Call (906) 932-4449 Ironwood, MI UP All-Stars North boys and girls win Redsautosales.com in basketball classic SPORTS • 9 DAILY GLOBE Wednesday, June 19, 2019 Partly cloudy yourdailyglobe.com | High: 70 | Low: 44 | Details, page 2 Hurley, Mercer COTTONWOOD school districts look at aid impact By TOM LAVENTURE more clear, he said. [email protected] “The $200 per pupil, because MADISON, Wis. – Hurley and it’s not in categorical aid, would Mercer school districts are look- amount to an increase of about ing to benefit with new program $4,000 a year as determined by funding from the Wisconsin the state funding formulas,” Department of Public Instruc- Genisot said. “The special educa- tion. tion aid, depending on how it’s General school aids account distributed, could be as high as for approximately 79% of state K- $44,850, if it’s a true 13% 12 funding, said a Monday increase.” announcement from the Wiscon- The Hurley School District’s sin DPI. In addition, new categor- high cost pupil transportation ical aid programs are directed at amount is $1,008, or 262% of the defined needs or groups and state average of $384, with any- include mental health, special thing above 145% percent quali- education, transportation, career fying as high cost, according to and technical education, digital the DPI. The 2018-19 adjusted divide, and equalization adjust- transportation cost of $559,454 ments to general school aid. includes a school district share of Two areas where funding $151,893. would impact the Hurley School Depending on 2019-20 enroll- District the most are the $200 ment numbers, the Hurley per pupil general aid increase School District is either the and the 13% increase in special fourth or fifth largest in the state education funding, said Kevin of Wisconsin, Genisot said. The Genisot, Hurley School District school district boundaries cover administrator. The funds dis- so much area that its transporta- cussed Monday are for the 2018- tion cost per pupil is higher than 19 fiscal year and the impact the state average, he said. won’t be known until the the “That’s always been the case Wisconsin Legislature approves 2019-20 DPI funding and distri- bution among the districts is AID — page 5 Wakefield-Marenisco passes $3 million budget for 2019-20 By P.J. GLISSON Tuesday that [email protected] the coming WAKEFIELD – In their first year’s budget meeting after school ended last is conserva- week, the Wakefield-Marenisco tive because district board of education voted they do not Monday to pass its 2019-20 fiscal yet have Bryan Hellios/Daily Globe budget, which includes just over details on the CYNTHIA BARDON, left, from Harrison Township, poses in front of Ironwood's large cottonwood $3 million for both revenue and state’s fund- tree with her friends from Ironwood, Sue Tinoco, Valerie Swanberg along with Maggie, the chi- appropriations in the general ing formula. huahua. fund. B u d g e t The vote followed a budget Tina details are Trevarthen presentation in a prior budget open for hearing led by Tina Trevarthen, review by the business manager for the Wake- public at the Wakefield-Marenis- White Pine refinery owner works to field-Marenisco school district. co K-12 School. She said the budget is based now create jobs in stamp sands cleanup on an estimated number of 289 Lunch prices rise students. In other news, the board also By RICHARD JENKINS “We’ve worked hard to devel- of the Keweenaw Peninsula. The general fund includes voted to raise lunch prices by 25 [email protected] op a project utilizing the The 2,200-acre reef is a vital expenses for basic programs, cents for elementary and high WHITE PINE – A cooperative installed assets in White Pine spawning area for lake trout and staff, business, athletic needs, school students, as of the coming effort between SubTerra LLC and look forward to bringing lake whitefish, the DNR said, and capital outlay. school year. and PM Power Group is working jobs back to Ontonagon County with nearly a quarter of the Separate breakdowns also The cost for elementary stu- to cleanup the Buffalo Reef while cleaning up an environ- annual trout yield in Lake Supe- were provided for the food ser- dents will rise from $2.75 to $3, stamp sands while creating jobs mental issue in the Upper rior’s Michigan waters coming vice fund, the debt retirement and the cost for high school stu- in the White Pine area. Peninsula,” a PM Power Group from within 50 miles of the reef. fund bus bond, the capital pro- dents will rise from $3.25 to The White Pine Copper release Monday said. Approximately 1,426 acres of jects fund, the bus purchase $3.50. Gustafson said he expects Refinery is working to perfect The stamp sands are a waste shoreline and lake bottom are account, the scholarship fund, no student hike to occur in the and expand a method for product from copper milling covered by the stamp sands, and the activity account. following year on 2020-21, extracting copper from the Buf- operations that ended in the according to the DNR, and mod- Trevarthen said the school although he later added that falo Reef stamp sands, and offi- early ‘30s near the community els show 60% of the reef may no will purchase a new bus at a cost adults might see a hike in that cials announced earlier this of Gay, according to the Depart- longer be viable for spawning by of $89,000 in August. month the work was creating 15 ment of Natural Resource’s web- Superintendent Jason jobs – with some hiring taking site, that are encroaching on Gustafson told the Daily Globe place immediately. Buffalo Reef off the eastern edge BUDGET — page 6 COPPER — page 6 GCC holds motorcycle safety course By BRYAN HELLIOS available anywhere.” All MSF bhellios@yourdailyglobe instructors are certified Rider- IRONWOOD – Northern Coaches and are experienced Michigan University sponsored avid riders. an updated basic rider course For those wanting to sign up hosted by The Motorcycle Safety for the next class, Janet Balyeat, Foundation at Gogebic Commu- RiderCoach said participants nity College Saturday. must register online at According to MSF’s website, nmu.edu/motorcyclesafety.com the popularity of motorcycle rid- and pass a three hour e-course to Bryan Hellios/Daily Globe ing is increasing all over the receive a certificate of comple- RIDER COACHES from The Motorcycle Foundation Dave Macomber and Janet Balyeat instruct their country. The rider course offers class on slow speed maneuvers at a Northern Michigan University sponsored safety course held at riders of all skill levels “some of Gogebic Community College Saturday. the most comprehensive training CYCLES — page 6 TODAY INDEX Partly cloudy — Details, page 2 Business . .13 75 cents Tuesday Today’s records Classifieds . .12-13 High 62 High 94 (1995) Comics . .11 Vol. 100, No. 178 Low 52 Low 34 (1982) Community . .3 Year ago today Precipitation Obituaries . .2, 6 High 74 24 hours to 7 a.m. Opinion . .4 Low 52 Tuesday none Sports . .9-10 l 2 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2019 AREA / NATION THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAY FORECASTFOORECAST FOR IRONWOODIRRONWOOD Obituaries TODAY THURSDAYTHURSDAAY FRIDAY SATURDAYSATURRDAY SUNDAY Gary D. Johnson IRONWOOD, Mich. – Gary D. by the Oscar G. Johnson, 78, a longtime resident of Johnson Medical Isolated Scattered Ironwood, passed away Sunday, June Center in Iron Partly Cloudy Partly CloudyClouudy Few ShowersShhowers T-storms T-storms 16, 2019. Mountain for volun- Gary was born on Sept. 20, 1940, in teering 1254 hours 70° 44° 72° 52°522° 71° 53° 68° 57° 74° 55° Painesdale, a son of Hugo and Martha in 11 years. It was a Winds: Winds: Winds: Winds:Winnds: Winds: (Maki) Johnson. He attended Luther L. momentous evening 1-91-9 mphmph NENE 2-92-9 mmphph EENENE 5-85-8 mphmph SSEE 9 mphmph SESE 5-95-9 mphmph SWSW Wright High School and graduated in for him and his fami- 1958. ly. Ontonagon LOCALL OUTLOOK Gary proudly served his country in Gary is survived 49/41 Gary D. Todayy we will see partly cloudy the U.S. Army for two years. During Johnson by his loving wife, Bergland skies, highg of 770°,0°, humidityy of 41%. that period, he participated in the mil- Kathleen; three 69/45 NorthNortheastheast wind 1 to 9 mph. The 1940 — 2019 Wakefield Ironwood recordd high for today is 94° set in itary police school at Fort Gordon, Ga. sons, James, Saxon 70/45 70/44 Marenisco 1933. Expect partly cloudy skies Gary was assigned to the 193 M.P. Co. William and Randy 65/45 tonightonightht with areas of fog, overnight 72/44 94th M.P. Battalion West Germany as a (Mary) Abramson, Bessemer low ooff 44°. Upson Hurley 70/45 Watersmeet security guard. He was honorably dis- all of Ironwood; four 69/44 70/44 71/43 SUNS AND MOON charged as a private first class on Sept. grandchildren, Mercer 3, 1960. Gretchen, Hannah, 72/44 Veteran Manitowish In 1961, Gary continued his educa- Brittany and Tonya; 72/47 SunriseSunri . ...............................................................................se .........................................................................5:07 a.m. tion at Edison Technical School in two great-grandchil- Minocqua SunsetSunse . ...............................................................................et...........................................................................8:56 p.m. 73/48 MoonriseMoon . ...............................................................................nrise .......................................................................10:59 p.m. Seattle and received a certificate in dren, Josh and Bentley; a brother, MoonsetMoon . ...............................................................................nset......................................................................... 7:08 a.m. accounting machines in 1962. While Vervil (Gini) Johnson, Worcester, there, he worked as an assembler at Mass.; a nephew, Greg Johnson and ALMANAC REGIONALREGIONAL WEATHER NATIONALNAATIONAL WEATHER Boeing Aircraft. his wife, Diane Blake-Johnson; and Returning back to the area, Gary two nieces, Shelly and Susie, both of Yesterday Today Thu.
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