Contact allergy to textile dyes. Clinical and experimental studies on disperse azo dyes Malinauskiene, Laura 2012 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Malinauskiene, L. (2012). Contact allergy to textile dyes. Clinical and experimental studies on disperse azo dyes. Occupational and Environmental Dermatology Unit. Total number of authors: 1 General rights Unless other specific re-use rights are stated the following general rights apply: Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal Read more about Creative commons licenses: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. LUND UNIVERSITY PO Box 117 221 00 Lund +46 46-222 00 00 Download date: 03. Oct. 2021 Contact allergy to textile dyes Clinical and experimental studies on disperse azo dyes Laura Malinauskiene AKADEMISK AVHANDLING Som med vederbörligt tillstånd av Medicinska Fakulteten vid Lunds Universitet för avläggande av doktorsexamen i medicinsk vetenskap, offentligen kommer att försvaras i Jubileumsaulan, Skånes Universitetssjukhus Malmö, fredagen den 7 december kl. 9.00 Fakultetsopponent är Professor Tove Agner, Kliniske Institutter, Institut for Neuro- og Sansefag, Bispebjerg Hospital, Köbenhavns Universitet Organization Document name LUND UNIVERSITY DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Date of issue Dept of Occupational and Environmental December 7, 2012 Dermatology, Dept of Dermatology, Skåne University Hospital, Lund University Sponsoring organization SE-205 02 Malmö, Sweden Author(s) Laura Malinauskiene Title and subtitle Contact allergy to textile dyes. Clinical and experimental studies on disperse azo dyes Abstract Disperse dyes are the most common allergens among textile dyes. It is not known whether the purified dyes, impurities in the commercial dyes, or metabolites are the actual sensitisers. Moreover, it is not known whether those disperse dyes that are now present in test series are actually used in textile dyeing today. The aim of this thesis was A) to evaluate the significance of the impurities found in the commercial dyes Disperse Orange 1 and Disperse Yellow 3 and their potential metabolites from azo reduction regarding contact allergy; B) to investigate the sensitising capacity of Disperse Orange 1 and its metabolites and their cross-reactivity to Disperse Yellow 3, its metabolites, and PPD; and C) to determine whether eight disperse dyes, hitherto the most widely quoted as allergenic, are still used in textiles sold in various countries all over the world. Evaluation of the many published studies on contact allergy to disperse dyes used for dyeing textiles was also performed. It was shown that the commercial dyes Disperse Orange 1 and Disperse Yellow 3 each contain at least one impurity acting as a sensitiser. Positive patch test reactions to Disperse Orange 1 and Disperse Yellow 3 were linked to positive reactions to some of their metabolites: p-aminodiphenylamine and 2 –amino-p-cresol, respectively. It was found that Disperse Orange 1 and p-aminodiphenylamine are strong sensitisers and cross-react with each other in the guinea pig maximisation test. PPD, 4-nitroaniline, 4-aminoacetanilide, SIS 61 41 21 2-amino-p-cresol, or Disperse Yellow 3 did not show any cross-reactivity to them. Our observations did not directly support the metabolite theory, and the results regarding elicitation thresholds spoke against this theory. Available data in the medical literature indicated that positive patch test reaction prevalence rates to Disperse Blue 106 and 124, and Disperse Orange 3 were over 1% when screening dermatitis patients. From 121 analyzed items, Disperse Yellow 3, Disperse Blue 124 and 106 and Disperse Orange 1 were detected in three garments made in the European Union and India. DOKUMENTDATABLAD enl Key words: Disperse Orange 1, Disperse Yellow 3, metabolites, azo reduction, p-aminodiphenylamine, 4-nitroaniline, 2-amino-p-cresol, 4-aminoacetanilide, TLC, HPLC, guinea pig maximisation test. Classification system and/or index termes (if any): Supplementary bibliographical information: Language English ISSN and key title: ISBN 1652-8220 978-91-87189-58-6 Recipient’s notes Number of pages Price Security classification Distribution by (name and address) I, the undersigned, being the copyright owner of the abstract of the above-mentioned dissertation, hereby grant to all reference sources permission to publish and disseminate the abstract of the above-mentioned dissertation. Laura Malinauskiene 01 November 2012 Signature ____________________________________ Date_______________________ Contact allergy to textile dyes Clinical and experimental studies on disperse azo dyes Laura Malinauskiene Department of Occupational and Environmental Dermatology Department of Dermatology, Skåne University Hospital Lund University, Sweden Malmö 2012 Copyright © Laura Malinauskiene Department of Occupational and Environmental Dermatology Department of Dermatology Skåne University Hospital SE-205 02 Malmö Sweden On the cover – Frozen Foods with String Beans, New York, 1977 Copyright © by The Irving Penn Foundation ISBN 978-91-87189-58-6 ISSN 1652-8220 Printed in Sweden by Media-Tryck, Lund University Lund 2012 2 For my beloved grandparents Viktorija (1921 – 2011) and Balys (1921-2009) Dragūnai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·WLJKWVPDQXIDFWXUHG SULPDU\REMHFWLYHZDVWR WKHUHZHUHPDWFKLQJVSRWV DQGSXUFKDVHGLQ,WDO\ GHWHUPLQHZKHWKHUHLJKW IURPWKHWH[WLOHH[WUDFWDQG FRQWDLQHG'<'%DQG GLVSHUVHG\HVKLWKHUWR UHIHUHQFHG\H+3/&ZDV '%DQGDVHWRIEODFNEUD PRVWZLGHO\TXRWHGDV SHUIRUPHG DQGSDQWLHVSXUFKDVHGLQ,QGLD DOOHUJHQLFDUHVWLOOXVHGLQ FRQWDLQHG'2 WH[WLOHVVROGLQYDULRXV 7KHHLJKWGLVSHUVHG\HVZKLFK FRXQWULHVDOORYHUWKH DUHPRVWIUHTXHQWO\LQFULPLQDWHG ZRUOG WREHWKHFDXVHRIWH[WLOHG\H GHUPDWLWLVDUHUDUHO\XVHGLQ WH[WLOHVQRZDGD\V 3DSHU,9 7RHYDOXDWHSXEOLVKHG 6WXGLHVDQGFDVHUHSRUWV $YDLODEOHGDWDLQGLFDWHVWKDW &RQWDFWDOOHUJ\WRGLVSHUVH VWXGLHVDQGUHSRUWVRQ SXEOLVKHGLQ3XE0HGGXULQJ SRVLWLYHSDWFKWHVWUHDFWLRQ G\HVLQWH[WLOHV²DUHYLHZ FRQWDFWDOOHUJ\WRGLVSHUVH WKHODVW\HDUSHULRG SUHYDOHQFHUDWHVDWOHDVWWRWKUHH G\HVXVHGIRUG\HLQJ ZHUHUHYLHZHG G\HV '%'%DQG'2 WH[WLOHV ZHUHRYHULQVFUHHQLQJ GHUPDWLWLVSDWLHQWV 3DSHU9 7RLQYHVWLJDWHWKH 7KHJXLQHDSLJ ,WZDVIRXQGWKDW'2DQG 6HQVLWLVLQJFDSDFLW\RI VHQVLWLVLQJFDSDFLW\RI PD[LPLVDWLRQWHVW
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