SYLLABUS1 1. Information about the Program 1.1 Higher education institution Politehnica University of Timişoara 1.2 Faculty2 / Department3 Automation and Computers/ Fundamentals of Physics for Engineers 1.3 Chair - 1.4 Domain of study Computers and Information Technology 1.5 Study level Bachelor 1.6 Study programme / Qualification Computers / engineer 2. Information about the Course 2.1 Course Physics 2.2 Lecturer PRETORIAN SIMONA 2.3 Academic staff for seminars/labs PRETORIAN SIMONA, CALINOIU DELIA 2.4 Study year 1 2.5 Semester 1 2.6 Assessment type D 2.7 Course type Mandatory 3. Total time estimated (hours/ semester of didactical activities) 3.1 Hours / week 5 of which: 3.2 lecture hours 3 3.3 seminar/lab hours 1/1 3.4 Total curriculum hours 70 of which: 3.5 lecture hours 42 3.6 seminar/lab hours 14/14 Time distribution hours Study using manuals, support materials, bibliography and notes 24 Supplementary documentation in library, speciality electronic platforms and on site 12 Supplementary preparation for seminars/labs, homeworks, reviews, portofolios and essays 14 Tutoring activities 7 Exams 3 Other 3.7 Total - hours of individual study 50 3.8 Total - hours per semester 130 a. Credits 5 4. Prerequisites (if appropriate) 4.1 curriculum • Mathematical analysis, Algebra and geometry (may be taken concurrently) 4.2 competencies • Algebraic, vectorial, integral and differential calculation, basic high school physics 5. Conditions (if appropriate) 5.1 for lectures • large classroom, laptop, projector, internet access, blackboard/whiteboard 5.2 for seminars/labs • Seminar room, blackboard/whiteboard / lab with specific experimetal stands and devices, computers with specific softwares, blackboard/whiteboard 6. Specific competencies acquired Professional • Operating with the scientific, engineering and IT fundamentals Design of hardware, competencies4 1 Formularul corespunde Fişei Disciplinei promovată prin OMECTS 5703/18.12.2011 (Anexa3); 2 Se înscrie numele facultăţii care gestionează programul de studiu căruia îi aparţine disciplina; 3 Se înscrie numele departamentului căruia i-a fost încredinţată susţinerea disciplinei şi de care aparţine titularul cursului; software and communication components • Problem solving by using computer science and engineering tools • Improving the performance of hardware, software and communication systems Transversal • Behaving honorably, responsibly and ethical, according to the law, to ensure problem competencies solving • Proving action and initiative spirit to get current with the knowledge at professional, economic and management levels 7. Objectives of the course (issued from the list of the competencies acquired) 7.1 Aim • Understand and use argued techniques, concepts and fundamental principles of physics to explain, interpret and solve problems-aspects of engineering 7.2 Specific objectives • Knowledge of the main principles and laws of physics; • Ability to process and network physical phenomena using fundamental laws of physics in order to understand technical issues, multidisciplinary technological aspects; • Ability of applying the most appropriate mathematical techniques –algoritms for modeling physical phenomena at the formal interface between physics and engineering; solve problems involving physics knowledge using analytical and numerical methods; • Ability to obtain experimental information, organize them, analyze and interpret, draw conclusions; 8. Content 8.1 Lecture Hours Instruction methods INTRODUCTION 1 lecture, Models and methods in physics; Unit systems. explanations, examples, NEWTONIAN MECHANICS 7 demonstrations, Newton’s laws; Gravitational force, friction force, centripetal simulations, force, inertial force; Movement of a mass point in a force benchmarking, problematization for individual field, initial conditions; Energy, work, torque, angular momentum, study moment of inertia; Theorems snd consevation laws. OSCILLATIONS AND ELASTIC WAVES 6 Simple Harmonic Motion; Superposition of two simple harmonic oscillations; Damped and Forced Oscillations; Waves equations; Energy; Interference, reflection and refraction, standing waves, attenuation, dispersion, (Doppler effect); Elements of acoustic. THERMODYNAMICS 3 Laws of themodynamics;Thermodynamic processes for ideal gas. ELECTRODYNAMICS 5 Electric charge; Electric field sources, magnetic field sources; Electric current; Maxwell’s equations; The differential equations of electromagnetic waves and the linearly polarized plane solution; Polarization; Energy density of electromagnetic field and Poynting vector; BASICS OF QUANTUM MECHANICS 4 Thermal radiation-laws and context ; Photoelectric effect; Compton effect; The particle – wave duality; Heisenberg’s 4 Aspectul competenţelor profesionale va fi tratat cf. Metodologiei OMECTS 5703/18.12.2011. Se vor prelua competenţele care sunt precizate în Registrul Naţional al Calificărilor din Învăţământul Superior RNCIS (http://www.rncis.ro/portal/page?_pageid=117,70218&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL) pentru domeniul de studiu de la pct. 1.4 şi programul de studii de la pct. 1.6 din această fişă. uncertainty principle; Schrödinger’s equation; Simple quantum systems: the Infinite rectangular well, the Bohr model of the Hydrogen atom; PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE 2 Band theory of solids; Semiconductors;The semiconductor diode; Visible light sources emission based on band theory of solids. References V.Dorobanţu, S.Pretorian Physics Between Fear and Respect, Politehnica Publishing House, Timisoara 2009;+V. Dorobanţu, Quantum Mechanics, vol. 1, Politehnica Publishing House, Timişoara, 2005; Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, Matthew Sands, The Feynman lectures on physics , Addison-Wesley 1963; http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/I_toc.html , http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/II_toc.html , http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/III_toc.html 8.2 Seminar Hours Instruction methods Scalar and vector physical quantities-examples, symbolic and 2 Examples, discussion, numerical calculus. Calculus and graphs for motion laws, explanations, problematization, homework velocity laws, accelerations, forces ; The movement of a mass point under the action of weight; 2 Applications for forces, work, kinetic energy, potential 2 energy, conservation laws; Calculus and problematization for simple harmonic motion 2 and superposition of two simple harmonic oscillations Planar elastic waves-calculus and interpretation of the main 2 characteristic quantities; Thermodynamic transformations; Calculus of electric field 2 and magnetic field for simple cases; Numerical applications, estimations for pioneering results of 2 modern physics and quantum theory Lab Experimentarium – experiments and explanations 2 The electron’s specific charge 2 Photoelectric effect and Planck constant evaluation 2 Franck–Hertz experiment 2 Thermal radiation- Stefan-Boltzmann's law 2 Semiconductor diode 2 Presentation of the Experimentarium essay, results revision 2 and final discution References Sears and Zemansky’s, University Physics, 12th edition, 2008, Pearson Education (Sears, Zemansky and Young, Fizică (in Romanian),Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1983 -in UPT’ Library); S. Pretorian, Elemente de fizică în probleme rezolvate şi propuse, Politehnica Publishing House, Timişoara, 2005 - selective translation http://www.et.upt.ro . 9. Correlation between the course content and the requirements of the specialists in the field and the expectations of the main employers • The methods of physics develop algorithmic skills ; enlarge employment possibilities due to realistic knowledges and modeling skills that physics provide. 10. Assessment 10.3 Weight in Activity type 10.1 Assessment criteria 10.2 Assessment methods final mark Knowledge of the main Distributed examination consisting of 2/3 principles and laws of physics 10.4 Lecture two written papers , each of them and ability to process and with 3 short subjects with numerical network physical phenomena application and 1 extensive subject. using fundamental laws of physics 10.5 Seminar /labs Written tests, homework evaluation, ½ of 1/3 Seminar: Ability to solve known answers and activity at the blackboard problems of engineering during the seminar physics, to address some with finality still open, to argue; Mark on each lab work+ ½ of 1/3 Homeworks; Experimentarium essay Lab: Ability to properly use measuring devices, to organize experimental data, to analyze and interpret 10.6 Minimal performance standards (minimal specific knowledge required for passing the exam, the means to assess mastering the specific knowledge) • Knowledge of the main principles and laws of physics; • Seminar: Ability to solve known problems of engineering physics taught in class; • Lab: Ability to properly use measuring devices, to organize experimental data and to calculate errors. 11. International compatibility • Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne, http://ic.epfl.ch/computer-science/study-plan_bachelor_1 • Ecole Polytechnique Paris, https://www.polytechnique.edu/fr/cycle-ingenieur • The University of Edinburgh http://www.drps.ed.ac.uk/15-16/dpt/utsweng.htm Date Signature of the course instructor Signatures of the academic staff for seminars/labs Date of approval in the Department Signature of the Department Director Prof.dr.habil.ing. Mihai Victor MICEA .
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