— Established 1840. THE Seventieth Year Southern Planter A A MONTHLY JOURNAL ^ DEVOTED TO Practical and Progressive Agriculture, Horticulture, Trucking, Live Stock and the Fireside. OFFICE: 28 NORTH NINTH STREET, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER PUBLISHING COMPANY. Pro prietors. J. F. JACKSON, Editor. Vol. 70. NOVEMBER, 1909. No. 11. CONTENTS. FARM MANAGEMENT:— Fat Cattle Shipments from Tazewell Co., Virginia 1039 Editorial— Work for the Month 1025 An Experiment in Dairying 1040 Notes on October Issue 1027! Shall We Winter the Fall Crop of Pigs?... 1040 Making a Farm Pay 1028 Cattle Quarantine 1041 To Keep Rats Out of the Corn House 1029 Increasing the Capacity of a D. iry Herd 1042 Some Random Notes on Corn and Peas The Cow Feeding Problems 1042 Alfalfa—Crushing Limestone—Dog Tax... 1029 Crimson Clover Seed 1030 THE POULTRY YARD:— Crop Rotation 1030 Economical Farm Teams 1031 Poultry Notes 1045 Seeding Wheat and Oats 1031 Sickness in Large and Small Flocks 1045 Forage Crops in Virginia 1032 How to Destroy Wild Onions 1032 THE HORSE:— What Can Be Done With Ten Acres of Land in Three Years in Virginia 1033 Notes 1047 Champion Stallion of France Comes to Virginia 1048 TRUCKING, GARDEN AND ORCHARD:— Percherons vs. Punches 1048 Sudbourne Don 1048 Editorial—Work for the Month 1034 Importation of Suffolk Punches for Virginia 1049 Report on the Exhibit of the State Horti- The Morgan Horse 1049 cultural Society at the State Fair 1035 State Dairymen's Association 1050 The Tree Planting Season 1036 Virginia State Horticultural Society; Exhibit MISCELLANEOUS:— of Fruit at the Annual Meeting at Win- chester, Va., January 5th and 6th, 1910... 1036 The Virginia State Fair (Premium Winners Spraying for San Jose Scale 1036 in All the Stock Classes) 1051 The Pure Seed Question 1037 "King Corn" at the Fair 1059 State Fair Notes 1061 LIVE STOCK AND DAIRY: — The State Farmers' Institute 1062 A Reply to Mr. Husselman 1062 Do the People of Richmond Want Pure Milk Publishers' Notes 1063 and Cream, Or Do They Want Their Taxes Poultry Awards at the State Fair 1068 Paid? lose Enquirers' Column (Detailed Index, p. 1120) 1104 Increased Production of Milk 1038 Advertisements 1063 SUBSCRIPTION, 50c. 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A good grade Black Pipe, coupling. $6 buys an enam- {A^^rfUIB.rg. l n| g^en Da Bnrtn^ threaded el Bath Tub., $10 for a construction, war- and com- cast iron, roll rim, white en- ranted to give per- amelBathTub. 89.50 for — pletewlth fect satisfaction. couplings, at the folio wing : white enamel low down It prices per ft. 1-ln., 8Kc; tank is 76 in. long and 87 D£-in.,4^e; 1^-in., 2-ln.,7Xc. Closet,eomplete out- 5J^c; New Galvan- Water In. wide. It is uphol- ized Pipe at a considerable saving. Lap welded, fit. Wash Stands at $3.50. stered with a good light weight Casing, couplings complete We furnish everything needed in Plumbing Ma- :2-in., per quality of genuine ft., 5c; tin., per ft., 14e. Other sizes at same low Instruction mailed free.
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