulcinea&campo=ID&texto=1647 EBSCO: http://www.ebsco.com/ RESH: http://epuc.cchs.csic.es/resh/ e-REVISTAS: http://www.erevistas.csic.es/ficha_revista.php?oai_iden=oai_revista935&anyo=2013 Más información: http://polipapers.upv.es/index.php/rdlyla Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Camino de Vera, s/n 46022 Valencia DEPÓSITO LEGAL: V-1613-2006 ISSN: 1886-2438 © Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada Diseño y maquetación Enrique Mateo, Triskelion Diseño Editorial EDITA Editorial UPV ÍNDICE 1 LOGISTIC CALIBRATED ITEMS (LCI) METHOD: DOES IT SOLVE SUBJECTIVITY IN TRANSLATION EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT? Alireza Akbari 19 ¿COMPLIANCE O CUMPLIMIENTO NORMATIVO? ESTUDIO DE CORPUS CON FINES PROFESIONALES Y DIDÁCTICOS EN LA PRENSA ESPAÑOLA Elena Alcalde Peñalver Alexandra Santamaría Urbieta 29 ACTITUDES Y COMPETENCIAS DOCENTES EN PROFESORES DE ESPAÑOL DE LOS INSTITUTOS FEDERAIS (BRASIL) EN RELACIÓN CON LAS VARIEDADES DE LA LENGUA Bruno Rafael Costa Venâncio da Silva María Antonieta Andión Herrero 45 THE IMPACT OF APPLYING THE FONF PRACTICE MODEL ON DEVELOPING L2 LISTENING AND SPEAKING WITH A FOCUS ON INTENTIONAL AND INCIDENTAL VOCABULARY ACQUISITION IN CALL CONTEXT Akbar Bahari 59 THE SYNTACTIC PARSING OF ASD-STE100 ADVERBIALS IN ARTEMIS Francisco J. Cortés-Rodríguez Carolina Rodríguez-Juárez 81 LAS LENGUAS OFICIALES DEL ESTADO ESPAÑOL EN LOS TEXTOS LEGALES, ¿FOMENTO O RECONOCIMIENTO DEL PLURILINGÜISMO? Luis Escoriza Morera 91 ZOMBIES LOST IN TRANSLATION. THE TRANSLATION FROM ENGLISH TO SPANISH OF (DE)HUMANIZING PRONOUNS Linda Flores Ohlson 105 CORPUS-BASED STUDY OF L3 ACQUISITION ON SPANISH PAST TENSE: EVIDENCE FROM LEARNERS’ ORAL PRODUCTION Hui-Chuan Lu An Chung Cheng Shen Yun Hung 117 LA INFLUENCIA DE LA MEMORIA OPERATIVA Y DE LA INTELIGENCIA EMOCIONAL EN LA EXPRESIÓN DE LA EMOCIÓN EN ESPAÑOL COMO SEGUNDA LENGUA Irini Mavrou Fernando Bustos-López 131 THE LEXICAL REPRESENTATION OF ENGLISH VERBS OF ACTION. COMPLEX PREDICATES AND STRUCTURES Ana Elvira Ojanguren López 141 METAPHORS OF VICTORY AND DEFEAT IN SPORTS HEADLINES IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH Sara Quintero Ramírez 153 REMEDYING FOREIGN LANGUAGE ANXIETY THROUGH CLIL? A MIXED-METHODS STUDY WITH PUPILS, TEACHERS AND PARENTS Mathea Simons Claudio Vanhees Tom Smits Karen Van De Putte RLyLA Vol. 12 (2017) | vii Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas Vol. 14 año 2019, 1-18 EISSN 1886-6298 https://doi.org/10.4995/rlyla.2019.11068 LOGISTIC CALIBRATED ITEMS (LCI) METHOD: DOES IT SOLVE SUBJECTIVITY IN TRANSLATION EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT? Alireza Akbari University of Isfahan, Iran Abstract: This research paper introduces a model of translation evaluation called Logistic Calibrated Items method. The aim of LCI method is to maximize a translators’ performance and to identify top competent translators through detecting all parsing items within a source text. Parsing items are extracted by the application of Brat software. The purpose of LCI was to identify parsing items having optimal item difficulty and item discrimination values. LCI method involves six stages: (1) holistic scoring; (2) the application of Brat software to extract all parsing items; (3) the calculation of item difficulty; (4) the calculation of item discrimination; (5) the identification of items with optimal item difficulty and item discrimination values; and (6) the recalculation of scores. 125 translation students and 4 professional translation evaluators took part in this research. The final results showed that LCI method was more consistent when compared to holistic method. Limitations and implications were also discussed. Keywords: translation evaluation product, Logistic Calibrated Items method, item difficulty, item discrimination, recalculation of scores. 1. INTRODUCTION Traditionally, translation evaluation has been based on detecting and analyzing errors, a methodology which requires a remarkable investment in human resources when assessing a huge volume of translation drafts both in academic and professional settings (Schmitt, 2005). Thus far, research in the field of translation evaluation and assessment has predominately associated with descriptive and theoretical aspects and has concentrated on the following themes namely; criteria for good and poor translations (Newmark, 1991), the nature of translation and language errors (Gouadec, 1989), pragmatic and linguistic translation quality assessment (Nord, 2005), analyzing translation quality assessment based on text linguistic analysis (Larose, 1989), determining different textual levels and associating the significance of mistakes with these levels (Dancette, 1989), and various levels of translation competence (Stansfield et al., 1992). In the context of the above, the field of Translation Studies (hereafter TS) has vindicated the need for more experimental evidence for the assessment/evaluation of different translation tests (multiple-choice translation tests, expository translation exams, etc.) (Akbari and Segers, 2017b). Although educational and professional organizations have executed ‘the certification of translation skills’ (Eyckmanset al., 2013) according to different test administrations, the validity (e.g. concurrent validity, statistical conclusion validity) and reliability of them remain questionable. Therefore, translation evaluation and assessment is by some means depended
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